• Published 2nd Apr 2019
  • 2,742 Views, 49 Comments

Flash Sentry Chronicles: Rainbow Rocks - Banshee531

Several weeks have passed since the Fall Formal and Canterlot High is back to normal, well...almost. But as the school prepares for a music festival, three strange girls appear with dark aspirations. Can our high school heroes save the day?

  • ...

The Dazzlings

Author's Note:

Welcome, to the ninth instalment of Flash Sentry Chronicles. How will things change this time? Only one way to find out.

In a restaurant on the far side of the city of Canterlot, the entire establishment was filled with the sounds of anger and hatred. The employees of the restaurant had never seen this before. Each and every booth was filled with people arguing, humans screaming at the top of their lungs in pure anger and fury.

Well...almost every booth.

Within the farthest booth sat three young girls, all wearing purple hoodies that shielded their hair and facial features. The three were each clutching a necklace with the red gem while softly singing a gentle song. As they did this, a green mist began to surround the arguing patrons, the fog slowly going back to the girls. Once it reached them, the mist floated up into the girl's necklaces, absorbing inside the trinkets as one of the girls removed her hood. They stopped singing at this, the unhooded girl now showing she was pink skinned with purple and mint hair. A long sigh followed this, "That was barely worth the effort, Adagio. I'm tired of fast food. I need a meal!"

The second girl lowered her hood, showing she had yellow skin and a large bushy load of hair. She scowled at the pink skinned girl, "The energy in this world isn't the same as in Equestria. We can only gain so much power here."

"Ugh!" She moaned before leaning back while crossing his arms, "I wish we'd never been banished to this awful place!"

"Really?" Adagio replied sarcastically, "I love it here!"

"For realizes?!" The last girl, who had blue skin and slightly darker blue hair, asked, "Because I think this place is the worst."

"I think you're the worst, Sonata," the first girl barked back.

"Oh, yeah?! Well, Aria, I think you're-"

Adagio's moan interrupted Sonata as she pointed at the two with clenched teeth, "I'll tell you one thing, being stuck here with you two isn't making this world any more...bearable." She growled that last part, but then-


The three let out a gasp, hopping in place as they heard the sudden explosion sound. Adagio turned to the window, gasping again before running out of the restaurant, the other following. And as soon as she was outside, she saw a rainbow tornado shoot up into the sky, the sight making her go slack-jawed before looking down at her gem, then seeing it glow for a second.

"Incredible..." she whispered before turning to Aria and Sonata, "Did you feel that?! Do you know what that is?!" The two blinked at this, only to both shrug. Adagio rolled her eyes at this, then grabbed Aria's hoodie and pulled her face close, "It's Equestrian magic!"

"But this world doesn't have Equestrian magic," Aria reminded her.

Adagio just smirked as she let her go. "It does now," she turned back to the magic rainbow, the other two smiling as they stepped up beside her. "And we're going to use it to make everyone in this pathetic little world adore us!"

Several weeks later...

Canterlot High was abuzz with activity. With everything that had happened at the Fall Formal, the students were glad to have things back the way they usually were.

Well, that's not exactly true. Unlike before the dance, the students were all mingling with those of different clicks. Rockers hanging with fashionistas, ECO kids with techies, dramas with athletes, and so on. The place really had become the embodiment of friendship and cooperation thanks to the guidance of a pair of special students that unfortunately no longer attended the school.

Today, the students were working on preparations for a school music festival fundraiser. Many of them were in the gym, making banners and other advertisements to get as many patrons as possible to come to the event. Close to the stage was Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, who were busy painting one of their banners when they noticed someone walk up to them. As that person took a paint brush out of the pot Sweetie was holding, they looked up and went wide eyed when they saw who it was.

"Want some help?" Sunset Shimmer eagerly asked.

"Uh...no thanks. We're good." Applebloom replied while looking away, the other two nodding in agreement.

"Oh..." she placed the brush back in the pot, "Okay."

"Sunset Shimmer!" She looked up to see her friends: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie, standing by one of the doors. Pinkie, the one who had yelled her name, was wildly waving her arms around. "OVER HERE!

Sunset gave a small but quickly vanishing smile as she heard the students around her whispering. She could see the quick glares they were all giving her as she let out a sigh before reaching the others, Fluttershy placing a supportive hand on her shoulder, "I had no idea the whole school would be here."

Pinkie and Rarity then picked up the poster they had designed, the fashionista grinning, "Quite the eye-catching advertisement, if I do say so myself."

"And it smells like cake!" Pinkie cheered.

"It does?" Fluttershy asked, only to have the poster thrusted into her face as she took a sniff. When Pinkie pulled it back, the others saw Fluttershy's face was covered in frosting and glitter.

Pinkie giggled at the sight, "I used frosting instead of paste!"

The others chuckled at this as Applejack pointed to Fluttershy's face. "Uh, Fluttershy, you've got a little somethin', uh..."

Fluttershy wiped her cheek, only managing to get one bit of glitter off of her, "Did I get it?"

"Heh...not exactly."

As Sunset pulled out a hanky to clean the girl's face, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna walked into the gym. "Good afternoon students. I just wanted to tell you all how pleased I am that so many of you are going to participate in the first ever 'Canterlot High School Musical Showcase'!" This announcement was met with many cheers as she continued, "This is a wonderful opportunity to raise money for all of our after-school programs here at CHS, so keep working on those signs and posters. I think it's going to be one of the most exciting events we've had at CHS since the Fall Formal."

As soon as those words filled the air, the gyms went deadly silent as the students all turned to Sunset. The bacon haired girls went as red as her hair as she saw all the death glares being sent her way. She slid down the wall, hiding her face behind her hands until she was sure no one was looking at her. Once that happened, she carefully got back up and snuck out of the gym, her friends following after her. They all headed into the music room, where their instruments were waiting.

Since the event was announced, Sunset's friends had all decided to form a band for the showcase. Rainbow had been the one to suggest it with her guitar, followed by Fluttershy and her tambourine, then Pinkie who had recently learnt to pay drums, Applejack with her bass and Rarity with her keytar. Together, they were the Rainbooms.

After sticking their poster up in the music room, they headed inside. "Ugh!" Sunset moaned as the others prepared to practice, "I am never gonna live that down."

"You were pretty bad at the Fall Formal," Fluttershy added.

Sunset gave her a deadpan glare, "A demon. I turned into a raging she-demon."

"And tried to turn everyone here into teenage zombies for your own personal army!" Pinkie chimed in.

Rarity tugged Pinkie back, "Oh, darling. You have us, and we've forgiven you for your past...ahem...booboos."

"To be honest," Applejack added as she finished tuning her instrument. "I'd say the whole experience brought everyone at Canterlot High closer than ever before!"

Everyone nodded as Pinkie grabbed her drum sticks and tapped them together. "One, two, three!"

(The Rainbooms)
There was a time we were apart
But that's behind us now
See how we've made a brand new start
And the future's lookin' up, ah-oh, ah-oh
And when you walk these halls
You feel it everywhere
Yeah, we're the Wondercolts forever, ah-oh, yeah!

As they continued to play, something unusual happened. The group started to change, all of them transforming into the forms they took during the Fall Formal, the hair, ears and, in Rainbow and Fluttershy's case, wings of their Equestrian counterparts now appearing. Each of them had previously 'ponied up' when playing their instruments and had done so every time they had played since the dance. At first, the five teens had been freaked out by this, but now they had just accepted it was a thing.

We are all together
(Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh)
Now it's better than ever
(Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh)
You can feel it, we are back (You...can...feel...it...)
And I'm so glad that we're better
Better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Oh yeah, we're better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

(Rainbow Dash)
There was a time we couldn't see
Past the differences

That separated you and me
And it left us on our own

(Pinkie Pie)
But now you walk these halls
And friends are everywhere

(The Rainbooms)
Yeah, we're the Wondercolts forever, ah-oh, yeah!

We are all together
(Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh)
Now it's better than ever
(Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh)
Now that we are back on track (Now... that... we... are...)
Yes, I'm so glad that we're better
Better than ever

Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Oh yeah, we're better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Oh yeah, we're better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Oh yeah, we're better than ever!

As soon as they were finished, the five turned back to their normal forms. While Sunset gave them a round of applause, Rarity let out a laugh and took off her keytar. "I still can't believe that happens when we play! Ooh! I've got to look into some new accessories! Something that looks good in a longer ponytail, or maybe some clip-on earrings for when I get those adorable pony ears!"

"I just wonder why it keeps happening," Applejack thought aloud. "Princess Twilight took her crown back to Equestria. Shouldn't that mean she took all the magic back with her?"

"Who cares why it happens?" Rainbow scoffed, "It makes my band totally awesome!"

"Oh?!" Rarity let out before turning to give her a quizzical look, "Your band?!"

"Duh! It was my idea to start the Rainbooms so we could be in the showcase! Plus, I'm the lead singer and guitarist."

Before anyone could voice their opinions, there was a knock at the door. Turning to the frame, it opened and Grand stepped inside. "Sorry to interrupt. Need to empty the trash bins."

"You're not interrupting," Fluttershy replied back.

"Good," he grunted out as he walked over to the bin. As he did this, three other students appeared at the door.

"Hey!" Heather waved as she, First and Iron walked in. "We heard you outside. You guys are sounding really tight."

Rainbow shrugged, "Uh, we're getting there. Rarity's still coming in a little late on the second verse, and Applejack's bass solo could use a little work. They'll get it together in time for the showcase." The two criticized musicians gave the back of the prism haired teen's head a severe scowling, Fluttershy seeing this and trying to hid behind her tambourine.

"You could use a little work yourself kiddo," Grand told her as he pulled out a trash bag. "If those burns on your fingers are anything to go by, you're forcing the beat more than letting it flow naturally. Remember, the instrument isn't a tool, but an extension of your own musical soul. You need to be one with it, or else the music will lack depth."

Everyone except Rainbow seemed to understand this, the girl just blinking at the janitor, "Ooookay." she said in a slightly snarky reply.

Deciding to save Rainbow from any further confusion, Rarity turned to the Royal Knights. "So, you guys ready to strut your stuff at the showcase? I'm sure after you performance at the-" she quickly stopped herself as she glanced over at Sunset. "Anyways, I'm sure you'll do great."

However, the Royal Knights all sighed as Iron leaned against the back wall. "That depends on whether or not we can actually play," First told them. "Given our lack of a lead guitarist, and considering our last one was a pony from another dimension...along with our first-" he stopped as all eyes once again fell on Sunset. The girl let out a sigh, now hiding behind her hair.

"Anyways," Iron barked out, "Unless we can find another guitarist, we're up a creek where the showcase is concerned."

Heather turned to the Rainbooms, "I don't suppose...with it being a special charity event and all-"

"Sorry ya'll," Applejack told the trio. "But I don't think Flash is gonna be back at Canterlot High any time soon."

The three all sighed as Grand patted Iron on the shoulder. "You'll find something. Remember, you're carrying the proud name of the Royal Knights, and the knights don't give up when they hit a road block." The three nodded as Grand placed the now empty trash bin back in its place. "Well, I'd better get going. Places to be, floors to clean." With that, he left the room.

"We should get going too. See you all later." Heather added while the boys just waved. The Rainbooms all waved back as the three headed out, and once they were gone, Sunset let out another sigh.

"Great...one more thing I messed up. Thanks to me, the best band in the school is out of the biggest musical event the school's ever had."

"It's not all your fault," Rarity told her. "Sure you caused Lightning to be expelled, but with the way he acted off the music stage, he would have been kicked out eventually anyways."

The others all nodded as Fluttershy spoke up. "And don't forget, Lightning could have come back if he really wanted to." This was true. After the Fall Formal, Sunset had publicly admitted to framing Grand's grandson and getting him expelled. While she had expected to be expelled herself, she was surprised when Celestia and Luna had only given her a very long detention span. Another surprise was Lightning's refusal to return to CHS, having grown accustomed to his new school.

Sunset just looked away. "You all know the only reason Lightning acted like that was because of his dad's arrest. And that he was actually starting to turn his life around after he dumped me and started the band...until I went and ruined everything for him." She face palmed, "Ugh! The old me was really awful, wasn't she?"

This question was met with a general murmur of embarrassed agreement as Applejack walked over to her. "But the important thing is that you've turned yourself around."

Sunset just shook her head. "Thanks Applejack, but I'm not sure everyone else at CHS feels the same way." As she said that, the PA system beeped before Vice Principal Luna's voice echoed through it.

"Sunset Shimmer, please report to the main foyer."

"Gotta run," Sunset headed to the door. "I volunteered to show some new students around the school. Thought it'd be good for them to get to know the new me before they heard all the stuff about the old me." That statement started with her smiling, only to frown again as she walked out.

Once she was gone, Rainbow turned to the others. "We've still got a few minutes before lunch starts. What do you say we do: 'Awesome As I Wanna Be'?"

Almost everyone nodded at this, with only Fluttershy not nodding as she reached into her bag and pulled out a notepad. "Um, Rainbow Dash? I was wondering if we could maybe play the song I wrote?"

"We'll get to it," Rainbow said with a roll of her eyes, causing Fluttershy to sigh.


When Sunset arrived at the schools' entrance, she spotted three shadows standing there. "Hi," she waved at them, "are you the girls I'm supposed to show around?"

The trio stepped into the light, showing Adagio, Aria and Sonata now dressed in fashionable rock outfits. "We are."

Sunset nodded before turning to walk down the halls. "Canterlot High is a great school. You're really gonna love it."

"Oh yes," Adagio replied as they began to follow her. "We really sense there's something...magical about this place."

And so, Sunset started showing them around, pointing out the rooms and so on. "That's the science lab, computer lab is in there..." she then spotted a poster that made her stop and smile. "Oh, that's right! We're having a big musical showcase this weekend! The whole school is pretty much rallying around it."

Adagio gasped as light bulbs went off in her head, making her smile while glancing back at the other two. "A musical showcase?" Aria and Sonata mirrored her smirk as they stared back at Sunset.

"I'm sure since you're new, Principal Celestia would let you sign up late if you're interested."

"Well, we have been known to sing from time to time," Aria commented.

"Hello?!" Sonata chimed in, "We sing, like, all the time! It's how we get people to do what we want." Adagio turned to growl at the blue girl, slicing her hand across her neck to try and tell her to shut up. "Wha-what did I say?"

Adagio took this moment to cut her off. "What you meant to say was that being in a musical showcase sounds like a great way to meet other students." She turned back to Sunset, seeing a raised eyebrow from the bacon-haired girl.

"Ohhhh," Sonata finally caught on, "Yeah! Th-What she said I meant to say. That's what I meant...to say."

Aria scoffed at this, "And what you would have said if you weren't the worst."

"I am not the worst! You are!" Sonata cried at the girl.

Sunset kept a raised eyebrow at the trio's behavior, only for Adagio to jump in front of her, "You'll have to excuse them. They're idiots." This made Aria growl while Sonata just showed a vacant smile.

It was here that the corridor grew deathly silent, Sunset and the three staring awkwardly at each other while Sunset let out a nervous laugh. She then noticed the gemstone necklaces each of the girls were wearing. "Those are pretty," she reached out to touch one. "Where did you-" She didn't get to finish her question, as Adagio grabbed her wrist.

Sunset's eyes went wide before looking up at Adagio, the rocker girl seeming to panic at her mistake before laughing and releasing her arm. "Sorry," they all reached up and touched them. "These pendants mean an awful lot to us, and we'd just hate for anything to happen to them." With that, Adagio and Aria began to walk off, Sonata just blankly standing there before Adagio reached back and dragged her by the arm.

And as Sunset watched them walk down the hallway, Adagio shot her one final smirk before they turned a corner. "Strange...very strange." Sunset commented as she crossed her arms. "Why do I get a bad feeling about this?"