• Published 10th Oct 2018
  • 2,837 Views, 182 Comments

Üā Sūt Cktüis (How to be Dragon) - Rammy

After failing to teach Spike how to fly Twilight asks for Dragon Lord Ember help fill in her gaps of 'dragonish' knowledge. Whom Ember sends in response will send shock waves through Equestria and beyond...

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Chapter 6: Thojauüt Süola Seüas (School Raze Aftermath)

There is no rage nor fury, like a dragon scorned. ~ Various

Twilight gazed up as a wave of blue energy past through her and her friends. Her somber mood instantly turned happy as she could see and feel her magic course through her once again. She had no idea why magic had returned but with it back she could teleport her friends and Spike back to school to confront Cozy Glow. When a uplifted heart she gazed at her friends before gathering her mana and teleporting them back to the school.

A flash later and they were teleported to the school courtyard. Twilight was a bit surprised when she saw that she managed to luck out and teleport them right to Cozy Glow. Cozy Glow was surrounded by several students and for just a infinitesimal moment Twilight could also see fury on Cozy Glow's face before it was replaced by surprise and then fake relief. "I mean... Yay! All my friends are safe!"

"You can drop the act, Cozy Glow!" Applejack angrily confronted Cozy, pointing an accusatory hoof at the young pegasus. "Your pen pal Tirek told us all about how he helped you suck up all that magic!"

"But I still don't understand why." Twilight questioned.

"Why?!" Cozy Glow growled, her eyes bulging out. "Because friendship is power! You might be the Princess of Friendship, but as headmare of this school, I can collect even more friends than you!"

"You're the one who doesn't get it, Cozy. " Twilight countered, sadden that she had failed to teach Cozy the real meaning and purpose of friendship. "Friendship is powerful, but power isn't why you make friends. I'm sorry I couldn't teach you that."

"Well, you taught us." Twilight looked over to see that Gallus along with, Silverstream, Smolder, Yona, Sandbar, and Ocellus approaching her.

"You can't let one bad apple make you think you failed." Silverstream added.

"And we never could've stopped her if we hadn't learned what you taught us about friendship." Sandbar pointed out.

Twilight smiled proudly as she was surround by them, their words uplifting. At least some good came out of this mess. Now if she could get Cozy Glow to see the error of her ways...

"Honesty? Loyalty? Generosity? Blah-blah-blah!" Cozy Glow sneered. "I can make more friends without using any of them! And if I can't do it here, I'll..."

Cozy Glow paused as she jumped-flew over Twilight and her friends. But she was unable to escape nor finish her rant. Without warning a sword fell from the sky piercing into her back all the way to hilt and pinning her flat to the ground. Twilight gasped in shock then screamed in horror.

What Cozy Glow did was evil but to for her to be killed like that?! She needed to be punished but there was no need to punish her evil with more evil... Whoever had done this had to be evil. The sword even looked evil, decorated in the way it was. At least she really hoped that the teeth and jaw bones weren't real.

"Hold on Cozy Glow."

Fluttershy's cry pulled Twilight's gaze from the sword. Cozy was inexplicably still alive. She was about to tell Rainbow Dash to fly to the hospital to get help when Šizra slammed down between Fluttershy and Cozy, his wings slowly spreading out..

"Do not... touch her."

Fluttershy screamed as she scrambled back to cower behind AJ who stepped forward to help shield her. The first aid kit Fluttershy had forgotten on the ground.

"Šizra what have you done?!" Twilight shouted, putting two and two together and figuring out it was him that had stabbed Cozy. "She is just a child!"

"Don't... care." Šizra panted as he slid his wings back into his cloak.

Twilight was about to give another angry retort but her jaw nearly dropped at how disheveled Šizra looked. Sweat had matted his mane down, partially covering his bloodstained eyes. Bits of forth dripped down from his snout as he breathed hard. He was displaying all the classic symptoms of extreme overexertion. For a moment she became worried. Didn't he know that remaining wrapped up like that was only making it worse for himself?

Wait, why am I worried about him!?

"Did.. you think... I was going to stand idle... while another pony idiotic quest for power... threatens to destroy the whole world?" Šizra questioned, his breathing beginning to stabilize as he spoke.

"No, but to..."

"Where is the yellow and pink pegasus?" Šizra interrupted, gazing around, terrifying those who came under his sight.

"You leave Fluttershy alone!" Rainbow threatened, though it was clear that she was fighting back her own fear.

"Tell me," Šizra challenged, "where is Ilcktulsivitātes Hzathtola, the one you know as 'Discord?'"

"Same goes for Discord!"

"This featherbrain," Šizra sneered, unmoved by the insulted and angry looks upon all the pegasi in the crowd, "decided to be indiscriminate and suck up all magic. All magic not just the type of magic that allows unicorn to cast spells, pegasi to walk on clouds, or earth ponies to grow crops easily... Pony life without magic would be harder but would be possible..."

"That being said," Šizra leaned down towards Cozy Glow, his eyes narrowing, "for others like Ilcktulsivitātes Hzathtola, a being made of pure mana... no magic means... do I need to spell it out?"

Fluttershy gasped then started to cry, muttering no over and over.

"It's okay sugarcube," AJ gently rubbed Fluttershy's back, trying to console her. "Discord is fine. He had his magic taken from him before when Tirek escaped and lived, remember?"

Šizra raised an eyebrow at that but before he could say anything a regiment of royal guard flew in and surrounded him and Cozy Glow. A moment later Chancellor Neighsay and Princesses Celestia and Luna arrived. A look of surprise passed the princesses' eyes upon seeing Šizra but turned to revulsion upon seeing Cozy Glow's body lying on the ground behind with a sword in her back.

"Šizra what have you done!?" Celestia demanded.

"Princess... please.. help me..."

Princess Celestia looked like she was about to move to assist when Šizra held up a paw.

"Do you know why I stopped the yellow and pink pegasus Fluttershy from touching you?" Šizra softly spoke slowly lying down in front of Cozy. Twilight rubbed her eyes as she watched, having the hardest time believing what she was witnessing Šizra acting paradoxically gentle with the very pony he had skewered. "The sword SoulSunder has a nasty curse if anyone but me touch you now they too would also fall victim to the curse..."

"Please..." Cozy Glow begged, tears streaming down her face. A single line of blood dripping down the corner of her mouth.

"There is nothing anyone can do for you. I suppose... except, maybe, end your misery by removing the sword." Twilight swallowed some bile as Šizra continued in the same soft gentle voice. "It would accelerate the curse from slowly to instantaneously burning your entire being... body... soul... and spirit."

"You used a sword that burns a creature's entire being!?" Celestia shouted angrily, the tips of her mane turning red and yellow. Twilight gulped a bit, she had never seen her this angry before. "This time you have gone too far Šizra!"

"Too far... TOO FAR!?" Šizra started to laugh darkly, at first softly but then it rose to full blow manic. "How many must die before you act? Or will you only act when one of your little ponies is in danger?"

"Šizra, I don't..." Celestia tried to counter.

"I've had to live through horrors you saccharin loving creatures can't even imagine in your worse Luna forsaken nightmares! Every time I walk out of my home I bare witness to the maelstrom that not only killed every last alicorn besides myself, but nearly torn asunder the very world itself and may still! All of it caused by the same line of thinking and the exact type of magic your precious little pony used." Šizra growled. Twilight trembled as she watched Šizra get to his hooves/paws. It was clear to her that this wasn't like before when Šizra thought Spike was a victim of foalnapping. Then his anger was almost animalistic, like he lost himself in his emotional instinct, now everything single movement and every word screamed cold, calculated fury. "AND YOU DARE TO CALL WHAT I DID AS 'TOO FAR!?!'"

With a roar Šizra pulled SoulSunder from Cozy Glow who much to everyone's horror immediately collapsed into a pile of ash. Before anyone could react further he had jumped past the guard that had encircled him and rushed Celestia.

"Give me one good reason that I shouldn't end you and your pathetic race right here, right now!" Šizra spat, holding the sword to her neck.

Šihzra! A shout vibrated loudly across the courtyard.

Twilight looked around, trying to find the source of the voice but couldn't see anyone other then students and royal guard. She doubted any of them challenged him, not after what he did to Cozy Glow. She just hoped that whomever it was had the power to do something otherwise...

Suddenly she saw some movement just out of her sight but before she could see who or what was causing it Ocellus gasped before whispering in awe. "T-The Tree of Harmony?"

"The Tree of Harmony?" Twilight questioned as she watched the crowd of students and royal guards part to allow a sparkling, glowing red dragoness to pass. From the fact that it was semi-transparent lead her to believe that it was some sort of mana construct. Ocellus was not the only one to seem recognize the construct as the rest of her group of friends, sometimes affectionately known as the young six after her own friends, reacted as if they knew the dragon.

The construct look remarkably similar to Dragon Lord Ember except for the aforementioned deep red scales, slightly wider snout, and a small black horn jutting up from the tip of said snout. But why would the Tree of Harmony, as Ocellus claimed it was, make itself known using that form? Given the tree previous semi sentient actions it wasn't too surprising... but, then again, why a dragon!? And why now? Twilight wondered. It would make sense if Šizra really created the Tree of Harmony but then that left the question as to why would it be angry with him... unless she merely just thought the voice she heard was angry. It wouldn't be the first time she misheard someone's emotions.

As the construct walked past Ocellus and her friends it smiled and nodded to each, affectionately running a paw over Smolder's head. But as it turned to to face Šizra the smile fell to a deep frown.

"Say your piece but do not torment me with the visions of the dead." Šizra softly spoke while keeping 'SoulSunder' to Celestia's neck.

Let's not let your anger get you lost

Twilight's jaw dropped in utter disbelief. This wasn't a time for a song! Šizra had a soul destroying blade to Celestia's neck! Worse still it was clear that it was having a negative effect on Šizra who she could see had became even more tense.

And the need to be right comes with way too high a cost

Know that love can build a bridge of light
That's what turns the wrongs so right
That's when you know it's worth the fight...

Šizra suddenly lowered SoulSunder from Celestia's neck who, along with several others, breathed a sigh of relief before he sang a few words himself.

'Cause only love can build us a bridge of light

You disappoint me, Šihzra. The dragon construct finally spoke, breaking the silence that had fallen after the heartsong ended. Šizra immediately shrunk down from the stern rebuke. To Twilight it was a strange sight to see the violent sociopath shake in fear like he was a young foal in trouble with his parent. Have you so easily forgotten what you have been taught?

"No, I..."

Šihzra! No excuses! The dragon apparition roared, causing Šizra to whimper. Those responsible have long been gone from this world do not continually attribute your pain and loss to the children who know nothing and had no part in their ancestor's sins!

Šizra whimpered some more but said nothing as the construct rubbed its forehead.

Šihzra, you are half tzircktstelescktüis, trained in the Staizāt tho CktüisSirts. You have a duty and you nearly broke it tonight! Threatening Princess Celestia of Equestria with SoulSunder just because you are mad at her being appalled at your use of it? Had it occurred to you that you could have carried out the same justice against Cozy Glow with just Leafcutter? And do I have to explain to you, of all creatures, about what is wrong with genocide!?!

The construct paused as if it was expecting Šizra to answer but he just stared down at the ground, silent.

Well? Do you have anything to say?

Šizra sniffed before whispering. "Did you abandon him as an egg to test me?"

What kind of a question is that? The dragon projection questioned, a look of hurt on her face. Do you really see us as that cruel? That we would knowingly hide a tzircktstelescktüis egg that escaped the genocide to test you with it?!

"No... I just..." Šizra shook his head, tears dripping down his muzzle.

Twilight eyes narrowed as she saw the tears glittering in the moonlight. Given her past experiences with his volatile behavior she was not sure whether the tears were genuine or not, and a quick glance around told her she was not the only one struggling with this as some were staring at him angrily while other were tearing up themselves. Either way, getting Šizra to stand down was a enough for the moment. What to do about Šizra could wait until after the danger had passed and she was not yet ready to say it had passed.

I know. I know...The dragon sighed. But you can't be like the alicorns of old, be better. Be a Dragon! A CktüisSirts! Don't let your emotions override your better judgement like it has recently as I will not be able to stop you from dishonor again.

"Please... don't go..." Šizra half sobbed, for the first time looking up to the construct. "I... I don't want to lose you again..."

Šihzra... The dragon cupped Šizra's muzzle for a moment before stepping away, the projection starting to fade away. My son... Var jūs atthest zots uz Jo Salss.

Šizra reached out with a paw just as the projection disappeared. A deafening silence fell over the courtyard for a moment before it was broken by Šizra who raised his head and roared. It was so loud and powerful that it to Twilight it made Luna's Royal Canterlot Voice seem like Fluttershy whispering. The roar continued for a long time before finally sputtering out. Šizra then convulsed, sobbing once or twice, before slowly getting to his hooves. Several students and even a few royal guard scrambled to get out of his way as he made his way out of the school courtyard, the tip of SoulSunder, still gripped in his foreleg, scraping against the ground.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay again and again... I'm just finding it very difficult to rein in Šizra which I hopefully have done.

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