• Published 15th Nov 2018
  • 4,447 Views, 875 Comments

Starcraft: Queen and Country - Wanderer D

A seemingly safe experiment is violently interrupted, sending three unwitting innocents through the Void to emerge into a universe at war.

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Chapter 008

Starcraft: Queen and Country
By Wanderer D
Chapter 008

2504, Koprulu Sector, Hyperion █

The large screen in the engineering bay lit up and most of the mechanics and engineers stopped what they were doing to look at it.

The logo for UNN spiraled on it for a few seconds before it faded onto the news anchor's desk, showing a blonde man with a mustache in a red suit. He smiled a dazzling smile at the camera. Several images of blasts and blurry creatures filled the small screen behind him as he started speaking.

"Hello, I am your host, Donny Vermillion, with the latest news. Reports are still coming in from the various worlds on the edge of Dominion space. This new incursion by the Zerg seems to have caught many planets by surprise, and we are still waiting for additional information.

"Our very own Kate Lockwell is on site in one of the many evacuation ships that have arrived into the safe space within the Dominion. Kate? I image everyone is terrified of this new random attack, on top of Raynor's terrorist maneuvering?"

The screens behind him shifted to the picture of an attractive young woman with an intense look on her face, before the screen grew up to show her standing next to several civilians.

"Hello Donny, the people I have spoken to are understandably shaken by the appearance of the Zerg, the death of so many neighbors and families, and the loss of their homes. This Zerg invasion is as brutal as you can imagine, but not all seems hopeless. While most of the planets attacked this time incurred losses counting in the millions, we do have reports that in at least one world, a large group of civilians were apparently spared by the Zerg and allowed to leave."

In a small screen appearing to the top left, Vermillion's face scrunched in confusion. "Surely there is more to it."

"We do know that retired General Horace Warfield was on site, and he reported that one zerg—"

"And there you have it folks," Vermillion interrupted, the screen going back to him. "Dominion General Warfield saved the civilians of the planet he was in. Unfortunately, that did not prevent the zerg or Raynor from taking advantage of other, less lucky worlds. We will be back, with more news."

There was a lot of muttering from the people in the room, until the boss cranked up the volume from his speaker.

"Alright everyone," Rory Swann called out to the engineers, "we need to get this shit together! Just got word from Horner that we're on a pick up mission to Mar Sara! You know what that means!

"The boss is coming back!" one of the the engineers cheered, echoed by several others.

"That's right! We're getting the cowboy back! So let's get started on getting them upgrades ready. I'm bettin' Raynor's equipment hasn't seen a mechanic in four years!"

There was plenty of good-natured chuckles to that, and Swann's eyes scanned the room quickly, noticing their newest addition. "Hey kid, you've ever seen a Zerg Swarm before? Why don't you take a break and join Matt on the bridge? It's a sight."

"I don't know sir, you might need—"

"Bah, we can handle this. Go over. I'm sure Stockmann is already there and he'll need a bodyguard to stop him from breaking something important."


Swann snorted, looking back to the rest of his crew. "Kids these days."

2504, Koprulu Sector, Mar Sara █

Sweetie stood on one of the outcrops overlooking the well-defended base she was supposed to take over. Somewhere in there was a device her queen wanted, and it was Sweetie's job to get it.

Unfortunately, these terrans were much better prepared than the ones from before. Their base had a solid perimeter, enhanced by a precipice which created natural barrier, and they had built several bunkers right on their side of the bridges, cutting off most of her swarm's overwhelming power and creating choke points that would allow them a much stiffer resistance.

Sweetie made a mental note. She needed to get some more mutalisks in there, but her troops were being unusually slow getting to this side of the planet.

The terrans also had turrets, and way too many soldiers spread around for the initial groups of zerg she had come with to make a quick job of it. Izsha had said it was mostly a civilian planet with little to no Terran army presence... but these guys were tough! It was clear that whoever was in charge had been anticipating combat sometime soon. It was too early for the Dominion to have sent troops here, so it had to be a local warlord or something.

Sadly, this wasn't a battle she could win with just numbers, quite yet. She sent a host of zerglings to test the Western bridge, watching as they crossed and started attacking the bunker, but they were predictably decimated before much damage could be done to the terran structure, and it didn't take long for the terrans to send one of their construction vehicles to go and fix it.

Until more zerg were sent, she had to keep them occupied.

She tuned her senses, using her magic to try and hijack the radio signals, just like Kerrigan had shown her.

"...come on boys, let's help them out!"

She got a hint of a voice, and turned to look down at a group of terrans that ran out of their encampment, shooting her zergs on the way to rescue a smaller group that was just about to be overwhelmed.

A part of her was confused. But another understood all too well, and once the realization came to her, she grinned. "Oh, if this is how you want to play, Terran, then that's the game!" she said, giggling.

She let her mind into the zerg swarm, quickly sending more zergs and hydralisks to create distractions at the base. She moved quickly, skittering with all of her speed and assisted by bursts of energy and her wings to where she would be needed next.

James Raynor smirked as the newly added troops joined his forces. Only a few more minutes to go. Even if he wouldn't admit it to the others (especially not Tychus), he had missed the feel of his armor, the sound of servos and stumping whenever he ran, the additional strength, and yes, hunting down Zerg.

He let the new troops go ahead, following at a more sedate pace. The other bridge was under Tychus' supervision, and whatever his friend wanted to pretend to be, he was not the type of idiot that would let the zerg overrun him. He passed the bunker they had built close to the bridge itself, his smirk turning into a grimace when he noticed the acid and claw marks on the walls.

Still, his voice didn't falter as he added some energy to it, "Keep fixin' those bunkers, boys! Medics! Take a quick look at the gang I just brought home. Make sure they're ready for what's comin'. Got a feelin' that we don't have much time before our friends pay us another visit."

He tried to focus on the here and now, forcing his mind to analyze the setup he had to try and control the next wave of zerg, but his imagination wasn't going to let him go that easy, apparently. Even as he directed his troops, and ordered things built or reinforced, his thoughts kept spiraling away from his current situation and into the reasons behind the sudden attack.

'Why the zerg? Why now? Is Sarah behind this? And if so, again, why now?'

The sound of salvo made him grimace, just as a communication window opened in his visor, showing the disgustingly smug face of his good friend, Tychus. "Damn, Jimmy, these zerg friends of yours really don't like giving up."

"I told you Tychus, it ain't as easy as you thought it would be."

"Damn right."

"You need any help?" Raynor could hear the screams of dying zerg from the communicator.

"Nah." Tychus' voice was nonchalant. "I've got this. Them critters are tough, but I'm tougher."

"Make sure you don't let that tough head of yours get too inflated. If you need help, you ask, got it?"

"Aww Jimmy, I didn't know you cared."

"I don't, but we need the cash and, unfortunately, you're our contact. So, do us both a favor and stay in one piece, would you?" Raynor replied, unable to hide the mirth in his voice.

"Roger that, Jimmy."

Trusting his friend to hold his side of the base, Raynor turned his eyes to the Western Bridge, where another small swarm of zerg was now advancing.

There was something different.

The way these zerg were moving was not normal. They were staying just within range to draw attention, but they weren't swarming the bridge like before.

His eyes narrowed. "What the hell are you bugs planning now?"

It didn't take long for the turrets to kick in, drawing his attention, but just as he looked that way, the swarm next to the bridge attacked en masse, led by something he had never seen before. Almost horse-like, except for the wings and scythes, this new zerg moved incredibly fast and with a lot more agility than the zerglings.

It was past the barracks in seconds, its scythes literally bisecting a marine that tried shooting it instead of running or dodging. His troops didn't have time to follow the strange zerg, as the swarm was immediately on them, and they were occupied.

"Crap." Raynor started running towards the new zerg, which was heading towards the turrets. "We need reinforcements on the West Bridge! There's a new type of zerg with them!"

"Stay away from that!" he shouted, shooting at the agile zerg, trying to land a hit. And hit he did. Just as the creature reared back to strike at the turret, his gun blew one of its scythes off at the joint, making it scream in pain and turn to face him, a glare on its otherwise cute face.

"That hurt, you meanie!"

Raynor hesitated for a moment, and the next he was rolling out of the way, trying desperately to avoid the wild single-scythe stabs of the creature. "What the hell?!"

"Why don't you surrender?" the creature shouted. "You stupid terrans have to make everything so difficult, don't you?"

'It speaks!' he thought. "This is a bad sign. Who are you?" he asked, slowly getting up, weapon ready. His visor reported that troops were coming. "What do you want? Are you behind the zerg attacks?"

The creature snorted. "I'm Sweetie Belle, and I'm following the Queen's orders." She tilted her head. "You're the guy that went to rescue the other terrans."

"Jim Raynor." He narrowed his eyes. "So you said Kerrigan sent you?"

"You really can't win," Sweetie replied, "so why don't you just give up? I'll let you guys leave."

Jim snorted, carefully stepping aside, with the zerg imitating his moves in the opposite direction. "As if, Sweetie. We both know this can only end one way, and it's with one of us dead."

"It really doesn't have to," Sweetie said as the scythe that Raynor had blown off slowly regenerated right in front of his eyes. "Give me the alien device, and I promise you all can leave the planet."

Raynor's smile didn't fade under his helmet, but his eyes became colder. "If you want it, then it means it's definitely not something I want you to have."

"Oh, come on!" Sweetie whined.

"Sorry, darling, but you can't have it."

The Sweetie creature stopped, eyes wide. "My sister used to say that…" she whispered, before she shook her head. Then she jumped to the side, far and up, her legs slicing into the metal of the side of a building and holding it there and away from the smoking crater where she had been standing just seconds before.

"Well, well, Jimmy, still a hit with the ladies, eh?"

"Tychus," Raynor grunted with a nod. "Took you long enough."

"And I brought the cavalry."

"We're here, sir," Matt's voice came on the radio. "Prepare for evacuation."

The trio looked up as a huge ship came in, shooting at all the zerg in the ground. Not wasting a second, Raynor and Tychus shot at Sweetie, but she had raised a shield of some sort.

"Gah! Why can't we solve things peacefully!" she shouted, running and skittering and dodging bullets.

"Try not killing everyone on sight!"

"You shot first!"

"Why are we talking with a Zerg?!"

Sweetie's shield withstood several shots before it finally fizzled out and she landed in a ready position across from them. But it was too late, the terran constructs had begun flying away, taking with them the alien artifact.

"Oh, horseapples."

"Better luck next time, Sweetie." Raynor said, retreating to get into one of the dropships.

"Oh, you better believe it!" she shouted, not bothering to chase them.

She sighed. The Queen would not be happy.

End Chapter