• Member Since 11th Oct, 2013
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Okay, I admit it, I'm probably not your mom. But odds are I'm old enough to be. Now with Patreon account (under alarajrogers) and short stories on Amazon (under Alara Rogers).


Episode tag/companion to "Discordant Harmony". Written in second person for some inexplicable reason. In the course of trying to make sure Fluttershy is impressed by his tea party, Discord discovers some things. Some of them are good things. Some of them are very much not.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 46 )

I like this! I love the idea of Specs as well, and what he represents as well as being a fully-realized alter ego. And I think you make it work very well in 2nd person! Then again, I'm not surprised. Your writing never disappoints. I wish to write as well as you do someday.

This promises to be a fascinating look inside Discord's head. Heck, even the second person makes some sense; suppose he spun off another sub-Discord to analyze the situation and report back.

Also, the idea that Pinkie can do things that horrify Discord tickles me... though I suppose she does that just by doing her job on a regular basis.

Oh boy, I'ma read this when I get around to reading fics again...

Great job so far, I really like this story. I particularly like the characterization you're giving Discord, it makes sense! Well... as much as Discord can make sense that is...

Heh. Discord as a near-literal Random Number God. Love it. Along with the spiral of bad decisions that led him to the point of Mr. Rogers-hood. The next part should be gripping indeed.

So, I'm loving this, but, silly me, I can't think of anything to say.

Well, let me just mention that this Chaos Ending Chaos business somehow reminds me of Poincaré's recurrence theorem in thermodynamics. Don't really know why. Probably the fact that entropy and molecular chaos tend to play some role there. Whatever.

I really think you nailed the chaos dimension, and the sense of growing dread we readers feel.

Ooh, needed my Discord fic fix. :P

You're so excited!

I am excited.

"I would like it if someone would style my hair. My star barrettes are fabulous!" is actually a thing a real life Nightmare Moon toy that my daughter owns says.

Oh, eww. Sounds like the toy designers don't know anything about the show.

You weren't the only one that was horrified by what the Nightmare moon toy says. It was murder. Totally murder, cringe worthy, and absolutely insulting to ALL women and girls. Thank you so much for mentioning it.

I love how you were able to pull from the comics, your stories, and episodes and it still flows so nicely!

Unsettling in how Discord was ready to just... stop. Especially given the last time he was compelled to be motionless. But the way Fluttershy didn't just feed him chaos but also gave him a reason to hang on long enough for it to work was beautiful. Excellent work. I'm looking forward to the conclusion.


I hope the next chapter is chronologically after this one and from Fluttershy's point of view

Huh. That was actually eber so slightly disturbing and unsettling. Just...wow.

Man this scene was moving, even more when I read it than when I saw it. I can't wait to see what will be added after this episode!

8436432 That's true. Discord here feels like entropy, which is chaotic at the beginning but at the end is just total stillness.

Well, that's one way to learn a friendship lesson. I hope Discord does discuss this with Cadence. That conversation definitely sounds like it will be one to remember.

All told, an excellent and at times chilling take on Discord's thought process through his near-death experience. Thank you for it.

Now, I've never mentioned it before, but I for my part can't stand the name 'Chaosville'. It's just so – ugh – so bland and tasteless. Part of it might be my slight bias against the books and some of the things in them, though.

I did enjoy the story, however, and this chapter in particular, such as Specs panicking and then Discord calmly proceeding to tell him that there's things he doesn't remember because Discord kept them from him. Both amusing and thought-provoking. I do quite like it.

Also, Pinkie's adorable. Not as much as Fluttershy maybe, but sufficiently so. :pinkiehappy:

A great ending. As dark as it needs to be, but any story that ends with Pinkie-cuddles still counts as a happy ending.

8438712 I too wait with baited breath for the upcoming conversation between Discord and Cadance. At least this incidence gave some hints that Discord's feelings may not be entirely unreciprocated.

I was waiting until the post-episode part to judge. Nice work. I've always admired your ability to psychoanalyse Discord like this, and this final chapter in particular reflects the same level of quality in that area as I've come to expect from you. I, too, hope to see that Discord/Cadance conversation at some point, if that's in the cards.

I agree with you about Chaosville, but everything I don't like about it is exactly why I think Discord uses it. I mean, if you think about it... this is a realm of strangeness, of near-infinite possibilities, someplace wondrous and eldritch and ineffable... so of course Discord uses a flippant, silly name for it. I originally wanted to name it something else, until I realized how much in character the name is for something Discord would make up. I'm sure other chaos avatars gave the place names with more gravitas (for that matter Discord himself might or might not have had a name for it until he'd been out of stone for a while, because he never shared it with anyone before.)

I love this; all of it. Not only does it flesh out the episode; but it also makes sense in your series ( this is like the third time Discord's nearly gotten himself hurt/killed willingly). All the interactions are great; but I think Pinkie's may me my favirote here. Even if they don't hang out much, the two are clearly very comfortable with each other. You really write Pinkie well; she's so easy to make pure comic relief; and I'm glad you're making her more interesting

you've been burned too many times by trying to get it on with one of your own cognates from another dimension to want a relationship with anyone as chaotic as you are

Damn, I want to see how those played out.

i mean I can understand why to some degree. A relationship is an orderly restriction, and that goes against what a chaos avatar wants. However If the different versions have similarities to this Discord, then some are likely to have his insecurities and loneliness, so some I'm sure would have been receptive to the idea.

Very good story. I hope he does go to Cadance for help.

I would quote everything I liked but it would just mean there would be an entire copy of the story in the comments section.

chaise lounge

chaise longue

I still prefer chaise longue to "chaise lounge". But I guess the Fluttershy of the show said lounge. :(

It's scary how much this resonates. A+

No, it's definitely a chaise lounge, not a chaise longue. English mutated the word because "lounge" is a verb we understand as a thing you can do on a sofa, and "chaise longue" just means "long chair", right? For which we have the word "sofa" or "couch".

Q would insist on calling it a chaise longue, but Discord isn't quite as pretentious as he is. :-)

You know, it's not fair to reference things you haven't written, yet. <wink> The Pinkie thing threw me, but that's alright. I look forward to more!

"Oh! So you need a pony plushie to sleep with!"

"More or less."

"Okay." She snuggles back against you. "Your Aunt Pinkie has it all under control. I am a great plushie."


Man, I'd love to read more about the fallout of this. Does he go to therapy? Does he talk to Cadance? What is his conversation with pinkie like the next day? So many things left to my imagination!

Loved this story, you added a great extra dimension to the episode :pinkiesmile:

Denial is only the first stage.

"Um, no, no, not at all. It's just not what I expected." She trots over to the table where you've laid out the sandwiches, and smiles at you. "It's quite... lovely."

This is a rather important detail, I think. Because Specs is right about one thing, Fluttershy does enjoy neat, orderly, lovely things. At this moment, I truly believe she thought either Discord was showing her a side she hadn't known, or she was perfectly aware he was doing it to make her comfortable, or both.

None of which means she can't like Discord's wackiness as well. But he didn't understand, because Discord always goes all out with everything he does and lacks any sense of subtlety. Discord just doesn't understand nuance yet.

"Um, yes, I'm sorry she did that... she kind of, uh, has no filter? She just says things that come into her head even if they're rude, but she doesn't mean to be rude, she's just kind of inconsiderate.

Which is more than can be said about the guy she's talking to at that very moment, to be frank. Oh the irony.

Also, you need to watch Uncommon Bond, Alara. Sunburst coming to Ponyville. It's a treat.

Good read, old chap! Now if you’ll excuse me, I ALSO have to get back to the prison that is my own mind. We’re all quite mad here!


Indeed, it's so hilariously not anything Nightmare Moon would say (*) -- it's a bit girly even for Normal Princess Luna (**) -- that I thought it was perfect that there's a toy that actually does this. Obviously, Discord's influence reaches into our world.

(*) "The night will last forever!" or "Your ruler has returned!" is more her style.

(**) Even the vanilla canon version of Princess Luna tends to be melodramatically gothic, and my version of her is a Byronic Hero.


I think "Uncommon Bond" makes it very obvious that Starlight Glimmer has a huge crush on Sunburst -- and gets jealous as all heck if he pays any protracted attention to any other mare. Any attention at all, not even romantic attention.


What I like is that she gets that Pinkie really loves people.

That was awesome.
I'd really like to see where things go from here in the next story you write, chronologically.

Yes. Pinkie is a living manifestation of cheer (not fun, which was the problem with the mirror clones).

Also yes! Starlight, as you once said, has a habit of collecting "damaged" individuals, and she didn't expect Sunburst's dorky charm to fit right in the cracks they got!

There's an adult joke in there too, which I am not going to make. Ahem.

By the by, I also think Alara has a great skill at showing Discord seeking to understand boundaries. Old!Discord was, forgive the words, an infantile sadistic prick. Like a spoiled bully he never had to deal with not getting what he wanted, he could just make stuff out of thin air if he felt like it.

Over the past thousand years, however, Discord has had to accept limitations. The Elements proved more powerful than him, to the point where they roflstomped him twice. He got his first friend, but he had to learn he can't do whatever he wants if he wants to keep her. Tirek showed him the price of betrayal.

And now this, where Discord has to deal with the limits of both being a spirit creature and not a mortal, and how much his emotions are outside his control.

Ok Discord using Pinkie Pie as a plushy is absolutely adorable.

I always did wonder why Discord didn't seem to care he was dying. It's interesting to see an explanation for it.

Good story!!!

Omfg, this definitely needs a sequel, I kinda hope that in the next story(if you plan to make one of course) he will actually expand on the suicidal nature and actually go to someone for help.:pinkiesad2:

This was a great story that really showed what Discord was going through during the episode.

This was remarkably heavy to read. But worth it!

My headcanon WIP Fanfic Discord has some of the same problems when it comes to his individuality verses the majority who want harmony = sameness.

I love Pinkie Pie being willing to be his plushie like that! SO SWEET!

It's hilarious how the Chaos Dimension rebelled against his redecorating, especially when the sun just exploded!
Priceless :rainbowlaugh:

I for one think this is better written that the episode itself, too bad Hasbro is not going to accept it

The apathy is the worst part. You've captured it flawlessly, and I have to thank you for that.

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