• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 6,568 Views, 117 Comments

Goodra's Garden - Cosmic Flare

This was not what I planned on doing for the rest of my life after going to the convention for my first time. But not much can be done now, well nothing to do in the sand and heat. Time to walk.

  • ...

Meetings and Parenthood

Meetings and Parenthood

Far away over the ocean in a different land more beings raise up. As one of them sits and looks over his brethren fight and try many things in this new home of theirs. This one thinks to himself and what they need to go far. And that is first a King to lead.

As a female comes up to him and lays a gentle hand on his shoulder, he lifts his up and on hers in turn. As she looks over the others for a while, her attention is back to him and what is on his mind.

"Dear Vorak. What troubles you?"

Humming a little to himself to think about it more and to word it right. Vorak stood up and moved his arm around her waist and pulled her close in a loving hug as he smiled to her as his four hooves moved so she can stand closer to him. And she returned the embrace with a hug of her own.

"I was thinking about how we may need a King and a Queen to help bring a form of peace to theses lands before we destroyed ourselves, my dear Haydon."

"So that we could have a family to raise in a little bit more safe area." Said Vorak.

Humming to herself, Haydon put a hand on her belly in future thoughts of what may come.

"Yes. That does sound like something to look into on. Question dear? Speaking of family, hehe did you have name of our first born?" Asked Haydon.

"Hmm...." As he looked off to the horizon in thought of the new question. One name came to his mind. "Tirek! Hmm yes that seems like a good name for a boy."

"Hmm..." She thought to herself and saw it to be so as well. "I agree, but what if we have a girl first?" She posed the question to him.

"Hmm... Not sound lazy on it, but the name can go for both. But I can't think of a good girl name right now dear. Maybe when the time comes, and it is a girl. I will probably have one before then. For now? Let us try and make order to the lands before they are no more. What say you?"

"Yes! First stop the majority of the fighting between us. Then think of family." She answered with a smile and squeezing his hand back.

"Then let's get started!"

As Fuset lay down on a cloud over her many new little ponys sleeping still, as the night continued on before her. She smiles down at them and what the hopeful future is for them, as the Pegasus, unicorns and Earth ponies lay down. Sleeping as they, she watches their dreams and thinking of the next area to have more ponies around for each other.

As she signed gently down to them with a smile, a portal of gold opened before her and pony like a being stepped out looking at her quietly. It was definitely bigger then she was, more so as she was laying down looking up with wide eyes and feeling a strong sense of power flowing from it. As the Alpha looked back down to her, he was thinking over about how to deal with this one, as peace and love, was coming from her, but fear as well from his sudden visit at this time. But to set in motion what may be a good idea or a bad one to help his lose now found child.

As he sighed softly to himself, the best way to start this was going to be introductions, and names are a good start. "Arceus." He told her.

Lifting her head up and looking at him blinking owlishly. The only thing that she thought of that came out of her mouth was, "Wat?"

"My name. It's Arceus. My I know your name Ms. ...."

Shaking her head a little, now catching up on what he, 'Arceus' was telling her. Smiling apologetically to him, she hope it was a he by the sound of it's voice. Stand up on the cloud she was on, but that still left her short to him but answered his question.

"My name is Faust, Faust Rose. It's nice to meet you Arceus, but what are you doing here and what do you plan on doing here to my little ponies?" She said as a slight edge came to her voice and a light glare.

"Peace be with you Faust! I'm not here to harm you or your subjects in any way. I'm just here to see the one that is close to my child, and find out if you may be a harm to him and set up a way to protect him from said harm. But I would rather believe that you are a potential friend."

Hearing about why Arceus was here, Faust smiled sheepishly at jumping a little head and rubbed the tip of her hoof in the cloud. Blinking a bit at hearing him say about a child.

"Wait? Child, YOU have a child here?... Do you mean the creature down South of here that is pink?"

"Yes. His name is Goodra. I don't know how he got here to this world, as the world I made for him and the others is this good to live on and many wonderful things to see."

"Wait... He and you are from a different a world!? Will-... no wait you said that you wanted to see if I would be able to be a friend to him. So that means you will not take him, but let him live here?" Faust asked, looking at this other world God with interest.

"Yes. He will be staying here. Some how using his power to make it rain has connected him to the land it self, and I believe he doesn't even know it, I believe. And it would die if he is taken. So, no. His place is here, with all the beings that call this world home." He replied

"Wait... he's connected? Like how so? And... Well, I made the life of my little ponies here. Will he, or will you make more of your own children like before on this world as well?" She asked with some curiosity.

"Like... Like he has become like me in a way. He's become a demigod of a kind. I will have to meet him first and look more closely into it first to know. Or maybe not, maybe it's magic. And I'm still thinking about having more born here so he can have some Pokémon to play, talk and battle if he so desires." Was he reply. Seeing her look at the word fighting he added. "It's in all the nature of Pokémon to battle each other. Some like them for sport, workouts or to better understand them self and set protectors for groups. Not all Pokémon want to fight. It's all in the species and nature of said Pokémon. Don't worry, they will not attack others with out a reason."

Still feeling a little bit weary of what could be, still smiled and hope for the best as she guessed what he wants to. So, hopping for the best and know about him and to her the still helpful Pokémon for moving her plans forward faster, will ask and will answer questions about what will be.


As I made my way through the night over much land and some rivers, the night life of the land was nice to see. But not wanting to push it to much I see a tree near and lay down under it and close my eyes and fall asleep with the squirrel moving to my to the tree and on a breach doing the same thing. As I slept, I didn't feel the ground become softer as more grass grow around me in a big bed as night went on.

When the light of the new day came up to begin the day. A golden portal opened near the sleeping dragon Pokémon Goodra, and the Alpha, Arceus slowly moved out and looked down to his child watching him, for looking at it he knew now the gender and saw how the grass is more greener around him and softer. Which was now proven to be him that he has more power then the young one may know. But looking closer he could see there was more to this simple Pokémon. He soul was human! The other children of his to be with Pokémon. 'Now this is unexpected, but not really a problem. This may be a good thing... For special humans, this can be a good gift and learning experience to try. But I will try it out in my universe. Not with him.' Smiling to himself for a moment before looking at him more to see what else is different from the others.

Seeing the box by him and the band like thing on his arm took him by surprise. Those are from totally different reality then the first one he made. But... The box seems to be radiating a different kind of power from it, looks normal but lie all together. Looking at it more and using his power to see more into what it really is.

Not even flinching as the box pushed back with the intent to hurt so that it will not let it's secrets be known freely. Smirking at it's defiance Arceus used more power as his eyes glowed with energy and the box was glowing as while. As the box tried to fight back, it was for nothing as the Alpha provide it's power! As look deeper into it, a image began to show more alternate universes of this one. Many humans being taken away from there own home world. One with nothing of what is here or what they now have happen to them. 'Hmm... So he's not the only one that this has happened to before. But I see that none of them are really of my concern right now. They are not Pokémon, like him as far as I can tell. Hmm? Who's this now...' looking back to the point he was from moved from his world, Arceus saw what he has seen before in a similar situation, a convention hall full of humans in costumes that stalls selling their wares. But one stood out and a human looking like a Goodra in away that must be this one. As the pasted moved on and telled him what happened. The human bought this same box, and just like that! A portal opened below him sucking him down and away from there. As it closed the scene stopped and the shady looking Merchant looked at him and had the feeling of not liking being spied on, but it seemed like it was trying to stop him. Arceus just smiled bigger at his feeble attempt to stop and block him. Letting the image move on himself from the 'Merchant', he saw the portal path the human was using and witnessed is transformation and him being dropped off in this world.

'Now I see how, why and who did this. And now I will take care of this myself and keep him safe from what it wanted to do with him. He is my child and by me! I will see to it that he has a better life. For I see that he is like a demigod of a sort. But a child at heart. I have a plan, and with my talk with Faust Rose. A friend and more with her children. But I can see that this world has many dangerous beings. I will need some help from my other godlike childs to make a place for him to hide and or leave for safety if the worse were to come to pass and his power was to be targeted.' Easing up on his power on the box, the glow around it and in his eyes died down and looked back at Goodra and layed down near him staying quiet as he watched over him until he wakes up and they can have a good talk. But! Until then, time for a little talk.

And so with a call out to the dimension of where Palkia and Dialga are... And most likely fighting... Again! Just like children. A portal opened before him and still sleeping Pokémon, and both of them came out and had the look of what looks like battle marks on them. As the Alpha had to stop from rolling his eyes hard with a sigh continued to look at them as the portal closed behind them as they both looked at him and the sleeping Goodra near and then around the world they are in and feeling not like the one it should be, but when their eyes fall on each other. All thoughts about everything was gone and both glard as they began to gather their powers ready to fight it out more as Palkia's hand was glowing and Dialga opened his mouth as it was glowing readying for an attack. But before they could begin. Dialga's mouth was forced closed and pull forward to look back at Arceus, and Palkia's arm was pulled to the side making him look back as well. Both were now looking into the eyes of their father... And he was not very happy at the moment with them. And they knew it, as his voice was in their heads as he spoke slow and calmly and made them shivver at their poor choice in wanting to fight.

'And what do the two of you think you are doing? I didn't call for you to fight here and make a mess! Now! Sit. Down. And behave! We have much to talk about on a matter of importance. And of him. said Arceus, with a raised eyebrow, then he nodded to the sleeper. As both took more notice of the sleeping Goodra and the power that was around him.

"Sorry father." Both replyed in a whisper bowing their heads in forgiveness.

'Good! Now the reason for why I called for you, is because of how, who and why. This Goodra is really a human turned Pokémon. How is that box he carries, by a being who had many more of said items and many more humans have fallen victim to his ploy and are now in different worlds and alternate universes of this same world. I'm still working on the why so far, but it will not touch him anymore. He is my new child and I will protect him as so. But this world has it's on danger. So we will work together and make a safe place or path for him to use to escape.

Both nodded at as they listed and took a seat before the Alpha and Goodra. Arceus released his hold on them and used a move to heal them as they had been fighting before.

As the midmorning light fall on his eyes, it did the trick to wake him up as he yawned big and sat up rubbing his eyes as they cracked open to peek at what is the morning is like and seeing three like large Pokémon around him watching as his gase pass over them smiling to himself closing them again as he stretched his body out.

'Give him a moment... He will catch on.' Arceus said telepathically with a chuckle as both Palkia and Diagla chuckled as well.

And just like that! The sound of glass braking and Goodras eyes snapped open looking at them in wide eye surprise. And his mouth hanging open. And with that the other two chuckled openly and Arceus just smiled at him.

"Hello little one. It's good to see you are wake now. I have been wanting to talk with you about something for more than a day. But other important matters had to be looked into first. But they are done with and now I'm here for you and we all have something to say to you." Arceus told him as both Palkia and Diagla nodded.

As Goodra sat there still frozen from this big surprise and hearing what the Alpha of all Pokémon said, just broke him for the moment.

Goodra.exl has crashed... Beginning reboot now...

Chuckling more, Palkia reached forward and lifted up his jaw and closed it. Looking down at his hand and seeing it covered in slime, he smiled to himself and reached over and wiped it on Dialga's shoulder. Feeling it happen, Dialga had a bemused look as he just looked forward and and Arceus just ignored what his children are doing, as he continued to watch the broken Goodra before him waiting for him to move.

Blinking his eyes and looking up to Arceus focusing on him now that his brain has rebooted. Smiling sheepishly and with a weak chuckle.

"Uh-um.. y-you want to talk to me Arceus? And Palkia and Diagla too? ... D-did I do something bad?" Finding replyed Goodra, as he was nervous in front of God's.

Taking in that he knew of their names with out them being said, told the Alpha that he knows of them in his old world, but with none really being there. Hearing his worry in the tone of voice, he lowered his head to be on eye level and spoke in a calming voice.

"No little one. You are not in trouble at all. We are here in fact to help you! I don't know much about you. But I do know that you are not a Pokémon by birth, but a human. And you did not come from my world and universe. But pulled away from your own. By that box you carry, and that turned you into one. It's because of that and you making the land here to grow that has got my attention, and I came to see what was happening here. And I don't care what you were before, as of now! You are my child and I will see to it that you will be safe as you live here."

Looking down at the box he has with him for a bit, looked back up and smiled at hearing the words of acceptance and smiled bigger. And with it the three of them saw he glowed with power and the planets became more lively and gave off a faint light to.

'Will this power in him calm father?

'Yes. Over time it will stop being so active so willingly like it is now.

"Well... If you would like to know more about me, I guess I would be ok to talk to you about it Arceu-"

"Father." He briefly interrupted.

"Uh?" Was Goodras response to it.

"You can call me father, or dad. Which ever you want to say."

"Oh! I-I... Dad. Well, before coming here my life was..." As sat there telling his new dad about himself, about what he remembers of his life, his old name and what they came to agree on that Goodra is his name now. And what happened most of his childhood. They were not happy at hearing what the mother was like to him. And they learned that their world of Pokémon was a TV show and movies about a boy and his Pikachu, and one game but many different ones going to the difference regions. And what he knew about Pokémon from the show and Pokédex entrys that can be remembered, which was not at all good. And he telled them his dream about being a Pokémon or coming to their world and having his own Pokémon Journey with friends and Pokémon. They in turn told him that the way back to his old world is not accessible anymore. And unfortunately they can't bring him to theirs. That he in a way has became one with this land and world. Afterward he became quiet to think over what it means. In a gentle voice the Alpha said he is like a god, a demigod. Life forever. But he will not be alone, for he has them any the other immortal legendary Pokémon to speak to. And so Palkia and Diagla, using their power over time and space. Used them together to forged a necklace of gold and a gems of Pokéball.

The top Ruby and the bottom diamond and the middle of the metal sliver for the button. As it floated over and attached itself to his neck, it glowed for a moment and went back to normal. Smiling up to them for the gift, he gave them questioning look at why. And with a chuckle, they explained that it will allow him to be his way to escape if things ever got dangerous for him here. It will open a portal to a alternate plan of existence for the same land here but full of Pokémon to be with. But it's not a true place. For in away, it doesn't really exist. And that he can visit different universes that are not connected to here. Where to go is up to him to go. But he can't be gone from here for a very long time, or the necklace will force him back... And will not be pleasant. More was talked about thought must of it the sun reach midday and Goodra happily gave his new family apples from his box as they got to see in it when it opened and Palkia saw the inside had a spell of a kind to add more space then it should be capable of doing. As they enjoyed the taste of the special apple, Goodra found himself in between Arceus front legs looking up and to the others.

Arceus just smiled down to him, after hearing him speak of his old life and how there was no father in his life and seeing how is personality is like, was fine with it. After the lunch was done. He would have continued on, but after all the talking and remembering the bad passed again. Goodra was was tired, and drained emotionally from it all crying and all the talking. And so he fall asleep on the chest of his new father. Holding his leg and using it as a pillow.

'So... What do we do now? Are we done talking or is there more. Or was there something else you want us to do?' Asked Diagla as he threw the apple cores away, but in the direction of Palkia, hitting him in the head smiling. As Palkia glared in return and throw his for a counter, but missed as Diagla duck under and stuck his tongue out at him. Rolling his eyes at their silly fighting he replied.

'Yes! Dialga! Go and find generally safe worlds for him to go to when he wants or in need. And Palkia! Go back to our world and look for special Pokémon that want a different life to live on. The hurt, lonely and misjudged.'

'Yes father!' Both replyed.

'Will you be telling him that the necklace will be a focal point for his new powers to be easily?' Asked Diagla, standing up to go as directed as the Jewel in his chest began to glow with power and light.

'..... No. That will be for him to learn on his own. Better for self discovery then being told. A learning experience if you could please.' came his answer.

With them giving a nod to his decision both turned and opened their own ways out of here and went. With both of them leaving quietly to do what they were asked. As the portals closed behind them, Arceus look back down to Goodra as he curled up more with his band, box and necklace on him. Smiling at the cute sight before him, he listened to the gently sounds around him as he waited for him to awake.

Author's Note:

Took a little longer than I thought it would take, but now it's done. When ever I want to really start writing, the world wants to bug the must.
(OwO) yuz! Things are kicking off soon.