• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 1,981 Views, 56 Comments

Trapped in a World of Light - Jumpitydude

An unknown entity has appeared and turned all life in the universe into spirits. Only one has escaped this mass exodus. Now, it's up to her to save everyone.

  • ...

Vs. Yona 1

Silver tapped on the invisible wall.

"May I ask something?" Mipha was talking, but not visible.

"What is it, Mipha?"

"Do you have precognition?"


"The ability to see the future." Ladybug emerged from Silver's back. "She's asking because you stopped before hitting that wall."

"Not just that." Mipha placed herself on the other side of Silver. "During that fight earlier, she seemed to be on the ball about what was about to happen, such as those traps, and when she got grabbed by the ankle."

"Yeah, it's like I've been seeing something happen before it actually happens, and that gives me a chance to change what happens." Silver turned around. "It started when... I..." Her eyes drifted down towards the ground. Specifically at someone that was standing there.

Mipha and Ladybug looked, then returned to Silver's body. Silver kicked off the wall she was next to and shot towards the figure on the ground.


Silver pulled out her yo-yo and threw it at Yona. Yona blocked it with her own tool. Silver caught her yo-yo as she skidded past the yak. The other tool looked like someone combined a sword and shield into one weapon and attached a tube and a handle at a right angle.

"What is that?"

"It's a yak. And an old friend of mine."

"But it's probably just a statue, so don't hold back."

"I wasn't planning on it."

Yona charged at Silver, prompting the hippogriff to leap over the yak and fling her yo-yo at the back of Yona's head. It uselessly bounced off.

"I don't know why I thought that would work."

Ladybug gave a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, yo-yos aren't known for being hard-hitting weapons."

"Maybe you'd do better with a spear."

"Or she could use it like I do and try to trip that thing up."

Silver threw the yo-yo along the ground, aimed at Yona's hooves. Yona planted her tool into the ground and lifted herself up. The yo-yo wrapped around the blade of the tool. Yona yanked the tool up, cutting the string on the yo-yo.

"Well, I can't if she does that."

The now useless yo-yo suddenly dissolved.

"That's alright. It's a magical yo-yo. You can call a new one at will."

"Oh?" Silver flicked her wrist, and another yo-yo appeared in her claw. "Oh! Nice!"

"You have an infinite supply of yo-yos?"

"No, but I can remove and replace her's by removing and returning my powers."

Silver charged towards Yona.

"Wow. That's really clever."

"What can I say? I'm good at solving-"

The hippogriff went flying past them.

"... puzzles."

"I don't think she's doing well."

The pair of spirits looked at the dust cloud that Silver had flown into. Yona was stomping towards the dust. A pair of glowing yellow eyes abruptly shone through the dust, causing everyone else to flinch. The yo-yo shot into the air, spinning wildly while releasing a bunch of ladybugs. The insects congregated above the spinning yo-yo before forming a gun that fell into the dust.

Ladybug rubbed her eyes. "Wait, THAT?"

A barrage of missiles shot through the dust. The yak held up its tool, only for one of the missiles to knock it out of her grasp right away, leaving her open to take the rest of the explosions. When the dust settled, there was nothing left.

Silver had a strange glow surrounding her, different from the glow around the spirits. Her eyes had turned yellow. She took a deep breath then let it out. "That was cathartic." She watched as the gun turned into light while the glow around her faded and her eyes turned back to normal.

A large arm started smacking the hippogriff on her back, causing her to yelp. "That was mighty impressive! And here I thought you had a death wish."

Silver looked at the newcomer. "Um... who are you?"

The beefy male pointed a thumb at himself. "The name's Reyn, and I can help you fight the way you were trying to fight. Run in head first, beat your opponent down, don't even think that hard. That's what my Gunlance and I can help you do."

"Gunlance?" Silver held up her right claw, summoning the tool the construct had earlier. "Woooaaaah. That's what that thing is called?"

"Part sword, part gun, part shield. Perfect for brute force in any situation."

Mipha cleared her throat. "If you don't mind, I'd like to get back to the subject we were on from before the fight."

"That precognition stuff? I'm not sure why it's happening. It only started after I arrived here. Well, more specifically..." Silver pulled the metal object out of her saddlebag. "... after I found this."

The three spirits gathered around the object.

"Ya know, I feel like I've seen something like that before somewhere."

Mipha moved her face close to Reyn's. "What do you know about it? Can it be used as a weapon?"

Ladybug shoved Mipha aside. "Does it have other powers? Is it really why she can see the future?"

Reyn pushed both girls away from him. "Oi! I just told her brute force is the best option! Do you really think I would remember those kinds of things if I ever knew them?" Reyn stepped up to Silver. "Sorry, but your best bet is to find someone else from my world. If we're lucky, they'll know what that is."

"True, but..." Silver looked at the place the invisible barrier was. "... we're kind of limited in where we can go right now."

"Then find someone else, beat them up, and see if that lets you move further. That thing ain't gonna make it easy to get to, so just keep pushing forward until you get to it."

Silver nodded and put the piece of metal back in her bag. "Let's get going. We won't get anywhere standing around talking about it."

"Heh. I'm starting to really like you, girl."