• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 4,956 Views, 109 Comments

Anthology - Timeless Lord Slayer

A young man one day comes to possess a strange pencil. Little does he know it bears certain...properties.

  • ...

Line 5 - A Strange Visitor (Edited... Again)

Hello, how are you?

A man slowly cracks his eyes open and yawns, sitting up in bed.

A mare groans as she gets out of bed.

Opening a window, a man's head popped out.

Opening a window, a mare's head popped out.

Both sigh, before saying, "Morning!"

Bright, sunny daylight lies outside.

A man stands in a kitchen, yawns as he makes his breakfast.

A mare sits patiently at a table, yawning.

They sing, "La la la la da la~," in their hearts.

A yellow woman cheers as she eats her breakfast, a man smiling and eating his own across the table from her.

A mare looks over a scroll as she eats some toast.

A mare sleeps soundly in her dark room, happily dreaming.

"Hello, how are you?"

A week or so after Qudirk showed Celestia his gift for her, Qudirk was heavy into his experimentation. He had been at it since the afternoon, and it was now into the middle of the night. He was trying to create a description for what would be his 'Token', a thing he had learned was common for Displaced to have thanks to a new letter from Trader - that had earned him a heavy frown as a wave of memories hit him - and thus he had thrown himself into the experimentation with a bit of gusto. He had thought about making a copy of his special pencil, which he had come to call 'The Dreamer's Helper', but he disregarded that idea. He wanted it to be something more. Thus, he came up with the idea of adding a notebook with it, but he had had trouble figuring out what sort of style of notebook it would be, as well as the term for a notebook with a pencil holder built in, but he eventually found out that there was no such term, so he just wrote it as is.

No, what he was experimenting with was the secret enchantments on the Token. He leaned back in his chair and scratched his head a little. "Mmm... I'm not really sure how to word this..." He crossed his arms, idly tapping the eraser of, 'The Dreamer's Helper' against the side of his forearm. "Hmmm..." He sighed after a short while, coming up with nothing.

Then, out of nowhere, a loud, constantly blaring alarm went off, and his eyes widened a bit. "That's the statues! Something's outside!" He placed his magic pencil on the desk, ran over to Darkdrift, took it off the mantle and stuck it into the sheath of his baldric before rushing down the long set of stairs in his tower. Soon he made it to what he called the lobby and rushed to the front door, opening it quickly and racing to his garden. He stopped for a moment, eyes wide in surprise and shock as he looked at what was in front of him.

There, laying on the ground in a groaning heap, one foot on the bench while the rest of her was splayed out across the dirt path, was a Majin girl. She had soft looking pale yellow skin, strange, fleshy hair of similar color with long thick strands, two in particular going down past her face and framing it, and a few more that cascaded down her neck. She had cute, large glasses on her face, a cute human-like nose - something Qudirk idly remembered Majins didn't normally have - and unique clothes.

The top article of clothing seemed like a black vest of sorts with a high back collar, a purple heart design and a thick yellow stripe going down the middle. Two deep black forearm guards, similar in style to a ninja's, were on her arms, tight golden yellow cords tied around the wrists. Her legs were largely uncovered, though she had a pair of deep, dark purple and tight fitting long shorts coupled with a tighter, literally golden sash protecting her modesty. Covering her feet were a set of golden yellow boots with purple cords wrapped around them just above the ankles.

'What in God's name is going on...?' Qudirk wondered idly, before he blinked once and his eyes widened further for a short moment. 'Could she be a fellow Displaced?' He shook his head and slowly walked over to her, snapping his fingers to dismiss the alarm. "Excuse me, Miss? Do you need a hand up?" The woman groaned, before opening her eyes, revealing them to be pure black, while the pupils were large and a deep, enchanting red.

"Huh...?" She sat up, before taking the hand he offered and pulling herself up. "Thanks, uh..."

"Qudirk, Miss...?" Qudirk replied then queried.

"Abrina, Abrina Nicole," she answered quickly as she gazed around. "Wow... This place is really picturesque, like those gardens in Black Butler..."

Qudirk chuckled softly to himself. "Well, thank you, Miss Abrina. I put a lot of work into making it all."

Her head snapped to him. "You made all of this?!" He gave her a strange look, but nodded slowly. "That's freakin' amazing! Dude, you're like one of those refined kind o' guys, with all the artsy-fartsy stuff! That's so cool!"

Qudirk raised a brow and gave her an amused smirk. "Well, I'm glad you find me to be refined, at least."

"Well, dude, you have a friggin' sword in a pedestal over there! Ya know how often ya find that stuff in the modern world?" she crossed her arms in an 'X' formation. "Practically nada! Zilch!" She lowered her arms as she gave him a huge, excited grin. "And you made it all! That means you made the sword, the statues, the pedestal-" She gestured wildly to the flowers. "-Even the freakin' flowerbed! That takes a lotta dedication man!"

Qudirk chuckled a bit more. "Well, thank you. Though we should probably talk about your... Ahem, situation." Her eyes widened.

"Oh crap, you're right!" She looked around again. "I was at a costume store, how the hell did I end up here?" She crossed her arms and gained a ponderous expression. "Hmmm... All I remember is that fancy lady giving me this weirdly golden sash, and then nothing..."

"Well, there's a fair bit more to it than that, my dear. Might I suggest giving yourself a look over?" Qudirk gestured to her body and getup.

Abrina gave him a quizzical glance. "What're you talking about-" she then looked down at herself and her eyes widened. "Holy fucking shit! Am I...?" she felt up her face, and her hair. "Ohmygod I am! I'm a Majin!" She looked down at herself again, gaining a somewhat giddy look as she idly grabbed her breasts. "And my girlies are bigger! Sweetness!" She managed a blush as she looked up at Qudirk, who was watching her with a raised brow and an amused look. "Uhhh..." Her dark yellow blush grew and she swiftly removed her hands from her chest, a hand going to her neck. "Ehehe, sorry, made things weird now, hehe..."

Qudirk shook his head with a smile. "It's fine, it was sort of cute, really. Besides, I can understand your excitement." His smile turned to a smirk. "Though not so much in terms of endowment." She flushed a deep dark yellow, and he laughed heartily, though he calmed quickly. "Regardless, my first time being Displaced was rather... Well, sudden, and unusual, but it quickly became fascinating and exciting." He smiled and ushered her to follow him. "Come, let's head inside, we have a lot to talk about, my dear."

She kept quiet as she was still blushing a bit, following him and trying to keep her eyes elsewhere. He shot her a playful wink as they reached his door, making her blush intensify briefly before he opened the door and they walked in. She looked around in wonder, blush being lost to her amazement.

"Woah... You have a TON of books..." she breathed. Qudirk smiled and walked to her side.

"Well, I am a writer, and a lover of literature and the fine arts," He explained.

"Dude, with a home this good looking, you gotta be freakin' loaded with cash!" she exclaimed.

The man breathed out a short and crisp laugh. "Well, after my first book became an instant hit and bestseller, I would suppose so." He started to walked towards the stairs. "Come, let's head to my study, we can talk more there." She nodded and followed after him, gazing at the many rooms and fine decorations and furniture as they climbed up.

Eventually they reached his study, and her eyes sparkled. "Wow..."

The man smiled before trodding towards the couches and sitting down on one, offering for her to sit at the other. "Go ahead, sit, make yourself comfortable."

"Huh?" she looked away from one of the armor stands he had placed earlier in the week. "Oh, right."

She walked over and sat down on the other couch. "So, the first thing I should explain is that we are not on Earth, or likely even the same universe Earth resides in." The man started, leaning forward with his hands clasped together. "We are on a planet called Equus, in a country called Equestria. To put it more plainly, we are in a My Little Pony universe." The Majin's red eyes widened immensely.

"Woah woah woah, what?!" she cried. She slammed her hands on the coffee table. "So we're in a friggin' little girls show with colorful ponies talking about friendship and junk?!"

Qudirk simply nodded. She slumped back into her seat, eyes still a bit wide. "Damn, that's..." She gained a goofy grin. "That's freakin' awesome! That means I have the chance to ride a real pony!" She fist pumped. "Awesome!"

Qudirk laughed at her reaction briefly. "Ah, the young..." He shook his head a bit to clear his mind. "I'm sorry, my dear, it's just that you seem so preciously cute," he said honestly.

And once more, her face lit up with a flaming blush. "Wh-wha?!" she squeaked. He chuckled again.

"Oh, that's even more adorable," he shook his head once more as she blushed more, burying her face in her hands. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't tease you so much, but truly, it's just so fun." He chortled. "Maybe Celestia is rubbing off on me." He once more shook his head. "Regardless, we are essentially in a My Little Pony universe, and that means there is magic and much more abound."

"Um... So, if there's magic, and you came here too..." she ventured, blush slowly dying away. "Did you uh, get anything special too?"

The man nodded. "Indeed. I was given a very special pencil that can bring anything it writes to life, with some restrictions, but not any too restricting."

Abrina's eyes widened a bit and slowly sparkled once more. "So THAT's what you meant by being a writer..." She giggled to herself. "That's SO cool!" Qudirk smiled and stood up, removing his sword and placing it back upon the mantle.

"Well, I do try to keep an air of mystery to myself," he turned his head to her and shot her a playful wink. "Helps to keep myself entertained as well as to gain the attention of cute girls like you." Again, she flushed a dark yellow, and he laughed as he sat back down. "Sorry, sorry, I'll stop now. Anyways, there's a bit more to tell you, but-"

Suddenly, a loud pop sounded out accompanied with a flash of golden light, and a familiar alabaster alicorn appeared. "Qudirk! What happened? I heard an alarm and-!" she noticed the Majin girl, who was looking at her with sparkling eyes and a wide grin. "Um, Qudirk, my friend, who is she?"

"Well-," he began, but Abrina interrupted him and zipped over to the mare with unnatural speed.

"Hi! I'm Abrina Nicole, nice to meet you! Are you a pony princess?" she gasped loudly, "Ohmygosh, can I ride you? Just for a teeny bit? Pleeeeease?" Celestia looked between her now laughing friend and the strange new girl she'd not seen before.

"Um, perhaps another time?" Celestia responded eventually. Abrina deflated.

"Awww..." she said sadly. Celestia looked to Qudirk.

"My friend, who is this girl?" she asked.

"Well, she's what you might call a... Mutant, of sorts, from my homeland. She came here thanks to a magical mishap," the man explained.

"Wha? I'm not-!" Abrina started, but Qudirk shot her a look that plainly said, 'play along' and she clammed up.

"Oh, so she's new here, then?" Celestia asked, sounding relieved for some reason. Qudrik nodded.

"Correct. I was thinking of letting her stay here," he answered. Celestia's eyes widened.

"W-What?" she stuttered. Qudirk raised a brow at her.

"Is that a problem, Celly?" he asked next.

"Yeah, is it?" Abrina followed up.

Celestia rapidly shook her head. "N-No, not at all! You're a grown man, I have no misgivings with you gaining a roommate! None whatsoever!"

Qudirk's brow raised further, before he eventually shrugged. "Well, then would you mind coming again later tomorrow? I'd like to get her settled in, and I think tomorrow would be a good time for you to introduce her to young Sparkle and little Spike."

Celestia slowly nodded. "R-right, well, I'll be off then." She then swiftly trotted out of the room and down the stairs. Qudirk smiled as he watched her go and shook his head with mirth.

"Silly old mare," he mumbled, before turning to Abrina once more. "Now, let's see... We'll have to get you some more clothes in the future, and if there are any in particular you'd like just let me know, I can quite easily make some by writing it with my magic pencil." He looked to the clock by his desk. "Hm, though it's getting a bit late..." He looked back to her. "I'm afraid I need to go to bed, and there isn't really enough room or anywhere suitable for you to sleep, so, you'll be sleeping with me in my bed."

Abrina gained a blush that covered her entire face, stuttering up a storm. "Wh-wh-wha?!" She waved her hands frantically. "N-No, I couldn't! I-I can just sleep o-on a couch or s-something! I-I mean, I've never even s-slept in the same room as a guy before, a-a-and-!"

The man shook his head. "Perish the thought. I won't have a guest and future roommate sleep on a couch of all things, it's highly rude of me as a host." He walked over and grabbed her hand, her blush going to supernova levels as she kept stuttering. "Come on now, don't be so stiff." He told her as he dragged her up the stairs to the final and uppermost floor of his tower; his bedroom.

A large, four poster queen size bed with golden pillows and silk, light blue covers was on one end of the room, whilst on the other was a couch of golden color with, surprisingly, a 75 inch, plasma screen TV on the wall near it, and a number of consoles set up under it on the bottom and in the middle of a very large, vinyl-finished ebony entertainment center, with game cases and many more all held in shelves on the sides. On either side of the entertainment center were similarly vinyl-finished mahogany china cabinets with a number of even more games all held inside.

And then, on another end of the room was a door which likely led to a bathroom, and near that was a computer desk, set with what looked to be a top-quality gaming computer with three monitors and even a gaming chair. On the side nearest what appeared to be a short bridge to another, smaller tower was a walk-in closet. Qudirk smiled as she gazed around his room in a bit of wonder once more.

"So many gaming things..." she breathed. He let a breathless laugh escape him.

"Well, I am a fairly avid gamer, though I've not really been all that focused on gaming since I came here," the man admitted. He walked towards the closet. "Feel free to use the bathroom if you feel the need, my dear. I'll be out in a moment." He then walked in and closed the doors behind him.

Abrina blushed as she remembered what she was just about to do. 'What am I even doing?! I barely know this guy, heck, I just met him today, and now I'm sleeping with him?!' she buried her face in her hands. 'Oh, mom would be so disappointed!' She lifted her head from her hands for a moment, a pitiful look on her blushing face. 'Ooh... I don't know what to do! I mean, I've had boyfriends before, but I've never slept in a bed with one yet! And again, I don't even know this guy! Heck, how old is he anyway? He looks like he's in his twenties...' She flushed a deep dark yellow as she saw him come out wearing only a pair of boxers, revealing his toned and muscular body. 'Oh...! Oh God he's super hot!'

Qudirk quirked a brow at her staring, then shrugged and walked past her to the bathroom. "Well, if you don't need to go, I'll be in the bathroom. Go ahead and look around for a bit if you so wish." He then walked inside.

Abrina's heart beat a million miles a minute as the image of him nearly nude was burned into her brain. "So... Sexy..." she breathed, staring after where he went. She rapidly shook her head. "No, no! Bad Abby! Head in the game, girl! Out of the gutter!" She slapped her face a bit to compose herself. "Alright, alright, I can do this, it's one night with a really, really cute guy, nothing I can't handle!"

Qudirk then came out of the bathroom, finished with his nightly preparations. "Did you say something, Miss Abrina?" he questioned.

She yelped before turning to him and rapidly shaking her head. "N-nope! Not at all! Everything's good!"

He raised a brow once more, before shrugging and walking over to the bed and getting in it, placing his glasses on the nightstand. Abrina kept her massive blush as she slowly and stiffly walked over to the bed, climbing in and trying to not look at his body, facing away from him. She placed her own glasses on the nightstand on her side.

"Well, have a good sleep, Miss Abrina. See you in the morning," Qudirk said, followed by a yawn, before he soon fell quiet.

Abrina took quite long to fall asleep, what with her ever pounding heart and flushed face coupled with frenzied thoughts, but in time, she too fell asleep.

The light of the moon shined through the balcony doors and onto the duo, bathing them in soft, silvery light. Their slumber would be restful, and many things would require rest...

As much was on the horizon.

Author's Note:

EDIT: Fixed some glaring grammatical errors. Fixed more errors.

First: No, she's not a Displaced from anyone else's story. She's purely mine.

Second: Yes, this was planned.

To put it plainly...

There just aren't enough Dragon Ball Z characters in my stories, and I happen to think that needs to be corrected.

No worries though my friends, this won't be a character who changes everything. Especially since this isn't an adventure focused story. This story is all about day-to-day things, my dear readers.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this, or at least found some of it funny. Think of Abrina as a new comic-relief character.

Thank you all for reading.

-Timeless Celestial