• Member Since 27th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Name's Velvet Fresh, I'm not new and I apologize if my stories are on prepatual haitus. I procrastinate.. alot

Comments ( 24 )

Dude i love you already make this story the best it is and make Gerald appaer or something and i hope she will get OP as hell here and if you wan't help with polish words i can help you i'm polish if you wan't to add some in this story or just to keep it in english becouse i didn't start reading this but i know already you had done a awesome job

Read it first and you know its purely English..or well 'common tongue'

I did but still awesome story i look forward in reading it

I'm looking forward next chapters. It was good start for the new story.

good job. for some reason, the thumbs up button seems to be broken, so 👍

It isn't broken, just not enough either way for it to show up. With a little more publicity and votes, it will be revealed. And another from me as well. Needs a little tidying up as far as grammar and word choice are concerned, but the premise and setup are good so far. Keep it up!

This ending was achieved by me personally.

(reads) That's my preferred ending as well. I also had the Bloody Baron go and search for a healer in the Blue Mountains; let Sarah stay at the house in Novigrad; wished Keria Metz and Lambert good fortune; bested O'Dimm at his own game; and orchestrated the reconciliation of Anna Henrietta and her sister. I also did it all on Death March, made all of the potions and bombs, and finished with Geralt at level 54 while wearing full Grandmaster Wolven equipment (with the exception of the silver sword, because Aerondight is awesome) enchanted with Deflection glyphwords and Severance runewords.

...Also, I got all the optional romance scenes, and finished all of the sidequests that had even a hint of actual story to them, including the fist fights, all with the optimal outcomes.

...No, I don't have a life outside of videogames and ponies. Why do you ask?

two difference with me. I saved the orphans and let Baron's wife die. And i did it on Blood and Broken Bones difficulty. Also you forgot to mention, did you get those two vineyard rivals to partner up? I did.


I saved the orphans and let Baron's wife die.

Freeing the spirit in the tree doesn't just trade the orphans' lives for Anna Strenger, it also results in the complete destruction of the village of Downwarren. Apparently the Crones take after their mother when it comes to holding grudges (in case you missed the context clues, the spirit was actually their mother, "She-Who-Knows").

Oh, and the Baron also hangs himself afterwards...

And i did it on Blood and Broken Bones difficulty.


Also you forgot to mention, did you get those two vineyard rivals to partner up? I did.

That was the optimal outcome, so yes. I exposed the real saboteur, foiled their plans, and named my wine "The Butcher of Blaviken" due to it being twice as strong as the other options (it lasts ten seconds instead of five, so I'm assuming it counts as the "best" option).

named my wine White Wolf, which is more fitting imo

also befitting a witcher, she's flat ass broke. *groans* god everything is expensive in that game....and you hardly get payed anything

dont cash in the florens immediately, keep accumulating them. your very own savings lol

also I have 19,000+ crowns in my game and I'm just about to help Hjalmar again. [Playing a new game from scratch]

I try....oh god i try.....but it just costs SO MUCH to upgrade witcher gear....and dont get me started on the rune and alchemy ingredient buying spree's i end up going on......why is it that white fawking gull has to be so damn hard to find ingredients for, and yet is required for nearly EVERY THING. if i could just luck up and find a recipe for madrake and cherry cordial things wouldnt be a problem, but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

and then theres the massive money sinks that come with the DLC's! *weeps* my coin bag's gonna come back as a wraith and haunt me.........

Elder Speech, its an ingame ancient language of the elves.

Cheese, needs more cheese!

Great start to the story. Can't wait to see how the adventure unfolds.
On a personal note, as a filthy casual, thanks for not overly using in game references.:twilightblush:

"The white one? Well, he's not here to protect you now child. I would not let you escape this time!" Cirilia only smirked in response.

Ciri no longer needs Geralt's protection

[q she look around only too late as mud splat her face,

If you change this to: She looked around too late,as mud splattered on her face it'll read much easier

Also I always hated when enemies threw mud at your face it's so annoying

I'm wondering what bonus that head gives

Until you get to toussaint those guys pays awesome

This is more than likely dead

me, and probably more people!
Also, i love this fic and i hope to see more!

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