• Member Since 18th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 39 minutes ago


The man who likes ponies but also likes monsters... so what's wrong with him combining the two? ;P


"Hello Phumblr, my name is Graceful Thread, I am... well... a spidermare. My friend Lemon Hearts said I should try to socialize more, but since most ponies don't like it when I walk outside my home in broad daylight, I thought I might try social media. After all everypony else is doing it."

"Don't worry, there is no such thing as stupid questions. Wrong questions, yes. Questions that might result in me wrapping you in my webs and injecting you with my venom, yes. Stupid questions, nah!"

Think of this as kind of like one of those Ask Tumblr pages, except Graceful Threads will answer them in intervals (as it would be silly to have a chapter for each question). :rainbowlaugh:

There is nothing wrong with being goofy, but please do try to submit some serious questions too. It should be noted that I would like to keep this story as safe for work (SFW) as possible, and I am sure that Graceful Threads would agree. :twilightsmile:

Also do note that this story takes place during season 5.

Chapter 1, 2 and 3 were proofread by: Boop-Happy Lass.

Well, in case it must be said, I did create the lovely artwork that serves as the cover art for this story.

Also Graceful Thread is my OC, so no stealing. :rainbowlaugh:

More tags will be added as the story is released.

Also if you're going to down vote my story, at least have the decency to tell me why. :ajbemused:

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 73 )

i do wonder like some blogs will there be a story we follow and we sometime have question moments

I'm actually curious to see where this goes. :twilightsmile:

8732193 I can safely say there will be a story to follow along with some questions moments.:twilightsmile:

Dear Graceful Thread,
I have a crush on a pony, if you can call him that, and I don't know how to act around him.
What would you do?
Is there anything you can think of that would grab a boy's attention; specifically as a arachne-pony?
~Love, Scarlet Thorn

8732246 I'm not sure. The image doesn't seem to be working for some reason. :fluttershysad:

google scoprionness najka then

8732915 *googles it.* Well, it is a large world, so there is a chance something like this could be scuttling around in the secret recesses of Equestria. Perhaps Graceful Thread will meet one. :raritywink:

8732768 Don't worry Scarlet, I am sure Graceful Thread can help you with your problem. :twilightsmile:

Greetings, Graceful Thread. I don't mean to pry, but, how did you end up in Canterlot?

8733570 Thank you for the comment. I am sure Graceful Thread will be happy to answer. :twilightsmile:

Oh Graceful Thread. I would pay to see Blueblood's reaction on your blog. Just so you know, ponies tends to be little bit skittish when you eat their comrades.

As for my question:

Would you rather

Be a pony.
You'll never have to hide again. You'll have friends and family at home, maybe even a foal of your own. Simply, you will be happy like a spider in a bell tower.


Everyday you'll have to fear that one day you'll lose somepony close to you, to a monster in the bell tower.


Stay a Spidermare.
Your life will continue as it had to this day. You'll have a cozy dark place in the bell tower and your friend Lemon who will visit now and then. Plus you will always make more friends on Tumbrl.


There will always be the danger hanging above your head, danger of being discovered. Because if you do get discovered you will have to choose between staying to fight a battle, which you will lose, and between running and leave behind the little you had, including Lemon Hearts.

You don't necessarily need to answer this question.

Story's looking good. Maybe mix in a little interaction between other characters. (I'd love to see how she gets on with the Royal Guards who know she exists and respect her.)

LoveSpider ask: 'Do you go on dates ? '

FamilyWeb ask 'Kid, come from a egg, or not ?'

SpiderLivesMater ask 'Is he dead ?'

8734433 Thank you. I'm glad you like it. :pinkiesmile:

8735898 I am sure Graceful Thread will be more then happy to answer these questions. :raritywink:

8733735 I am curious, myself what Graceful Thread thinks of this question. I'm not sure if Prince Blueblood has seen this blog yet.

8733760 Thank you, I'm happy you are enjoying it. Don't worry I'm sure Graceful Thread would like to meet some other ponies too. :twilightsmile:

Yes. But now...Onto the question I have for her-Which pony does she look up to? (As say an example of what to do in a situation)

8735956 I am sure she will be happy to answer the question. :twilightsmile:

On another note, has anyone figured out where in the series the story takes place (timeline wise)? I've already given a few clues concerning the Season and what events are going on. I would love to hear your guesses. :raritywink:

I'm guessing around either Season 1 or Season 5.

8735975 Well, I already gave the hint in the story description that it takes place during Season 5. As for the episode it is close to you can probably guess from a few details in the story. If not, don't worry you'll find out in the next chapter.

Ah cool.

I'm more a guy who likes dealing with dates and historical facts.

8732929 In fact depending on how much people enjoy this story, I may even try to create a few other Ask Monster Pony fics, perhaps they can even interact with each other. :derpyderp2::derpyderp1:

oh that would be so cool then their maybe a chance for my oc to make a apperence considering she would colifie as a monster lol

8736024 I don't see why not. If you have a story with them (or some artwork showing them) I would be intrigued. Just send the link to me via PM. :pinkiehappy:

You're welcome! :twilightsmile: Indeed, you went in certain directions with half these questions I did not expect you to go, which really kept it interesting. I look forward to what is to come. I just hope I can conceive more questions to ask as we progress.

Little-Spiderlings ask 'Where do baby spider come from ?'

Dr. Spide ask 'Can you mean a pony into a spider-pony ?'

Web-of-Love ask ' if a spider-pony and a unicorn pony fall in love, what do you get ?'

8736630 I certainly hope it stays interesting. I might open it up so that readers can also ask Lemon Hearts some questions, seeing as she is a friend of Graceful Thread and she also has a Phumblr account.

8737428 These look awfully similar to some questions you've already asked. :trixieshiftright:

But don't worry. I'm pretty sure I can work them into the next chapter. :twilightsmile:


The next chapter is almost done, so unless anyone comes up with another question that I think fits in with chapter 2, new questions will be answered in chapter 3.

Thank you all so much for your support. :pinkiesmile:

have you heard of changelings if so are they more like flies for your web to you or are they more competition for food

Are spider ponies eyes sensitive to light?

Okay this is exceedingly stupid dumb sounding and maybe a bit offensive but...

You do realize killing criminals is still murder right?

Also is there a specific region in the world in the world that Spider ponies florish or are you more scattered the Haybrew.

Th1s1sn4cr33p4a4a11 asks: Can you have kids with none spider-ponies?

Web-of-Love asks: If a spider-pony and a unicorn pony fall in love, what do you get?

GotHorseMilk asks: Do Spider pony mommies make milk?

Kin, the Love Stallion asks: When a mommy spider and a daddy spider really love one and other, does the the mommy spider eat the daddy's head off after?

Arachna-Pie asks: When the babies are born, do they eat the mommy? OR Do the baby all burst out of the mommy's body?

Little-Spiderlings asks: Where do baby spider come from?

FamilyWeb asks: Kid, come from an egg, or not?


O_OPony asks: Do you still have your [This word was censored just to make sure that we can maintain our current rating]?

Sucks, doesn't it!


"Don't worry, I'll answer it," Graceful Thread grinned before pausing to ponder the questions, "Honestly I think I would rather stay myself. I mean who knows what kind of person I would be if I was a pony. I could be like this jerk!"

Aw c'mon! I tried my hardest and she just blew it of! Oh, I'll get you one day you eight-legged bug!


Oh, Graceful Thread.

Since we are already past the boundary of inappropriate questions, here is one of my own!

Just click on this and watch, but don't worry! Everything is completely scientifical.

[embed]youtube.com/watch?v=2DGD8gU1Hrk[/embed] [embed]youtube.com/watch?v=ZuUMSBXiPN8[/embed]

Are both of these accurate?



Ze GNG has spotted a mistake!


"I'm not terribly sure how spider ponies rear[raise] their young," Thread answered, "as I've already said my siblings and I hatched by ourselves and had to learn to fend for ourselves. I don't know it[if] that's normal for my kind or not. As for discipline I can definitely say that it is a good thing. After all if a spider pony isn't disciplined she won't know how to survive in this world."


How often do you get Intruders?

8764338 I am sure, Graceful Thread will be happy to answer your guestions.

8763854 While I am sure she will answer your question, I feel that Thread is growing tired of questions regarding spider/pony reproduction and would prefer questions of a different nature.

Dear Graceful Thread,
I wanted to thank you for answering my questions!
As a thanks I have a gift for you. I read your comment about always wanting to see the gardens of the Crystal Empire, and luckily my friend Death Blaire lives in the Empire and was willing to part with one of her Crystal Dragon Tulips! I will place it outside of the clock tower tonight since I am in Canterlot visiting an old friend. Hope you enjoy, care instructions are on the packet! The best part is, since it produces it's own light it doesn't need to be outside! You can grow and cultivate as many as you want as long as you have the soil!

Also between us, I'm a marked-one. I'm actually a few millennia old and a devout follower of Discord who gave me my immortality and powers. Although, Nightmare Moon was fun while she lasted. Unfortunately, most of my coven was hunted down by the Solar Guard throughout the eons, only that friend I mentioned and I are left But luckily I've learned to hide my true identity with magic. Maybe I can even send you a picture! And please, call me Thorn. Scarlet is the other me from a different universe.

And question, this you can post on Phumblr.
My crush is a Chimera, not the monster monster but an experiment of a madpony attempting to create complete harmony in a physical form, thus he is very harmonious as oppose to my chaos. Maybe I can send you a picture of him too since we have become close.
My question however, is this:
Do you think we should start a Phumblr Account?
My crush, my friend, and I?
Maybe if the Equestrians got to know us better they would like us more. Maybe... we could live normal lives not always on the run?

Uh-oh, it's that blasted solar battalion again. They must have traced my laptop signal. Take care Graceful Thread, I hope you like your flower!

~ Love, Thorn

I Kiss a Spider, and I love it: "Have you ever kiss somepony ?" "Do you ever think of kissing one and other ?" "Can we see you kiss one and other ?"

Dr Spider: "Are spider stallions the same as none spider stallion ?" "You say that you don't think that spider mares can make milk, does that mean that you don't have...?"

MindWeb: "Could you have made the bad pony ... think that he was your brother ? or that he was a other race or gender ?" "What is they limite of that power ?"

Best Friend 4 F-er: "What did you think when you saw a pony size spider in your house ?"

SuperSpider: "Do you know SpiderMare ?"

8hovesDance: "Can you dance ?"

ColorSpider: "Are all spiked pony spider color, or can they be pony color ?"

BarWet: "Can you drink beer and other things then pony ?"

BookSpider: "Have you read Charlotte's Web ?"

Bent-G.: "If you could, would you change into a stallion ?"

*Coughs rather loudly*

Erm... I thought that group was ded :O

Nevertheless, I feel ashamed to bypass a couple of quite blatant errors. :twilightblush:

*Gasps rather loudly*

Ze Grammar Nazi never dies! Our ranks may be thin, but our hearts burn with passion for grammar!


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And question, this you can post on Phumblr.

So asking as the author, would it be an issue if I post this all as the question (maybe split it up and have Graceful Thread address each section)

8767396 I think Graceful Thread should be able to answer these. However like I told ThatBadGuy, Thread is growing a bit tired of the questions in regards to spider/pony/spiderpony reproduction and would prefer other questions.

That was cool! @Robipony: Are you still taking questions? :twilightsmile:

Going with the tasks idea, how about we see if the home invader can dance? :rainbowkiss:
Along with that point, can you dance, Graceful?
Have you ever considered picking up an instrument? I'm sure there are some ponies would would be envious of your dexterity.
You know, your hypnotic abilities might really help some ponies. My friend's really scared of anesthesia, and hypnosis could help him with that. Have you ever used hypnosis to help someone?
Do you know what "booping" is?

Hey Grace, I have 3 questions for you.
1.) I’m a young writer, and I like to do stories where unity is a huge theme. You are a perfect example of that. Can I put you in my story? It is called Unity is Magic.
2.) how do you feel about comedy acts?
3.) Can I make a YouTube video about you?
Thank you for your time. #sendingvirtualfishtoyou:twilightsmile:

The reason I asked about comedy is because this video made me think that you would love it. Welp, here it is: BOXEN

8827148 Don't worry. Graceful Thread will answer this question. Unfortunately I had already finished chapter 3 and was just trying to finish it up before having it proofread/edited when this question was sent. But don't worry she will answer it in chapter 4. :pinkiesmile:

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