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When one of her magical experiments goes haywire, Twilight pulls everypony in Ponyville and beyond into another world, one inhabited by strange creatures called Pokemon. Now, Twilight and her friends must travel throughout the Javik region, learn how this strange world works, and complete the region's grueling gym battle challenge if they want to have any hope of returning to Equestria.

But the road to the Javik League won't be easy, and Twilight and her friends will find more than gym battles standing between them and their journey home.

Chapters (52)
Comments ( 211 )

For the time being you get a down votes from me. I can forgive the exposition dump and the editing problems, and I myself am guilty of not pacing my writing good enough. But the plot itself has problems.

1) Discord doesn't act like this anymore because he's come to appreciate his friendship with the other characters. And there's a plot hole in that all Twilight has to do is tell Fluttershy on him.

2) Rainbow Dash is not like this. She is a jock, yes, but as a jock (and a martial artist) she would know the value of being prepared and having actual training in a sport. Especially if it's a sport she has never seen anything similar to before. And with how much she cares about Tank, there's no way she would put what is basically her pet into a fight without any regard for its safety.

I'm tracking this for now in hopes it gets better.

Comment posted by moviemaster8510 deleted Aug 13th, 2017

Great story so far hope to see the rest of the mane 6.

So will we see the other girls? Also how many ponies got caught up? I don't think all of Equestria would be do able, maybe all of Ponyville?

Not sure I'm going to read this story :applecry:

Hummm wonder what Pokemon Celestia and Luna ended up with. Solrock and Lunatone or Solgaleo and Lunala?

Comment posted by Cookie_Girl deleted Dec 25th, 2017

When will this be updated?

Ya AJ got a shiny Aron! And the first thing she fights is Carbink, the one pokemon Aron can most easily beat in battle.

Could you update faster

I really enjoy this story. It's nice to find a well-written Pokemon fanfiction that is interesting, fun, and not dead!!
Keep up the good work!

Oh my! I really want to know what Zubat said now!

I wonder if Ash and Pikachu will appear along with Team Rocket. I watched the tv show so for one I know Team Rocket is going to show up and try and steal Pikachu again.

Oh yeah! Twilight wins her first badge! I thought about the main theme song of Pokémon Season 4 when she won.

Well Arnold can take solace in the fact that at least he lost to a bug pokemon. Twilight is the type who's going to learn the strengths of her pokemon regardless of type.

More like to learn the weaknesses of her opponent's Pokemon. The only conscious decision she made, that allowed Venipede to get the edge on Pinsir, was using a Rock-type move. Venipede kept the edge because Charmander had previously got lucky on a 1/10 chance to burn, and because it had an Ability that Twilight only kindof understood.

I think she's smart enough to do both.

No she is getting cocky.

You should work on your gym battles.
Having them show up at a gym and beat them in one chapter is just a waste.
You are giving the gym leaders very flat personalities.

I got a perfect gym leader for either number 7 or 8. If you're interested?

Work on your gym battles.
The gym leaders are to two dimensional and the battles are let downs.
Twilight is ignoring bonds with pokemon and concentrating only on types.

I like this, but some criticism -
1. Like many others, Arnold's personality seems a little flat - same with Ferris, but we sure haven't seen the last of him, I'm sure. I would've loved to see Twilight lose to Arnold, do some training, and return to win. It would've been much nicer to see.
2. Twilight seems too focused on theoretical training rather than doing more battle - learning how to make decisions in the heat of battle, thinking outside the box and using attacks for purposes that are not their own (Stuff from the anime, like counter-shield, thunder armor, etc.).

Overall, I like this fic and I can't wait to see what comes next!

Arnold is just as strong as ferris but Arnold uses a team appropriate for no badge trainers while ferris decided to use a six badge or four badge team on rainbow dash just to be a jerk. Ferris cares much about battling but is a type elitist for his own type.

No, the team Ferris used against Rainbow Dash was in fact his 1st badge team; a level 14 Magnemite and a level 13 Honedge. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, was challenging a gym leader with a level 5 Squirtle who had never been actually trained while having no idea how Pokemon battling worked beyond it being a thing.

For his part, Arnold is mostly insecure about being a Bug-type specialist, a type typically seen as weak, and his proximity to the Javik region's entry point means that he winds up being badge number 1 for a significant percentage of trainers.

Twilight's being too focused on the analytical side of battling is actually somewhat intentional; it's a consequence of her character and is a flaw she'll be forced to deal with as the story progresses.

DIdn't expect Maud, but at least she's getting along well with Prof. Amber. AH, the sand baths from Hoenn are back.

Would be cool if designer contests were a thing. Rarity and Fluttershy would rock those.

If you need an idea, I got one if you’re cool with it.

I kind of want the girls to learn that the gym leaders choose their teams based on the number of badges their opponent has.

yeah but the first gym badge would have been ferris if it was not for the fact that he set himself up right at the gate so that new trainers have no time to actually train.

wait till rainbow finds out that once trapinch is fully evolved she can fly on his back.

Just wait until RD fangirls over Flygon's awesome goggles.

Is the Javik region a real region in Pokemon? Also, why didn't you respond to Cookie_Girl's comment?

Somba and Chrissy will be our team rocket for this adventure it seems. Will the other pair be Terik and Cozy? I'd expect terik to have lots of bulky pokemon, while cozy had cute ones with devious personalities.

I'm not really planning to bring Tirek and Cozy Glow into this fic; I had actually planned on having Grogar be the Big Bad of the story and having him use Sombra and Chrysalis as his minions from the start long before Season 9 was even announced, and had hinted about them back in Chapter 3. The fact that this also ended up being the metaplot for Season 9 is pretty much just a coincidence.

Well that's one way to get a Pokemon.

She also became Jessie when she caught Seviper

squirtle: rain dance
Trapinch: sandstorm
?????????: Hail
?????????: Sunny day

These three needs to learn the pledge moves because they are the only group with all three starters.

when will rarity get the idea to just ride tauros.

"Sorry, thank you, Nurse Joy,” Twilight said as she backed away. Silently, Twilight wondered if all the humans in this world had names as strange as the ones she had met thus far.

What's weird about a nurse named Joy? That seems pretty normal by Equestrian standards.
In all seriousness, I'm looking forward to reading this. I read Cookie Girl's comment
8362000 on how Discord and Rainbow seem out of character, I disagree. This feels like it takes place just after the Season 5 premiere, maybe even earlier. From that stand point, Discord not fixing the problem but instead changing it into a whirlwind adventure makes a lot of sense as he either hasn't finished accepting friendship (season 4 finale) or has only recently accepted it. Either way this is a treasure trove of entertainment for him.

As for Rainbow Dash rushing in without training, yeah, I can totally see her doing that. Yeah she should know to practice and train before a sporting event. But this is a Rainbow Dash who has just found herself in a situation where she can save all of Ponyville by beating eight guys in sporting contest. That is an ego drug if ever I heard one. And thus she switches into the Rainbow Dash from Mysterious Mare-Do-Well, the same Rainbow who kicked a dragon in the face, made plans to sabotage several Wonderbolts routines in order for them to notice her, and tried to destroy an entire season. Forethought is not this mare's strong suit.

The great goat himself, hmm. A bit clichéd, but it should be interesting none the less.

Applejack and Krysta and Applejack

Gah! Clones!

“Magikarp, Splash!”


Belladonna Town, sounds like it will be poison type based, that should give Pinkie a tough time.

Aside from the battling culture, Fluttershy would otherwise fit in as a trainer. Woe betide anyone who hurts any Pokemon under her care.

It's hard to avoid the battle centered culture in the pokemon world as even pokemon themselves fall into it by their very nature

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