• Published 25th Jul 2018
  • 963 Views, 21 Comments

Herbie and friends in Equestria - Auditore 117

Herbie, along with new found love and a long thought dead enemy, are transported to Equestria

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"You're telling me that you have never seen or heard of a car where you live? Not even a race car!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed to Twilight while grabbing her and shaking her like a maraca

" Rainbow Dash calm down! I don't see what the problem is." She said while trying to calm down her friend.

"Problem? No, this isn't a problem at all, IT'S A MIDLIFE CRISIS, THATS WHAT IT IS! You now what, I'm going to take you to a car meet so you can now one of the most important things in life. What will make it better is that Trip Murphy will be there. The Trip Murphy!" Said Rainbow while walking Twilight in the direction of said car meet.

"Um, who's Trip Murphy?"

When Rainbow Dash heard this, it took all her willpower just not to yell at the lack of knowledge of the said "Greatest racer in NASCAR." It did not, however, hide a visible, throbbing, blood vein on her forehead. "Let's, just go to the car meet."

Later, Twilight and Rainbow Dash reached the lot containing multiple different cars everywhere. "Now you see here, this is where the coolest place for cars are, what do you think Twilight?"

"Well, there certainly flashy, though some don't re-"

However before she could finish, there was a loud racket coming from the entry way, and a cream colored 63 (I don't know what exact model herbie is sadly) Volkswagen with a red, white, and blue stripe running down the middle with the number 53 on the hood, both sides where the roors are, and on the back trunk compartment. The reason for the racket was said Volkswagen spewing out smoke from the tailpipe and loud mechanical grinding noises coming from it.

"Oh man, I feel sorry for whoever got that piece of junk."

In response to Rainbow Dash, Twilight responds "I don't know, it kind of has that friendly look, it also looks like its smiling" she said while noticing the way the bumper and headlights look like a smiling face.

"Yeah, it does have that friendly look, but boy, that Volkswagen is an old one, those type of cars were made when the lunch lady, granny smith, was a teenager."

"Well wisdom does come from old age, and judging from those decals, he was a racer" said Twilight with a smirk

"Yeah, may- wait, why did you say he?" Asked Rainbow Dash with a raised eyebrow.

With a shrug, she said "It just looks like a he"

"Well come on, theres other cars to look at, there may even see a race." However as she finished, there was a sudden screeching. When they looked over while covering their ears, they saw the number 53 Volkswagen scratching a car, specifically a 2005 Pontiac GTO with yellow and purple stripes and aftermarket wheels, with the side mirror.

Then Rainbow Dash gasped as she saw whoose car that was. "Oh my gosh, thats Trip Murphy's car!"

Suddenly people were chanting race over an over while the Volkswagen was making its way over to where a finish and starting line was being spray painted on the road, then Trip Murphy's car followed.

"Oh man, we have to see this, come on Twilight!" "Hold on Rainbow Dash, you don't have to drag me over there!" As they reached the finish line, both cars raced away with the Volkswagen keeping up with Trip Murphy, surprising Rainbow Dash. "What the heck, how is the Volkswagen keeping up?" She asked herself, however, Twilight was to bewildered at what she saw, she stated something she never thought she would say. "Did that car just wink at me?"

Pov. Change

As he was making his way to the car meet that Kevin mentioned, and silently laughing at there attempts to make him go back to the shop, Herbie heard two girls talking about him as he made his way in. A rainbow haired one that was saying that he was the oldest model she had ever seen, which he didn't mind cause that was true considering what year it was, however the other purple haired one was saying that old age comes with wisdom, and she recognized that he might've been in some races himself, wich unconsciously made him smile outwards slightly as he made his way in.

[Time skip]

As Herbie made his way to the starting/finish line being made to show this "Trip Murphy" what a real racer knows, he saw the rainbow haired and purple haired girls again. Knowing that they would see he still had it in him for races, he winked at them. The rainbow haired one didn't notice cause she was to excited for the race, but the purple haired one definitely noticed, if the bewildering look she gave him didn't prove anything.

Well, this is gonna be fun, and a good time to stretch out my tires he thought with a smirk forming on his guardrail bumper

Pov. Change

As Twilight and Rainbow Dash waited for the 2 racers to come back, Rainbow asked Twilight who she thought would win. "I think the little Volkswagen will win."

"Really Twilight, I don't know compared to Trip Murphy's car that shouldn't be possible." As she said that, both cars came screeching into view, surprisingly neck and neck.

"Wow, call me impressed, the little guy is keeping up, but he still won't make it, that guardrail is in its wa-" however she stopped talking when she was unknowingly shut up by the little car as it proceeded to ride the guardrail like a skateboard, and still keeping up and finishing in the lead, and giving a triumphant honk of its horn while raising up on its 2 front wheels while spewing white smoke with what looked like a smile.

"H-How!?" She yelled while gesturing to the little car in question, then Twilight spoke up with a small smile on her face. "Well, I did say wisdom and experience come from old age."

Pov. Change

As he was reveling in his victory, he saw the rainbow one gesturing to him wildly, probably questioning how he did that, which is normal for him, cause he was used to people questioning how he did things, however, he heard the purple haired one say something that made the little car's supposed heart warm.

"Well I did say wisdom and experience come from old age."

It was night at Canterlot High, and very peaceful at the moment considering there was a giant explosion of magic and big crater appearing minutes ago. Everyone was leaving and the main 7, minus Twilight who left through the portal not to long ago, where discussing what to do now.

"Well darlings, I don't know about you, but I believe its time for us to go home and go to bed, I'm exhausted, and a lady needs to keep here image after all" Rarity ranted on about until Applejack interrupted her "All right, all right, we get it, you need your beauty sleep."

"Ya, seriously Rares, calm down we're all tired" Rainbow responded with a laugh.

Then the group heard screeching and honking while walking down the street. When they looked in the direction of the ruckus, all they saw was a red line of light going through the sky behind some buildings, along with the occasional sound of a crash.

Suddenly, two Volkswagen beetles come drifting out from a curb. One was instantly recognized as the 63 bug from the car meet by Rainbow Dash. The other beetle looked like a more modern version of the racing bug, but instead of cream white, it was yellow with black stripes on the sides, with the top stripe being more thinner and no racing number seen.

The two beetles drove right past them towards the school. Halfway, another car screeching behind them was heard, but when they turned to see what it was, all they saw was a set of headlights with three small bars each going down the them, with said vehicle emitting a low growl, as if it was like an enraged animal trying to catch its prey. As it passed them, they weren't able to see any distinguishing sign besides it being black, but they noticed it was gaining speed on the 2 beetles while occasionally spewing out a red line of light, which when it came into contact with a streetlight, cut it in half.

When the beetles reached the school, it looked as if the drivers found out it was a dead end and turned their vehicles around back they came and stopping as they saw the black vehicle, whereas it also stopped, seeming to glare at the two as they slowly backed up into the statue, not making a crack or dent, but gaining a noticeable bump. The group saw the 2 beetles shaking as if the vehicles them selves were afraid. Suddenly the black vehicle came charging at the cars with screeching and smoke coming from the tires.

Pov. Change

Herbie was more happy than he ever was when he saw Hera, which he was glad he found another Volkswagen like him, but with a more feminine look, which is what Hera was. She was a more modern version of him, yes he was old, but unlike humans, cars aged differently depending on there current state. Like if he had an old lemon engine and was halfway covered in rust, then he would be as old in car years as he was in human years. So when he got fixed up as a NASCAR racer, well, he got his good looks from monte carlo back, and that definitely got Hera's attention.

Hera was specifically a Volkswagen new beetle, where the engine and the trunk switch positions from where they were in the original beetle design. She also had a yellow paint job with black stripes on the sides.

However, what really started off there relationship was when she had her oil container replace his in the NASCAR race. When he felt that part in there, he instantly recognized who it belonged to, and that's when the spark started the fire to there love.

At that moment they were driving down the street, just enjoying the night and each others company. It was, however, interrupted by a low growling, which made Hera curious, but slightly afraid as to what it was. However, Herbie had a completely different reaction. Once he heard that growl, he stopped, freezing up, cause he knew who that growl belonged to.

No, it can't be, how could he have survived!?

Herbie let out a warning honk to Hera to stay back. Then, he saw him as he came out of the alley way and turned towards them. He was a black Volkswagen beetle with a black soft top with oval driver and passenger side windows. Another distinguishing description was that he had a triple stacked bumper and three small bars going down the headlights. He was also in bad shape, cause there was scratches and dents all over his frame, and his Windows were cracked, including one of the headlights. But what the dead giveaway that it was him, was the menacing growl coming from him. It was Horace, somehow surviving the drop from driving off the dam.

And he looked furious.

So at that moment, Herbie decided that the best action, was to drive away as fast as they could. The rest of the chase was a blur, but they realized that Horace still had one of his modifications, the red lazer beam cutting through everything was proof of that.

When they reached the school, they realized that there was no way to go, but as they turned around, they saw Horace, glaring at them. They slowly backed up into the statue, hoping that something or someone would save them, while literally shaking with fear. Horace had other ideas as he charged head on at them, while Herbie and Hera closed there eyes, hoping that if no help came, it would at least be quick

Nobody's pov.

As Horace was charging, the 2 loving beetles shaking, and the main 7, minus Twilight, were watching, they didn't keep in mind the Third Law Of Motion. Isaac Newton's third law of motion states that forces always occur in pairs. If an object A exerts force on an object B, then object B exerts an equal and opposite force on object A. The law is also commonly stated as "To every action there is an equal and opposite action." So when Horace slammed into the 2 beetles, the force carried through the beetles, impacting the statue, making it crack and deteriorate. This caused massive amounts of magic to spew forth on all three beetles making it seem like they dissolved to the main 7.

But again, energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed, whereas the beetles were actually sent to the exact place Twilight came from, and went back to not very long ago, while also changing them to better fit the environment. Of course some of this doesn't make sense but, that's magic for you.

Author's Note:

This is my first ever story, so please dont blow up on how its horrible or something like that, but mentions of any mistakes will be appreciated. If this story gets a lot of likes and if people want me too, I will continue it, but only if multiple people like it, not just one person constantly spamming for more. I still hope you enjoy.

And leave in the comments to what you think Herbie and the others should be in Equestria, whether it be Earth pony, Pegasus, Unicorn, or even a changeling, cause you know, he is considered the love bug. Please be specific on which character you want to be as.

And thanks to Speedy Silverstreak for giving me the information for certain descriptions.

Comments ( 21 )

Was Horace the stock car or that monster truck?

Herbie is a cream white 1963 Volkswagen Beetle. Runs I'm assuming a modifed flat 4 engine in the rear that is air cooled through vents on the top of the trunk. He features a roll bar, a patriot stripe along the top, and four white circles with a black outline with a black 53 in the middle.

Trip Murphy's car is a 2005 Pontiac GTO with assuming it's modified as well a standard LS1 (V8). Mostly cosmetic details such as the yellow and purple stripes and the aftermarket wheels.

Need any more info just contact me.:raritywink:

Horace is technically Herbie's brother from the older previous movies, he's the same model, except he's all black with a more sinister look, and he was the bad guy in the movie he appeared in, you should find him if you google "love bug Horace"
And thanks for the info

I looked him up. I never saw the 97 movie so I didn't know he had a sorta evil twin. I saw the 1968 movie and the 2005 remake.

Hey, can you find me Horace's description, I dont fully know what the front bumper and the way his headlights are?

Black Volkswagen Beetle. Black soft top with oval driver and passenger side windows. Thriple stacked front bumper. No rear bumper. Headlights have three small bars each going down the headlights. Emits a low growl when pissed off.

Updated the prologue, made it more filling

Updated, if u wanna read it

One flaw. Herbie is a Volkswagen Beetle. There's a part in the beginning where you say you don't know the model.

And I legit thought they were staying in the EQG universe

I knew he was a Volkswagen beetle, just not specifically

And it will sometimes go back to the EQG world in some parts, but the prologue is kind of an origin of how they get to where they are now.

I'm planning to kinda base it off of the bridge: a Godzilla crossover, but not completely

Though did you read the A.N. ?

i have dvd herbie: fully loaden. i like to se where this going.

I'd like to see the next chapter and where things are leading

I’d personally make herbie, Horace and Hana into changelings, only alter their design to be like ladybug’s and not ugly like crysalis or her changelings but like the reformed ones.

More please it is a good story

Can you please continue this story?


eehhh...... its not Equestria.
its the human world

oh boy......:pinkiegasp:
now i know where they are

Can you please continue?

I think Herbie, Hera, and Horace would be reformed changelings when they go through.

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