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The Hunt Begins

Cheerilee led both Sunset and the CMC through the corridors that ran from the back of the gym toward the cafeteria. Gunfire and shouting could be heard echoing throughout the corridors as ADVENT troops continued their bloody rampage, the sounds of rounds hitting true mixed in with the screams of the dead or dying.

“Who the hell are these soldiers?” Sunset asked. “What do they want with us?”

“They are soldiers of the ADVENT administration,” Cheerilee explained, as she checked the corridor ahead for targets. “Essentially, they are deployed whenever they want someone or something getting rid of.”

“But isn’t shooting civilians against the Geneva Convention?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Since when did ADVENT care about the Geneva Convention?” Cheerilee replied. “The Elders will stop at nothing to keep the planet under their control, using force if necessary.”

“Elders?” Scootaloo enquired, looking confused.

Cheerilee sighed. “Our world is not our own. We were spared the worst of it here, but 20 years ago aliens invaded and took control. Humanity capitulated, and most of our species is now under the rule of ADVENT, living in fear and misery.”

She paused. “But there are those among us who refuse to believe their lies. There is one organisation that fights for our liberation, the last remnants of the defenders of Earth 20 years ago...XCOM.”

“How do you know this?” Apple Bloom asked. “And why are ya tellin’ us?”

“Because it may just save your life,” Cheerilee replied. “I’m an undercover operative for XCOM, and was deployed here to ensure the aliens didn’t expand here. As a result, this part of the planet was relatively untouched by the carnage the rest of the world suffered. But now, thanks to you three, the aliens know we are here, and are performing cleanup.”

Sunset Shimmer wheeled on those three girls. “All this carnage and destruction,” she snarled. “All because you didn’t get invited to a bucking slumber party.”

“How were we to know that some government we had never heard of was going to deploy soldiers and try to kill ua because of our actions?” Scootaloo retorted. “It didn’t cross our minds!”

“Nothing ever does,” Sunset answered. “Those deaths are on you three.”

“We didn’t fire the shots!” Sweetie Belle fired back.

“But you provided the primer for those shots,” Sunset retorted.

Cheerilee spoke up. “Save it for when we’re not in danger of dying! Right now, we should focus on clearing out the aliens and getting a distress call to XCOM. For that, I’ll need my Commnication gear, which is in my classroom.”

The five of them set off once more, rounding a bend in the corridor, when Cheerilee waved to them. “Get down!” she hissed.

The girls dropped to the floor, quiet as a mouse. Cheerilee looked around the bend once more, and looked at what was approaching.

It was a tall, humanoid robot, carrying a weapon that no human could hope to carry due to its size. It lumbered forward, with a speed and grace that defied a machine of its size, its white frame pristine as its head scanned around for targets.

Cheerilee inwardly cursed. MECs, she thought. Why does it have to be MECs?

The MEC approached closer, when suddenly a door burst open and two students, Derpy Hooves and Micro Chips, ran out into the corridor. The MEC shouted some unintelligible words at them, which they ignored and kept on running.

It was a grave mistake. The MEC opened fire, shredding the two students into complete paste. Blood, guts, and mangled body parts flew through the air and impacted the opposite walls, the two students reduced to an unidentifiable mess of flesh and bone.

The MEC spoke again, and moved onward, turning right and marching toward the sound of more gunfire.

Cheerilee indicated to the others, and they moved on.

Sweetie Belle looked visibly distressed. “That...that thing killed them!” she exclaimed, her skin paler than it usually was.

“Well spotted,” Sunset replied. “I take it you are a detective?”

Scootaloo, on the other hand, was pale as well. She went over to a trash can, and vomited. When she had finished, she looked back at the others. “I’m never gonna be able to get that out of my head,” she whimpered.

Apple Bloom looked equally distraught. “Good lord, what have we done?” she asked.

Sunset smirked cruelly. “As I said, those deaths are on you.”

Cheerilee turned around herself. “Sunset, if you don’t drop the attitude, I’ll shoot you myself. There was no way these three could have known this was going to happen.”

Sunset shrugged. “Whatever. Thought you’d like to know there’s an alien over there.”

Cheerilee whirled around, to see a tall humanoid creature with no armour and a green device attached to the arm.

“Sectoid!” she shouted. “Get back!”

The alien closed on them with incredible speed and agility, climbing over lockers and other rubble, as it closed in on its target. It shrieked, and fired a shot from its device, which now turned out to be a gun of some sort, but thankfully the shot missed and crashed into a wall, burning a hole in it.

Cheerilee braced her shotgun, and fired at point-blank range...


“Shit!” she cried, pumping the shotgun and firing again. The Sectoid’s skull exploded in a cloud of gore, the body flying backwards at least 10 feet and crashing into another set of lockers.

She waved to the others. “Let’s go!” she called, waving to another set of lockers.

They arrived in Cheerilee’s classroom to find it deserted. The room had not been swept by ADVENT troops, and seemed to be in relatively good order given the bedlam going on all around. Cheerilee locked the door, and booted up the PC, linking it to a device next to her.

The display changed to show a logo with an X burned into the centre, with the words VIGILO CONFIDO below.

“What does that mean?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Don’t ask,” Cheerilee replied. She then hit another button, and the image dissolved, to show the face of a man in his mid-50s with black hair that was slowly turning grey, as well as a distinctly unshaven look.

“Field Operative Cheerilee,” he said, with an abrasive tone. "Glad to hear from you again.”

“No time for that Central,” Cheerilee replied. “ADVENT have attacked Canterlot High and are slaughtering everyone in sight. We could do with reinforcement.”

“I’m informing the commander now,” ‘Central’ replied. “In the meantime, use the weapons in the ammo cache and hold them off as best you can.”

“Understood,” Cheerilee replied. “Signing off.”

The screen reverted to the previous display, as Cheerilee got up and disconnected the device.

“What did he mean about weapons?” Sunset asked.

Cheerilee went over and opened up a box filled with several different firearms. There was another box, which had a blade in it, and another with a small robot. Next to that, was a grenade launcher, or rather a box containing one.

She lifted out the assault rifle, and switched on the drone. “Sunset, you take the shotgun and the sword,” she commanded. “This gives you unparalleled short-range firepower, but be wary at longer ranges. That sword will also make a mess of anything that gets too close to you, so don’t hesitate to use it.”

She then indicated to Apple Bloom. “Take the Gatling Cannon and Grenade Launcher.” Apple Bloom picked the Gatling Cannon up and attached the Grenade Launcher to her back. “These weapons allow you to lay down heavy firepower from extreme range, but be wary, as those grenades cannot distinguish between friend or foe. Be careful of collateral damage.”

Sweetie Belle was up next. “Take the sniper rifle and revolver. These give you the power to support your peers at both long and short range, as the sniper rifle has incredible range, and at the same time the revolver has superb short-range stopping power.”

Finally, she pointed to Scootaloo. “You will have the second assault rifle,” Cheerilee continued. “This will allow for effective combat at all ranges, but it is not as effective as the more specialised weapons.”

Diamond Tiara poked her head out of a classroom to see if the corridor was clear. It was the fault of those losers, the Canterlot Movie Club, her archnemeses and now it seemed arch fools. She waved to Silver Spoon.

“C’mon, let’s go!” she said, as she stepped out into the corridor. This proved to be a mistake.

Just then, two of the soldiers appeared, followed by one in red armour. He loudly barked at the two girls.

“We-we’re not the ones you’re looking for!” Diamond cried.

“Yeah!” Silver Spoon added. “You want these three!” She showed the officer her phone, which had a picture of the CMC on it.

The officer nodded, and just then Diamond saw something out of the corner of her eye. “That’s them there!” she shouted, as she saw them, Cheerilee, and Sunset navigating a corridor.

The officer shouted again, and took one of the soldiers with him.

Diamond internally smirked. At last! Her mortal foes would be out of the way, and she could rule this school year with no op-

Diamond’s internal monologue ended quite suddenly. Although she saw the flash, she never heard the percussive crack of the rifle that ended both her and Silver’s lives.

Author's Note:

Anybody here gonna miss DT?

Stay tuned, as tomorrow...CHS fights back!