• Published 30th Jul 2018
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Off The Mark - Goldfur

Mark Wells only bought an old mirror, so why did he now have hooves, wings and green fur? And where was he? Maybe this great and powerful princess could tell him?

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Chapter 39 - Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

When I came back to consciousness, I found myself floating over the ground, carried in the magic field of the unicorn beside me – the mare who claimed to be both my former best friend and now wife. “What’s going on?” I asked, wincing as the effort made my head throb.

“Taking you to the hospital to get you checked out,” Phil replied. “You seem to be concussed. I warned you that working with Princess Twilight was hazardous, but noooooo, you still had to go check out that weird table that appeared.”

Well, she nagged like a wife at least. “Put me down and tell me what happened.”

She frowned but put me back on my hooves. I took the opportunity to switch back to stallion form and swayed momentarily. Phil steadied my wobbles and then embraced me.

“I thought that I had lost you when you were sucked up into that magic bubble thing.”

“It’s a time portal, and things have changed more than you think.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean that you had better come with me to discuss this with Twilight… Where is she, by the way?”

“Twilight Sparkle refused assistance and headed for her home. She told me to bring you but I headed for the hospital instead.”

Because the map table was outside sans Castle of Friendship, I started heading for the Golden Oaks Library where I undoubtedly would find the alicorn. If what Phil had said was true, there would not be a doppelganger there this time as we had replaced our counterparts. “I’m skipping the doc. I’ve got a bit of a headache still, but it was caused by bashing my horn hard, and changing back to being a pegasus has cleared that up a lot.”

Phil came trotting up beside me looking relieved. “Good. So, you’re no longer confused?”

I sighed. “I wish I could tell you that things are back to normal, but they’re not. And you’re not going to like it. I already don’t.” How was I going to explain to this version of my best friend that I was not her husband? In every other respect, I was the person she had married. I was curious as hell to find out how this had come about, and why she was in Equestria at all.

“Sounds like a lot happened in the brief time you were gone.”

“You have no idea!”

As expected, I found Twilight in her basement laboratory. She was scrawling magic equations on her blackboards that were far too complex for a tyro like me to follow.

“What are you up to, Twi?” I asked as soon as I could get her attention.

“Trying to determine why our transit through the time vortex was so rough. I felt forces at work that weren’t present in all our previous trips.”

“What other previous trips?” Phil asked suspiciously.

Twilight frowned. “I saw you at the map table taking care of Mark. Who are you and why are you in my laboratory?”

The mare rolled her eyes and said, “Not you too!”

I said, “Twilight, this is Phil – Phillip Martine.”

“That’s Fillip Martin now, as you well know,” my supposed wife said, punching me on the shoulder.

Twilight’s eyes opened wide and she gaped. “Your best friend from Earth?”

“Yes, apparently. Don’t ask me how.”

Phil looked back and forth between us as if we had both gone crazy. “Will somepony tell me what’s going on here?”

I said, “Keep on with whatever you’re doing, Sparkles. I’ll handle this.” I turned back to my ‘wife’. “You had better sit down for this one, Phil. It’s a bit of a doozy.”

“More so than all the other craziness we’ve been through already?” the mare asked even as she complied.

“Yeah, I’m afraid so. I know you well enough that I’m sure that you’re familiar with the concepts of parallel worlds and alternate timelines.”

Phil nodded, a hint of dread on her features.

I gestured vaguely in the direction of the map table. “That magic bubble you saw was a time portal created by a powerful unicorn mare designed to screw with my and Twilight’s history. We’ve been chasing Starlight Glimmer into the past to stop her from doing this and failed so far. Each time that we’ve returned to the present, something different has confronted us from dead worlds to wars to one where Twilight has an alicorn daughter. This time, we’ve come back to a world where the best friend that I thought I would never see again not only is here too but is now female and married to me. Phil – I hate to say this, but I am not the Mark Wells that you saw leave with Twilight, or this alicorn the same one that left with your Mark for that matter.”

Phil gaped at me, tears starting to well in her eyes as she comprehended what I was telling her. “But, if you’re not my Mark… where is he?”

I glanced at Twilight but she only shrugged helplessly. I bit my lip and considered my response. “To be totally honest, I don’t know for sure. But, considering what we’ve been going through, I’m guessing that he’ll return when we set history right again.”

“Or he’ll never come back at all!” she cried.

I winced. That was what I had been thinking but hadn’t dared to say.

Suddenly Phil was up in my face. “How do I know that my Mark is not the original and you’re the alternate?! Or you are my Mark but with changed memories due to the meddling with time?”

Those were great questions. It was a pity that I didn’t have equally great answers. Hell – I couldn’t even prove the latter to myself. “I’m sorry, Phil. I don’t know.”

Phil burst into tears and leaned her head against my chest. Without even thinking about it, I brought up a forehoof to stroke her mane and neck reassuringly.

“I want my husband back, Mark. I want our future foal to have his father.”

I froze. “Say what?”

She looked up at me with cheeks sodden with tears. “I’m pregnant, Mark. I was saving that up as a surprise.”

My rear legs gave out and I sat down hard. While a different iteration of me had been the sire, the child was no less mine too. I looked up at Twilight, but she was just as shocked. I groaned and mumbled, “How on Earth did this happen?”

I hadn’t really expected an answer, but Phil heard and replied, “Because you fell into the portal, Captain Klutz.”

“And how does that explain you?” I retorted.

“I tried to catch you but instead I was pulled into the portal with you.”

“So, it didn’t happen when I was by myself?”

“Obviously not,” she replied with a little exasperation, wiping the wetness from her cheeks with a foreleg.

“And you ended up a mare? Or did you have an encounter with poison joke too?”

“No, I’ve always been a mare in Equestria.”

“How did you feel about that?” I asked, recalling my first experience with gender-swapping.

“I was fine with it.” When she noticed my skeptical expression, she added, “You know that I’ve always been bisexual.”

I blinked and stared at Twilight, searching for answers, but she looked just as surprised. No – my Phil had been cool with the idea but not inclined to it. So, the difference in universes could extend to a different version of mine as well. I turned back to Phil. “And how did we… y’know…?”

“Become mates? We were two strangers in a strange land and we supported each other as we found our hooves. One night, we both needed a little more comfort and biology happened. After we got over the awkwardness, we realized that we both felt strongly about each other and started getting serious about a relationship. After I nearly lost you when you fought Tirek, I proposed to you. It’s a good thing that the mares usually pop the question here because you might never have gotten around to it. You were definitely caught flat-footed. You still said yes though, and we finally got married.” She had started to look much more alive than before, but then she paused and her expression fell. “Because your job as Princess Twilight’s assistant gave us such security, I decided that it was time to start a family. But then… you went to investigate that weird table and… everything…” Phil sobbed, then turned and bolted up the stairs.

I stared helplessly after her. Despite the change of species and gender, she was still my best friend and I could think of nothing to do for her. We had known each other since childhood, but now I didn’t know the most intimate part of ‘our’ relationship. Even though it was this universe’s Mark Wells who actually was her mate, I felt a massive loss. I found myself beginning to despise this alternate future.

“Are you going to go after her?” Twilight asked.

“And do what?” I replied bitterly. “I’m not the Mark Wells she needs.”

“No, I suppose not, but she does raise some very perplexing questions. You originate from a different universe rather than just another timeline, so Fillip’s presence here indicates that there’s something wrong with my current theory on how Starlight’s spell is affecting reality.”

“What do you mean?”

“We’ve been operating on the presumption that Starlight simply changes history to cause these different futures that we’ve experienced, but what if instead we have been shifted to a parallel reality rather than an alternative timeline? In this case, one where your friend Phil also stumbled into Equestria. Starlight’s spell might not be able to change history at all – I know how futile it was when I used Star Swirl’s original spell and actually ended up causing everything that I had intended to prevent. So, instead of having our present altered, we’ve jumped to the present time of a parallel universe. Back in our Equestria, the castle is still there and our friends are wondering where we are.”

“So you’re saying that Phil’s Mark has also been diverted to another timeline? Then there’s a possibility that he’ll come back?”

“If he and his Twilight Sparkle have figured out what’s going on, then yes.”

“What about the map table?”

Twilight shrugged. “As an educated guess, it’s a common anchor point for the timelines.”

“A guess? Can’t you do better than that?”

Twilight narrowed her eyes. “What do you expect of me, Mark? This is all untrodden territory here with concepts barely touched upon by Star Swirl himself! Starlight had months to work on this spell and I’ve barely begun to unravel its equations and runes. I’m not sure if even she fully understood the consequences of this enchantment. Her formulas are brilliant but full of approximations, leaving open the possibility of unforeseen consequences.”

I groaned and shook my head. “Sorry, Sparkles – I should have known better. It’s just that I hate to see Phil like that, and she’s carrying our foal. Don’t tell me it’s the other Mark’s because we’re identical genetically, and I would be him if things turned out differently.”

Twilight put a reassuring hoof on my withers. “You don’t have to convince me, Mark. I’m now a mother to an alicorn foal because of all these events. I’m still wondering if I did the right thing.”

I raised a quizzical eyebrow. “I thought that you said that you were fine with that now?”

“That’s not the point, Mark. If we are in a parallel world rather than a changed one, then Nyx could have stayed with her Twilight and they would have continued their lives unaffected.”

“Then all those other futures were equally real?” I recalled the ghastly worlds we had escaped.

“The dying world and the war-ravaged Equestria could be just as real as ours and any others we may go to.”

I shuddered. “I hope you’re wrong, but if this is just a fragile timeline, then Phil would go poof when we leave. Could we bring her along like Nyx?”

Twilight sighed. “I’m afraid not. In fact, bringing Nyx is what caused all that turbulence in the time vortex.”

“Why? How could she affect it when she was safely stowed in the saddlebag?”

The alicorn waved at the equations she had written on the blackboards. It might as well have been in Sanskrit for all the good it did. I was barely in magic kindergarten while Twilight lived and breathed it. She wasn’t the Element of Magic for nothing.

Twilight said, “Now that I’ve looked more closely at the relevant equations, I’ve noticed something that I missed before. The spell specifically calls upon the matrices that are our arcane representations and Starlight’s. That’s why we remained exactly where and as we were after she changed the past – not because we were in contact with the map table or the spell scroll. It makes so much more sense now! She hates us and wanted us to suffer the consequences of her meddling with the past. But if changing history was all that happened, we would have been totally unaware of the change, thus spoiling her revenge.”

“What has that to do with Nyx though?”

“Simple – she’s not included in the spell, but we found a loophole in it by putting her in the saddlebag. However, that doesn’t completely eliminate arcano-temporal interference resulting in a destabilization of the time vortex. As a result, we will sometimes experience severe turbulence. Adding yet another pony would likely completely disrupt it and relegate us all to unrealized temporal anomalies!”

“What’s that in plain Equish?” I asked dizzily.

“We’d cease to exist!”

“Okay! Okay! I get it. So, bringing Phil back with us is a super bad idea.”

“And possibly pointless if his Mark Wells returns.”

“How sure are you of that?”

Twilight just waved at the equations again. Right – she had barely started to figure it out yet. And I still didn’t know what to do about Phil. It’s not as if she was the only one wanting her loved one back. I desperately wanted Phil back in my life too! I had a wild thought.

“Sparkles – what if I stayed while you went back? Would that reduce the turbulence?”

She looked at me sharply. “You want to replace this world’s Mark? What if my theory is wrong? What if I can’t go back without you?” She got right up into my face. “What about Trixie?”

My mouth opened but no words came out.

Twilight nodded. “I thought so.” She turned back to her equations and considered them for a long moment. Then she snorted and an eraser swiped through the chalk marks. “Enough of this. It’s time we got back to our task.”

“What about Nyx and the turbulence?”

“Maybe I could add Nyx’s matrix to the spell, but I don’t even have enough time to make a wild guess at balancing the thaumatic equations. We’re just going to have to risk it.”

I nodded. “Let’s go before I start thinking about this mess again.”

Twilight grabbed her saddlebags and headed out of the laboratory. “I couldn’t agree more.”

We headed back to where the map table still stood incongruously amidst the grassy field. Just before we got there though, I heard a familiar voice calling out to us.

“Wait! Don’t go without me!”

We looked back to see Fillip galloping in our direction. Within moments, she skidded to a halt beside us.

She glared at me defiantly. “You’re not leaving me again, Mark!”

I groaned and face-hoofed. “Phil – I… I can’t. I want to bring you, but I just can’t.”

“Says who? We made a promise to each other. For better or for worse, remember?”

It was clear that Phil could not or would not see me as being a different pony from her Mark Wells. I could hardly blame the mare because I felt much the same way about her. I wanted to be there for her. But another pony had already claimed my heart and I could not betray her. My duty was clear even if it caused me pain. I firmed my resolve and looked Fillip Martin in the eyes.

“In my reality, I am Sir Mark Wells, Knight of the Realm of Equestria, soon to be Prince and husband of Her Royal Highness Beatrix Lulamoon. My own personal preferences do not matter in this situation, and unfortunately, neither do yours, Phil. I am obligated to act in the best interest of my ponies... the ones in my reality.” I bowed my head then gave Phil a softer look. “I'm sorry, Phil, but I have to go back and fix this.”

Phil stared at me for a moment, then visibly slumped, her whole body shaking.

I moved closer to catch her eye. “Have faith in your mate. He and your Twilight Sparkle will not rest until they return to you. Trust me – I know.”

After several seconds, my best friend of forever looked at me blankly, then sadly smiled. “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”

I quietly replied, “Or the one.”

Phil rushed up to embrace me and I returned it without hesitation. I felt her tears on my coat and I knew I was crying just as hard. When she pulled back, both of us had the same impulsive thought and we kissed passionately. But the kiss was not warm or joyful. Both of us knew it was a kiss goodbye.

I switched to my Marklestia form and flew to stand next to Twilight as she levitated out Starlight's scroll and positioned it above the map table. She noticed my shaking forehooves. “Are you going to be okay, Mark?”

I ground my teeth and charged my horn. “I'm not going to lie to you, Twilight. I'm pretty pissed off right now.”

She nodded wordlessly, activated the spell, and we were drawn into the maelstrom once more.

This time when we reappeared, Twilight was immediately struck by a blast from our left. I dove to catch her and barely got my shield up in time to deflect a similar blast coming my way. I set Twilight on the roadway directly below us and my horn ached as my shield absorbed another hit. I saw a triumphant Starlight Glimmer floating closer to us.

“I’m done messing with the two of you.” She glanced up and I followed her gaze. Her magic had caught Star Swirl’s scroll when Twilight had dropped it. I gasped when it erupted in flames and disappeared in a flash of smoke and ash. She sneered at me. “Goodbye, Mark Wells.” Then her horn blasts resumed.

I realized how completely screwed we were. I couldn’t leave an unconscious Twilight unprotected while I flew to dodge Starlight’s blasts. My shield was strong, but Starlight’s unicorn magic was much more powerful than mine. Cracks were already appearing on my shield spell.

That left me only one option. I removed my fetlock band.

The band served two purposes. Besides telling me how much mana my cells were holding, the band also limited how fast I could release it. My horn had been forged by channeling through it in a matter of seconds the majority of the magic of Equestria that Tirek had spewed into me. During her testing, Twilight concluded that even alicorn horns could not channel the volume of magic at the speed mine could. The drawback was that even when my cells were charged to 100% capacity, my limited reserves would only last a few seconds. I was basically a one-shot wonder.

Shining Armor had taught me how to project my physical and magical protection shield around an object and use my unfettered magic flow to rapidly reduce its size. I had spent a long afternoon with Shining attempting to protect the chair I was trying to crush, then waiting the hour or so for me to recharge. His first three attempts had resulted in a smoldering ball of wood and some nasty headaches on his part. On his fourth attempt, a completely re-written spell full of runes of reinforcement, direct connections to a half dozen ley lines, and a feedback loop drawing strength directly from my shield held up for the full three seconds.

Of course, he wanted to test the spell around himself the next time, which I flat out refused. Even with Cadance and Twilight offering to augment his shielding for extra safety, I simply wouldn’t do it. Once I had cast the spell, it would take me a half second to stop if anything went wrong. Despite his confidence, it was just too dangerous. I simply couldn’t live with myself if anything had gone wrong.

I didn’t feel that way right now.

Everything started to happen as if in slow motion. I made a shield bubble about thirty feet wide that surrounded Starlight. The unicorn’s next blast bounced off of it and struck her, causing the mare to cry out. She threw up her own shield inside mine but it broke apart into sheets of energy as mine shrunk.

She looked at me in panic as my shield bubble continued its inexorable collapse. I’m pretty sure I was screaming. Her horn glowed brighter than I had ever seen it before, casting energy in all directions, but the bubble didn’t even slow down its contraction. Just when my shield started to contort her body, there was a flash and she was gone. In her place was a marble-sized golden sphere. When I felt the last of my magic drain from my body, the marble exploded with a bang as the liquefied air inside expanded.

“That was… that was...”

Panting, I turned to see the young Rainbow Dash hovering nearby, her eyes practically glowing in excitement.

“…awesome?” I suggested.

“Even more than that. It was amazing!”

I sighed. I knew what was coming next. I grabbed Twilight around her barrel with my forelegs as I heard the familiar sound behind me.

My wings didn’t break our fall very well because I was virtually devoid of magic. I did manage to protect Twilight from the worst of it, though I twisted a rear ankle.

I looked around and was not pleased with what I saw. The Castle of Friendship was here, but much of it had been destroyed, perhaps in some cataclysmic battle. Through a large hole in the wall of the map room, I could see Ponyville, but from the level of disrepair, it seemed to be deserted. It was daytime, and the sky was overcast. That’s when I noticed it was raining.

As carefully as I could, I dragged Twilight under the cover of the map table. My attempts to rouse her were unsuccessful.

I pulled Twilight closer to me, covering her with a wing to keep her warm. I took stock of the situation. We were in another reality that so far appeared to be devoid of pony life. I couldn’t wake up Twilight. We both needed medical attention. Star Swirl’s scroll was gone. And it was raining. Only one word could sum up how I felt.


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Author's Note:

To find out what happens next, please donate to my Ko-fi account. When the tips total over one million Equestrian Bits, I will post chapter 40. :raritywink:

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