• Published 25th Oct 2018
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A 14th Century Supplement in Celestia's Court - Antiquarian

A short compendium of supplementary data, bonus chapters, spinoff chapters, and spoof chapters for A 14th Century Friar in Celestia's Court.

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Light Horse (Lore)

The 3rd Expeditionary Regiment, also known as the 3rd Equestrian Light Horse or, more commonly, as the ‘Black Cav’ is one of the oldest and most prestigious units in Equestrian history, and at their inception represented a major evolution in their combat doctrine.

They trace their origins to the early days of Equestria, before the armed forces of the young kingdom had been formally unified under the Combined Forces (the precursor to the EUP Guard). In those days, the disparate Tribes seldom formed united companies of fighting ponies. However, invasions by griffons in the east and minotaurs in the southwest forced the young realm to adapt if they wanted to survive.

Chief architect of this new military doctrine was Lord Rook of House Battlement. Rook, a unicorn, was one of the first Equestrians to truly adopt the idea of combined arms warfare – integrating the various skills of all three Tribes into one cohesive fighting force. He envisioned the creating Light and Heavy Companies of soldiers comprised of specialist warriors with intertwined skillsets intended for fast, elite troops which could outfight and outmaneuver larger enemy forces.

Opposition to the idea was fierce, and Rook barely managed to secure enough support to attempt his idea. Even then, he was given little funding and forced to rely entirely on recruiting volunteers. Most of his volunteers were earth ponies, who up to that point were often sidelined by the more established militaries of the unicorns and pegasi.

Nevertheless, Rook managed to assemble three Light Companies – mostly built around a core of fast earth pony chargers with pegasi support – and one Heavy Company – built around a core of unicorn knights and pegasi lancers.

Rook emphasized unit cohesion and precision maneuvers; he drilled his ponies relentlessly, tolerating no squabbles or rivalries between the Tribes but enforcing discipline with an iron hoof. Those who would not conform were dismissed.

By the time he was done, all four companies were understrength, but they were the most highly-trained and professional troops the young country had ever seen.

They first saw action against the numerically superior minotaurs at the Battle of Bull Gulch. Though most of the other Equestrian units were driven from the field, Rook’s troops fought with such vigor that they stopped the minotaur advance cold, allowing other Equestrian forces to rally for a successful counter-attack. Rook’s companies were such ferocious fighters that the minotaurs mistook them for horses, leading to widespread rumors of “Equestrian Horses.”

The name stuck, and the surviving companies were reorganized as the First, Second, and Third Light Horse, with the Heavy Company divided to provide a formation of shock troops to each.

Additional units were created according to Rook’s template over the following decades, and Equestria emerged as a dominant power in the region. The Tribes became more integrated, and a genuine Equestrian culture was emerging as a unified entity rather than a mere alliance of separate entities.

However, the good times were not to last. Follies of passion intruded, and a misguided noble attempted to create a love potion to win the heart of another.

The Love Poison brought Equestria to its knees. By the foolishness of one stallion, the monarchy was laid low by the Poison, which left the royal couple so immersed in each other that they could not rule. The Line of Royals failed, and the coming of the Great Dragon Vulcanus devastated the realm. The Dragon’s Desolation was but the harbinger of things to come. In the wake of the disaster, many great Houses vied for control of the government. Prominent members of the Tribes turned on each other, and Equestria descended into violence.

The Succession Wars had begun.

Decades of bloodshed followed as faction after faction attempted to seize control. So much evil was done that many of the soldiery despaired of the dream of a unified Equestria. Seeking to preserve what they believed was the true legacy of the realm, many left, setting off for distant lands and leaving Equestria to its fate.

But the Third Equestrian Light Horse would not abandon their home. They would fight to preserve the ideals their ancestors had bled and died for. Donning black in mourning for what had been lost, they began their mission of reunification. They vowed to keep the dream of Equestria alive, no matter the personal cost.

In following that vow, they sought to serve Houses who would uphold that cause. Time and time again, they were disappointed, as leaders turned to petty vengeance and brutal measures. The Third Light Horse were forced into a sort of mercenary existence, changing their masters as they sought to find leaders of virtue who would live by the old ideals of Equestria.

Their enemies pejoratively called them “Black Sheep,” but the innocent folk whom they defended called them the “Black Cavalry” – heroes who rode to the rescue regardless of the danger. They took as their banner a white flag with three black figures – an earth pony, a unicorn, and a pegasus – rampant and proud, encircled by a black circle for unity.

Throughout decades of misery, the “Black Cav” held onto their righteous code in the face of betrayal, murder, and death. Their devotion would eventually be rewarded, and they would finally find leaders worthy of their service.

In what would later be called the Restoration Era, many great heroes of Equestria – including Starswhirl, the Pillars, and the Council of Stewards – began the exhaustive process of building a truly unified government once more. Many flocked to their banner, including the Black Cav. A long series of carefully negotiated Accords ultimately culminated in the Diarchal Accords, which set Celestia and Luna on the Throne, ending the Succession Wars and ushering in the First Golden Age and the Era of the Two Sisters.

Ever at the command of the Diarchy, the Black Cav would serve them through many trials – the Crystal War; the Age of Discord and the Chaos March; the War of the Western Wastes. Though they were in the process of rebuilding during the War of the Shades, elements of their number joined the Sisters’ expedition and fought alongside them in the final battle.

It was after the coming of Nightmare Moon and Luna’s Fall that one of their greatest feats was done. The loss of Luna had left many – both foreign and domestic – believing that Celestia was weak and Equestria vulnerable. To deal with these threats, much of the Black Cav was dispersed throughout Equestria in the years that followed, maintaining peace and driving off aggressors. A single battlion – the 19th, also known as Striker’s Stallions – was ultimately stationed in Canterlot so they could replace their losses after recent deployment to the border.

What was supposed to be a time of rest and replenishment became a nightmare when the Sangbleu Rebellion began. Celestia herself was away with much of the army at a peace conference with the Maretonians. Of all the troops in Canterlot, few were loyal to Celestia, and the veteran 19th, understrength though it was, was the largest and most experienced force among them.

In the bitter fighting that followed, Striker’s Stallions refused every call for surrender. Their light troops held the line against the heavy infantry and pegasi of the Sangbleu Rebellion, fighting to the last pony. Striker himself died leading a desperate sally which enabled the other Loyalist forces to secure themselves in the Citadel. The 19th Battalion was wiped out, but they bought enough time for reinforcements lead by Clover the Last to arrive and shatter the Sangbleu forces. By their sacrifice, the city was saved.

Successive generations of the 3rd Equestrian Light Horse have continued to live up to the legacy of their forebears. They served with the EVF and later the REF in defending the Konik-Griffuanian Commonwealth, and have fought in almost every major REF action since. Few other units can claim to have a tradition of such distinction.

For all their many honors, however, the Black Cav never forgets the price they’ve paid. When the 3rd Equestrian Light Horse marches in parade, there is always a large gap in their lines, occupied by a single pony who carries the 19th Battalion’s colors. Their black-and-white banner flies forever at half mast wherever they are deployed.

Perhaps the unit’s ethos is best exemplified in their motto, “Dum Spiramus Tuebimur.”

“While we breathe, we shall defend.”

Author's Note:

As I mentioned in “Thinning the Herd,” the 3rd Expeditionary Regiment – also known as the 3rd Equestrian Light Horse and the “Black Cav” – to which Song and the others belong is a not-at-all-subtle reference to the Eridani Light Horse (formerly 3rd Regimental Combat Team) from the Battletech universe. They feature prominently in Mechwarrior 3.

The Eridani Light Horse are one of my favorite fictional military units – their whole schtick is basically “even if all the nations around us forsake justice and spit on all things good and righteous, we will still conduct ourselves with honor, integrity, and virtue, even if we die doing it.”

Throughout centuries of constant, griding war, the Eridani Light Horse never lost their morality. The Equestrian “Black Cav” have a similarly proud heritage, though fortunately they didn’t have to struggle nearly as much to find a nation worthy of them. (Seriously, if you think the 3rd Equestrian saw some crap, it’s nothing compared to what the Eridani Light Horse went through).

The motto “Dum Spiramus Tuebimur” is the motto of the real-world 133rd Artillery Regiment (United States Army National Guard, Texas). I came across the motto years ago and was always moved by its meaning. It seemed fitting for the Black Cav.