• Published 7th Dec 2018
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Nutcracker Ponies and The 4 Realms - Wildcard25

Join the girls and Spike as they follow a girl into Four Magical Realms that're in grave danger. Only they and their allies have the means to restore order in the Realms.

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You Need You

After being betrayed by Sugarplum who revealed her true intentions, the Tin Soldiers escorted the group to the astronomy tower, placed them all in, closed the door and locked them in. They all walked up the staircase to the astronomy part and saw a door that leads to outside. They stepped out and looked around and down trying to find a away out.

“I’m afraid there’s no way out of here,” Captain Philip feared.

“Uh...we can fly down...duh!!” Rainbow suggested.

“Again I tell you, Rainbow, not all of us have wings,” Applejack reminded her.

“A.J’s right, it's too dangerous to fly everyone down, especially that it is long way,” Twilight spoke as she referred to how far up they are.

Fluttershy looked down and whimpered, “Eep! Too high up! Too high up!”

The group then heard more noises coming from downstairs as they then heard the door closed and locked. Two figures walked up stairs and it was none other than Hawthorn and Silver.

“Oh, alas,” Shiver noticed the group, “It would seem you all are in here as well.”

“What’s happening out there?” Hawthorn asked in fear, “What is Sugarplum doing?”

“Long story short, Sugarplum has been lying about everything to the Kingdom and about Mother Ginger,” Chet explained, “She’s gone crazy and building an army to attack Mother Ginger and shrink her to toy size!”

“I’m really sorry, this is all my fault!” Clara felt let down.

“No, Clara, it isn’t your fault. Sugarplum lied to everyone,” Twilight comfort her.

“But I brought the key to her and she’s gonna lead those soldiers to the Fourth Realm to finish Mother Ginger off!” Clara spoke in distraught.

“Clara, listen to us,” Captain Philip try to reach out but was stopped by Clara.

“No! I wanted to go home, but you stopped me!” Clara spoke in angry, “And now I’ve ruined everything!!”

Clara stormed off to one corner of the astronomy room leaving the group in depress.

Meanwhile down below, Sugarplum continued with her evil plan to invade the Fourth Realm by having on Tin Soldier man the engine controls in making more and more Tin Soldiers to expand the army.

“Yes! Think bigger I always say,” Sugarplum talked to herself, “Something about a man’s uniform that makes me quiver in excitement!”

All citizens from the other Realms fled back to their homes away form the palace. And the former guards of the palace were locked up in the dungeon, including Harley Quinn and Caviler.

“Well, it could be worse,” Harley Quinn tried to see a bright side as Caviler and the other guards glared at him, making the scene a bit awkward.

Back in the astronomy tower, Clara fell into a great decline, believe that it was all her fault. Upon grieving, she heard a sound form her pocket. She realized that her music box was accidentally opened and the same music began to play. She got the music box out and examined it again. She then noticed at the bottom of the top that there was something else not he other side of it. She flipped it over and revealed that it was small mirror. She sees herself and then she thought of something that she hadn’t thought before.

“Everything you need is inside,” Clara recalled her mother’s message. She thought even more about her in spirit, her father, Louise, Fritz, Godfather Drosselmyer and all her friends. At that moment and she then struck in realization, “It’s me. It’s me!! That’s it! I just needed to believe in myself and in my family and my friends!!”

Clara then looked over and noticed that some of the group was also in decline, except for Twilight who was pacing around trying to figure out ideas, and Chet who sat on the floor meditating over everything that has passed. Clara then got up and walked to the group.

“Captain, everyone,” Clara spoke, “I owe you all an apology. I finally realized what my mother was trying to tell me in her message, she has left me everything I need, the rest of my family and all of my friends who love and care. It’s the same with what you all are trying to tell me. I just needed to believe in myself. I understand it now. The fault is not yours, it’s mine. And I’m going to fix it. Will you all help me please?”

Captain Philip at first was filled with doubt. But then came to his senses, “Of course I will,” Captain Philip responded, “Nutcrackers are always loyal to others in need.”

“Indeed you are,” Clara smiled

“And you have all of us who are behind you all the way,” Princess Twilight smiled in determination.

“You betcha,” Applejack spoke.

“Indeed, darling Clara,” Rarity smiled.

“I’m also loyal to my friends, even you Clara,” Rainbow confirmed.

“Yes indeedly!” Pinkie cheered.

“Yaaay,” Fluttershy cheered in a whisper.

“It’s not even a question,” Spike confirmed he’s in.

"To the end my sweet friend," Wiser concurred.

The group all turned to Chet who approached to Clara with a smile on his face.

“It seems you finally found the answer you seek,” Chet began as he then place his hand on Clara’s shoulder, “You may also count on my support to see this to the end.”

The whole group cheered while off to the side watching everything was Hawthorn and Shiver who also smiled in admiration. They both walked over to the group.

“You may also count on our loyalty as well Princess Clara,” Shiver bowed to her.

“How can we help, your grace?” Hawthorn asked after he bowed to her.

“I have plan of escape,” Clara began, “But we have to hurry. Sugarplum will be setting forth to Mother Ginger.”

And so Clara explained what her plan that required that huge rope on the chandelier. She had Captain Philip, Chet, Applejack, and Rainbow lower it down gently. Unfortunately they accidentally let it slip through their grip and the chandelier came crash down, freighting the group at first. Clara then began to gather the rope and brought it outside where she stood on one side with the end of her rope, while on the other side stood Phillip with his end of the rope. Watching from the doorway, Shiver and Hawthorn stood in fear.

“This is too risky!” Shiver spoke.

“Please don’t do this, Clara!” Hawthorn begged her not to.

“There’s nothing to fear, you two,” Twilight calmed them down.

“Yeah we do this kinda thing all the time back in Equestria,” Rainbow spoke up.

“It’s just the laws of physics,” Clara clarified the two.

“Do those laws always work?” Captain Philip asked.

“Yes,” Clara confirmed before she paused for a moment and doubled checked, “As far as I know.”

“Ready?” Captain Philip asked.

“Ready,” Clara responded as she stood ready, “Go!”

Clara the jumped off with the rope. Captain Philip then threw his end as the weight part started to spin around, tying around the edge where Clara was standing on. Shiver and Hawthorn ran to that spot and watched in fear. As soon as the loop around a few times were done, the rope stopped with Clara almost at the ground. She let her end go and she dropped and landed gracefully, thus giving a sigh of relief from the two regents. The group then. Started to make their way down with Captain Philip carrying Applejack and Pinkie down the rope line, Spike Wiser and Rainbow carrying Rarity as they flew down, Twilight and Fluttershy flying down carrying Shiver and Hawthorn on their backs, and Chet used his gecko scaling wall ability to climb down to where the other are.

“Now Shiver and Hawthorn, head down into the dungeons and free the guards. Then head back to your regions and seal the gates. Keep your people safe in case Sugarplum decided to send the Tin Soldiers to you,” Clara instructed as Shiver and Hawthorn nodded in confirmation.

“Meanwhile the rest of us are gonna find a way into the Engine room and shut it down. And then we can deal little miss Sugarlips herself,” Twilight mentioned with the group nodded in confirmation.

“Sugarlips! Good one Twilight!!” both Pinkie and Rainbow laughed.

“I’m afraid without my sword, I'm afraid I can’t do battle,” Captain Philip stated that fact.

“I wouldn't say that Captain,” Chet spoke in a sly grin, “Because what do I have under my sleeve?” He reached into his left sleeve and pulled out what seem to be Captain Philip’s sword, “TADA!!”

Everyone who saw that trick was in surprise, in awe and amazement.

"Chet, did you? How? When? What?" Twilight spoke in a few puzzling questions.

"My word!" Wiser hooted in amazement.

"Wowwie!!" Pinkie cheered and hoof clapped.

"Hoo Wee!" Applejack shouted.

"Goodness!" both Fluttershy and Rarity looked surprised.

"Whoa! awesome trick!" Rainbow commended

"I'll say," Spike nodded.

“Chetgeki, you clever little sneak,” Captain Philip surprised, “How did you accomplish it?”

“Used my tail to grab your sword from tin can’s grasp and hid it under my sleeves while they weren’t looking,” Chet explained, “Consider it as an early Christmas/Hearthswarming gift my friend.”

"My my that is quite a trick my clever friend!" Shiver commenced as Hawthorn agreed as well.

“Many thanks my friend,” Captain Philip smiled as he then attached the sword and case back on his belt.

“Alright then everyone, let’s put everything right for the Kingdom!” Twilight declared, as the group cheered as went their separate ways to put right.