• Member Since 8th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Dashite forever!


Scootaloo is an orphan living in Canterlot after having been adopted by Rainbow Dash and her family. She's been plagued by nightmares of the night her parents were killed and of a monster that may have been responsible for it.

When the monsters start to re-appear she gets recruited by a mysterious government organization to fight them. Now she has to work to save the city and everyone in it from the Order, and she may not have to do it alone.


Obviously this is a crossover with the long running franchise Kamen Rider. We'll get into what that means much later.

Image made by RamenDriver.

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 326 )

"Okay mommy," Scootaloo said, and that was the last she saw before the wood siding was closed.

"And, is she under the bed?"


"Great, so let's go and never look back."

"You take the words out of my mouth honey."

... I have no idea where this even came from...

Whatever it was above her didn't look human. It was massive and muscular, that was dressed in armor with a helmet pulled over its face with the letters V I I I on its chest in a strange symbol that looked like a circle with strange markings crossing it. Its visible mouth smiled as it showed pointed teeth and she just kept screaming.

Wheel of fortune?

I should have known you'd be here... Kamen Rider,

To quote my favorite Kamen Rider: "Whenever evil wields power a Kamen Rider will appear. Every single time!"

but there wasn't anything from 13 years ago.

At least not in your country

I heard about a police officer in Japan that lost his family to a criminal and, well it didn't go well for him at first.

"How did he deal with it?"

"Well, that is the strange part, he just told me: 'Don't question me!'"

The card glowed briefly in her hand and she looked at it confused for a long moment.

And Justice has picked his champion!

Just on what the monster said in my dream, and a strange amount of references to something called Shocker,

Ah, the cockroaches of the Kamen Rider universe

Agent Sweetie Drops with S.M.I.L.E's Fortune Division,


Fleur de Lis at your service, former Kamen Rider Magician,

Definitely an interesting choice, most people would connect magician with Trixi.

Flim? Flam?

Coincidincs :rainbowlaugh:

Its based on some technology scans that we've seen before, very fascinating devices.

Oh, really now. BOARD will not be amused :rainbowlaugh:


What kind of voice does the Driver have anyway? More robotic or recorded?

Ah, I like this, I very much like this, but this nothing new now is it :raritywink:


"And, is she under the bed?"


"Great, so let's go and never look back."

"You take the words out of my mouth honey."

... I have no idea where this even came from...

You disturb me sometimes.

Wheel of fortune?


To quote my favorite Kamen Rider: "Whenever evil wields power a Kamen Rider will appear. Every single time!"

Indeed, as it should be, unless they have to fight five or more people in multi-colored spandex, it depends on the show really.

At least not in your country

Yeah, continuity is great isn't it? But yeah, I meant in this country.

"How did he deal with it?"

"Well, that is the strange part, he just told me: 'Don't question me!'"

Oh good, you got the reference!

Ah, the cockroaches of the Kamen Rider universe

Yeah, even in the dark future where Oma Zi-O has taken over and destroyed most everything, Shocker is still scurrying around I'm sure.

What, I got caught up on Zi-O yesterday.


Yeah, originally it was just going to be called Fortune or whatever, but when it was suggested to include SMILE I kinda blended the two.

Definitely an interesting choice, most people would connect magician with Trixi.

I enjoy not going with the obvious.

Coincidincs :rainbowlaugh:

Well I needed someone to develop the Drivers.

Oh, really now. BOARD will not be amused :rainbowlaugh:

No, no they will not... kinda funny actually since this was originally supposed to be a re-imagining of Blade.

What kind of voice does the Driver have anyway? More robotic or recorded?

Given how much of a nerd I am and based on Rails of Reality, it probably sounds like Majel Barrett.

Ah, I like this, I very much like this, but this nothing new now is it :raritywink:

Glad you like it, hopefully chapter 2 will be done soon.


Indeed, as it should be, unless they have to fight five or more people in multi-colored spandex, it depends on the show really.

But all in all, jokes aside, solid chapter. And if this is in the human world, maybe there's potential for crossing over with other Kamen Rider series, like Wizard. I'd pay to see Haruto Soma, AKA the Last Hope appear.

So is this a original Kamen Rider concept within Equestria Girls universe?

9183215 More like a modified Kamen Rider universe where human versions of the characters from MLP exists.

9183214 Stop reading ahead Brick!


You disturb me sometimes.

Happy to oblige :pinkiehappy:

Indeed, as it should be, unless they have to fight five or more people in multi-colored spandex, it depends on the show really.

True indeed.

Oh good, you got the reference!

Of course, I did, I have a doctor in Nerdology :trollestia:

Yeah, even in the dark future where Oma Zi-O has taken over and destroyed most everything, Shocker is still scurrying around I'm sure.

Yeah, about that nihonhero.weebly.com/uploads/5/5/5/3/55538907/dmkpyhkuyaadcuu_orig.jpg some people say it looks similar to the eagle of Shocker, so maybe? nihonhero.weebly.com/uploads/5/5/5/3/55538907/3_82_orig.jpg

No, no they will not... kinda funny actually since this was originally supposed to be a re-imagining of Blade.

Well, at least it is a reimagining of the Driver :moustache:

Given how much of a nerd I am and based on Rails of Reality, it probably sounds like Majel Barrett.

Well, I learned something new today :rainbowlaugh:


Tarot, huh? Now that's an interesting theme. I look forward to seeing more.


maybe there's potential for crossing over with other Kamen Rider series, like Wizard. I'd pay to see Haruto Soma, AKA the Last Hope appear.

Well, my friend, you just made yourself even more likable :rainbowlaugh: by the way I second that

This is very interesting, I will definitely be keeping an eye on this


Happy to oblige :pinkiehappy:

*backs away slowly*

True indeed.

Or people dressed in magical armor modeled on wolves, again, it varies.

Of course, I did, I have a doctor in Nerdology :trollestia:

Good, keep an eye out for any other references.

Yeah, about that

some people say it looks similar to the eagle of Shocker, so maybe?

Darn it Toei, bring back Foundation X already!

I mean seriously, its kinda similar, please be a coincidence, or at least do it well.

Well, at least it is a reimagining of the Driver :moustache:

Yeah, the concept is very similar.

Well, I learned something new today :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, its not really come up yet, but the morphers in Rails of Reality sound like her.

9183250 Yeah, originally it was going to be a re-imagining of Kamen Rider Blade, only you know, good, but I decided Tarot cards would be better.


Good, keep an eye out for any other references.

Oh, I have an idea for the next chapter

I mean seriously, its kinda similar, please be a coincidence, or at least do it well.

With these people behind the series? Yeah, I gave up hope on that a long time ago.

Yeah, its not really come up yet, but the morphers in Rails of Reality sound like her.

Huh, interesting.


What's wrong with Blade? Keep in mind I haven't seen any of the 10 first Heisei except for Den-O and Kiva, only of which I really liked (Guess which) so I'm asking out of pure curiosity.


Oh, I have an idea for the next chapter


With these people behind the series? Yeah, I gave up hope on that a long time ago.

I like Zi-O so far, but it is only on episode 3...

Huh, interesting.

Yes, I am a colossal nerd.

9183300 The characters are poorly written, the concept is good but not well executed, and while the ending was really good getting there is a problem because its just not easy to get through.

If you want a better idea, look up the reviewer ShintaReviews, he reviewed Blade recently.



I won't spoil the surprise, but if you ask Brick he might be able to give you a hint

I like Zi-O so far, but it is only on episode 3...

I already see some major problems. If it actually will happen like I'm expecting, this might actually rival my most hated Rider season...



Well, I'm still gonna give it a chance, its still too early to judge it honestly.


Indeed, as it should be, unless they have to fight five or more people in multi-colored spandex, it depends on the show really.

To quote one of my personal favourites...





I'm a little concerned about Zi-O myself, honestly. I know it's still early, but so far I'm not that enthused. It feels like a significant step down from Ex-Aid and Build. It'll take a lot for me to quit it, granted (I stuck with Kyuranger after the uneven first episodes, after all), but still.

And what's your least favorite Rider, Layton13?

Oh boy, unpopular Opinion: Kamen Rider Gaim.

I nearly hate the entire cast and the story is too fast and doesn't really delve into interesting parts enough in my opinion. I know that this is something that is very much tied to what I enjoy and Gaim really didn't play to these strengths.

My personal favorite episodes in most Rider seasons are mostly completely removed from the overarching plot and deal with small stories about random victims of the week. I generally care more about character than story anyway and Gaim was just not the series for me on that front.

Give me a by the book monster of the week show and I'll be happy if the filler episodes are interesting and give equal time to the victim and the heroes. Again, personal opinion.


All right. I disagree with your opinion, but respect that you feel that way.

Didn't expect anything else. It's an unpopular opinion. But hey, would be boring if we all liked the same thing.


All of us reading this story like Kamen Rider. And there's nothing boring about that!

You know what I mean. If everyone would just agree with everyone else stuff would get quite boring. I love discussion, it helps to figure out why we like the things we do and if you are only surrounded by people who agree with you will never learn that about yourself.


Also in my own Kamen Rider story (ACTUAL Rider, not pony or EQG) I got the weird idea to create a religion based around Gaim since he's, you know, a space god now. So, guessing that's a turnoff for you.


Oh, totally. Was just being tongue in cheek.

Oh no, why would it? Kouta was actually one of the few people I liked in the story and the idea is great so why would I be against it? If they would have a religion based on Baron I would question why would anyone worship that idiot but if it gives something good for the story why should I complain?


The religion is basically something I created as a one-off joke...and then it started building and building in my head and now I have this whole massive pantheon featuring all the Armored Riders, all of whom are worshipped in some capacity (except for Sid, because nobody likes him), Zawame's more or less become a holy city like Rome or Jerusalem people go on pilgrimmages to, a complex mythology, dancing is seen as a way of performing rites, it's growing increasingly popular on the world stage since Gaimists can say with complete accuracy that their gods are provably real...I'm going to have to write a story about this someday, aren't I?

Probably, by the way, I love the idea. This is just gold.


Other things include fruit and fruit juice being popular food for Gaimists, Drupers becoming a sacred site, Takatora as the increasingly harried and tired prophet/Pope/CEO/guy in charge of everything and longing for sleep and/or death, the living Riders struggling to deal with their fame and worship and the knowledge that they're going to ascend to divinity one day since Kouta used his space god magic to bring back the deceased as space gods because why the hell not, Saver and Mars/Jam viewed as false gods, Kurokage troopers become standard law enforcement, Kouta's sister had to go into hiding since people keep harassing her to bless their children, some idiots trying to summon Inves because they think they're angels or dead loved ones and...not always being wrong...a part of me wants Evolt to be the devil even though he's from a different series since he more or less IS Space Satan.

What's not to like about the guy? People who say he's boring, clearly they haven't heard of or see the signs of Survivor's Guilt.

As for that hint you mentioned to Ruin that I might know about... I legitimately don't have a clue as to what you're on about or have probably forgotten. Mind PMing me as to what it was?

Funnily enough, some guy (Named Shura) in one of the Gaidens, namely, Zack's did start a religion of sorts relating to Kaito. Shura even became Kamen Rider Black Baron till Zack beat his ass to a pulp with Jimber Marron arms. I kid you not.


I remember. Part of Zack’s job in Gaimism is to punch people in the face and yell “THAT’S NOT WHAT KAITO WANTED YOU IDIOT!”

Yeah, seeing Zack use a Jimber Arms and beat a Baron faker with so many delusions that it wasn't even funny to a pulp was so awesome in so many ways.


He also goes around beating up other poseurs who misinterpret the words of the pantheon to justify doing awful shit, but mainly Baron fakers. (Though to be fair, Kaito's philosophy IS difficult to parse.) Many view him as the mortal voice of Baron, though as he has said on many times, "I may speak for Kaito, but he doesn't necessarily speak to me."

Well, gotta say, really feeling the love between Scootaloo and Sweetie here. And I have to wonder, very curious about this aspect, what do the Legendary Riders think of a Kamen Rider showing up in America?

As for the Order... shudders That's all I'm going to say on the matter. Still thinking up a possible image song for Scootaloo, This I thought could work, but then I read the lyrics in English.

9199726 That is an excellent question... one that I do not have an answer to because I haven't thought of it yet. And the song could work, yeah.

Wait seriously? You did see the lyrics right?

The crest rising from the palm of the hand is proof
Clad in the merged color of Darkness, just like an aura
Roots of the King... (x4)

What must be protected are the laws of the race
Judgement will be passed in an instant to those who have sinned

For the power that can destroy the world
A pure-blooded successor has appeared

Judge it, King, this Saga of fates has come spinning
Entrusting everything into those skills
The one who bares his fangs/Kiva shall wander in the depths of Hell for eternity
What is real? This overwhelming rule shall now
Be commenced in the heavens
This unshakable existence, the Roots of the King...

Sitting on that throne is but just one person
There is only erasure for this incompetent imitation
Roots of the King... (x4)

In the blessing of Darkness, he continues walking
Ascending up onto the promised stage

Without the world ever realizing, continuing in a cycle
A pure-blooded successor has been chosen

Judge it, King, this Saga of fates has been inherited
Time to dye this era black
The one who bares his fangs/Kiva should know a second death is waiting
What is real? What has already begun
It is not hope, but despair that he is sneering with
This unshakable confidence, the Roots of the King...

No matter how secretly Light shines
There will always be shadows lurking
That is something decided, and will never be erased, the Roots of Blood

Judge it, King, this Saga of fates has come spinning
Entrusting everything into those skills
The one who bares his fangs/Kiva shall wander in the depths of Hell for eternity
What is real? This overwhelming rule shall now
Be commenced in the heavens
With the rise of the wind, the figure shall emerge
Roots of the King...!

Yeah, might need to find something else. This one might just work.

Why does all mankind wish for the sweet fruits more than anything else
and continue wandering? Even though their bodies suffer the pain of briars

Even if we try picking each different righteousness, each future
just what kind of value will be remaining in that world?
Everyone is all alone

Even if fate can no longer be stopped
I want to tell you, so I will go beyond even time
Before it becomes too late, I want you to notice this voice
Let them reach you, these lights of my wish

Beyond the same sky, if we could dream of the same tomorrow
not for fighting, we should have been able to face each other while smiling

Everyone is carrying a grief they can't get rid of deep in their hearts
"One day I'm sure I can save you" - the one I fought was surely
my own self

Even if I'm unable to grab that hand and stop it
These feelings of loving will go beyond even time
So that you're not hurt at the end waiting beyond that point
I pray - Lights of my wish

Even if fate can no longer be stopped
I want to tell you, so I will go beyond even time
Before it becomes too late, I want you to notice this voice
Let them reach you

Even if I'm unable to grab that hand and stop it
These feelings of loving will go beyond even time
So that you're not hurt at the end waiting beyond that point
I pray - Lights of my wish

"Minor Swords Ace?"


You're going to do fine Scootaloo, its better to get a feel of it now than to do it in the middle of a battle.

Yeah, probably. There are a few Riders who would have loved that :rainbowlaugh:

she muttered and backed off a little, she was still getting used to walking around in the armor but it wasn't as hard as she expected.

That is normal for Rider Armors, well expect the G3 line, that is heavy as hell.

"Come on Scootaloo, you can do this!" Sweetie Belle called down to her. "You're better than some dumb old computer program ever can be!"

Since I already mentioned the predecessor: Kamen Rider Justice against Kamen Rider G4, now that would be interesting :rainbowlaugh:

Nothing to be concerned with, we just need to go over the data from her while she was in Rider form,

Wouldn't want another Garen situation.

Teenagers with attitude dressed in spandex of different colors?"

"Well, you never know, it might not be spandex,"


"Justice, at least that's what they told me,"


I'm no superhero, but if the card thinks that I was the right choice and there are monsters threatening the city, I'm going to do this.

Spoken like a true Kamen Rider!

This is my city, and its time to doll out some justice!

Ok, that line is good :rainbowlaugh:


:rainbowlaugh: That name :rainbowlaugh: Ok, for clarification, that sound strangely similar to Sau Zwei, German for pig two, so kinda like the monster just insulted itself.

Ugh, did you get the license plate of that truck that hit me?

That one never gets old.

Which means ya'll are gonna have ta refrain from doin' certain things,

Ok, seriously, why are so many Toku stories on this site so god damn suggestive? :rainbowkiss: Not that I'm complaining

I crossed paths with another one a few times before she vanished altogether. One that even the other monsters were afraid of, but she vanished, a long time ago. I think she may have stopped being much of a threat.

Mhm, sure and Sougu is the king of video games

a towering male figure dressed in armored robes with a laurel crown on his head and a face with strange markings across it said as he turned to look at the monster.


another male voice said and they both turned to see a male figure dressed in an elaborately designed suit leaning on a cane walking towards them.

I'm blanking on this one

The Two of Wands is a minor card all things considered, and we need information,


"I don't want you to get hurt again," Sweetie said with a sigh. "I still don't like this, it feels like the next time you're out there you could..."

I really like these two together :heart:

Where do you think the Rider part comes from?

Well, not every rider has a bike, looking at you beast and Drive

Whoever did it was clever, they managed to sneak in and override the security systems.

Huh, my gears are turning

Go get 'em.

Ok, I cant resist:

the last interview subject said, he was a man with asian features and medium length reddish-brown hair.

I assume this is a referenc, so who could it be? Soichi, Shinji, Takumi ok maybe not him since yeah you know dead, Kenzaki, Wataru, Tsukasa, Eji, Haruto or Takeru. But my money is on either Kenzaki or Tsukassa.

... Wow, this got WAY longer than expected... ups :twilightblush:


she muttered and backed off a little, she was still getting used to walking around in the armor but it wasn't as hard as she expected.

That is normal for Rider Armors, well expect the G3 line, that is heavy as hell.

Could be worse, could be Kiva's armor...

I'm no superhero, but if the card thinks that I was the right choice and there are monsters threatening the city, I'm going to do this.

Spoken like a true Kamen Rider!

Damn right.

Where do you think the Rider part comes from?

Well, not every rider has a bike, looking at you beast and DriveAnd Ryuki. He technically rides a Dragon.

I assume this is a reference, so who could it be? Soichi, Shinji, Takumi ok maybe not him since yeah you know dead, Kenzaki, Wataru, Tsukasa, Eji, Haruto or Takeru. But my money is on either Kenzaki or Tsukassa.

... Wow, this got WAY longer than expected... ups

I can answer that. It would be this guy. Kenzaki, AKA Kamen Rider Blade, the original Card user.



Could be worse, could be Kiva's armor...

currently watching Ryuki, so could be

Well, not every rider has a bike, looking at you beast and DriveAnd Ryuki. He technically rides a Dragon.

he has two bikes, the dragon and the standard bike of the ryuki Riders.

I can answer that. It would be this guy. Kenzaki, AKA Kamen Rider Blade, the original Card user.

As I thought. I limited to Blade and Decade since these two are generally known to travel a lot.


Okay, that is kinda freaky, I did not know Scootaloo was the Ace of Swords in the, I guess MLP Tarot deck.

Yeah, probably. There are a few Riders who would have loved that :rainbowlaugh:

Probably more than a few, the advantages to working with a government agency with a black budget.

That is normal for Rider Armors, well expect the G3 line, that is heavy as hell.

Well yeah, but if you're not aware of that you could assume that its heavier than it is.

Since I already mentioned the predecessor: Kamen Rider Justice against Kamen Rider G4, now that would be interesting :rainbowlaugh:

Can't really comment on this since it would require me to be familiar with G4.

Wouldn't want another Garen situation.

No, no we would not.


I know, I couldn't resist slipping that in.


Ooh nice.

Spoken like a true Kamen Rider!

As she should, wouldn't be a Kamen Rider story otherwise now would it?

Ok, that line is good

I try.

:rainbowlaugh: That name :rainbowlaugh: Ok, for clarification, that sound strangely similar to Sau Zwei, German for pig two, so kinda like the monster just insulted itself.

That's actually not why its called that, its actually a portmanteau of Zwei von Zauberstäben, Two of Wands. But that is kinda funny.

That one never gets old.

Heh, yeah, well she did get attacked by a monster so what does she expect?

Ok, seriously, why are so many Toku stories on this site so god damn suggestive? :rainbowkiss: Not that I'm complaining

Because ScootaBelle is so darn adorable, that's why. But yeah, its weird, is bound to happen with me though.

Mhm, sure and Sougu is the king of video games

Yeah, we'll get into this more later, its sort of a hold-over from the original vision of this fic.


Yes, Emperor, the name Caesar should've been an indication.

I'm blanking on this one

I could tell you, but its more fun to make him mysterious.

I really like these two together :heart:

Yeah, like I said they are super cute together. Usually I build up to characters being together, but this time I figured, why not?

Well, not every rider has a bike, looking at you beast and Drive

Yeah, true, Black RX also had a car in addition to his bike too. But all the Riders in this fic use bikes.

Huh, my gears are turning

*whistles innocently*

Ok, I cant resist:

Funny thing is I almost had her say "Go get 'em Tiger" as a Spider-Man reference.

I assume this is a referenc, so who could it be? Soichi, Shinji, Takumi ok maybe not him since yeah you know dead, Kenzaki, Wataru, Tsukasa, Eji, Haruto or Takeru. But my money is on either Kenzaki or Tsukassa.

Yeah, Brick already said it but it is Kenzaki. Because Justice was originally envisioned as a re-write of Blade, and its influence is still visible in things like the card motif, the Driver, and something we'ell get into later, I decided why not have Blade himself make a cameo.


Okay, that is kinda freaky, I did not know Scootaloo was the Ace of Swords in the, I guess MLP Tarot deck.

Yeap, an MLP tarot deck. If you want to see the rest, here

Probably more than a few, the advantages to working with a government agency with a black budget.

Can certainly have advantages :rainbowlaugh:

Can't really comment on this since it would require me to be familiar with G4.

Basically, a military Rider based on G3-X that has an AI that kills it's user and uses him as a meat puppet. Not that pleasant of a guy.

As she should, wouldn't be a Kamen Rider story otherwise now would it?


That's actually not why its called that, its actually a portmanteau of Zwei von Zauberstäben, Two of Wands. But that is kinda funny.

Now I see it. Still, I Sau Zwei is kinda funny.

Yes, Emperor, the name Caesar should've been an indication.

Wrote this before the name was uttered, that was just the nail in the coffin.

I could tell you, but its more fun to make him mysterious.

Couldn't agree more

Yeah, Brick already said it but it is Kenzaki. Because Justice was originally envisioned as a re-write of Blade, and its influence is still visible in things like the card motif, the Driver, and something we'ell get into later, I decided why not have Blade himself make a cameo.

Yeah, and it even makes a lot of sense since he is one of the few Riders who is known for leaving the country. So I can only say one thing:

"Are you really reference Nr. 1? "

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