• Published 6th Nov 2018
  • 655 Views, 10 Comments

Ready for Commitment - StormLuna

Fluttershy and Colgate have been dating for six months and while they are both happy, Colgate realizes that she is ready to be more than marefriends with her and will do anything to make sure she says yes when she asks her the big question.

  • ...

Spreading the Good News

The following morning arrived and the two woke up in a loving embrace after a night of intimate activities. As they gazed into one another's eyes Fluttershy would be the first to speak, "Colgate, has anypony told you how beautiful your eyes are?"

Colgate blushed deeply and replied, "Nopony ever has, until now." She then sat up, stretched out and suggested, "What do you say we get showered and then go spread the good news. We can tell Lyra and then we can meet up with your friends."

Fluttershy embraced her and replied, "Yes but we're showering together!"

This excited Colgate, a lot. After their erotic night the night before, Colgate had really been hoping that she could shower with her and it was about to happen. She exclaimed, "I'd love that sweetie, of course I'll shower with you!"

The two joined hands and got into the shower. Fluttershy turned on the water and the moment it hit her Colgate screamed, "Aaaah, that's cold!"

Fluttershy giggled, "Oh it isn't that bad!"

Colgate gasped, "Maybe not for you!"

Colgate wasn't sure if this was just a one time prank her new fiancé played on her or if this was going to be a regular thing but she did find it a bit funny. She did know one thing though, in the future she would simply use her magic on the water before it could strike her, she began to snicker, "Oh you're not the only prankster in here!"

Fluttershy did not catch her snickering but did decide on something else, she was going to wash Colgate. She grabbed a poof and got it full of body wash and immediately took it to Colgate, so quickly that it shocked her. Fluttershy was giggling as she was scrubbing her. Colgate also began to giggle and started playfully splashing the water all over Fluttershy.

Once the two got calmed down Fluttershy ordered, "Colgate, whenever we shower together, I'm washing you and you're washing me!"

Colgate gave her a huge smile, "I'm all for that sweetie, I'm all for it!"

The two playfully washed one another before getting out of the shower. Once Fluttershy started getting dressed, Colgate realized something. She realized that the only thing she had to wear was her dress from the night before. She sighed, "Well Fluttershy, until we get to my house, it looks like I'll be wearing my dress from last night."

Fluttershy grabbed her hand and led her to her closet and suggested, "How about you pick something out?"

Colgate gave her a smile but there was one problem, Colgate was a size larger than Fluttershy and she wasn't sure if she would fit into anything. She asked, "Fluttershy, do you have something other than skirts and jeans? Your clothes are too small for me."

Fluttershy got into her dresser and tossed Colgate a loose fitting t-shirt and a pair of sweats. Colgate gave her a smile, "Thanks Fluttershy. I'd feel awfully weird wearing a fancy dress on a Sunday morning."

Fluttershy giggled, "I know how you are, you don't like to stand out!"

Colgate replied, "You know me very well Fluttershy." She then got dressed and then grabbed her dress before suggesting, "Well shall we go to my house and tell Lyra the good news and then go to the sweets' shop and tell your friends?"

Fluttershy agreed and the first place they headed was to Colgate's house. Colgate was obviously very excited to tell Lyra about not just her engagement to Fluttershy but also her plans as far as their living situation would go, something that would give Lyra a lot more space of her own, that along with an easy way to still come and visit her. Fluttershy was less sure. She had a feeling that Lyra may not like the idea of not fully living under the same roof as Colgate given their closeness.

Once they headed in Colgate discovered that Lyra had all her comics spread out over the kitchen table. Colgate couldn't help but snicker, "Oh Lyra, you and your My Little Human! What am I going to do with you?"

Colgate's arrival shocked Lyra but what shocked her even more was that her sister was not upset over her having her comics all over the place. She then saw who was with her and knew why. She saw huge smiles on both their faces and then saw the ring on Fluttershy's finger. She approached the two, embraced them and exclaimed, "Congratulations sis, congratulations Fluttershy!"

In unison the two replied, "Thanks Lyra."

Lyra was curious about how things went, especially given the doubts Colgate was having the prior afternoon. She asked, "So how did the date go?"

Colgate and Fluttershy smiled at one another before Fluttershy began, "Well things didn't start out so well." She turned to Colgate and continued, "Well your sister didn't know you had to have reservations at Bon Appetit so she got mad and attacked the greeter there."

Colgate gasped, "I did not attack him! I just let him know of my displeasure over him calling us common ponies!"

Fluttershy continued, "Well anyway, we went to the Canterlot Cafe where I ordered some raspberry wine and she" she pointed to Colgate and raised her voice, "had the audacity to eat meat! She actually ordered pork chops! Can you believe that Lyra?"

Lyra gave her a smile, "Fluttershy, we both eat meat so it doesn't surprise me one bit."

Fluttershy asked, "Really, both of you?"

Lyra replied, "Yes, our parents did and our grandparents did as well. It just runs in the family."

Fluttershy sighed, "Alright but then things started going not so well until Colgate came up with a plan."

Fluttershy nudged Colgate and she began, "Lyra, we initially had some squabbles over where we were going to live until I came up with an idea." Lyra nodded and she continued, "Well I am going to buy that large parcel of land out to the east of town and have a huge house for Fluttershy and I built." She saw Lyra's face drop as she said this, "And I also plan on having a house that connects to it built specifically for you. It will have a connecting door so you can just come over anytime you want."

Lyra's eyes grew wide upon hearing this, "Really, a house especially for me?"

Fluttershy replied, "Yep. This way you can have your own space, we can have privacy for those 'special' times and you can come visit anytime you like!"

Colgate added, "And once we got that ironed out, everything fell in place." She then kissed Fluttershy and added, "And she said yes!"

Lyra embraced Fluttershy and exclaimed, "You know Fluttershy, you are going to be the best sister-in-law ever!"

Fluttershy gave her a smile, "And you're going to be a wonderful sister-in-law too."

Colgate nudged her and suggested, "Fluttershy, how about we get going to the sweets' shop so you can tell your friends the wonderful news?"

Lyra would quickly speak up, "But sis, we haven't even had any breakfast yet!"

Fluttershy would offer a suggestion, "Lyra, why don't you come with us? You are going to be my sister-in-law after all."

Colgate added, "And it will all be on me."

Lyra enthusiastically agreed and as the three departed, Fluttershy and Colgate joined hands. Many ponies in town knew about their relationship and couldn't help but smile as they saw the two happily walking down the street hand in hand. Once the three arrived at Sugarcube Corner Fluttershy's friends noticed the moment they walked in. Rarity asked, "Fluttershy darling, how was the date?"

Fluttershy embraced her and exclaimed, "It was wonderful." She broke the embrace and showed Rarity her ring and asked, "And this is the ring she got me! Isn't it beautiful?"

Rarity was shocked by what she saw. She knew that Colgate had the money to get a good ring for her friend but she never imagined she'd spend that kind of money. She gasped, "Darling, that is magnificent! Colgate must truly love you!"

Fluttershy became excited, "She does, she really does! She's even going to buy some land and build us a big house!" She then loudly exclaimed, "And she's going to make sure I can have an animal sanctuary! She loves me so much and I love her so much too!"

The others had been listening and Rainbow extended a fist to Colgate and the two gave one another a fist bump before congratulating her, "Wow Colgate, I never thought I'd see this from you! Congrats!"

Applejack added, "Ah'll admit, you're the last pony Ah ever thought would commit to anypony, much less be willing to do so much for!"

Colgate replied, "Well I love Fluttershy and I just wanted to make sure that she gets nothing but the absolute best."

They all saw how Lyra was being left out and Twilight sought to rectify that, "So Lyra, how is everything going? Are you excited for your big sister to be getting married?"

Lyra sighed, "I am, I just wish...."

Colgate remembered something she had said earlier, "Lyra, it wasn't that long ago when you said that you were way too young for anything like that!"

Lyra seemed a bit sad, "I know, I know but you seem so happy and you and Fluttershy are so serious! You're fully committed and Bon Bon doesn't seem all that committed."

Colgate said, "Lyra, you two are only eighteen so I think it is a bit early for you two."

Lyra responded, "But you two haven't....."

Fluttershy cut her off, "Lyra, I'm 24 and Colgate will be 30 next week. To be honest, Colgate should have been married years ago!"

Colgate gave her a kiss and suggested, "Fluttershy sweetie, I think perhaps fate was at play here. I wasn't meant to do this until I found the right mare and I finally found her!"

Everypony started cheering over her comment and Pinkie finally joined in on the conversation, "What do you say we throw a 'I just got engaged last night party' for Fluttershy and Colgate?"

Everypony began to cheer loudly over the idea. All of Fluttershy's friends still couldn't help but be in a state of shock over the fact that out of all ponies Fluttershy would wind up being engaged to, that it would be the work first Colgate. They all figured that Fluttershy would wind up with somepony who wasn't as moody and while they never would say it to their face, none of them ever thought Colgate would find love. They figured that she would likely be a loner for life.

Comments ( 4 )

Seems to be a review bomb wave hitting stories.
I don't think it's the odd pairing choice.
This isn't my cup of tea but it seems to be well written and solid enough that I've given it a like.


Here is why it has so many downvotes. I originally had it end in a way that they fought over their future living situation and had them split up, that is why there are so many downvotes. I ultimately chose to eradicate the old ending and add a much happier one, one that will allow me to do a sequel to this.

That's a very odd reaction. Did the story not build up their struggles and issues?
Or was the story misleading in tags and description?


Well perhaps the title was a bit misleading considering with the original ending Colgate wound up not really being ready for commitment because she wasn't willing to sacrifice living in her big house. But it was overall a depressing ending, one that even I didn't like. That is why I changed it. I just promoted it in the biggest promo group and the one I run, I'm hoping it will be better received by people this way....well that and everything just fell apart when Colgate proposed because Fluttershy had her concerns over still being able to have her animals and have Colgate live with her.

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