• Published 7th Oct 2018
  • 3,033 Views, 110 Comments

The Sixth Child - LibraryNexus

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Creepin' Towards The Door


Freddy sighed as Chica chased Foxy around the pizzeria. “Sometimes I delude myself and think that there’s only one child here,” he said to Fluttershy.

Bonnie stuck out a foot and tripped Foxy, who fell onto Toy Freddy, whose flailing brought the rabbit down with him. Chica couldn’t stop herself and fell onto the other three animatronics.

“Then I remember the other four.”

Fluttershy giggled.

The man in purple cleared the tools and spare parts off the table and laid the remains of a head on it.

A disaster! Why did that vent have to fall just moments after he had installed the AI card? And why did it have to land on one of his creations? It would take weeks to repair it.

And he did not have that time. He would be under heavy surveillance for the next months, making it impossible to return to his secret workshop. He would have to make do with what he had.

Besides, he thought as his gaze went over to a smaller frame, a prototype for a new toy. Perhaps he could still use the card...

“Bonnie,” said Freddy standing in the Party Room. “How did you get up there?”

“I don’t know!” the animatronic rabbit cried from where he was balancing on two beams near the ceiling. “I was walking and reading my book, and when I looked up, I was up here! Now get me down!”

“Have you tried jumping down?” Chica called up.

“Oh, why didn’t I think of that? Oh, right, because I like staying in on piece!”

“Are you scared of heights?”

“No, I’m scared of falls, that’s what kills you!”

“Um, I don’t think that animatronics like us take fall damage,” Toy Freddy offered.

“Well, excuse me if I don’t want to find out!” Bonnie shouted back.

“You might want to move soon,” Freddy said, eyeing the beams he was standing on.

“Give me one good reason why!”

“Because the beam you’re standing on is about to-”


“-break,” Freddy finished as Bonnie fell down from the ceiling and landed on Foxy who had just stepped through the doorway.

“YEOWCH! Why did ye go and hafta do dat fer?!?” Foxy yelled from where he was currently being crushed by a fallen rabbit animatronic.

“Thank you, Foxy,” Bonnie said, lying face-down on the ground.

It was another day at the pizzeria and a group of three were visiting. Freddy was talking to one of the boys, a blond-haired one, while Chica was talking about recipes with a boy with oddly pink hair.

Bonnie stopped in front of the last child, a girl with bright blue hair. “Hi there!” he said.

The girl tilted her head. “Who are you?” she asked.

“Don’t you know me?” Bonnie asked, tilting his head also.

“I wasn’t talking to you,” the girl said. “I was talking to the boy behind you.”

Bonnie looked back, but he could see anyone. “Are you sure?” he asked.

The girl huffed. “Of course I’m sure,” she retorted. “He’s doing everything you’re doing.”

Bonnie grew still. “What was that?” he questioned.

“He’s copying everything you do,” the girl said. “Also, he’s got these strings attached to you-”

“There you are, Vivi,” said a man with pink stripes in his blond hair. “We’re getting ready to go, Lewis and Arthur are already in the car.”

“Okay, Mr. Pepper!” the little girl, Vivi, chirped. She hugged Bonnie and waved at something only she could see. “Bye-bye mystery guy!” she said before following the man.

“What was she talking about?” Freddy asked.

“I don’t really know,” Bonnie said.

“Mmph!” Bonnie said, holding a yellow peel in his hand. “Forgot how much I love bananas,” he added as he tossed it into a trash can. “Oh, when did we get a jukebox?”

The animatronic rabbit walked over to the device which was still lit up. However, a little pony was already there and was pawing at the selection button going through the discs set in the machine.

“Hey Fluttershy,” Bonnie said. “What are you- wait go back one.”

The yellow pegasus did so, and Bonnie read the songs on the disc. A wide grin stretched across his face. “Hey, Fluttershy,” he said. “Wanna see something funny?”


The named animatronic looked up. “Oh, hey Fred,” he said. “What’s up?”

The frazzled bear slammed his paws on the table. “Don’t you ‘hey Fred’ me,” he growled. “How many times did you punch in “What’s New Pussycat” into the jukebox?”

“A few,” Bonnie admitted.

“A few?” Freddy deadpanned.

“Well yeah, Fluttershy saw what I was doing and wanted to choose a song.”

The jukebox then changed tunes, crooning out, “It’s not unusual to be loved by anyone~”

Freddy’s glare softened as he looked at Fluttershy. “That’s a good girl,” he said, ruffling her mane. Turning to Bonnie, he added, “I wouldn’t do anything else with the jukebox, Foxy looks like he’s ready to lose it.”

“I’ll keep it in mind,” Bonnie said, his mischievous grin not matching with his voice.

Five minutes later…

“What’s new pussycat, what’s new pussycat? Whoa~whoa~”

“YAARGH!” Foxy cried, grabbing a chair. “I CANNOT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! CHAAAARRGGGEE!” he screamed, running at the jukebox.

The next night, the broken machine had an ‘Out Of Order’ sign on it.

“Alright,” the old janitor said, as he sat down at the table across from Toy Freddy. “Let’s get this done so that I can go home. Let’s see here…” He clicked the play button on the tape recorder.

“Begin tape,” a male voice stated. “Leaving dead space 3… 2…”

“I think we can skip that part,” the janitor said, holding down the fast-forward button for a while.

“…audio prompt in 3, 2, 1.”

A shrill metallic noise came out of the speaker causing both the janitor and animatronic to fall out of their chairs. A hand slapped at the recorder until it finally hit the stop button and the janitor raised himself above the table.

“What the fff-fudge was that?” he asked the animatronic that was laying on the floor.

It didn’t answer.

“Tell you what,” the janitor said. “I won’t tell if you won’t tell, deal?”

“Deal,” Toy Freddy answered.

The janitor looked non-pulsed at the animatronic answering and started marking boxes on the sheet.

“Foxy, why are you pouring tomato sauce over yourself?” Chica asked.

“I be a’trying to get the stench of skunk off meself!” the fox pirate replied.

Chica blinked. “That just raises more questions,” she said. “But I don’t think I want to know the answers.”

“Fluttershy found one, and was a’makin’ friends with it,” Foxy explained as he tossed the empty can to the side. “And I, not a’knowin’ this, tried to separate the two.”

Chica tilted her head. “So, you just decided to just pick up the skunk?”

“It appeared ta be a good idea at the time,” Foxy admitted, opening another can of tomato sauce.

“And that’s why management only gave out Freddy masks,” Dave said as he dropped the remains of the makeshift Toy Foxy mask into the trashcan.

Fritz winced. “Is this guy cleared to come back?” he asked.

“Doc said so, but I’m going to need you on standby just in case…”

Fluttershy was walking beside the door when she heard a tapping sound. Looking out the door, she saw Unca Foxy on the other side. Wondering what he was doing out there, she pushed the door open. But he was gone.

A squeak from the left. A small yellow rabbit, standing on two legs, waving at her. Focused on this new thing, she followed it around the corner.

Four shapes were crouched behind the building, right beside a big metal box. For a moment, she thought they were her family, but that thought was washed away.

They were cold.

But before she could scream, a five-fingered hand closed over her mouth.

Author's Note:

FYI, Benjy shares my opinion on heights.