• Published 7th Mar 2018
  • 1,720 Views, 265 Comments

The Virgin Company (currently editing) - Pone_Heap

The story of a Pegasus lieutenant, his beloved platoon, and their piece of the Centauri-Equestrian War, decades ago.

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The Northwest Pass, Chapter 3: The Forlorn

After a few moments of letting their guard down in ways unseen by their subordinates, Princess Celestia and Zip parted on the promise each would do everything in each of their powers to succeed. Celestia’s success rode on imparting some “unconventional” wisdom to her strategists. Zip’s rode on keeping his platoon fed… and sane… and alive… and prepared to do whatever was required of them, whatever that might turn out to be.

The lieutenant’s feelings regarding his informing the princess were mixed but mostly on the better side of things.

It gave Zip a welcome but unexpected closure knowing Cpt. Weaver’s sacrifice was recognized by a pony—the pony—in a position to do something with it and the clout to see it done.

It had hurt. It hurt more than Zip had expected but the same brains, heart, guts, and balls that helped lead the decision told him he’d been right. And Celestia’s praise of him… and what he’d likely meant to Cpt. Weaver… almost broke him.

But Zip tried to clear his mind of the pain; it wouldn’t help him, then.

If they all lived through this then maybe Equestria could know some logistics officer, that had taken on a position of power two ranks above his station, had willfully put his life on the line—and forfeited it—for the sake of them all.

But it wasn’t the time. Equestria needed to stay on course, even if it meant keeping up appearances. When all was said and done, if the Equestrian citizens were still the ruling body of their great continent, and the healing had begun, they could know.

Perhaps one day…

Zip sat in his little corner a little while. A number of thoughts plagued his mind. They’d discussed these things—with Celestia and her generals—but no solutions had been constructed.

Three weeks of supplies… Two weeks of possible inactivity from the invading centaurs… A week of supplies once the shit hits the fan…

54 ponies, hiding in the foothills of the Unicorn Range… Tens of thousands of centaurs infesting what was left of Port City and the prairies out towards the Galloping Gorge…

The food and supplies, Zip determined, could be stretched out two additional weeks; he’d need to address this unpleasant but life-saving tactic before his cooks started dinner.

It… wouldn’t hurt to learn what the monkey carcasses stuck to where the head of a horse should be were up to. He’d never thought to ask but… maybe somepony among them could speak to birds… convince the little flyers to scope things out.

Send a scouting party? Zip wasn’t sure on that.

But with the weather outside about all he could do was deal with what he could control. It would likely be a couple days before his platoon was in danger of “losing it” so he settled with informing the others of the food and supply situation.

He didn’t know what they’d be up to in the next couple weeks. He wasn’t keeping his hooves crossed for it—but it had crossed his mind—that they would be ordered to leave and head south. Perhaps there was nothing they could do.

Maybe they’d still stall the Centauri army—or at least try in vain (in vain not being unlikely)—no matter the odds. The platoon… most had never seen combat, spending their entire careers helping move freight, but they were still soldiers. It was their duty to fight the enemies of Equestria.

Maybe something else would befall them.

Who knew?

All Zip knew was they needed to stretch their supplies. Wet, miserable autumn was upon them and there wasn’t a whole Helluva lot to eat in the near-future if they were forced to go scavenging. And Heaven forbid them having to head north to find food—scrounging or dare he contemplate stealing from the centaurs.

Stiffly, feeling a little drained, Zip stood up. As he’d decided he’d address the food situation first. Amethyst’s sound-proof bubble kept his secrets but it sure didn’t stop smell. They hadn’t started preparing food yet and he had time to start their rationing then.

Zip sat in another corner of the cave where they kept their supplies. With him were Jacinta, three of his squad leaders—minus Amethyst—and Cpl. Lily Hawk, standing in for Amethyst.

Amethyst not being there after the kind of morning they’d had didn’t bode well but there were other things to address.

Zip had personally told their designated cooks, the unexpectedly talented Cpl. Aster Yellows and Pvt. Orange Blossom—who’d been kicked out of culinary school due to her lack of funds, to hold off on preparing anything. Now he’d told the leaders in his platoon what they needed to do. It wasn’t popular, but hey… starving sucked ass—"distinct hunger” was better.

“I understand, Lieutenant,” Jacinta was already going over their inventory; due to her past positions she’d been designated quartermaster, which was basically her job under Zip anyway.

Zip nodded, “Good. You’ve done this before. I trust you. I’m leaving it to you to hash things out.”

Lily was assisting Jacinta, helping account for their medical supplies, “We’ll have to be careful, Lieutenant… It’s not their morale I’m worried about; it’s the declining weather. Stretching food is easy enough but the cold and wet’s going to wear on us; we need to stay nourished. We’re already on meager rations by standards.”

“Then I’ll gladly take your advice, Lily,” Jacinta mumbled, a pencil between her lips. “We may need to establish a ‘curfew’ of sorts… If they’re conserving energy they’ll eat less.”

“We’ll just have to talk with Aster and Orange Blossom…” Lily was examining a roll of bandage. “I think they’re up for it.”

Zip asked of them, “Who should watch over the goods?”

The sergeants Razor Wire and Treasure Trove shrugged their shoulders, looking to one another.

Sergeant Sweet Clover hummed, “I’d toss Orange Blossom’s name into the hat, but she’ll be busy feeding us.”

The feeling was shared. Pvt. Blossom was as trusted as anypony when it came to anything.

It was hard. They hated to cast doubt on such a great bunch, but…

Jacinta dropped the pen, rolling over to another sheet she was consulting, “I hate to ask so much of Mercury but he’s the pony I’d trust most besides us to guard the supplies. We have a good platoon but… desperation isn’t past them. We’d best have two or three watching over the supplies at all times.”

Zip silently agreed. Pvt. Mercury Rise was a soldier among soldiers. He’d ordered the stalwart private to rest after an entire morning and afternoon of guarding his goings-on. Pvt. Rise did so gladly, as he did with nearly everything.

“I’d trust Trip with my life,” Sgt. Treasure Trove said. “But we need her elsewhere; the same can be said of Little Song.”

Why do our most trustworthy ponies have to be the most useful to boot? Zip scratched himself, thinking bitterly. They needed Spc. Wire and Cpl. Song working on their equipment they’d managed to carry… in case they were told to F.O.

Zip exhaled, “Well, for now… think about ponies you’d trust for the assignment. We’ll take turns until we figure something out. After a few minutes, I’d appreciate if one of you would send Cpl. Yellows and Pvt. Blossom here. They need to talk to Jacinta and Lily.”

Razor put up a hoof, “I’ll do it, Lieutenant.”

“Thanks, Razor…” Zip said. “Dismissed.”

Sergeants Clover, Wire, and Trove exited, leaving Zip with Jacinta and Lily.

Zip turned uncomfortably to Lily, “To address the elephant in the room… do I even want to hear why Amethyst isn’t here?”

Nopony had forgotten their beautiful squad leader being absent.

Lily looked unhappy, “She’s… out of sorts, Lieutenant… She… started drinking right after your assembly this morning.”

Zip reeled. That had been hours ago…! He’d spent more time than he’d wanted by himself, trying to get his head screwed on right.

Jacinta grimaced; she’d known as well, “She disappeared into a pocket in the cave a while ago.”

Zip almost flew off the handle, “And you saved that bit of information until now?!”

Jacinta hummed nervously but Lily was unfazed; the former nurse actually scowled, “Would it have done any good? To make a fuss about it?”

“Where’d she get alcohol from?!”

Lily shrugged, “Dunno…”

Zip supposed she might not know but this was unacceptable, “And you didn’t stop her?”

Halting her hooves’ work a moment, Lily looked at him, the very slightest smirk on her face, “Depending on the situation, sir, I wouldn’t get in Amethyst’s way if you ordered me to… And I doubt most would… even before she told us about her previous assignment—the real one, that is.”

Zip faltered.

“Plus… she put on a pretty scary show, Lieutenant,” her smile faltered. “She… snapped.”

Zip growled, most displeased, “What?

“She didn’t hurt anypony… she was just upset,” Lily went on, going back to organizing, “I asked Cpl. Painter to keep an eye on her. But I’m sure he’d like some relief.”

He was willing, “Okay… Cpl. Yellows and Pvt. Blossom will be here in a minute. I’ll go deal with Amethyst.”

“Are you sure, Lieutenant?” Jacinta perked up.

Jacinta was willing to go, though visibly nervous… and maybe a mare’s touch was better but…

“Thanks, Jacinta,” Zip said. “But I’ll go. You and Lily have other things to do.”

Jacinta nodded.

Zip set out, hoping Cpl. Stardust Painter was doing okay.

When Zip made his way through the main cave where most of the platoon not on duty was crammed, he noted they weren’t in the best of spirits. Their previous elation at being alive and their admiration of Zip weren't on display. Already he was hearing grumbling; they’d just heard about the food rationing, not that Zip had taken measures to hide it. It seemed the only ponies not in the know weren’t there, Spc. Blue Porter’s team having headed up the mountain to scout out and occupy the cave Jacinta and others had found earlier.

But Zip wasn’t surprised they were unhappy; he hated the fact he’d get in three meals what he’d normally get in one…

He himself was even more unhappy with another issue: the (unofficial) number-three pony in his platoon had been making a shitshow of herself in front of everypony. Her behavior was certainly not helping things. And he wasn’t going to tolerate it… he hoped and liked to believe.

He wondered how bad it had been, Amethyst freaking out…

Zip found Cpl. Painter sitting outside a little alcove. The corporal greeted Zip with a friendly smirk.

Perhaps it wasn't that bad... her performance...

Zip, heartened by Cpl. Painter’s manner, kneaded his shoulder and tried hard to not smirk himself, though mostly out of nervousness; it was hard when he was making a smartass comment, “I’m here to relieve you… I guess.”

The corporal snorted, suppressing a laugh, “Thanks, sir…”

Zip became more serious, “How is she?”

“She wandered in there a while ago and… I haven’t gone in there…” Cpl. Painter shook his head. “But she’s pretty sloshed and she put up a pretty serious barrier. I can’t sense her magic and she probably can’t sense mine. Or sound. She’s blocked it all out.”

Zip had a nasty suspicion this had a little something to do with his activities the last few hours; he sighed, “Corporal… thank you for this. I want you to go get a little rest.”

“You, uh, sure you don’t want me sticking around, sir?”

“I’m sure. And thanks.”

Corporal Painter hoofed the back of his neck, a grin turning up the corners of his mouth, “Sure. Not that I really did anything… but I’ll gladly comply. What’s the word on chow?”

Zip patted his back, “I don’t know. I left it up to Jacinta, Cpl. Hawk, and our new ‘chefs’…”

“Then we’re in good hooves, Lieutenant,” Cpl. Painter reassured Zip; he thought on the rest of the platoon. “They’ll be alright, sir… It’s just a lot to take in.”

That it was… Just a day’s time earlier they were treating their burned hooves and astonished they were even alive.

“Go on, Corporal. And thanks, really.”

“A pleasure, sir,” Cpl. Painter left.

Zip inhaled and sighed; he wasn’t going to enjoy dealing with this, probably. He crossed the magic barrier.

Wincing a little—passing through the barrier had his hair on-end—he peered into the darkness, “Amethyst? It’s Zip.”

No response.

Zip hadn’t explored this section of the cave network but saw it went back a little deeper. Maybe Cpl. Painter hadn’t been keeping an eye on her… not that he could be blamed.

Zip knew when ponies like Jacinta and Lily and the corporal with whom he’d just parted ways were nervous about seeing a pony he knew it wasn’t some small thing. Zip had been one of the few ponies to not see Amethyst decline into a mood it turned out, being occupied.


He knew she wasn’t perfect: she’d lied to him about Pvt. Oil because he’d creeped her out… she’d fallen apart on him a few times and thankfully he was the only one to see—prior to this, of course… and she’d done plenty of heinous things, if she was to be believed—and he did

It was still a secret that Zip had only obliterated one of those centaurs; the only pony besides him and the pony that made the mess had been Cpt. Cross. Zip planned to keep it that way, too. Amethyst had explained what she was to the platoon, but he knew she was terrified of her friends knowing some of the things he knew.

Would Jacinta and others turn their backs on Amethyst? Knowing—really knowing—what she’d done and what she was capable of, would they still hail her as their platoon mother?

He wasn’t sure they’d get over seeing her fall into a drunken despair, if it was as bad as he was able to imagine.

His eyes had finally adjusted to the little section; he could see by adjacent torchlight, “Amethyst?”

He leapt at the long, gray leg raising suggestively before him.

“Hello, sir…” Amethyst’s pale eyes were difficult to make out; she was grinning, waggling a back hoof in his face.

She was drunk, as anticipated. Very drunk.

Taking in the scene, Zip was quick to notice her tools of the drunk’s trade.

Zip looked disapprovingly at his friend, pointing a hoof at the bottle of whiskey she hugged, “Did you really need to bring that along, Amethyst?”

She shrugged, “I forgot I had it, Lieutenant, in all the commotion. It’s amazing, the things ponies left behind or didn’t steal… Maybe they just forgot. I found this when I raided the bar at that hotel… the one I bivouacked in.”

She magically waved it before his eyes; he could see there were only a few inches left in the bottle.

“Is this any time for you to polish off that bottle?”

She beamed, “Dunno… I cracked it this morning! A fine year, too… the year you were born!”

“What were you thinking?” Zip was trying to keep from blowing his stack; it was getting difficult.

She shrugged a second time, “What else is there to do? Those jackasses in Canterlot haven’t figured a thing out… so I thought I’d make the best of things.”

By raving in front of the ponies we’re supposed to be leading?

She snorked.

“You dare laugh at that?” Zip’s voice rose.

“I’ll stop…” she said mischievously. “I’ll stop if you kiss me… like you do Jacinta…”

Zip almost lost his composure at that; she meant it.

She leered, “I think I’d like that…”

Floundering a few seconds, Zip soon found words.

“If I thought that would do any good-” he managed.

“Too late!” she giggled, taking a swig and turning away slightly. “Too. Late.”

Zip was surprised she jumped ship so fast, “…”

She settled in, stretching out some, “Hey… it’s a game. Every time I feel like hitting you, I take a pull.”

…What…?” Zip asked.

She took a dram, “There it is again, Lieutenant.”

Zip had a pretty good idea what she was upset about.

She scowled, her goofy face falling off like syphilis, “I’m angry at you, sir…

Celestia hadn’t frightened Zip’s balls into hiding but Amethyst was more than capable; he reeled slightly at her tone.

“I’ve been thinking about Celestia all morning, Lieutenant…!” Amethyst hissed. “I can feel her…! She’s hurting…! AND I CAN’T FUCKING STAND IT!

Zip backed up, his balls physically aching as they apparently pulled up to somewhere behind his liver.

She seethed, banging the back of her head on the wall she was slouched against. Fuming, she made to break the bottle on the floor but thought better of it; she took a long pull off it.

And then she found she’d finished it off. She sobbed at the realization.

Zip was starting to think it was a bad idea to enter and he was considering leaving. Something stopped him though.

“I can’t stop thinking about it!” Amethyst sat upright. “I can’t block it out! I knew what you were doing! I knew you were gonna tell her! So I did block it out...!”

Zip had backed up to the opposite wall… and farther away from the “safety” of the exit; he was good and frightened.

I knew you were gonna break her HEART!” she flung the bottle against the ceiling, where it shattered, raining down glass. “Why did it have to be this way?!

Zip dove for another corner, not even realizing what he was doing. He had a reason for doing so and it wasn’t a few shards of the broken bottle.

Lightning erupted from her horn, lighting up the little alcove like the sun on a mountaintop but harmlessly hitting the walls; she shrieked, apparently trying to run headfirst into the wall, her legs flailing.

Zip had looked up. And he realized something.

The drunken rage was causing the lightning; she wasn’t consciously trying to do that.

She was trying to break off her own horn…!

Without thinking of the consequences of his actions, he dove at her, “NO!

Avoiding her magic, he weaved in and put her in a hold, subduing her as she screamed.

She didn’t much appreciate him using the “magic-cancelling” pressure-point on her. And unfortunately for him she had the skill to throw it.

Drunk as she was, she escaped the hold and mule-kicked him.

He went sprawling in the dark and hit the wall.

His blood chilled when he felt himself hoisted up.

In the glow of her horn, Amethyst’s face shown as a demon’s, “YOU DARE TOUCH ME THERE?!

Zip, levitated within her aura, was terrified almost beyond imagining; he thought he was going to die. But in his fear, he managed one word.

“Amethyst…” rotating, he made eye-contact with her.

As a flower wilting before his eyes in fast motion, her face fell, “Lieutenant…?”

Her softened face was a sight to behold; Zip realized she probably wouldn’t kill him now, however close she’d been, “Yeah… It’s me.”

NO!” Amethyst squeaked, abruptly dropping him.

Zip hit the floor hard, despite successfully arresting his potentially bad fall; he espied the way out and was about to bolt but…

Amethyst had pulled herself into a fetal position, weeping bitterly. It was the sound of a wounded, dying animal. She was hurting. Badly.

Ignoring his desire—his driving instinct, really—to leave her and F.O. like nopony had ever fucked off before, he went to her.

“Ameth…” his voice petered off like impotence; he wasn’t sure what to do.

His mind worked, watching her squirm, whimpering and heaving…

This was Amethyst… one of his best friends. He trusted her more than anypony. And she needed his help. He wasn’t going to abandon her.

Cautiously… carefully… he inched his way up to her.

He put a hoof to her shoulder. Then around her shoulder. Then the other hoof.

Sitting her up slowly, he patted her back.

Her breathing eventually steadied, hunching over in Zip’s supportive hooves.

As Zip might’ve expected, the small corner of the cave was quickly filled with rank puke odors as Amethyst voided the contents of her stomach. Grimacing, Zip held her mane back and managed to not get any on himself or even her, aiming for a natural trough in the floor he was barely able to make out in the darkness.

Yes, she was his friend. She wasn’t perfect. Maybe she was downright dangerous, but she was his friend. He wasn’t going to abandon her; he never would.

He just went on kneading her back as she coughed breath back into her lungs. It wasn’t just that she was his friend—that he loved her as such… He needed everypony for whatever was going to happen. And he knew they’d really need the shuddering belle he was tending.

They’d need her in ways difficult to fathom.

Author's Note:

Check out the Appendix for The Virgin Company, updated as the story moves along. Includes character designs and platoon arrangement. Contains spoilers.

It's been a trying day for Zip. But it looks like he's not going to die just quite yet.

With what just happened a secret as far as Zip knows, he must find some way to comfort his obviously broken friend.

If you haven't, please take a look at Larkspur Blossom, my first story. Lt. Screamer is a hero of the main character.

And please look at my adventure story, Princess Essenta. A princess goes on a "fool's errand" to prove to her worth, picking up interesting friends along the way.

Thanks for reading, and take care.

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