• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


Still tired. Still writing. Patreon


Zecora had never seen an aura as bright or as warm as Sunset Shimmer's. Thousands of miles from home, Zecora had found a kindred spirit who could ease her feelings of isolation. Their lights grew together, forming a brilliant radiance.

But the brightest lights cast the deepest shadows.

Both Zecora and Sunset have a secret, one that would put the other in mortal peril. In a single night, both secrets will surface, and Zecora will have to choose between following her heart, or her duty.

Because humans and monsters cannot coexist.

Pre-read by DrakeyC, JayMan155, and EbonQuill

An entry into Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Journeys

Cover art made by JayMan155!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 50 )

Thanks a lot, and hoping you'll be placed!

I have a feeling this will be placed, just from the unique premise alone.

Interesting. Was expecting Sunset’s demon side.

My reaction was simple I see a new story from of my favourite writers when I'm just about to go to bed and i power through it instantly. And as usual I was not disappointed it covered a lot of my favourite story elements. Werewolves, monster hunters,teenagers with a secret double life, a good soul struggling with a monsterous curse, Sunset and Zecora (seriously the low amount of Zecora stories is criminal) instant fav good luck in the contest

Will have to read this later when im not in a lecture but this looks interesting.

Sunset let out a nervous chuckle. “Right. About that…”


Hmmm... interesting. And incredibly different. Nice job, Albi.


This was a really cool story. Very unique, both in premise, and the rarepair

Huh, so Zecora is a student, rather than a teacher or other adult ... Interesting.

And I think demon-Sunset may be making a return :fluttershysad:

Sunset, her magical, pony, werewolf girlfriend from another dimension.

Zecora allowed herself a goofy smile.

Zecora seems to be taking things well. :pinkiehappy:

Well, the werewolf on the loose near Canterlot is going to be a problem (and just how many other people has he already infected?)
Keeping Sunset from going feral will be an ongoing problem.
When Zecora's family finds out will be a big problem (and they will, of course, find out).
Explaining things to the rest of the Rainbooms will also be a problem, because they do need to be brought into the loop.

A lot of problems on the horizon for Sunset and Zecora :fluttershysad:

But they will find a way! :raritystarry:

9162470 I've always thought that in Girlsverse Zecora would be something like the school nurse or curator or councelor or whatnot.

Also to author: I really like the premise you build and your text is otherwise a joy to read too. I'm happy I clicked on this link!

I'm gonna be disappointed if this isn't followed up. I mean, you do you, Albinocorn, but this is a great premise you've made.
You also put 'temporary' cover art. If I'm right, then I'm really looking forward to seeing Sunset as a werewolf.
There's needs to be more Wawindaji backstory too. They seem really interesting, if a bit assuming about the supernatural. Speaking of supernatural, I can't believe Zecora took Sunset as being a unicorn so easily, considering her standard beliefs. I need to see how that happened.

That all said, great story, glad I was following you.

sequel :pinkiehappy: sequel :pinkiehappy: sequel :pinkiehappy: sequel :pinkiehappy: sequel :pinkiehappy: sequel :pinkiehappy: and prequel :raritywink:

I really thought someone was going to die...:fluttercry:

In that order! :pinkiecrazy:


#2 MOAR!!!

#3 I bet if you make more you'll get on the Front Page again! That's how I found this one <3

#4 MOAR!!!!!!

#5 Sequels and Prequel please? <3

Having Zecora take to Sunset as a Unicorn was probably fine. I imagine that there are Supernatural in the world that are products of GOOD Juju. Besides, I have a feeling that Unicorns are products of GOOD Juju which would explain why Sunset gives off such great vibes normally. They are very HARMONIOUS, unlike the Werewolves which are UNHarmonious.

At least...that's my theory. Plus, it may help explain how Sunset was able to fend off her negative aspects of her transformation as well as she has.

Oooh, very intriguing. Great way of introducing Zecora as a character with how she is handling life in a new location even while alone. And the mystery building up over her duty and with whatever's happening with Sunset is well done, the dread always lingering at the nape of the neck. You've done well in setting up the emotional stakes as well as the familial and physical ones.

Every time I see the title of this my brain makes me think of Waluigi.

This needs a sequel. The entire story got me hooked.

Well this was an odd, but adorable one.

Fascinating concept. Also, nice work in incorporating journeys and changing seasons into the story. This was a gripping read from start to finish... though I can't help but think about what will happen when the truth finally gets out to bith Zecora's parents and Sunset's friends. And how the latter would react to Equestria's moon. Or all of the friendship rainbows she channels. Hetween the constant use of Harmony magic and access to Princess Luna, Sunset's condition may not be as incurable as she and Zecora think.

Also, a good attempt to sidestep the hardest part about writing Zecora. The rhythm of her rhymes proved shaky many times.

In all, a great read. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

I really need more if this. Like, a lot more.

Once every full moon Sunset transforms into a.....cute, adorable, little pony.
:yay: Wait. What?

Excellent job at mingling the emotional stakes with the physical danger. Zecora's perspective really gives a sympathetic view of why she would look away from the signs when it comes to Sunset, not wanting to accept the truth.

That was very heartwarming to see them be able to trust one another not only with their secrets but their emotional vulnerabilities as well. And interesting to see that the story implies Anon-y-mous did happen and as a result led to Sunset turning to a werewolf. I can see why she wouldn't want to tell her friends - not only out of being seen as a monster, but her friends might blame themselves for Sunset taking that fateful walk that changed her life because of the fight.

Fascinating story that really explores something new for Sunset and Zecora. This is a first good start for the two of them as they try to coexist and I would love to see this continued. To see more of how the two came to be together, how Zecora's family and Sunset's friends will react, how the Equestrian side of things will mingle, and of the other werewolf. This is a great supernatural romance as it shows them trying to manage the supernatural part of it rather then it simply being the enchanting part. Character comes first for the chemistry and the supernatural parts create new conflicts for all these characters. I hope we get to see more. :pinkiehappy:

This is a very nice story! Thanks for writing it, it was an enjoyable short story and a nice break from the 100,000+ word stories I usually read.

Is there going to be more of this?

I love this but I hate that its only 4 chapters. Perhaps we could get a sequel someday?

This was very good but it felt more like the start to a story than a full story itself.

This was a lot more engaging than I expected.

After Sunset’s warning, I thought that Zecora’s father had clued in somehow and would come confront them. But that would merit a longer scene than this chapter.

I hope you do a sequel or some such, the premise you have here is pretty good.

Author Interviewer

Well, that was unexpected! :D

I hate to be That Guy, but when writing binomial nomenclature, the species name should never be capitalized. <.<;

Author Interviewer

Well, that was cool. :D

You know I think this is the first time that Anon-a-Miss made Sunset turn into a werewolf. Is it weird that I think that it is weird that this is the first story to do so? :rainbowhuh:

What does wawindaji mean?

It's Swahili for 'hunters'.


I knew it! I thought I recognized the African dialect!

This was adorable and I'd love to see more on this universe. A sequel would be awesome :raritywink:

All seemed calm, just as it did every time Zecora took watch. Months here in this new city had yet to reveal anything suspicious, supernatural or otherwise. The closest lead she had was that something had happened at the Battle of the Bands at her new school. Still, none of her new friends, or even her girlfriend, wanted to talk about it.

Huh, so she's a teenager in this story eh, kinda thought she'd be an adult. :applejackunsure:

There was an abundance of good juju here, certainly more than what was considered normal, and certainly worthy of investigation. But neither Zecora nor her parents could detect the bad juju her grandmother had picked up on a few months ago.

juju? :applejackconfused:

“I’m afraid there is not much to my story. My parents and I came here not seeking money or glory. Simply, a change of scenery from our old lives. A chance to start anew under a different part of the skies.” Zecora couldn’t help but giggle. “Traveling is something I always desired. People who can go where they please, I’ve always admired. But, I will admit, being this far from home, I can’t help but feel a little alone.”

As fun as traveling might be, being homesick can often come when you least expect it. :fluttershysad:

Zecora nuzzled her face into Sunset’s hair until she found her ear. “It sounds like you’ve learned a lot since you left your teacher. Perhaps you should show her the new you.”

Someday zecora, she will someday. :fluttershysad:

“I understand.” Zecora kissed her ear and said softly, “But you are a girl with such a radiant light. Seeing you again, I’m sure would be a welcoming sight. I mean, I think she would be very glad to see you.”

She will. :twilightsheepish:

Zecora remained silent. Her staff trembled in her hand, and her heavy breathing made her mask very warm. Ancestors, please let this be a dream. Tell me it is not true.

It sadly isn't zecora. :fluttercry:

But the the third half, the one rarely talked about, had complete control. Zecora was frozen where she stood, forced to watch as her girlfriend slowly morphed into a monster.

But the third half,*

She pushed herself up onto her hind legs, standing over seven feet tall. A long, bushy tail curled behind her, giving an excited swish as Sunset’s eyes stared down Zecora, their teal light dimmed.

Oh my god! :twilightoops:

Zecora kept a calm face despite the pounding of her heart. “No, I could not ask you to do that, though I appreciate the offer. Asking a guest to help with work is considered quite rude in my culture.” With her own half truth out in the air, Zecora supposed she had no room to question Sunset now.

Huh, that's a first. :applejackunsure:

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. It’s just, you know, that time of the month.”

She's clearly hiding something and it's not a good one. :unsuresweetie:

But the bags under her eyes every month. They aligned perfectly with the full moon, not that Zecora had thought on it. And Sunset liked her meat rare, an oddity according to her friends who claimed she had been a vegetarian until recently.

That part where she like meat, made me think Sunset actually likes it as a human, but nope I was wrong. :ajbemused:

Zecora cursed in her native tongue, both for not realizing Sunset was a werewolf, and for causing her so much pain.


Sunset took a minute to get her erratic breathing under control. “Since winter break. My friends and I had been fighting, so I went for a walk to clear my head. Something big knocked me down and bit me, and then the next month…” She broke into a fresh wave of sobs.


“I understand. I am Wawindaji who does not wish to be a hunter. Ever since I was little, I wondered if there was another way. I didn’t want to kill.” Zecora lifted her free hand to trace the black tattoos marking the right side of her face. “For each prey hunted, we are given a mark. A proof of victory. But all I see is a reminder that I took the life of a creature that could have been a friend. What else could I do though?

Must be hard dealing with that. :fluttershysad:

“Luck has nothing to do with it. We’ve gotten this far on skill and love. You just have to believe in yourself more.”

She's right. :fluttershysad:

Sunset made a noncommittal grunt. For two months now, they had ventured into the forest on the night of the full moon. Sunset would transform, and Zecora would keep herself close by. Then, Zecora would try to break through to Sunset while she was in her werewolf state, to mixed results. Sunset would growl and snap, sometimes attack. But, Zecora’s skills as a Wawindaji kept Sunset at bay until she ran off deeper into the forest. Zecora would then patrol the forest border until sunrise, making sure Sunset never entered the city.

Damn, that tough alright! :pinkiegasp:

It slapped her across the nose with enough force to send her to the ground. Bright spots danced in front of her eyes.

That's gotta hurt! :fluttershyouch:

Zecora nodded and sighed. “You’re right. One step at a time.” For now, she would just enjoy Sunset’s warm aura.

Despite the weird ending, I still find this a good story, I guess? :unsuresweetie:

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