• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 37 - Invasion of Chu

Author's Note:

Warning, this chapter goes a bit into dark teritory when it comes to Nica. Those of you who really like Nica and have trouble reading scenes where she suffers should aproach this chapter carefully. You have been warned.

Raichu, Defender of Equestria


Chapter 37

Invasion of Chu

Nica sat on Starlight’s back while wary of her surroundings, occasionally glancing at the worried face of Fluttershy. Her ears drooped at the very sight of pegasus’ saddened smile.

“Slow down, Fluttershy, we need to be careful!” Starlight suggested as she followed the pegasus while a few drops of sweat formed on her face.

Nica’s ears perked up. She stood up and jumped with the help of her three legs, pushing Fluttershy to the side in time to avoid bolts of electricity.

Fluttershy yelped before landing on the cloudy road. “Oh dear… what was that?”

Nica took a fighting stance in front of the innocent pegasus, her attention on an armored bird as three familiar figures jumped from its back. <W-what? Raichu?>

Three Raichu took a fighting stance, though she could sense an aura of hesitation from the one on the right.

“Well, look at that,” Starlight said as she grit her teeth. “It seems Darkrai sent pokemon of the same species as you. The nerve of him.”

Nica turned around and gestured with her forepaws, shaking them and pointing at cloudy homes in distance. <Go right ahead, I will keep them busy!>

“You want us to go ahead while you distract them?” Fluttershy asked.

Nica nodded.

“B-b-but… fine!” Starlight shouted with a frown. “We’ll wait for you at Fluttershy’s house, so don’t take too long.”

Nica nodded. Upon noticing as one of the Raichu attacked the yellow pegasus with ‘Thunderbolt,’ she intercepted with a ‘Thunderbolt’ of her own. <Leave them alone, I’m your opponent!>

The Raichu in the middle held one forepaw on his hip while another raised in front of his face. <Our orders are to cause as much damage as possible to this city and its residents, but he wasn’t precise in telling who we should target. You may do as well.>

Raichu on the left shrugged. <Makes no difference to me.>

Raichu on the right tapped his forepaws together. <May I suggest you withdraw. We have a number advantage, and you don’t look to be in the best shape.>

Nica shook her head. <I’m used to fighting against the odds and I won’t stand by when members of my own species are causing harm to innocent ponies!>

<Wait a moment… you’re that fool who refused Darkrai’s offer,> the Raichu in the middle said before shaking his head. <You could gain so much power thanks to the magic of this world. You could surpass your limits under his guidance.>

The Raichu on the left asked, <Why did you refuse?>

Nica lowered her guard, no longer standing on her three legs while in fighting stance, but instead balanced herself on one. <I don’t care about becoming stronger, I just want to use my power and abilities to help others the best I can!>

The Raichu on the left blinked in confusion. <You don’t want to grow stronger? But that’s part of our nature. Where’s your competitive spirit?>

The Raichu on the right spoke up, his ears drooped. <Being competitive is fine… but I don’t like that we need to hurt others to get strong… It feels just like bullying.>

<What are you talking about?> the Raichu in the middle asked as he gave his ally a stern look.

<Well… It’s fine for two pokemon to fight and train with each other as long as both sides are fine with it. But those pegasi, they scream in panic and pain. What we're doing to them is bullying, and most of them can’t even fight back.>

The Raichu in the middle stomped, spreading white puff under her foot. <I don’t care if my opponent is strong or weak, I’ll beat them up as long as it benefits me.>

<I agree.> the Raichu on the left nodded. <Either we do what Darkrai told us and improve in the future under his guidance, or we’ll face his wrath.>

The Raichu on the right tightened his forepaws. <F-fine, you both do whatever you want, I don’t want anything to do with it.> He stepped to the side, now watching from a new stop at the abandoned restaurant.

<Suit yourself, but don’t cry to us when we beat you in a pokemon battle with ease in the future due to our enhanced powers,> the Raichu on the left said before turning his attention to Nica. <Two versus one against an injured opponent. We’ll make this quick.>

Nica narrowed her eyes and took a fighting stance. Her metallic tail raised threateningly. She leaped to the side to avoid one ‘Thunderbolt’ before raising a forepaw ahead of her. With a deep concentration, she summoned ‘Light Screen.’ Another ‘Thunderbolt’ struck her body, yet she refused to blink as the attack was both resisted and weakened.

Both Raichu charged at her, one gaining speed by using a ‘Quick Attack.’

Nica waited a moment before swinging her tail, timing her strike. Her metallic tail struck the Raichu’s side, changing his course while leaving a bruise. With her attention on the other Raichu, she blocked an incoming ‘Mega Punch.’ She wrapped her tail around the forepaw of her opponent and spun, pushing one Raichu into another. She bit her bottom lip as her wounded rear leg pressed into the cloudy surface during her spin.

As both Raichu attacked with ‘Thunderbolt,’ Nica zipped left and right, charging at her foes while building up a ‘Volt Tackle.’ One of her opponents summoned copies of himself with ‘Double Team,’ yet the aura of anger Nica sensed told her which one was the real deal. With a quick jump, she smashed her head into the Raichu’s belly, causing a big explosion of electricity.

Sensing and hearing the other Raichu attacking from behind, Nica raised her ‘Iron Tail’ defensively. She deflected the ‘Tail Whip’ and parried ‘Mega Kick’ before hitting her opponent in the stomach. The Raichu in front of her ran at her with a ‘Quick Attack,’ which she evaded by leaping to the side as her opponent collided with his own ally by accident.

With a quick ‘Thunderbolt,’ she hit both of her opponents, covering their bodies with burns. Attack power may not be my strongest point, but it is still above those two. They seem to be lacking proper training and didn’t even experience a little bit of of the beating I endured. She balanced herself on one rear leg and pointed accusingly. <Pathetic. You both don’t deserve your evolutions with skills like that!>

<What are you talking about?> one Raichu asked.

Nica held a forepaw on her own chest and lectured, <My trainer often told me that one needs the skills to match up to their greater power. You both most likely evolved to become stronger quickly while not experiencing any hardship that would make you stronger or improve your skills.> She held forepaws on her hips and shook her head. <You both don’t even deserve to be Raichu, more or less the power that Darkrai is offering.>

<S-shut up! With Darkrai’s guidance, we’ll surpass even a veteran like you!>

Nica groaned. <How about you both first train hard and face stronger opponents, learn the meaning of hardship and sharpen your skills.> Bolts of electricity started escaping form dots on her cheeks. <You should first reach your limits as a pokemon before even considering to surpass them with the help of magic. If you want to gain power without any effort, or because you can’t win while being a powerful Raichu, you don’t deserve your powers. You’re both an embarrassment to our species!>

<You asked for it. I’ll shut your mouth with a first class beating!>

<You’ll pay for insulting us!>

Nica charged at her opponents on her four legs, ignoring the pain in her wound. She leaped to the side to evade ‘Mega Punch’ and next combined her ‘Volt Tackle’ with her ‘Iron Tail,’ easily overpowering the ‘Quick Attack’ of her opponent in direct contact. She tanked a ‘Thunderbolt’ and answered with her own. Their skirmish lasted no longer than an extra minute as both Raichu lost consciousness and vanished before her eyes. Her own body gained a few more bruises, but nothing too bad.

With her attention on the third Raichu, who now trembled in fear, she approached and asked, <You don’t want to hurt anypony? Right?>

The Raichu nodded. <I d-don’t.> He tapped his forepaws together, his head lowered in shame. <I may be a weakling with skills far inferior to yours, but I don’t want to become stronger by bullying others.> He looked to the side. <I heard what you said… and I agree… If we can’t win pokemon battles without evolving into Raichu for the sake of power, we don’t deserve to be them in the first place.>

Nica’s angered face softened as she patted the fellow Raichu on the shoulder, giving him a warm smile. <Don’t worry. You just need to push yourself harder and master your skills. Instead of showing dominance against weaker foes, seek challenge, train hard until you’re worthy of being a Raichu and capable of defeating a stronger opponent. What’s important is that you have your heart in the right place and show others the proper respect.>

<You... really think so?>

<I do,> Nica said with a nod. <I could teach you a trick or two, but I need to protect the families of my friends. The summoning spell used on you should stop working sooner or later, so just avoid Darkrai’s attention until then.>

<Well... About that, I think the cloudwalking spell that unicorns captured by Darkrai cast on us will stop working sooner. Hopefully a Skarmory will let me ride on it towards the stable ground,> the Raichu responded before rubbing the back of his neck. <I’m not even sure why he summoned mostly Raichu for this attack. The pegasi don’t even seem weak to electricity but rather resistant to it for some reason. There must be a hidden motive.>

Nica chuckled. <Good point. Anyway, I need to be going, I wish you luck.> She shook his forepaw before running away.

Spitfire and her fellow Wonderbolts flew from one spot to another, their spotless uniforms covered by burned holes or ripped to shreds. Their yellow lightning which decorated their uniforms now burned by the real deal. She glanced at her comrades and asked, “How are you holding up there, Fleetfoot, Soarin’?”

“Been better,” Soarin’ said as he massaged his foreleg.

“My muscles are aching a bit, but I’m still ready to kick some flanks,” Fleetfoot said as she slammed her forehooves together, her wings flapping at a quick pace.

Spitfire nodded before scanning the floating city. The situation isn’t good. If I remember anything from biology lessons, it is that pegasi are well adapted to weather hazards like cold and electricity. Not to mention that the Wonderbolt’s uniforms are made from material that repels electricity and are magically enhanced for greater durability, yet those critters somehow unleashed electricity strong enough to penetrate them. She gulped. Despite their speed, training and electricity-repelling equipment, even her team couldn’t repel the invasion of several long-tailed critters flying on armored bird-like creatures.

She narrowed her eyes and pointed down. “I see one, get ready to dive and intercept.”

“Yes sir!”

Nica kept running as she scanned her surroundings, yet her friends were nowhere to be seen. This is bad, this is bad, I completely forgot where Fluttershy’s parents are supposed to live.

Her search was interrupted the moment she heard a cry. Noticing a young pegasus supported against a wall, she approached her. The pegasus before her had a few burns, no doubt caused by electricity. The filly’s forehooves were wrapped around her knees while her sobbing face was supported against her forelegs. She seem to be the same age as Apple Bloom… poor thing. How could any Raichu hurt such a poor little filly?

Nica approached with hesitant steps on her three legs and gently nuzzled the filly’s cheek, only to be smacked with a hoof.

“Help, help!”

Nica took a step back and massaged her cheek with her bruised forepaw, her ears drooped. <I don’t want to hurt you, please, calm down…> Her voice only seemed to make it worse as the filly started trembling in fear.

“Get away from her, monster!”

Nica looked at the approaching pegasus and leaped to the side, evading his hooves. The angered pony shot her a hateful glare before picking the young pegasus into his embrace.

“Sssshhhh… It’s okay… no mean creature will hurt you anymore.”

Nica felt an uneasy feeling in her heart. If she didn’t defy Darkrai, none of this would’ve happened. She looked around, seeing a few more pegasi stare at her in anger before flying away while the aura of fear and hate she sensed was making her sick. In her depression, she failed to react as something struck her from behind. She felt the full speed and weight of a pony press against her bruised back as her face sank into the cloud.

“Got you!”

<Release me!> she shouted before pushing the pegasus away with her tail. She backflipped before another one managed to grab her.

“You know the drill. Beat it hard enough and it will vanish. This is what happened with the last two,” Spitfire commanded before circling around Nica, so did two of her subordinates.

Nica raised her tail defensively as it shined in a metallic grey, her senses now on full alert. The ponies before her had a fair share of burns and injuries while their uniforms were in disarray. Some of their goggles had cracked surfaces on the glass. The aura of hostility only confirmed their intentions.

With a flap of her tail, she blocked a punch from behind, and next she gently pushed aside the pegasus’ rear hoof before it could make contact with her head. One strike after another, she parried the attacks of her opponents as their movements became faster than before. <P-please, stop it… I’m not your enemy! Please.> Her words were clearly ignored as the pegasi started attacking more aggressively. <Reinforcements, oh no…> Nica whimpered as two more pegasi in damaged uniforms arrived at the scene.

“This one is way tougher than the others. Everyone, get ready perform a star maneuver!” Spitfire commanded.

Nica gulped as the four pegasi now circled around her. Drops of sweat fell down her face. While the last fight against the two Raichu didn’t result in any significant injury, it still drained some of her stamina, and attacking with ‘Volt Tackle’ was always a double-edged sword. This time however she couldn’t even fight back. Hurting ponies she was supposed to protect was inexcusable.

“Now!” Spitfire shouted as four pegasi started flying at the long-tailed creature as if drawing a star.

Nica leaped left and right, parrying hooves with her ‘Iron Tail’ as her muscles were aching with each of her step. She bit her bottom lip as one of her evasion maneuvers resulted in her landing on her injured leg. This moment of distraction gave an opening for the fifth pegasus who kicked a black cloud, summoning lightning as it struck her head.

“Get that tail under control!” Spitfire commanded as two male Wonderbolts grabbed the long tail and pulled it.

Nica yelped as she found herself pulled into the air. One ‘Thunderbolt’ was all she needed to free herself. No… I can’t hurt my allies. I can’t. She started wriggling, yet her strength proved no match against the athletic pegasi. Using her tail to pull herself up, she evaded one of the pegasi, only to be kicked by the captain herself. One strike after another, she felt as if her body became a punching bag.

“Oh come on, vanish already!” Spitfire shouted in aggravation. After a few seconds of building up her speed, she struck Nica’s cheek, her forehoof colliding with the yellow dot.

Nica grit her teeth as she held back her electricity from shocking the pegasus, keeping it in her body. The agony became unbearable as she screamed in pain.

Fleetfoot followed Spitfire’s example, aiming at the injured leg. Her rear hoof struck it with a lot of force.

The pupils in Nica’s eyes shrank as she screamed again, and this time it lasted for several seconds as a few tears slid down her cheeks.

“Sir, ma’am,” Soarin’ said, catching Spitfire’s attention. “We hit this creature with everything we had, yet it still refuses to vanish… This feels really uncomfortable.”

Spitfire rubbed the top of her head with her wings keeping her in mid-air. “I don’t get it. Whatever magic summoned them into Cloudsdale vanished after a bit of beating. What’s different with this one?”

“I don’t know, but maybe it isn’t hostile,” Soarin’ pointed out

“How can you tell?” Spitfire asked.

“Well, it didn’t use electricity against us a single time. Until now we managed to defeat only two of those creatures, and their electricity ruined our thunder-proof uniforms. This one seems more agile than the others, yet it isn't even attacking.”

“Ponyfeathers!” Spitfire bit her lip. “Everyone, stop!” she commanded. “Release it immediately.”

Nica’s face made contact with the soft cloudy ground, her belly and legs followed suit. With the help of her trembling forepaws, she raised her sobbing face to look at the pegasi. Their aura no longer as hostile as before.

“Hey, you, you’re not one of the invaders, are you?” Spitfire asked, her glare judging her every move.

Nica whimpered before pushing herself to stand on her three legs, her fourth leg refusing to rise as it now motionlessly lay on the cloud. With struggle clear on her face, she walked away, her limbs trembling with each step. Tears fell down from her face and sank into the cloud.

“We’re sorry... “ Soarin’ said as he approached with slow steps. “There’s a hospital nearby, we could…” His path was blocked by Spitfire’s foreleg and her disapproving glare.

“Even if this one is not hostile, it is still one of them. We can’t waste time getting it aid when other ponies suffer,” Spitfire said before spreading her wings authoritatively as she addressed her fellow Wonderbolts. “From now on we’ll stick together. Everyone, move out!”

Soarin’ gave the injured cleature an apologetic glance before leaving with his team.

Nica heard the pegasi fly away, not that she cared as she kept searching for Fluttershy’s house. Each of her steps difficult to take. She looked at the nearby ponies with tired eyes, sensing mostly hate and fear. She sensed pity among some ponies, but none dared to approach.

She sighed, wondering what hurt more: Her broken leg, or her aching heart? While facing challenges and fighting against the odds made pain her second nature, something she was used to and could ignore, anger and hate was something she couldn’t handle. If given a choice, she would let a giant boulder squash her rather than look at an angered glare of another creature. Still… Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash’s families were in danger. She couldn’t let self-pity stop her from doing what she could.

Starlight blinked in confusion as she stared at the scene before her. Fluttershy’s father, a green pegasus wearing a blue sweater with a white mustache, his mane looking like rolled ice cream, was now sitting in front of a square table. On the other side of the table on a few pillows sat a Raichu with cup of tea between his paws. Why am I even surprised? This is Fluttershy’s family we’re talking about. She massaged her forehead. Her idea of a quick rescue certainly didn’t involve interrupting a tea party.

Fluttershy alongside her mother stepped out from the kitchen with a female Raichu in between them as they all laughed cheerfully.

“When I heard you all may be in danger, I was so worried. I’m really glad everything turned out alright,” Fluttershy said before stroking the Raichu with her hoof. “Thank you, little one. What you did was very brave and it means a lot to me."

“Hey, Fluttershy,” Starlight called as she gave the mare a curious look. “Since you finished your quick chat,” she gestured at a Raichu drinking tea at the table, “can you explain to me what’s going on?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Of course. It turns out that Darkrai stole magic from some cursed ponies in Cloudsdale and used it to summon many Raichu and a few Skarmory to invade the city. He ordered some of them to hurt my and Dash’s families and hold them hostage.” She sat and clapped her forehooves cheerfully. “But the Raichu that were sent into this house couldn’t bring themselves to hurt my family.” She glanced down at the female Raichu who looked back with a cheerful smile. “These pokemon told me that my family was so kind and innocent that they couldn’t bring themselves to hurt them. They don’t care about the power that Darkrai offered and are willing to face his wrath, but hurting my mom and dad is out of the question. They’re even willing to protect them.”

Starlight rubbed her chin. “It seems not all pokemon summoned by Darkrai are interested in conquest. Until now only dark types showed blind loyalty to him.”

“But of course. Every creature is different,” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Well, I suppose it’s good for us. If Darkrai is trying to create an army, there will be infighting among their ranks, and once all curses are removed, he won’t even have enough magic to summon anyone. If we manage to hold out long enough, victory will be ours.”

“Hey, Fluttershy, are you there?”

“Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked as she peeked through the window.

Starlight walked outside, noticing Rainbow Dash in the company of two blue pegasi. The tallest one was holding Twilight Velvet between his hooves. Rainbow Dash and the mare next to her each had a Raichu riding on their backs. “Let me guess, they found your parents too kind and innocent to hurt.”

“Nope,” Dash said with a shake of her head.

“My name’s Windy Whistles and we just happened to have those cuties at our doorsteps. We couldn’t help ourselves from giving them a tour of our house, share some snacks at the kitchen and show our daughter’s achievements. They proved to be really good listeners,” Whistles said as the Raichu on her back nodded energetically.

Twilight Velvet glanced at Whistle and said, “I like your enthusiasm, we should hang out sometime. How about a mountain climb? No magic and wings allowed.”

“Sounds like fun,” Whistle said with an energetic nod.

Dash shrugged. “We were having a bit of a hard time fighting some Raichu on our way, but those two came to our aid. What about you. Any problems?”

Fluttershy walked outside with a female Raichu by her side who kept nuzzling her foreleg. “Not at all. These brave creatures refused to hurt my family and had a tea party instead. They’re on our side now… at least until the summoning spell runs out of time.”

“That’s great! Hey… wasn’t Nica with you, where is she?” Dash asked as everypony started to look around.

<There she is… I think,> said a Raichu on Dash’s back as he pointed in the distance.

Fluttershy started trotting towards Nica, only to stop as her face turned grim. “What… what happened to you and your leg? You look horrible!”

Nica ran forward with tears in her eyes, pulling her leg, and then leaped into Fluttershy’s embrace, pressing her crying face into her soft chest.

“You poor, poor dear…” Fluttershy said as she stroked Nica gently, and next added her wings into the hug.

The group looked at Nica in silence as even the summoned Raichu stared in pity.

The hug continued as Nica slowly departed into the land of dreams, leaving her aching body in Fluttershy’s embrace.

<Wait... Nica? This can't be,> the Raichu next to Fluttershy said before gasping at realization. <My poor sweetheart!> She ran over and pushed herself into Fluttershy's embrace in order to hug and nuzzle her injured daughter from the other side, licking Nica's bruises. Her eyes quickly started producing tears as the very look of her mutilated daughter filled her heart with pain.

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