• Published 19th Mar 2018
  • 6,250 Views, 52 Comments

Godzilla: Clash of the Titans - Gojipower12

Godzilla and the Main Six are in for a loop when a three-headed space monster arrives to Equestria with a thirst for destruction.

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Chapter 14

Godzilla and Ghidorah collided into each other with tremendous force, creating a small shockwave that toppled over several buildings. Godzilla grabbed hold of Ghdorah by his necks and swung him around, throwing the three-headed dragon into one of the larger buildings.

SKREEEEEEEAAAARRRRGGHHHH!!!” Ghidorah screeched, jumping up and latching his jaws on Godzilla’s neck and shoulders. Using his great strength, Ghidorah pushed Godzilla back and shoved the saurian into the Crystal Empire train station, reducing the building to rubble. Ghidorah snarled and leaped into the air, clawing Godzilla in the face with his talons. The saurian roared out in frustration, grabbing one of the huge crystalline pillars that formed the entry gate to the kingdom and uprooting it from the ground.

SKREEEEOOOOOOONNNGGGKKKKK!!!!!!!” Godzilla roared, charging at Ghidorah with his makeshift weapon. Godzilla began repeatedly bludgeoning Ghidorah in his center head’s face, forcing the golden Titan to back up. Godzilla continued to swing his blugeoning weapon at Ghidorah, until the triple-headed Titan latched his right and left jaws on the pillar, forcing Godzilla to try and wrestle it away from the dragon’s grip. Ghidorah’s center head opened its jaws and fired a gravity beam straight into Godzilla’s face, sending the saurian stumbling backwards. Ghidorah’s right and left head shattered the pillar with their jaws before advancing towards the disoriented Godzilla. At that moment, Kiryu sprung right on top of Ghidorah and drop-kicked the Titan in the center head’s face. Ghidorah screeched in pain and let out a enraged shriek, charging at Kiryu. Letting out a shrill metallic roar, Kiryu leaped towards Ghidorah while its left arm converted into a sword. Kiryu swung the deadly blade downwards at Ghidorah's center head, only to have the Titan grab hold of its sword arm and smash the mech into the ground. Multiple airships swooped in on Ghidorah, firing volleys of magic-powered missiles at the Titan. Ghidorah screeched with annoyance as he used his wings to block the projectiles from striking his body, letting out several shrieks of defiance at the airborne ships. Kiryu stood up after its thrashing, resuming its battle position. Onix took a look at one of the screens on Kiryu’s dashboard that monitored Godzilla’s radiation level, nearly yelping at what he saw. Onix activated his headsets and immediately contacted Twilight.

“Twilight, you there?”

“Yeah, your earpods are working. What’s wrong?”

“We have a bit of a situation on our hooves.... Remember when we used the nuke to revitalize Godzilla?”

“Yeah, what about it...?”

“Uh, the nuke seemed to have gave him a little too much energy. In fact, Godzilla’s got maybe twelve minutes before he goes thermonuclear...!”

“WHAT?! You said the nuke would revive Godzilla, not turn him into a walking nuclear bomb!”

“I know, I know! Look, tell everypony to evacuate the city immediately. In the event things turn to shit fast, at least the citizens will be safe.” Onix said, switching off the comm-link.


SKREEEEEEOOOOONNNGGGGKKKK!!!” Godzilla roared, charging at Ghidorah after he had finally snapped out of his daze. Ghidorah hissed as he latched all three of his jaws on Godzilla’s neck, lifting the saurian into the air before slamming him back down and dragging the Titan around on the crystalline floor. Sitting in the safety of the airship, the Main Six could do nothing but watch as the two Titans below fought it out.

“C’mon, G! You got this!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“RIPS GHIDORAH’S STUPID HEADS OFF AND SHOVE ‘EM UP HIS BIG YELLOW HINEY!!” Pinkie yelled, receiving weird looks from the other girls.

“What? I’m just getting in the spirit of the fight.” Pinkie said with a shrug.

SKREEEEOOOONNGGGK!” Godzilla roared, grabbing hold of Ghidorah’s heads and forcing them off his neck. His dorsal spines began to flash with intense blue light, triggering the saurian to open his jaws. With a loud roar, Godzilla fired a particularily powerful atomic blast straight into Ghidorah’s chest, sending the golden Titan flying backwards. Ghidorah screeched in pain as he was violently propelled backwards, forcing himself to slam his wings on the ground and skid to a stop. Ghidorah hissed angrily, preparing to fire a volley of gravity beams at Godzilla when Kiryu grabbed hold of Ghidorah’s peripheral heads and dragged the Titan around, smashing him into a huge building.

SKREEEEEAAAARRRGGHHHH!!!” Ghidorah screeched, opening his jaws and preparing to obliterate the mech with his gravity beams. Kiryu aimed its right arm at the dragon, unsheathing a net launcher and firing a large steel-grade net at Ghidorah’s heads. Ghidorah shrieked as his heads were helplessly glued to the side of the building, frantically biting at the steel wires in an attempt to break free. Ghidorah’s three heads were so pre-occupied with breaking out of the net that they didn’t even notice Godzilla advancing on him. The right head barely managed to turn around just to see Godzilla approaching, and let out a alarmed screech.

But it was too late for warnings.

Godzilla roared as he rammed into Ghidorah, plowing through the building like it was merely a cardboard cut-out. Ghidorah wailed in pain as he was violently thrown to the ground. Godzilla was now looming over Ghidorah, now angrily glaring at the fallen golden Titan that seemed to shoot back a cold glare of his own.

SKREEEEEEEAAAARRRRR!!!” Ghidorah cried out. Godzilla ignored the cry as he lifted his foot to stomp on the Titan’s necks. Without warning, Godzilla was suddenly thrown to the ground as Bagorah grappled the saurian with his talons and knocked him over.

SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Bagorah screeched, swerving around before diving towards Godzilla once again.


Godzilla shot up and grabbed Bagorah in a chokehold, slamming the bat-like Titan into the ground with great force. With a snarl,, Godzilla began repeatedly smashing poor Bagorah into the ground before lifting his tail and smashing the Titan through the floor with it. The ground behind Godzilla seemed to implode in on itself as Rokmutul emerged from the underground and charged at the saurian.

GROOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRR!!!!” Rokmutul roared as he rammed into Godzilla and knocked the Titan into the ground before clamping his jaws on the saurian’s tail.

“HEY ASSHOLE, OVER HERE!” Onix yelled as Kiryu swooped in on Rokmutul. The huge mech grabbed hold of the armored Titan and fired a maser cannon straight into the Titan’s face, sending the armored beast careening into the ground hard. Kiryu took off into the skies just as a very angry Bagorah crawled out of the crater he was lying in and took off after the mech with a enraged screech. Godzilla stood back up just as Ghidorah regained his bearings, letting out a furious snarl as he cast a hateful glare on the saurian. Godzilla and Ghidorah charged at each other once again, the two behemoths grappling onto each other with teeth gnashing and claws flying.


All of the airships made landfall at the foot of the castle, allowing the Main Six and all of Onix’s troops to disembark the flying transports. The soldiers and the Main Six wasted no time in aiding in the evacuation effort, guiding the terrified citizens out of the town square and into the safety of the Crystal Castle.

“Let’s git a move on, y’all! There ain’t no time t’ waste!” Applejack exclaimed as she rounded the panicking citizens into the main doors of the castle.

“Hurry, into the castle! Please do be civilized and don’t push and shove like barbarians. There’s no need to be rough.” Rarity spoke out. Twilight ran out of the castle, overlooking the entire process.

“Is everyone accounted for?” She asked.

“We’re all clear.” Fluttershy responded, much to the relief of the lavendar alicorn. The Main Six turned their sights to the massive monster-sized brawl between the five Titans that was breaking out just several feet away from the castle.

“Good. The citizens are safe at last. I just hope Onix and Godzilla can pull through and drive the other Titans away. The future of Equestria is now in their hands.” Twilight said with a hopeful look on her face.


Godzilla grabbed Ghidorah by his center head, sinking his teeth into the dragon’s neck. Ghidorah reeled in pain as he tried to break free from the saurian’s tight grip. Godzilla suckered-punched Ghidorah’s left head before spitting out Ghidorah’s center head and taking hold of it, smashing the head into a building and dragging it across the surface. Ghidorah screeched in pain as multitudes of shattered crystal shards were imbedded in his face and upper neck.

SKREEEEEEEEEAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” Ghidorah screeched, ripping his heads from Godzilla’s grasp. The sound of rotating rotors caught the golden Titan’s attention, turning his sights to a couple of stray airships flying overhead. Detecting the intoxicating scent of electrical energy embued in the metal transports, Ghidorah’s center and right head snatched the very unlucky airships in their jaws. As Ghidorah began absorbing their power, his necks began to pulsate with a reddish-orange color before transferring to the rest of his body and then converting into a more intense golden light. Godzilla immediately backed away, sensing what was about to happen. Ghidorah let out a ear-splitting screech as he unfurled his wings, unleashing a massive barrage of super-charged lightning beams out of his wingtips that shot into the sky in different directions. Kiryu had been locked in a vicious close-quartered brawl when a few stray lightning beams struck both Titans and sent them sprawling out of control in mid-air.

“HOLY SHIT!” Onix screamed in surprise. Kiryu smashed into the ground with a explosiv thud, sending chunks of dirt and rock flying everywhere. Ghidorah aimed his wingtips at Godzilla, directing the super-charged lightning beams at the saurian. Godzilla screeched in pain as the sheer force of the beams sent the saurian careening into a half-destroyed building.

“No!” Twilight exclaimed. Without hesitation or thought, Twilight unfolded her wings and took off towards the battleground.

“TWILIGHT, NO!” Rainbow exclaimed, flying after the alicorn.

“C’mon, gals, we ain’t just gonna stand around lookin’ pretty!” Applejack said, urging the rest of the Main Six to follow her into the fray.


SKREEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!” Ghidorah screeched, unfurling his wings as he tried to make himself look even larger than he already is. Godzilla snarled in pain and anger as he slowly stood up. For some odd reason, he could feel his energy growing stronger and stronger by the minute. Godzilla let out a deep growl as he stood up high and stared down his massive opponent. Elsewhere, Kiryu had managed to right itself up. As the mech rose up to its full height, Bagorah and Rokmutul began to circle the metal Titan in a manner similar to stalking wolves.

“Come on, you sons of bitches, bring it on.” Onix growled. Bagorah and Rokmutul charged at Kiryu, tackling the metal Titan at the same time. Kiryu grabbed Bagorah by his tail and smashed him on the ground, whipping Rokmutul in the face with its tail at the same time. Kiryu leaped over Rokmutul, unsheathing its sword and slashing the armored Titan on his back. Rokmutul roared with pain, charging at Kiryu with a fiery rage in his eyes. The multi-limbed Titan clamped his jaws on Kiryu’s leg and began dragging the mech around. Kiryu lifted up its sword arm to strike the Titan again, only for Bagorah to swoop in and tear the arm off with a sharp jerk.

“Dammit, not again!” Onix exclaimed. Bagorah screeched as he swooped in again and smacked Kiryu in the back right as Rokmutul charged in and rammed into Kiryu, flipping the mech over on its back. Kiryu had suffered major damage to its mainframe, and now it looked like the mechanical beast was about to fall apart.

[ERROR. ERROR. UNIT MFS-3 HAS SUFFERED MAJOR ̶̦̮̅̏͝D̴̖̜̫̈̓Ą̷̗̞͐͑̐M̴̢̭̿A̷̡̹͈͆̃Ǧ̶̥̤̔̚Ḙ̸́̂̚.̷͙̯̝̏̐ ̵̨̦̆̀ TO THE MAINFRAME. F̷̖̍U̸͈̺̽R̴̙̀T̶͚̍̒̆H̸͓̙͆E̴̦̙̲͆̆R̵̡͑͜ ̸͙͆ͅE̴̫̻̐̋X̵͉̬̓͂P̴͇̗͓̋Ǫ̸̡̹̐͠S̵̭̺͇̈́̄U̴̡̠͕̇Ŕ̶̙̚Ĕ̴̛̙̯͠ ̶̐͛̕͜W̵̪̔I̷̧̘͌̄̚L̸̟̻̮̆͝L̸̡̛͇̋͂ ̷̭̬́̓̓R̶̠͈̋E̵̹͚̳̍S̴̯̯̑Ư̷͉̎Ļ̵̒̚Ṭ̷́ ̷̭̯̙͆̉̊ IN IMMEDIATE TERMINATION. Ș̸̛̀T̶̺̔͝A̶̲͚̫̐̈Ŝ̵̼Į̵̜͓́S̶̹̖̓̋̾ ̷͓͓̃̒̐ͅṀ̴̼͚̑Õ̷̩̔̅͜D̶̞̰͝E̵̳͓̋ ̵̘̜̖̂̌͗Ì̶̤̱̫͝Š̴̛̭̅ ̶͕͓̳͠H̴̗͌̀̅Ḯ̵̬͒͛G̶̣̓H̵̼̓̀̉͜L̸͎̮͚̈͗Ỵ̶͎̀ ̶̠͆̐ RECOMMENDED.]

“Keep it together, Kiryu. Keep it together...” Onix spoke with a groan. Kiryu weakly stood up, noticing a large untouched building next to the two Titans. Onix smiled smugly, glancing at the two advancing Titans.

“Bingo.” Onix murmured. Kiryu’s right arm converted into a missile launcher and he aimed the weapon at the building, firing a couple of missiles at the crystalline construct just as Bagorah and Rokmutul charged at the damaged mech.



The building collapsed as it toppled right on the two Titans, burying them in a sea of glass and crystal shards. Onix let out a laugh, turning to Godzilla and Ghidorah as the two beasts continued to brawl with each other.

“Okay... two down, one to go.”


Godzilla charged at Ghidorah with great speed, only to be immediately deterred by a double tail-whip to the face by the three-headed dragon. Ghidorah advanced towards Godzilla, snarling with annoyance upon hearing the familiar sound of metal footsteps approaching him. Ghidorah whipped his heads around just as Kiryu launched itself at the Titan. Ghidorah’s center head opened its jaws and fired a gravity beam at Kiryu, sending the mech flying into the ground.

“AAAAGHH!” Onix screamed as Kiryu violently crashed into the ground.

[WARNING. WARNING. S̴̙̜̘͗̅Ẏ̷̡͉͝S̶̬̣̙̈́̚Ţ̷̻͓̊̈̉Ę̸̙̉̀͝M̸̗̀̊̿S̸̬̤̐̀͝ ̷̝̜́͌M̴̥̂́͜Ǎ̴̖̓L̸̮̉F̷̻͍̔̐͗U̵̠͈̔͆͊N̶̨͐͆C̷̭͗̔T̸͔́̀I̵̖͓̒O̷͉͓̾̃N̵͓̱̫̎́I̴̛̘͍̓͝N̵̪͖͆̓G̵̭̍̒ͅ.̶͉̚ UNIT MFS-3 IS TOO SEVERELY DAMAGED. ENTERING STASIS LOCK.]

“OVERRIDE!” Onix yelled.

[Ō̶͉̠̯͋V̸̼̹͊̇Ē̶̠͒R̴͈̗̻͘R̴̤̝̀̚I̴̳̜̘̎͂̓D̶̼͓̙̃̈I̴̲̘̍͘͠N̷͔̽Ġ̶̫ ̷̪̈͘S̷̳͇̀͜T̷̛̝͛Ą̴͌͂S̶̥̠͂I̶̜̖̿S̸͖̓ ̴̲̒̌L̸̪̱̋́Ȍ̸̯̀C̶̤͎̲̅̐̆K̸̮̦̩̈́̈ ̸̰͗͝͝ WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION.]

“I SAID OVERRIDE, DAMMIT!!” Onix screamed at the interior computer. Onix looked up from the front-view window of Kiryu’s cockpit, watching with horror as Ghidorah suddenly sprinted at Godzilla at full speed. Ghidorah unfolded his wings and took to the sky, grabbing Godzilla in his talons and wrapping his tails around the saurian’s neck before taking to the skies with Godzilla in tow. Twilight and the rest of the Main Six arrived on the scene, watching in horror as Ghidorah carried Godzilla into the clouds.

“NO, WE’RE TOO LATE!” Twilight exclaimed in terror. Ghidorah vigoriously flapped his wings as he ascended higher and higher in the sky. Godzilla attempted to break free of the dragon’s grip, only to have Ghidorah increase his grip even more. Ghidorah finally reached Equus’ stratosphere, hovering over the clouds as he glared down at the Titan squirming in his grasp. Godzilla’s dorsal spines began to flicker brightly with light as the saurian tried to fire a atomic blast at Ghidorah. At that moment, Ghidorah seemed to cackle with glee as he immediately released his grip on Godzilla, watching the saurian helplessly plummet towards the ground. The Main Six could do nothing but watch as Godzilla hurdled towards the ground at high speed.

“NOOOOOOOO!!!” Fluttershy screamed, completely powerless to do anything. Godzilla roared in dismay as he smashed into the ground, sending massive chunks of rock and steel flying everywhere while releasing a huge amount of pent-up energy in several directions. The Main Six immediately rushed to the massive crater where Godzilla lay, running to the fallen saurian lying in the center of the crater. Much to everyone’s relief, Godzilla was still very much alive and breathing. Fluttershy hovered over Godzilla’s snout, gently caressing a hoof over it.

“It’s going to be alright. You... you’re gonna be okay....” Fluttershy cooed, barely containing her tears as she began to silently weep. Godzilla looked at the cream-colored pegasus and softly snorted a gust of air into her face, earning a small smile from Fluttershy. The sound of massive wingbeats caught everyone’s attention and turned their sights skywards just as Ghidorah landed just a few feet from Godzilla. Twilight and the others stood in front of the weakened saurian, angrily glaring at the golden Titan.



“AND ME!” Applejack added.


“WE WON’T LET YOU HARM GODZILLA ANY FURTHER!” Twilight yelled. Ghidorah snarled as he advanced towards the group. As he prepared to kill them all, Ghidorah’s heads suddenly looked up and loudly hissed. Twilight and the others turned around to see a severely damaged Kiryu approaching the golden Titan. Kiryu itself looked like with every movement it made, the mech threatened to fall apart at any given moment.

“Twilight....” Onix spoke through Twilight’s headset.

“Onix, what is it...?” Twilight asked.

“...... Make sure Godzilla murders that three-headed snake for me.” Onix said.


Kiryu activated its thrusters and leaped into the sky, making a beeline for Ghidorah. Kiryu’s jaws opened up as they began to glow with a purplish-red color.

“Onix, what are you doing!? Onix!!” Twilight yelled. Ghidorah hissed as his throats glowed with golden light, triggering his heads to open their jaws. Onix glared at the dragon with nothing but utmost hatred for the creature.

“COME ON!!! DO IT YOU BITCH!!!!!” Onix screamed. As if adhering to the former sergeant’s command, Ghidorah fired three super-charged gravity beams at Kiryu. Kiryu was barely pushed back as the beams completely obliterated the mech and Onix, reducing them to ashes. Godzilla weakly looked up, letting out a pained groan as the dusty remains of Kiryu slowly landed on the saurian. Twilight watched the dust fall to the ground, noticing a half-burned picture lying on the ground. Twilight picked it up in her hooves, breaking out in quiet sobs as trails of tears ran down her cheeks.

"Onix…. W-W-Why....?" She sobbed. As Godzilla’s power grew to even greater levels, his body began to pulsate with crimson light. Twilight and the rest of the Main Six immediately noticed this.

“What’s happening to Godzilla?” Applejack asked.

“Godzilla’s about to go thermonuclear. Onix warned me about this." Twilight replied. Ghidorah sensed the increase in Godzilla's energy and snarled, immediately wrapping his heads around the saurian and clamping his jaws on Godzilla's neck as he began absorbing the immense power from the Titan's body. Godzilla roared out in pain and began squirming, trying his best to break free from the dragon's grip.

"NO! LET GO OF HIM!" Twilight angrily screamed. She took to the skies and dived towards Ghidorah, firing several super-charged magical beams at the Titan. The projectiles smashed into Ghidorah's center head, forcing the Titan to drop Godzilla and turn to his new target.

"SKREEEEEEEAAAAAARRRRGGGGH!" Ghidorah screeched, chasing after the alicorn on foot. Twilight yelped as she narrowly dodged one of the Titan's jaws, flying off as she led Ghidorah away from her friends.

"TWILIGHT!" Everyone screamed.


"OH SWEET FAUST, WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?" Twilight exclaimed as she dodged another set of gravity beams. Ghidorah was right on her tail, picking up speed with every stride he took. Ghidorah's center head fired another gravity beam at Twilight, managing to strike her right wing and incinerate it.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Twilight screamed as she crashed on the ground, skidding to a very sudden halt. Twilight stood up, looking at her missing wing in horror before turning her sights to the enormous three-headed Titan now looming over the alicorn princess. Ghidorah lowered his heads as he glared menacingly at the wounded alicorn, bearing his teeth in a threat display. It seemed that all hope was lost for Twilight, that her life would end here at this moment. However, despite the fact that death was standing right above her, Twilight suddenly began to smile. Ghidorah was puzzled at the equine's strange expression. How could she be happy at the face of doom? Ghidorah snarled and opened his jaws, ready to kill the alicorn once and for all. But before he could kill Twilight, Ghidorah suddenly stopped. The air suddenly began to grow hotter and hotter with each passing second. It felt like the sun was somehow getting closer to Equestria. Ghidorah could feel the heat rapidly growing, his gaze suddenly turning to a pulsating crimson light that was quickly surrounding the area. Ghidorah could feel it, this bizarre heat was growing stronger. Ghidorah realized the heat was materializing somewhere behind him, and so he turned around to find the source of the intense heat.

He found the source, and he didn't like it at all.

Everywhere he stepped, fire would consume the ground below, creeping up on the land and melting away any object in range within seconds. The almost otherworldly heat wafting from the saurian's body reduced nearby buildings and other structures to piles of ash. Given his fiery appearance, it was clear that Godzilla had began channeling so much atomic energy mixed with his own rage, that he was constantly generating a beyond ungodly heat of which Equestria had never seen before. His entire body was illuminated with glowing reddish-orange cracks that covered the titan's body from head to tail, giving him the appearance of a walking volcano. His amber eyes were now glowing with orange fiery light that indicated the saurian's burning rage. Even his claws and teeth were pulsating with the same bright light as his body. In other words, Godzilla has become a living inferno.

"SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGKKKKK!!!!" Godzilla roared, shaking the ground beneath everyone's feet. The rest of the Main Six were awestruck as they stared at the sight with wide eyes and jaws agape. Never before had they seen anything like this in their lives.

"Oh... mah.... Faust..." Applejack gasped, completely in awe.

"Whoa, that's so AWESOME!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Sweet Celestia…." Rarity said, holding a hoof over her chest. Even from the safety of the castle, Celestia and everypony else got a good view of the action.

"Incredible...." Celestia softly spoke with a hint of awe in her voice.

"SKREEEEEEEAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGHHHHH!!!" Ghidorah screeched, charging towards Godzilla despite feeling a eerie sense of fear from witnessing the saurian's new form. Godzilla simply snarled, his dorsal spines igniting with red light as crimson electricity sizzled and sparked around his backside. With his body glowing brighter than the sun itself, Godzilla roared as he expelled a massive crimson nuclear pulse towards Ghidorah. The nuclear pulse knocked Ghidorah off his feet while brutally decimating the three-headed titan's body. Ghidorah screeched in terrible agony as the pulse incinerated his wings, reducing the dragon's powerful arms into charred stumps. Godzilla snarled as he angrily approached Ghidorah, leaving behind a trail of fire at his wake. Ghidorah roared at Godzilla once more, but this wasn't a angry roar.

It was terror that escaped the dragon's jaws.

Out of sheer desperation and a overwhelming surge of panic, Ghidorah fired another barrage of gravity beams at Godzilla, hoping to knock the saurian over and escape. But to the dragon's horror, Godzilla was seemingly unaffected by the attack as he casually continued to advance towards his enemy while tanking the supercharged electric beams without showing any pain whatsoever. Annoyed at best, Godzilla's body began to violently glow again as the walking mountain of fire expelled another nuclear pulse at Ghidorah. Ghidorah wailed even louder as his two peripheral heads were immediately obliterated by the intense heat of the second pulse, leaving his center head behind to wail in horrific agony.

"SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGGKKKK!!!!" Godzilla roared, staring down Ghidorah as he lifted his left leg over the severely wounded dragon. With a enraged snarl, Godzilla stomped down on Ghidorah's chest. The sickening crunch of shattered ribs along with a dying shriek from the weakened Ghidorah served as nothing more than music to Godzilla's eardrums. Godzilla gathered a huge amount of energy in his body, expelling a final nuclear pulse that obliterated everything, including Ghidorah, in it's radius. Ghidorah could only scream one last time before he was vaporized by the blinding, fiery light.
