• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 3,096 Views, 60 Comments

The Twilight Effect (2017) - evelili

  • ...

Okay, Maybe Friendship is a Little Bit Magic

Twilight let out a groan once she finished ranting to Sunset, and dropped her fork back into her leftovers. It was amazing pasta, and she could see why Celeste loved it, but truth be told it wasn’t doing it for her at the moment.

Blinking, Sunset took a swig of her pop. “Let me get this straight. The headmistress is your personal mentor?”

“Since freshman year, yeah.”

“And she comes over to your house every week to check up on you.”

“Uh huh.”

And you’re mad because she’s suddenly not talking to you.”


Silence. Then, “...That’s pretty unusual.”

After nothing else came, Twilight raised an eyebrow. “And?”

“And what?” Sunset said. “This is an unusual situation. I don’t know what you expect me to do.” She stabbed her green beans with her fork and added, “The only advice I can give is wait it out, y’know?”

Twilight stuck out her tongue and sank lower against the wall. She knew Sunset was right, but it was still super frustrating. How could she just sit there and do nothing?!

“Twilight, if you’re trying to use your death glare to burn a hole in the floor, just remember it might actually work.”

“Magic isn’t real,” she said for what felt like the thousandth time, “and laser vision is scientifically impossible without the correct implants.”

“Explain the hair-eyes thing, then.”

At that, Twilight perked up. “Oh, I was thinking about that a lot last night!” She grabbed her phone and began scrolling through her notes as she said, “For the eyes, it could have been dormant heterochromia triggered by the light, which in itself was most likely a chemical reaction between different substances in the area. As for the hair, well. I’m not sure yet, but-”

Sunset held up her hand. “Okay, whoa! Slow down, I’m drowning in info over here.”

“Then learn to swim!”

The two shared a giggle together before falling silent. The hallway they were sprawled out in was much, much less crowded and noisy than the lunchroom, but it was quite lonely. Sunset had decided that going back into public was not worth it if it risked Twilight panicking again.

“Well,” Sunset eventually said. “Look on the bright side. It’s Friday, so that means you can spend the whole weekend worrying your pretty little head about science and magic and colour changing hair.”

Twilight flushed a bit at the ‘pretty’ comment and fidgeted on the floor. “Uh, yeah. Just a period of outside hell, a period of dangerous chemicals in which I’m the only one who knows what they’re doing, and a welcome back gathering of torture are in the way of me and freedom.”

Smirking, Sunset nudged Twilight in the shoulder and translated, “So, gym, chemistry, and the end of week assembly?”

“Gee, how did you guess?”

“And I know you’re joking about the dangerous chemicals. You’re probably going to be reviewing the periodic table for weeks.”

“Please don’t remind me,” Twilight hissed, and stabbed her fork back into her lunch.


Sunset sighed, tugged her gym shirt over her head, and stared into the mirrors hanging over the sink. She did a quick double take, only to realise it was her new hair and not some sort of fiery creature sitting on top of her.

“I’ve gotta get used to that,” she muttered, then banged her hand on the stall beside her. “Hey, Twilight! Hurry up!”

There was a squeak, and Twilight practically flung herself out into the open while only half-dressed, sending the clothes in her arms in every direction. “Sorry, sorry!”

Smirking, Sunset averted her eyes tossed her shoes and shirt towards her. “It’s fine. Coach Williams’ll be pretty mad if we don’t hurry up, though.”

“You don’t think he’ll mind we used the spare changeroom?” Twilight nervously glanced around as she struggled to tie her shoes and put her shorts on at the same time and said, “We didn’t exactly ask, and-”

“Yes, when we go outside he’s going to ask us which exactly changeroom we came from.”

Twilight paused, then lowered her head. “Oh. Right.” She tugged hard on her laces before getting to her feet, and nervously adjusted her glasses. “Sorry about this, by the way. I just… with Celeste acting all weird-”

“You’re way more jumpy than usual, especially around people,” Sunset finished. “It’s cool, I get it.” And flustered you is kinda cute. Bonus!


The two made their way out into the hall and then to the field where most of the class was already gathered. A few minutes later Coach Williams stomped out, followed by Rainbow dragging a bag of dodgeballs, pylons, and team jerseys behind her.

“This sucks!” she whined to no one in particular, and dropped all the stuff onto the grass. “Why do I gotta be a pack-horse, huh?”

“‘Cuz ya ran yer mouth off last class,” Applejack whispered.

“So not fair!”

Sunset rolled her eyes at the display and shot a glance towards Twilight. The other girl was staring across the field, lost in thought and biting gently on her lip. She’s worried about Celeste, huh? she thought to herself. Man, this sucks. I wish I could help somehow.

Rarity and Fluttershy eventually emerged to stand beside them, joined seconds later by Pinkie from who knew where. After the coach finished talking (yelling) to Rainbow and AJ, they shuffled over to top out the headcount of their posse at seven.

Coach Williams sharply clapped his hands, and when the chatter didn’t die down he stuck his whistle in his mouth and let out three short blasts. “Hey! Listen up!” He glared at Rainbow and Applejack in particular as his eyes washed over the class, and barked out, “Dodgeball. Two teams. You; you - captains. Get picking. Now!”

“Yikes,” Sunset whispered to Rarity as the two unlucky captains scrambled to the front. “He’s in a wonderful mood.”

“Oh, darling, I’ve had teachers with worse.” Scowling, Rarity examined her nails and muttered, “Though, I do feel sorry for whoever gets on his bad side today. He’ll probably just send them to the headmistress without even hearing their defense.”

The tiniest flash of an idea popped into Sunset’s head. “Straight the the headmistress? No detention or warnings?”

“Mm, probably not.”


The two captains started picking, the most athletic-looking kids going first. Applejack and Rainbow ended up on opposite teams, something they seemed very pleased about.

“Jared.” Left team.

“Monica.” Right team.

“Uh, Nathan?” Left team.

“Dude with the long hair, I dunno your name.” Right team.

Sunset winced as the crowd thinned out, leaving her, Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie. Rainbow had threatened her leader to draft Fluttershy a few turns ago, and the two were standing nervously on the left.

The leader of right team glanced over the group and twisted her face in disgust. “Pinkie whatever. Get over here.”

“Hell yeah!” Pinkie shrieked, and did a little dance over to high-five Applejack. “You’re going down, Rainbow!”

The left leader looked them over again and nervously pointed to Sunset. “You. Bacon hair.”

Sunset rolled her eyes and marched over to stand next to Fluttershy. Twilight had snapped back into focus when she started walking away and was staring at Sunset with wide, nervous eyes.

Shit. She might be last, Sunset thought. That’s terrible. She switched her gaze over to the other leader and tried to telepathically communicate with her to choose Twilight over Rarity.

“Ugh, wow, you two both look awful.” The leader put one hand over her eyes and randomly pointed at the pair. “You.”

Sunset breathed a sigh of relief as Twilight scampered over to the other team, while Rarity shrugged and moved to Sunset. The fashionista didn’t seem too bothered to have been the last one left.

“Alright, slackers!” the coach yelled. He tossed the bag of jerseys towards Applejack and pointed to where he’d set up a dividing line on the soccer pitch. “We’re playing dodgeball, for those of you who couldn’t guess. No doctors. If you get hit in a no-no area, don’t come crying to me!” He herded the groups to the back ends of opposite sides and dumped the balls out in the centre circle.

Sunset eyed the pile, foot on the back line. Beside her was a trembling Fluttershy and an unamused Rarity. Both were going to be absolutely no help for her plan. That meant…

“Psst, Rainbow,” she whispered. “I need your help.”

“Yeah? Shoot.”

“What’s the worst thing I can do to piss off Coach Williams?”

At that Rainbow’s face broke into a wide grin, and she shoved past Fluttershy to stand beside Sunset. “Holy shit, I thought you’d never ask.”


About five minutes later, Sunset glanced at Rainbow out of the corner of her eye. The two were sitting ramrod straight in the waiting area for the headmistress, an unamused secretary staring them down as she typed away on her computer. “Worth it?”


Sunset sighed and picked at the worn cushion of her chair. She was deemed the instigator this time, and was seated closer to the headmistress’ office. “Let me tell you, Rainbow, you sure know your stuff.”

“Duh.” Rainbow snuck a peek at the secretary before tilting her chair back on two legs. “If you’re talkin’ gym teachers, I got a tip for you - always go for the gut.” She snickered. “AJ and I call it the ‘coach bod’. Trust me, they’re always sensitive about it.”

“Absolutely ruthless. I love it.”

The secretary cleared her throat. “Four on the floor, Miss Dash.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Rainbow let herself fall back down with a thud, and when she wasn’t being looked at flipped her off. “Buncha stuck ups, here,” she whispered to Sunset. “Glad you seem pretty cool.”

Sunset opened her mouth to respond, only to be cut off by a crash from the hall next to her that sent her and Rainbow flying to their feet. “Whoa! What the hell?!”

“Sit back down, Miss Dash. Miss Shimmer.”

Rainbow mimicked her voice in a high-pitched tone but did as she was told. Sunset, however, only pretended to, and when the secretary glanced back to her computer she rounded the corner and took off down the hall.

“Hey!” Rainbow whisper-shouted after her. “What are you-”

“Cover for me!”

Sunset ignored Rainbow’s strangled protests and made a mad dash for the towering door at the end. Once she reached it she squatted down next to it and pressed her ear up against the wood, praying it was just as thin as the rest of the doors in the school.

Behind it someone was swearing. There was another crash and a scrape of metal on metal before the voice of someone she recognized as Celeste shouted, “Enough of this!”

There was silence for a second, and then rustling papers. Sunset’s heart was hammering in her throat but she forced herself to stay put.

“...Today, then,” Celeste finally said. “We’ll do it today.”

Today? What?

“...Yes, yes. I’ve picked the sacrifice; don’t be like this. You know how much I miss-” she stopped. “Nevermind that. You’ll be freed soon, so please refrain from throwing my office into such a state! You saw how Twilight reacted this morning.”

Frowning, Sunset tried to make sense of the words, only for a PA system inside to beep. “Headmistress Celeste, Sunset Shimmer is on her way now.”

The rustling of papers continued, and Celeste said so quietly that Sunset almost missed it, “...We’ll talk more later. Now go.”

Sunset barely managed to remove herself from the door before whatever was inside let out the most terrifying, blood-curdling scream she’d ever heard in her life.


“What was that about?!” Rainbow hissed as they made their way back to the field. “You know what I had to pull to convince the secretary that you were using the washroom?” She jabbed her pointer finger at Sunset and hissed, “You owe me an explanation, Shimmer.”

“Later,” Sunset said, scanning the pitch for Twilight’s pink and purple streaks. She shoved the note she’d gotten from Celeste into the pocket of her shorts and said, “I gotta talk to Twi.”

“Wha- hey! Get back here!”

Sunset jogged over to where Twilight was slumped dejectedly in the corner of the ‘jail’ zone, and threw herself down next to her. “Hey, I have to talk to you.”

Twilight glanced up at her, and scowled. “Oh, don’t think I don’t know what you did.”

A pause. Then, “What?”

“You got in trouble on purpose! Why on earth would you do that? Look, if it’s about Celeste, I can handle myself, okay?”

“Okay, guilty as charged, and you can yell at me later. But Twilight, please.” Sunset dropped her pitch and whispered, “Listen to me. I snuck outside the headmistress’ office, and I heard a bunch of weird things.”

At that Twilight paused. “What kind of things?”

“She was talking to herself, first of all. And not like talk-talk, but having-a-conversation talk. It was so weird!” Frowning, Sunset held up her fingers and started counting things off. “There was this loud crash, she mentioned a sacrifice of all things, something made this terrible screech that nearly shattered my eardrums, and when she met with me she wasn’t even paying attention! Just gave me a note and told me not to do it again.”

Twilight nervously adjusted her glasses. “Did she have a suspicious red stain on her front and a metal gauntlet on one hand?”

“Yes and yes. Super creepy.” Sunset nervously looked around, and when she thought the coast was clear hissed, “I think she’s totally evil.”

“Wha-?” Twilight’s jaw dropped. “That’s not-”

Omigosh, the headmistress is totally evil!” a voice whisper-shouted from beside Sunset.


Twilight and Sunset whipped around to see Pinkie Pie staring at them innocently. A wide smile broke across her features as she continued, “Man, that’s so cool! Like, the villain to some sort of angsty teenage novel, y’know?”

“What are you doing?!” Twilight yelped. “You’re supposed to be playing-”

“-dodgeball? Oh, silly. Rainbow nailed me as soon as she got back, and you were having such a super-duper interesting convo that I just had to get in on it, y’know?”

“...No.” Twilight ignored her and turned back to Sunset to say, “And what you’re saying is stupid. Evil headmistress? That’s something that only happens in B-rated fantasy plots. Reality check: we’re not living in a fantasy world right now!”

“My hair would like to request a lawyer.”

“This isn’t a laughing matter!” Glaring, Twilight got to her feet and started to pace back and forth. “Celeste is acting terribly weird and I have no idea what to do!”

Pinkie raised her hand as if she was in class. “Oh, oh! Pick me!”

Twilight paused. “Yes, Pinkie?”

“We should tell the others and make a battle plan!”

“Absolutely not-”


A Pinkie-shaped blur shoved Twilight to the side as she raced off to the other jail box, a flash of light surrounding her for a split second. The only two players left on the field were Rainbow and Applejack, and Pinkie was almost smacked by a stray ball as she sprinted across.

“Holy shit!” Twilight heard Rainbow shout from far away. “Pinkie, what the hell did you do to your hair?!”

Twilight stared after her, frozen. “Sunset?”

“Yeah, Twi?”

“I think I’m going to freak out. Again.”

Author's Note:

urghhhhh this chapter forced itself out of me in the most painful way possible: writers block. thankfully it's passing. tell me what you think!