• Member Since 11th Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago




My take on the events of the first EQG movie in the continuity of the Hive Series by law abiding pony. Set between the events of Of the Hive and For the Hive.

While representing the hive of Stripped Gear at a Equestrian Princess Symposium in the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle finds the Element of Magic, which she had been using as a crown, being stolen by a mysterious unicorn that escapes with it through a magical mirror. Now it is up to Twilight to find her way in the strange world on the far side of this portal and retrieve the stolen Element before it can disrupt the balance of this other world.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 89 )

Nice, showing some component guards.

It is truly astonishing just how competent the guards can be when their incompetence is not required to serve as a plotdevice

I am hoping that Queen Twilight gives Sunset a major freak out by showing that she still has magic.

Possible line for Twilight: You have endangered two worlds with your petty grab for power, Sunset Shimmer. Withdraw from the contest and let me retrieve my crown peacefully, or face the power of a Changeling Queen!

Perhaps that could happen ... be aware though that her psychic telekinesis is nowhere near as strong as her magical one, and while the horn isn't neccessairy to use her psychic power, it does still help focusing it ... she can move a door or carry light objects (like the crown!) but couldn't, for example, lift Sunset or something similar.

True, but Sunset would not know that, and also Sunset has no magic to use. So she would panic.

Depending on the situation that may well happen, but there may be other, more efficient ways to use her psychic power. But Twilight may not want her to know, pulling a surprise from one's sleeve at the right time can gain you a powerfull tactical advantage. Given that in changeling warfare even more than in most other kinds of warfare, deception is a large part of the game (see the first contact scenario in CotH) keeping that kind of thing hidden may be a great advantage. And this is still Twilight were talking about, she still has reforming sunset as her main goal.

Still it be a nice change. Her being a channeling queen should give her more confidence and backbone.

If that's what you're looking for, look no further than today's chapter to be out in about 3,5 hours ... if i don't forget about it ... again ...

Nice to see Sunset shaken. And i am getting Celestia really screwed up with Sunset.

Yes, that was kinda the main idea, mainly given that otH indirectly describes Celestia as the second of Twilight's three mothers. This is based of the assumption that Celestia went for this approach with Twilight after a much more hands-(hoofs)off approach so utterly failed with Sunset.

Sunset doesn't understand friendship at this point, Celestia knows that which is why she made sure Twilight did.

Having Changeling's sense really was a big plus in human world where everyone tend to hide behind a mask. Now have to see what she would think about Flash this time.

So Twilight noticed Flash, but not vice-versa since thanks to her emotion detector. Seemed Flash-Light might not happen in this story.
Still, none of the human girls noticed Twilight using her psychic power?

Well no, Flash-Light won't happen here. Remember that, unlike Princess Twilight in the original EQG, Queen Twilight allready is in a relationship.

And so far the only one of the human girls who actually saw her telekinesis in use and not just it's aftereffects was Pinkie Pie. And she wasn't bothered by it by virtue of being Pinkie Pie.

can twilight in the human world shapeshift? or like mimic other voices? something like that....:rainbowhuh:

And cue the next number.

I'll only say this much: The disguises of changelings and all that comes with them, are magical in nature, Twilight can currently access her psychic abilities but not her magic. Since I assume you know the cannonical story of EQG1, I will leave you to draw your own conclusions ...

Only one musical number in this story, though I cannot yet say if the same will go for Rainbow Rocks ...

In the human world, psychic ablilities seem more suitable since they have no glow when use. People would most likely think they halucinate or something.

One question though, how comes I cannot upvote this story of yours?

At least the way I describe them psychic abilities are significantly more subtle, yes.

And I have no Idea why that could be, normally I'd ask if you were logged in, but since you clearly can comment that question seems redundant

The upvote icon turned to green after I clicked it, but no number was showed up.

Strange ... not exactly something i can fix though, if nothing else works, maybe let the guys running the site know about this.

"You have children." Rarity said quietly, Twilight gave a nod.

"1700 of them." Rainbow continued,equally quiet.

Queen Twilight: "Oh, and Rainbow Dash is my mate."
The (human) girls: (insert the record screeching sound here)(insert glass breaking sound here)

"She had fotos. Fabricated evidence."

might want to fix up photos

despite knowing the story allready, seemed to be listening closely.

should be already

There was some laughter aswell

might want to make as well 2 words

There, fixed, thanks for pointing that out ... something allways slips the cracks

i know what you mean. im glad to help

Well Dash is her sister not mate.

Was waiting for a Rarity faint at the mention of the number of kids

"Girls, we have something to take care of. She's here."

And begin the clash between a Demon and a Queen.

I'm glad I caught with this story right before the end. While the chapters are short, the fact I'm finally reading a story where a Changeling Twilight is in the EQG world makes up for it!

P.S. You know what's funny, I found this story 1st & not the story where Twilight's Changeling path began. So both confused at certain points & being spoiled at the same time! :rainbowlaugh:

oh shit wait!
Isnt Spike in this story like a son to Twilight?
And Twilight here is a Queen....Holy shit Sunset you will feel a mother's wrath with 1,700 children!!!

I kind of want twilight to say "oh and rainbow dash was transform into queen by accident she has about 200 or so kids.... and is my co-queen.....

well ... i feel the need to point out that that won't happen for another three years

It is wonderful that a fellow fan of L.A.P. stories has come forth and written a new side story. Liked, fav'ed and following this.

Yay, a new spin off of L.A.P.s works.

"But let's let bygones be bygones. I am your princess now, and you will be loyal ... to me !"

What part of 'I am a Queen' didn't Sunset understand? Queen always outrank Princess, simple as that.

Not bad, kinda wished the end was a bit different from EQG, but it was still a great chapter.

As Twilight was buissy with her musings


Good thing Twilight didn't show Rarity her transformation ability. Otherwise, she would ask her to be a model for her.

Looks like Twilight is having the time of her life, alright now. :twilightsmile:

i swear i thought that twilight was going to shapeshift in front of celestia and luna.
That would have been hilarious to see!!

Awwww, it's over, but at least a sequel has been confirmed, great job on this story. :twilightsmile:

Think twilight should of had a small confrontation with Celestia over Sunset.
I have a feeling Celestia teacher student relations with Sunset were very different then Twilights.

Good story. Grammar and spelling need some tender loving care, though.

What if’s are always fun to read and while the grammar was lacking in parts it was still enjoyable. At the least, I could read for extended periods without coming across seven errors. More than I can say about the worst offenders. Give some TLC later and you’ll be good.

I feel like more could have changed. Twiggles has no excuse for not nabbing every innovation and improvement she saw, passing it back to the hivemind, and telling them to run with it.

Certainly. But this story follows the cannon set up by the Hives-Series and in that cannon that clearly doesn't happen ... my hands are bound in that regard I'm affraid

for example ...

but correct me if I'm wrong: equestrian is an adjective, so it schouldn't be capitalized should it?

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