• Published 31st Jul 2018
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Papers, Ponies, and Attitude - Yellowtail

At the Equestrian Border Checkpoint, we have our “hero”, Anon, who suffers through the day to day life of stamping papers. He's an ass.

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Chapter 20: Fuck Ups And Some Shit

It’s a rainy day today. I sigh as I head towards the building I was fired from almost a week ago. They didn’t even last a week. I scoff under my breath as I realize that fact. As I walk, many soldiers that are heading to their post are either staring at me in surprise or indifference. I continue walking, until I get in to the office building. I immediately find Shoeside behind the desk, playing with what look like action figures.

“... And we shall call this land!...” The pony stops to look up in thought. “... This land!”

“Sounds like a dumb name to me,” I say loudly. The clerk jumps in surprise and looks at me before sighing in relief.

“Mr Anon, you have no idea how glad I am to see you,” he says. I quirk an eyebrow. “The Border has not been doing well recently. The bills are going crazy, the budget is thinning, everyone’s tired all the time-“

“If Anonymous is here, send him in!” A gruff voice yells. Shoeside sighs.

“The boss is meaner,” he mutters. I shrug and walk into my used-to-be office. Papers everywhere, and Discount Lt Dan is sitting in the swivel seat with a serious expression.

“Take a seat,” he says. I calmly walk over to a chair in front of the desk, and sit. “... It has come to my attention, that I may have made some poor choices due to clouded judgement...”

“No shit?” I ask. He sighs.

“... I am willing to give you your inspection job back,” he says.

“... And?” I ask.

“And what?”

“Can I resume management of the Border?” I ask. He laughs.

“You should feel lucky you-“

“Then fuck this,” I say, getting up. Surprise spreads on his face.

“W-Wait a moment!” He yells. I stop. “Why do you think you deserve to manage this place?” I scoff.

“I was fully capable of doing so before hand, what could stop me now?” I ask him. He scoffs.

“You have to work for it! You can’t just-“

“I already worked for it you stupid fuck,” I say, turning to leave. The sergeant rushes over to me.

“H-hold on! Stop! You need to-“ I whip around to glare at him, stopping him in his tracks as I tower over him,

“I don’t need to do anything. I’m literally set for life. Hell, I could probably buy an entire town and still have enough left over for two carts and an ice cream cone,” I say sternly. “I don’t need this job, you just need me. Everything was fine before your dumbass decided it wasn’t good enough.”

“E-even so, I can’t just give you management of the Border! My superiors would be-“

“Where’s the part where I care?” I ask him, opening the door to leave. I see hesitation flash across his face. Finally, he breaks.

“Fine! Fine! You can have that too! But please, please accept the job offer!” He begs. Smiling, I close the door.

“Okay then, see? Was that hard?” I ask coldly. Honestly, I was dreading that my little display wouldn’t work. “Now, about the paper work, don't do that bullshit where you shove it onto me. Got it?" The sergeant quickly nods. "Good. Now, get out," I say, pointing towards the door.

July 20, 20XXI

It’s been a few months since I got my job back. The Border was back to being the badass-yet-disgusting place it was when I was running it. Got a letter from Lucky that she’s happy that all that worked out. Whisk and I have actually been doing rather well ever since the kids were moved out. Her bar’s still going good, thankfully. I never opened Segway’s letter, and instead decided to confront him about it one day, soon. Spearhead is doing fine, yesterday I learned his wife is almost five months pregnant. Spearhead looked so happy. I told him I will personally see to it that his kid gets spoiled with gifts and treats of highly mediocre quality. I know, I’m too generous. Twilight and I have been having some decent chats. I personally kind of like talking to her now. Doesn’t stop me from calling her Bitchface here and there, but it’s kind of nice talking to her.

The war has been, as I personally predicted, going horribly. Neither side is truly gaining ground, and the kill counts have been rising. The yaks have finally, actually decided that Equestria was worth fighting alongside. Especially since the enemies have been attacking Yakyakistanian civilians. What’s more, is that the dragons are actually separated factions now. One side now fights with Crystal Empire, but the other still sides with the Minotaurs. I admit, I did not see that coming.

Anyway, so here I am, doing my usual thing, in my swivel seat in Manehatten Border Checkpoint.

“Look, I understand you’re rich or something,” I say to the pony in front of me. “But I don’t give a fuck.”

“But I-“

“No no, you see this?” I ask, point at my fist. “This is how many fucks I have. Quantum Mechanics forbids me to get any more than what I currently have.”

“Ugh, fine!” The pony grabs his passport and leaves angrily. I lean towards the mic.


The next entrant is familiar Barbie Doll, who I immediately recognize. “Cadence, for someone who almost died, you look like crap,” I say. Cadence sighs, walking up to me. I notice the bags under her eyes, as well as her disheveled mane.

“Anon, please don’t start.”

“Well, honesty tends to be the best policy,” I say with a shit eating grin. Cadenc only glares at me tiredly.

“I really want to slap you,” she mutters. I chuckle, looking over her passport.

“Well, look on the bright side,” I say. Cadence looks at me, expecting me to finish. “... What?”

“Well, what’s the bright side?” She asks.

“Oh, I just said that for you to try and do that yourself,” I say. She groans and bangs her head on the counter. “Anyway, you check out, try not to fuck up after you leave.” With that, she takes her papers and starts to leave. “Hey!” I call, making her stop. “... I honestly hope you’re not shaken. Your country needs you right now. I might be a shitty asshole here and there, but even I recognize you as a ruler.” Cadence looks back at me with surprise. “Just don’t fuck up my expectations,” I warn. She stares at me for a moment before giggling.

“I’ll try,” she says. Finally, she leaves. I sigh as I lean towards the mic. “Next!”

The next entrant is a crystal pony. I cover my eyes as the light from outside shines right into my fucking face. “God dammit, shut the fucking door!” I yell. The door hurriedly closes and the pony walks up. “Jesus, it’s like you couldn’t put on enough fucking glitter,” I mutter.

“What?” The female, crystalline equine asks.

“Never mind, so why’re you here?” I ask. The mare pulls out her papers.

“Well, I got a job in a restaurant in Manehatten through some letters!” The mare says excitedly. “There’s this fancy place called-“

“Don’t care,” I interrupt, scanning her documents,

“... Rude,” she mutters.

“Welcome to Manehatten. By the way, you might not want to work anywhere fancy,” I mention. The mare quirks an eyebrow. “Most of the mobsters or gang leaders tend to have lunch in those kinds of places.”

“W-what!?” The mare asks incredulously.

“Trust me, not a good time,” I say. The mare scoffs.

“N-no, it can’t be,” she says in denial. “The restaurant is five stars, nopony would rate it that high if mobsters-l

“If they want to keep something, they get it and keep it.” I look up, giving her correct papers back. “If you want a fancy job, go to Canterlot. The train from here to there is cheaper than anywhere else.”

“...” Silently, the mare hurriedly walks out. I lean towards the mic.


The next entrant is a familiar changeling. The red chick that I thought was a dude. The bug-pony narrows her eyes at me as she gives me her passport. “What? No bullshit this time? Wanna try to impersonate Celestia?” I ask sarcastically. The changeling just huffs and waits for me to look over her papers. I carefully look them over before shrugging. “Alright, you’re good.” With that, I stamp it green and hand her papers back.

“... Thank you,” she awkwardly says. She takes her papers and leaves. I lean towards the mic.


The next entrant is a creature I’d never thought to see again. “Why hello!” Discord says, skating in.

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” I mutter.

“What? Not happy to see good ol’ Discord again?” He asks.

“I honestly expected to never see you again, because that sounded impossible,” I say.

“Well Anon, take this as an important-“ Discord stops to put on purple cardboard wings and a pink ice cream cone on his head. “lesson in frieeeendshiiiiii-p,” he says in a mocking voice, emphasizing the p.

“And what lesson is that?” I ask.

“Chaos doesn’t always follow Chaos’ own rules,” he says, as if it’s obvious.

“Oh really?” I ask.

“Indeed, just like how Order doesn’t stick to itself, despite how much it wants to,” Discord says. I lean back slightly.

“Is this one of those serious moments? I don’t want to have another kid-life crisis,” I say. “Being a twelve year old for an hour was not comfortable last time.”

“Oh no, just some future advice,” he says cryptically, smiling.

“Uh huh, and when you say future-“

“Here’re my papers, chop chop little human, I’m a busy draconequus,” he says, giving me a passport. I sigh and take it. Opening it, I see the regular information that every passport has. Though, for his picture, a picture of Celestia with a mustache, wearing a sombrero and eating a banana is shown. I scoff.

“C’mon Discord,” I say in disappointment. I show the passport and point at the discrepancy. “How did you even let this expire?” He sighs in sorrow.

“Well, it all started yesterday, the day it actually expired- oh wait, check again,” he says cheekily. I check again to see his name is replaced with ‘Lord Orange’, his height is now five centimeters, and his weight is negative five pounds. The passport’s expiration date, however, reads: ‘Okay’.

“... Alright, everything looks fine,” I mutter. I stamp it green. “Now get out please.”

“Splendid work little human, you make me proud!” Discord says, wiping a single ice cube from his eye.

“Please, leave,” I say tiredly.

“Alright, but only because you asked nicely,” he says, snapping himself out. I briefly consider that I’ll see him again, meaning I’ll never see him again. This does put a smile on my face.

I silently read the papers I’m working on, awaiting for the next entrant. It’s almost five in the evening, and I’m already tired. Then again, I’m kinda always tired. I take a moment to write ‘fuck you’ on a contract. I look over at the clock to check the time again. Still five oh three. I sigh and look at the walkie talkie. I silently wish for something to happen. After a moment of staring, I sigh again. I guess paperwork is still important. Before I can continue, the door opens, making me jump in surprise. Instead of a regular military soldier or officer, three recognizable fillies/mares walk in. I blink in confusion before rubbing my eyes. No, there’s no way- I stop rubbing to see if they’re still here. Before me, stands Applebloom, Sweetiebelle, and Scootaloo.

“... Hi Mr Anon,” Applebloom says nervously. I simply sigh, rubbing my face.

“Do I want to know?” I ask tiredly.

“Yes,” Sweetiebelle answers.

“Do any of you have passports?” They all shake their heads. I nod in acknowledgement. “Okay, so you three got outside of Equestria without passports by yourselves?” I ask. They merely stand silently. I sigh. “Alright. Wait a moment.” I lean down, grab three ‘deny only’ papers. I place them on the window. “Do you see these?” I ask. They all nod again.

“It’s a-“ I stop Sweetiebelle with a gesture.

“I know you know. Now, I’m going to ask some questions, and you’re going to answer me honestly. If you lie, I’m holding back the ones who didn’t lie, and they won’t get in. If everyone lies, one of you is going to stay out, got it?” They all nervously nod. As much as I love these three, I have a feeling that they’ll need an explanation. And knowing them, they’ll fuck up explaining to their sisters. I did this trick on a smaller scale a few times before. Normally, it’d be between who I’d give cookies to. This time though, I’d let them pass whether they told the truth or not. I’d just do it discreetly. “Alright, first question. Applebloom, why did all of you leave Equestria?” I ask. She clears her throat.

“Well, there was this big announcement at Ponyville, about how the uh, war’s been going on and stuff,” she says. “We uh, we were asked if any of us would join the guard.”

“Don’t tell me you said yes,” I groan. Sweetiebelle shakes her head rapidly.

“No! We didn’t!” She says. Scootaloo sighs.

“Apparently, we were mistaken for volunteers later on,” she mutters.

“Yeah, they rounded us up and started taking us to the frontlines, but something went wrong,” Applebloom says. I quirk an eyebrow.

“Really? What?”

“The train was destroyed,” Sweetiebelle mutters. My eyes widen in shock. Ever since the war started, some train would be taken over for military use, moving carts, supplies, soldiers, you name it. However, one thing I noticed after the war started, was that civilian areas specifically would be targeted by the enemies. Military points or transport systems were generally left alone, save from some of the raids from the ground.

“How?” I ask.

“A dragon,” Scootaloo says. I frown deeply.

“Any survivors?” I ask. Sweetiebelle nods. “How many?”

“Four or five,” Scootaloo says. I finally take notice of the state the three are in. Ashes seem to stain their bodies and manes. I mentally kick myself for not noticing earlier and quickly stamp all the papers green.

“Where are they?” I ask.

“Past the bridge, about a day’s walk,” Sweetiebelle answers. I give them their papers and quickly relay that message to the guards via radio. I hope to God they find them.

The three fillies are now in my office building, in front of my desk. They all sit in comfortable chairs with cups of assorted drinks in their hooves. I had someone take my place while I accompany the Crusaders. The recovery team hasn’t returned yet, and the three fillies wanted to make sure everyone’s okay. We sit quietly in my office, while I fill out some paper, occasionally glancing up at them. All of them keep staring at their drinks, troubled by various circumstances. I feel bad for thinking they had done something childish, when the reality is that they barely came out of an attack with their life. As I write stuff down, I try to search for something to say to them. Exactly how the fuck am I supposed to help them right now? I look up to see that Sweetiebelle started crying, silently. I frown, putting down my quill. “... I’m sorry,” I say sincerely. All of their head snap up to look at me with confusion. “I didn’t know something had happened to you. I shouldn’t have-“

Before I could continue, Applebloom gets up, walks around my desk, and hugs me from the side. She starts crying into my coat, making me feel horrible. “I-it’s so nice to see you again!” She cries. I gently pat her head as I see Sweetiebelle continue with her silent sobs. Scootaloo, on the other hand, looks angry as she cries.

“Why did they have to get hurt!?” She yells, shutting her eyes. “None of it had to happen!”

“...” I silently keep patting Applebloom as everyone cries. I’m not going to lie, this all pisses me off. None of them should have to see that kind of shit. I keep my frown as I wait for everyone to finish crying. I don’t have anywhere important to be after all.


Dreamfeather stares out the window of the ambassador’s room, out to Griffonstone. They had certainly experienced an upgrade in economy, as he’s witnessed. Instead of dull grays and more grays being the seemingly only color of the kingdom, now there were buildings. Brick buildings, cement buildings, even towers for various offices! There were barbers, restaurants, so many business opportunities that never even existed before the surge of his country’s economy. He smiles, getting a warm feeling from all the changes he sees around him. Pleasant changes. He looks around himself. A nice room with black carpet, a long smooth table of polished stone, and comfy chairs surrounding it. Dreamfeather can’t believe that any griffon could afford this! He shakes his head to stop himself from getting too distracted. He needs to focus! His uncle will be coming, as well as the Minotaur’s ambassador. He wants to prove to his uncle that he’s made some good changes to himself!

As if on cue, the door to the room opens, allowing Featherbird and a single Minotaur enter. Featherbird circles the table until he sits next to Dreamfeather. “My nephew,” he greets quietly. “I hope you’re doing well.”

“Yes, I quite am actually,” his nephew responds. “How Long has it been? A year?” His uncles nods before gesturing to the ambassador.

“We’ll talk more later, for now, follow my lead.” Dreamfeather nods as Featherbird clears his throat. “Alright Mr Hornskull, we are ready whenever you are.”

“Good, about time,” the Minotaur responds. He takes out a paper. “Our meetings have been going well, right? We aren’t really on bad terms or anything.” Featherbird sighs and responds calmly.

“Yes, but the treaty your country has come up with is rather Barren in terms of actual interest on our end. We do not wish to sign it and quickly get sucked into a war, right after we hit a successful cornerstone throughout griffonian history,” Featherbird says.

“Well, yes, but we can promise many things, all we need is a signature,” he responds. “We can do the same for you in your times of need!”

“Mr Hornskull, please understand, this treaty doesn’t cover that. Quite honestly, it’s a death trap on our parts,” Afterfeather responds calmly. “However, the Griffon kingdom shall not take part of your enemy’s side. In fact, we are still in agreement of staying as a neutral country in this matter. We do not care how many times you come here, but we will stay neutral.” Dreamfeather looks at his uncle in surprise of how calm the griffon stays. Certainly a valuable trait. The Minotaur, on the other hand, looks more than a little disgruntled. He looks at Dreambird. After a moment, he smiles.

“... How can I be sure of your words?” He asks. “All I need is a signature. Just someone from your country who is a representative of some sort.” Featherbird sighs.

“That’s not how it works-“

“That is how my country works. That is how we do things. Now, I shall ask the young one,” he turns to Dreamfeather, who quirks an eyebrow. “Would you be willing to sign for your country? These old fools don’t-“

“Yeah, see, here’s the thing,” Dreamfeather starts. Featherbird looks at him in confusion, as well as Hornskull. “I would sign it, if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s not really my call. That’s more of a group decision around here-“

“Well I am asking you,” the Minotaur interrupts. “If you sign it, we can-“

“Please, listen. You see, we’re saying no. We won’t help or harm you, that’s final,” Dreamfeather says. His uncle nods in approval. The Minotaur groans, face palming. He stops and grins.

“How about a little deal?” He asks. “I could give you a handsome reward, just for a little signature,” he says. Dreamfeather’s eyes go wide. Featherbird looks to see a familiar look in his eye. Greed. “Say, a couple thousand bits,” the Minotaur continues. Featherbird looks at Dreamfeather nervously, seeing how his whole demeanor has changed dramatically.

“... A couple thousand?” He says. “...” Featherbird shakes his head, trying to get him to do the same. “... No, it’s not up to me, sorry.” With that, the Minotaur blinks in surprise before getting angry.

“Do you not see the fruitfulness of my country!?” He yells. He slams his hands on the table. “My country will win! We will be the utter victors!” He reaches around and pulls out a paper. “Read this! This should change your minds!” Dreamfeather reaches over and takes it, giving it to his uncle. “It’s a letter of recognition from the Moose Kingdoms, they-“

“Is this a joke!?” Featherbird yells in anger, slamming the paper down. Dreamfeather looks at it, squinting.

King Alpha of Diamond Dogs,

The war is not moving anywhere, we are in need of help. In return, we will help you conquer the Griffon Kingdom. We expect-

“Begging for our help, whilst planning to backstab us, correct?” Dreamfeather asks. The Minotaur looks at the letter, his eyes widening.


“Tell your king this,” Featherbird starts. “If that lout of a king tries to make us join again, we will instead side with Equestria. I will make sure of that.” He glares daggers at the now timid Minotaur. “This meeting is over. I suggest you head out quickly.” The minotaur gulps and gets up. Quickly, he walks out of the room, dreading on how he’s going to break the news back in Minotaur Kingdom.

Dreamfeather sighs, massaging his temples. “Uncle, that was the stupidest meeting I’ve ever had,” he mutters. Featherbird grunts, taking out a paper and a quill.

“Urgent news, Minotaurs have thought of invading Griffonstone. I suggest a course of action is necessary,” he mutters, writing his words down. He rolls it up and turns to his nephew. “Hurry, bring this letter to the Council.”

“Wait, what’s in the letter?” He asks. Featherbird sighs.

“Just send it, that’s all I ask,” He says. Nodding, Dreamfeather takes it and starts walking out. “Oh, and by the way.” Dreamfeather stops and turns to his uncle. “... I noticed you’ve changed. Keep it up,” he says. Dreamfeather chuckles and nods before leaving. Featherbird can only hope the Council heeds his words.


It’s ten at night, and I have the Crusading Trio behind me as we walk to my house. The search party came back, announcing that they found all the survivors. It was not a pretty scene. That’s all they told us. However, the Crusaders felt better for the sole fact that they were found at all. I feel bad for my first conversation with them, realizing that they were silent because they were shaken more than anything else. I’ve apologized, of course, but I still feel horrible. However, I’m also absolutely boiling on the inside, thinking about the fact that the Crusaders were accidentally take up as soldiers in the first place. Mark my words, someone’s going to be losing their job.

We come up to my house, still walking at a slow pace. I notice a figure approaching from the other end of the street. It’s Applejack, with tears staining her face. She notices me, and notices the three fillies I’m escorting. She quickens her pace, coming full force. I nudge Applebloom, causing her to look up and see her sister. Before I know it, I see the Apple sisters hugging and crying. I can barely understand what the hell Applejack is saying, but I know it’s related to her concern for her sister. She starts to ask questions rapidly, but I keep my pace towards my house. I have other things on my mind. I open the door, gesturing for everyone to head inside. Still talking, Applejack heads inside, keeping no distance between her and her sister. The other two Crusaders head in after her. Walking in, I close the door behind me. Everyone’s taken a spot on the couch. I go to the kitchen, take a chair, and head back to the living room. I set it down and sit in front of them. I lean back, sighing. Applejack has stopped talking, but keeps her grip on the still-silent Applebloom. Everyone is either looking at me, or the floor.

“... Girls,” I start. “Who did this to you?” I ask calmly. “Because when I find the stupid fuck who did this-“

“Mr Anon, please don’t,” Sweetiebelle interrupts. Applejack shakes her head.

“Sugarcube, we don’t need to continue this.”

“...” I sigh. “... He’ll pay, one way or another,” I mutter. “If someone makes that big of a fuck up, it can become much worse.”

“It was an honest mistake,” Applebloom mutters. Applejack doesn’t react, but I do.

“How?” I ask. “How, in the nine circles of hell, is this an ‘honest mistake’?”

“... We were mistaken for volunteers, that’s all,” Sweetiebelle says. I look at Scootaloo, noticing how quiet she’s been.

“... Scootaloo?” I ask. She looks up at me, and I take notice the dark bags under her eyes. “Do you know who sent you three?” I ask. She stares at me for a moment longer before opening her mouth. After a moment of hesitation, she closes it. “... Alright.” I sigh, rubbing my face. “Look, this shit that happened-“ I take a moment to wave my hands around, gesturing to everything. “-should not have happened to you three, at all.”


“Stop arguing, I don’t care if the guy was shy or some other bullshit!” I say, raising my voice.

“Anon, that’s enough!” Applejack yells. I stop to look at her with a glare. “How do you think I know where they went!?” The room went silent. My eyes widen at that question. Well, now that I think about it, it is rather odd. Why would Applejack come to me if she didn’t know? Unless... Unless the guy who fucked up had already confessed...

“... Oh,” I mutter. I sit down silently, staring at the floor.

“... Did he get a punishment?” Scootaloo asks. Applejack nods.

“Temporary suspension from duty.” I silently continue staring at the floor. “The feller was torn up about it. He almost fell apart, crying in front of me.”

“... I’m sorry,” I quietly say.

“It’s fine sugarcube. I know ya’ll meant well,” she says. Applebloom sniffles, zoned out.

“... All of you can stay here for tonight,” I say. “I can let you sleep on my bed and couch.” Applejack shakes her head.

“Don’t worry, I have some money. We can try to stay at a hotel or somethin’,” she says. I nod.

“Alright, but if you need me-“

“We know where ya’ll are,” Applejack finishes. I nod again, look down at the floor. Suddenly, I feel someone hug me, and my vision is filled with orange.

“... It’s alright Applejack,” I say, returning the hug.

“That’s not me sugarcube,” she says from the couch. I furrow my brows and look at who I’m actually hugging. To my surprise, Scootaloo’s the pony in question. I hear her sniffle as she hugs tighter.

“Thank you Mr Anon,” she mutters. “Thank you for being there.” I sigh, rubbing her mane.

“Anytime kid,” I say.

“W-we were so scared,” she sobs. “W-we d-didn’t know w-what to say to y-you when we g-got here-“

“It’s alright,” I soothe, letting her cry.


“Sir,” a griffon guard salutes as Dreamfeather walks past him in a hallway. The griffon only nods in reply as he walks. He’s not entirely excited about going to this meeting. It hasn’t been that long since he stormed out of today’s meeting with the Minotaur. To say he’s surprised is an understatement. However, before he can go home, his uncle asked him to give a message to the griffon’s military. Of course, it’s nothing flashy. All he’s supposed to really say is ‘prepare for war’ to the general, who’ll take care of the rest of the army. It’s not official, but apparently the Council would rather be ready for this sort of thing just in case. He shakes his head, trying to clear it from the troubling thoughts that crowd his mind. Dreamfeather briefly wishes he could just go home without all this war-talk bothering him.

Finally, Dreamfeather finds a door with a sign that reads, ‘General’s Office’. He knocks quickly. “Come in!” A gruff voice calls. He opens the door, revealing a regular-looking office with papers almost everywhere. In a desk in the back of the room, sits a darkish green griffon with a hat that marks what rank he is. He looks up from the paperwork and frowns. “Oh, look what the cat dragged in,” he says. “Did you come over to try to show me how to ruin a country’s economy again? Or are you here to chastise my choice in clothes?” Dreamfeather sighs.

“General, I wholeheartedly apologize about last time. However, I’d like to relay a message my uncle-“ Before he can continue, the windows burst into shards as an explosion rocks the entire building. Dreamfeather falls to the floor while the General hangs on to the desk.

“What the-“ Another explosion sounds as roars are heard from outside. Both griffons quickly scramble to their feet and clamber to the window to see the commotion.

Dragons. Hundreds of dragons swarm the air, dropping firebombs. The general growls and rushes to his desk, pulling out a drawer. He takes out a mic and almost crushes the button on it. Dreamfeather rushes to the window to watch in horror. “ALL CLAWS!!! WE ARE UNDER-“ he stops to stay steady as another explosion rocks both the griffons in the room. “WE ARE UNDER ATTACK FROM DRAGONS BOMBING THE BASE!!! SCRAMBLE TO DEFENSIVE-“ Another explosion stops him, tearing down the wall next to him. This reveals that the room next door was nothing but rubble, with flames licking what’s left. Dreamfeather stops himself from gagging when he notices that there’s a claw sticking out. “DEFENSIVE POSITIONS!!!” The general yells. “AA COUNTERATTACK!!!” Within minutes, the air is filled with silver-armored griffons carrying various weapons. Spears, bows, shields, etc. The dragons stop dropping their firebombs in order to defend themselves. Screeches and roars rang out through the land as the battle starts.

The fierce battle raged on for hours, Dreamfeather had managed to get to a safe area in a bunker. Now, everything’s silent. Several huge dragon bodies are laying around, amongst many more griffon bodies.

As of today, as the sun sets, the Griffon Kingdom’s last straw was pulled.

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