• Published 9th Jun 2018
  • 1,323 Views, 163 Comments

Before the Friendship Games: Sour Sweet - CapNTilfy

Sour Sweet has been miserable for as long as she can remember. Little does she know what lies ahead for her... Book Three of the Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games

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Author's Note:

I'm going to try to step out of my comfort zone and write chapters of varying length, not just in the 1-1.3k range. Writing "Frijoles Shadows" was a learning experience for me, and I want to experiment.

Radiant Hope blinked as she processed what Sour Sweet had said. "So you have abusive parents." She said, putting her hand to her chin.

"That's putting it lightly." Said Sour Sweet. " I suppose this is a good place to start...."


Blueberry Dazzle, Cinnamon Flash and Sour Sweet all sat in the living room together.

"We have had just about enough of this 'Sour Side' nonsense, Sour Sweet." Said Blueberry Dazzle.

"Your mother's right, Sour. It's time to stop pretending." Said Cinnamon Flash.

"You've had just about enough?" Sour Sweet shouted. "I'm the one who's had enough! How many goddamn times am I going to have to say it before you believe me?!"

"Don't you dare speak to your parents like that!" Cinnamon Flash slapped Sour Sweet.

Sour Sweet fell to the floor, then curled into a ball and began crying.


Sour Sweet sniffled as she took a tissue and blew her nose. "That's not even close to the first time something like that had happened, but it was the start of a breaking point for me..."


Blueberry Dazzle and Cinnamon Flash stood next to Sour Sweet in her room, looming over her like a pair of vultures.

"Come now, Sour Sweet." Blueberry Dazzle said in a sickeningly condescending tone. "You're supposed to listen to us. Every child should listen to their parents."

Sour Sweet rolled her eyes and made a grunt of frustration.

Cinnamon glared at Sour Sweet. "Don't you dare look at us like that! We're your parents. We make the rules around here!"

Something had snapped within Sour Sweet. All of her frustration, all of the powerlessness she felt, the anger she had pent up after all the years of torment had shot up to the surface. Having completely lost control of herself in a fit of rage, she shrieked "I DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING PARENTS!" and lunged at her father. Grabbing him by the collar, she repeatedly banged his head on the wall as hard as she could.

Initially frozen in shock, Blueberry Dazzle quickly regained her composure. She grabbed Sour Sweet by the waist and tore her off of Cinnamon, who was in a daze. Gathering all the strength she could muster, she pinned Sour Sweet down on the floor until her husband recovered.

"Let me go, you bitch!" Sour Sweet shouted, tears streaming down her face. "You aren't fit to be called parents!" Sour spat out the final word. "You are both twisted, sadistic fucks!"

Having recovered from Sour Sweet's assault, Cinnamon stood up and got into her face. "How dare you!" He whispered, trembling with fury.

"'How dare I?! You've got some serious nerve...Mr. Flash."

Much to Sour Sweet's surprise, Cinnamon Flash didn't lash out at her like she expected him to. Rather, he smiled slowly, as though a sinister idea was forming in his mind. "Very well then, Sour Sweet." He said. "I believe I can make arrangements so that we all get what we want."

Against her better judgment, Sour Sweet decided to listen.


Sour Sweet sighed heavily. "I just wanted them out of my life so badly I was willing to do just about anything. I should have kept in mind who I was dealing with, that I was making a Faustian bargain."


"Wait, what are you doing with all of my stuff?" Sour Sweet said, panicking. Movers were taking everything out of her room. Her bed, her posters, her nightstand. Everything.

"You agreed to the terms, Sour Sweet." Cinnamon Flash said, grinning. "Blueberry Dazzle and I are moving out. You get to live on your own."

"B-b-b-but I didn't think you were going to take everything from me!" Sour Sweet stammered, tears falling down her cheeks.

"Oh, by the way...if we cannot be your parents, we'll settle for being your landlords." Said Blueberry Dazzle. "We expect rent by the end of the week. Enjoy independent living...with your imaginary friend."

Once everything was cleared out, Sour Sweet let out a wail of rage and punched a hole in her bedroom wall.


Sour Sweet sniffled. "And that's how this all began. I've been living alone in there ever since, and those people still torment me! It's like I can't escape them!" Radiant Hope walked over to Sour Sweet and gave her a hug. Sour Sweet nearly jumped at the contact, then broke. For the next few minutes she bawled uncontrollably, grateful for the physical contact from an adult that truly cared about her well-being.