• Published 29th Apr 2019
  • 1,643 Views, 291 Comments

Piece of Parchment - Metemponychosis

A lost letter from the past sends Princesses Cadance and Twilight, and friends, on an adventure.

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A/N: someone told me that Piece of Parchment’s chapters are too large, and this discourages readers. I agree. I originally started increasing chapter sizes because I noticed I was leaving out things that I wanted/needed in the story. For example, the chapters Singularity and Dining with Griffons. But I’m not FuzzyVeeVee that can keep longer chapters interesting. The point is that I’ll be trying to keep chapter sizes more reasonable and split chapters if needed.

On with the story.

Luna had taken some time to herself in preparation for her conversation with the griffon prisoner.

The princess sat on a red satin pillow in the deep end of the small relaxation room in her sister’s airship. Not too big, just enough not to feel cramped. Fancy, but not in an exaggerated way. Just good enough to relax. Instead of Celestia’s teas, she had a bottle of one of her favorite bourbons on the table. A small cup filled with it sat next to the bowl with the dried mango slices.

Relaxation wasn’t going as planned, though.

She had a terrible feeling about that whole situation. The timing made her apprehensive. A griffon lady who could mess with minds pulled some extremely uncomfortable memories to the forefront of her mind. She didn’t know how that magic had survived… Maybe Celestia really should have destroyed the griffons in their entirety…

No, that was a bad idea. And one she found herself ashamed of. It seemed easy, but the very reason they fought… The reason Celestia and herself had accepted their present role was so that such draconian and reproachable ideas never prospered again.

The princess found her worried face staring back at her in the cute, moon-adorned cup holding her favorite liquor.

Maybe it would be wiser to contact Celestia immediately and have her go straight to that Griffindel place. The more she thought about the whole thing, all the corruption and unrest in Griffonia seemed to distract from the northerner griffons. The northerner griffons that suddenly had advanced weaponry never seen before and ancient magic that shouldn’t exist anymore. And there was also that whole weird thing about ‘improper’ griffons.

And as though that was not enough, two younger princesses refused to listen to their elders. Twilight and Cadance insisted on sticking their muzzles into matters that didn’t concern them. Matters which were also related to all that mess. The timing really couldn’t be worse or less suspicious.

If only Shining Armor wasn’t part of the problem. Then he could keep his wife and his sister out of harm’s way. But Luna was convinced that as soon as she was busy with something Cadance and Twilight would create additional problems. And Shining Armor would help them.

She groaned to her drink in the small crystal liquor cup. Her plan of drinking something before talking to the griffon wasn’t working a whole lot. Maybe she shouldn’t have left her trusted lieutenant with the griffon suspect in Griffonstone nor let Celestia drag Chocolate along with her. Although, both stallions would certainly be putting their skills to better use where they were.

Immediately the door opened, and Chrysalis walked in, followed by one of her Praetorian Changelings. Luna recognized her as Bossy as the changeling queen talked to her as though Luna owned her explanations. “Hello, Luna. What is this conversation about some griffon that has mind powers like she’s come out of one of those ‘comics’?”

Luna took her cup. “I didn’t think that you would be one to read that sort of thing.”

“I don’t.” The queen sat opposite to her. “When I catch the younglings with those poisonous things, I make them watch me burn them.”

Luna left her little cup on the table and put her hooves on the edge. “Has it ever occurred to you that maybe… Just maybe… Your attitude may be distancing you from your subjects?”

“Nonsense.” The queen scoffed. “Tell her.”

“Mother is the best changeling queen ever!” The big changeling female next to her cheered with a little hop that barely seemed befit of the large and intimidating changeling.

Luna wasn’t impressed but decided against insisting while Chrysalis held a slice of dried mango in her magic and tasted a small bite of it. “The griffon you shouldn’t know about is a surprisingly healthy and fit elderly griffoness. Most likely a northerner, and she did show a remarkable and strange magic with mind-altering properties that I have seen before but am not prepared to make accusations or statements yet.”

“I see…” Chrysalis hummed. “So, where is her corpse so I can dissect it?”

Luna was still not amused, and let out a sigh. “She’s not dead, Chrysalis. She wouldn’t be much use to us if she were.”

“I disagree…” The queen smirked. “A dead griffon is better than a living one, anyways. And you know as well as I do that the dead do tend to be quite a lot more cooperative than the living with the right magic.”

“Truthful as that may be, she is a prisoner and there are several laws which my sister and I have sanctioned which protect her. Not to mention, I am not evil as you are.” Luna smirked right back at her.

“When you and Celestia call me evil it feels like flirting.” She hissed softly and chortled, putting out that long tongue of hers. “But I digress. May I help you interrogate your oh-so-protected griffon prisoner?”

“I have a better idea, actually.” Luna served her some of the drink after materializing a proper cup. “I want you and your infiltrators to keep a few eyes on Twilight, Grigory and their friends. Cadance and Shining Armor too… Celestia feels that she has accepted those proclivities of her situation and is ready to settle in. She believes that it shouldn’t make that much difference, but I’m more careful and not so prepared to give the youngling so much leeway.”

“Right…” The queen smiled serenely. “I can do that.”

She downed her dose of the stiff drink in one go. “Say… I’ve been curious. Why didn’t you make your own Chocolate Velvet? Maybe some big hunk of a thestral stallion just for yourself?”

“Because I’m not you?” Luna gave her the best smug expression she could summon as she downed a dose of the drink again, which made the queen cock an eyebrow. Always fun to leave Chrysalis unsure if she had just been slighted. “It’s more fun to share with Celestia. And you also don’t know his Nightmare Night costume.”

“Oh. Now I’m curious!” Chrysalis cooed with a grin.

“We’ll talk about that later.” Luna stood. “You deal with our guests, and I’ll deal with the griffon prisoner.”

“Fine.” Chrysalis watched her leave and Luna didn’t give her a lot of attention once she was done talking to her.

Not that she didn’t like Chrysalis. Quite the contrary, she found a friend in her, but Chrysalis responded better to some coldness here and there.

Once out the door she left it open and walked through the entry hall of the Break of Dawn’s aftercastle. Funny enough, the short pep-talk with Chrysalis helped her more than the drink.

Outside she went down the staircase to the underdeck and found the Royal Guards watching the entrance to the brig. They opened the door for her. The lock wasn’t magical by default, but one of their unicorns had enchanted it in response to the mess that had happened in the morning. Quite an intricate alarm, reinforcement and locking spell. Somepony spent the rest of the morning and probably their lunchtime on that.

Royal Guards, Solar or Lunar, rarely disappointed when it came to dedication.

Past the door she found Cadance sitting in front of Grinolf’s cell. He was sat in the middle. Closed eyes, relaxed posture and calm breathing while the princess had the most of troubled of frowns. Luna didn’t even need to read her mind.

Shining Armor remained a little back, also sat, like a loyal knight watching over her. Still, he spared Luna a respectful if friendly bow.

She sat by Cadance’s side, after responding to him in kind. The younger princess sighed in a low voice, as though she feared disturbing the griffon. “Hi, auntie.”

“Things are not proceeding as smoothly as you had hoped?” Luna kept her voice low too, careful not to provoke Cadance.

The younger one shook her head and spoke softly. “I talked to Milky White through the mirror room in the ship and she’s found several prospects. That is not what bothers me.”

Luna simply stared at her for a second before she explained. “It’s all the mess they made with his life. He would be a much happier griffon, even if he would be our enemy, had Lady Gwendolen not branded him a pariah. And for such a petty reason.”

“You ponies worry too much about other creature’s feelings.” Grinolf opened his eyes and spoke plainly in Common Equestria with his whistly accent. “You also talk too much, and you are not as quiet as you think you are when you speak softly.”

“I don’t need you to like us, Grinolf.” Luna told him as Cadance just stared with an annoyed expression. “I want to help you because it is a decent thing to do.”

He let his eyes down and closed them for a moment before looking back at them. “I’m sorry… I’m used to being told that I should hate you. That my situation is actually your fault.”

“Because of hippogriffs?” She asked him and watched as he nodded full of guilt. “What if I told you that there is a possibility that these teachings you were indoctrinated with may have a sliver of truth?”

He gave her a confused frown, which she expected, while Cadance nodded in understanding which made Luna happy the younger princess was paying attention.

“There may be some truth that griffons were supposed to have these amazing magical powers, that go beyond the magic your kind already displays, such as cloudwalking, and flight. Your superior physical prowess and your fighting instincts.” Luna put as much confidence as she could into her words. “Wouldn’t it make more sense… Wouldn’t it be better for everycreature if those were turned to the betterment of all beings, instead of the hatred that your fellow northerners were taught against hippogriffs and ponies?”

“Including northerner griffons?” She hoped that he would find the right question inside his head.

“But we become less…” Which he did. Even if he struggled to find the right word in Common Equestrian. “Strong. When we mix with the hippogriffs. Don’t we?”

“I’m not sure of that, Grinolf.” Luna shook her head and put all the honesty she could into her words. “It is possible Lady Gwendolen is correct, and that griffons and ponies don’t really mix that well. That there is something in hippogriffs that damages your kind. But if that is correct, you should be asking yourself if it is worth all the pain your ancestors have caused in the past. Or even if all the pain it has caused you is worth whatever magic you may have lost.”

Cadance nodded. “Yes… Griffons in the south are doing just fine.”

Luna didn’t add any more. She wasn’t there to talk to Grinolf or Cadance. She left the two to themselves with an excusing nod and went around the cells to the ones deeper into the brig. It was a bit dark, but the magical lights provided enough light. The cell was just another cell. The other griffon prisoner even had some privacy with a small white folding screen in the back.

The guards certainly decided to stow her in the back because of her strange magic. No doubt word of what she’d done to Master Haul reached the crewponies and guards. She couldn’t fault them for being cautious, especially as their prisoner was not unjustly denied anything.

Back from the hospital already, and not a scratch despite their scuffle, too. The griffoness sat in the middle of the cell. But unlike Grinolf, she wasn’t doing that freaky ‘half-awake, half-asleep’ thing that he did. She just stared at Luna. In fact, the griffoness’ eyes focused on her in an unsettling and intruding way. She had certainly heard their conversation and didn’t like it.

After a few seconds of standing in front of the bars Luna finally lost her patience. “We can stand here glaring at each other all day, if you want.”

“Fine by me.” The griffon lady regarded Luna with the same snarky grin that Chrysalis often had and made sure to show her fangs. Except it seemed more menacing in her beak than in Chrysalis’ fangs. Maybe because it was genuinely cruel.

Luna didn’t let that intimidate her, though. “How about you tell me what you did to Heavy Haul?”

“Who?” The other either faked it well or didn’t connect the name to what she had done. Yet Luna doubted she would be so scatterbrained.

“You know who I’m talking about.” Luna frowned and her ears pulled back. “Please, I want to help.”

“Give me back my son!” The griffon lunged at the bars and held them with her exquisitely sharp talons in display.

“I don’t think that your son wants anything to do with you.” She shook her head again. “Explain that whole situation to me. He’s said that he lived alone with his father, but not much more. It seems that you have isolated yourselves so much that your culture is alien to us, and you refuse to connect with us.”

She let go of the bars. Sat on her haunches and scowled at Luna. But said nothing.

“This doesn’t help you.” Luna insisted. “It doesn’t help me help you. And it doesn’t help Grinolf either.”

She didn’t respond, so Luna reached some more. “I don’t want to see a mother and a son separated. I don’t like his contempt for you. But at the same time, I’m convinced that you are not here solely because you miss your son.”

That only caused the griffon to glare harder at her.

“Fine! Be like that.” Luna glared back at her. “But know that I’m not an idiot. The reason you are here is because Grinolf has information that you don’t want him sharing. What is your name?”

No sound came from the griffon that stared at her and Luna growled so frustrated she was. “Isn’t there some rule about soldiers and interrogations?”

“I’m not military, princess…” The griffon gave her another sarcastic smile, but at least she had learned something.

“So, I’m supposed to believe that the northerner griffons wouldn’t send a trained agent to infiltrate an Equestrian mare o’ war belonging to the Royal House, crewed by Royal Guards, and containing one of your soldiers…” Luna gave the griffon her own sarcastic smile. “But, instead, a poor little old mother seeking to reconnect with her lost son?”

“You can believe whatever you wish, Princess.” The griffon was unamused by her teasing. “It is what you grassbreaths have been doing since the dawn of time. And you wouldn’t understand our culture anyways.”

“I wonder if your belief systems might have something to do with the fact that I am never called to the dreams of the northerner griffons. Even southerner griffons, once they make it to Snow Mountains Hold.” Luna lost her jesting mood. “Pray tell how is that possible instead?”

“You are not as powerful as you like to think you are?” Her captive shrugged and grinned petulantly again. “Or maybe there are more powerful things than you are. Far scarier things.”

Luna smiled inwardly. Nothing better than a little arrogance to free one’s tongue. She let no outward expression, however. Instead, she kept the griffon’s mind moving. “Perhaps, you would like to explain how come you command such refined magic that allows for a deep and delicate hijacking of the processes of the mind? Hum?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about, Princess.” The griffon gave her an innocent stare. “I’m just an old mother trying to return my son home.”

The griffon had caught on to her own slip of the tongue, Luna supposed. She smiled at her. “As I said, fine. Be like that. I don’t care, but I would rather see a mother and her son reunited. Think about that… I’ll be back tomorrow.”

Then she turned and left. She had something. More than she had when she first entered the room. She should take a closer gander at the minds of griffons. Something strange was in the air. The timing and the circumstances concerned her. Meanwhile, some time alone would be beneficial to that griffon lady after their short meeting.

On her way out, she asked the Royal Guards by the door not to let Cadance in there alone, and not to talk to the griffoness without their full armor.


Turned out that waiting for the griffons to kick off their great plan for escaping was boring and the morning dragged on as though it wanted to bore Twilight out of her skull. She wanted to talk to Princess Celestia, but she had gone to Hippogriffia. She wanted to read something, but she had already read all the books in her quarters. She could read some from the airship’s small library since they were materials on airship operations and history, but she was too bored for anything too technical. The other girls were all busy with something, and Cadance was busy with the griffon prisoner. Shining Armor was busy helping Cadance.

Twilight simply laid in her bed and sulked while Spike laid in the chaise longue and read some comics he had gotten from one of the guards. Lucky him… At least he had something to do.

Suddenly the tingling sensation in her horn woke her from her tedium. A scroll materialized on the small desk in her room. Its popping sound upon appearing even drew Spike’s attention, and he turned his head to see. But since he saw Twilight had stood to take care of it, he didn’t bother. She was sure his comics were more interesting than whatever that scroll would tell about.

With a yawn Twilight circled around the table and sat at it before she magically grabbed the scroll. It was a typical magical scroll for important letters that needed to reach their destination right now and the sender didn’t care about discretion.

It still had some residue of the spent enchantment that allowed all creatures to use them. And it had the golden seal for Ponyville’s Mayor’s Office.

Twilight sighed while she pulled at the small golden thing, and it undid itself in a small shower of golden dust. Mayor Mare had an annoying tendency of reporting to her all the happenings in the small town as though Twilight was her superior. Which she technically was, but Twilight had never interested herself in the politics of her position.

She stopped for a second and hummed quietly to herself, frowning a little. Maybe she should have. Cadance had taken the responsibility of administrating the Crystal Empire, after all. Maybe that whole mess with Ponyville’s Local Militia wouldn’t have happened had Twilight was actually a part of the hierarchy. Mayor Mare would’ve been forced to notify her.

Maybe once that whole mess of missing griffon emperors, goddesses and past lives was over…

Anyways, she opened the letter, and it was hastily written in the mayor’s calligraphy. Before reading, she sighed at whatever inconsequential thing the mayor might have to report that had to be reported in the middle of the present mess. Hopefully, she had also reported it to the actual competent authorities in the duchy’s administration.

The letter was a mess, though.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I am terribly sorry to disturb you in your quest, and I apologize for the curtness of my letter. I am so terribly nervous you were the only pony I could think off other than the official channels to the Heartland Archduchy and the Archduke himself. With the break in the chain of command in the local militias as Lord Protector Stalwart Star was put under arrest, I don’t know who to report to!

Two days ago, in the night, a griffon lady walked into town carrying another griffon lady who seemed to be in dire need of medical attention. Daisy, who had found them, said that one of them had clear signs of being shot and her friends quickly directed them to our hospital.

Doctor Double Contrast quickly informed me that one of them had suffered a grave flying accident and her friend was shot. Apparently, she had walked with her friend on her back all the way from Canterlot to Ponyville, but along the way they were attacked by a trio of what she called ‘mean ponies’ that wanted to take them back to Griffonstone so that the ‘evil griffons’ would hurt them.

As the doctor returned to the hospital, I immediately sent a letter to Canterlot, but none of the Princesses were there! My letter ended with somepony from the Militia’s Administration and they replied that we should keep those two in the hospital until a custodian arrived.

But before the custodian arrived, in the night, one of the griffons destroyed the hospital looking for their stash of emergency healing potions. She severely injured and killed numerous ponies of the hospital’s staff and security. Without our local militia there was simply nothing we could do about it.

Princess, it was horrible! She turned the hospital into a horror scene. The hospital is inoperable and Applebloom was present with her friends that night! They are now with Big Mac in the ranch with Sweetie Belle’s parents and won’t even talk to me. I have furious ponies in front of the city hall calling for justice while others won’t talk about it or have shut themselves in their homes.

The custodian came this morning with a squad of Royal Guards and told me that those griffons are wanted criminals in Griffonstone, Baltimare, Haybale and Canterlot. That they may be involved in the terrorist attack to the freight teleporter.

But they had already left! The griffons teleported to Thunderpeak and the custodian has left to find them.

I have declared a state of emergency in the city and Canterlot is going to send aid, but please, I urge you to inform the Princesses of the situation!

Yours truly,

Mayor Mare

What the…

She stared at the letter again. It was a convoluted mess of information that seemed too impossible to convey reality. She blinked at it a few times, but the information still refused to make sense in her head.

She frowned. How many times had Ponyville been almost destroyed before? The parasprites, Discord, Tirek… It was just… Ponies got injured but what that letter described was just unheard of.

Her eyes went wide. Oh my gosh! Applebloom was in there when it happened! Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo too!

Wanted in Griffonstone? She frowned again and went through the motions of reading. Could that be Rainbow’s friend, Gilda? That would be too much of a coincidence, but… Ponyville’s teleporter is the only one close to Canterlot. What was she doing in Canterlot though? And who was the other griffon lady?

“Twilight, are you alright?” Spike frowned at her from this chaise. “You look like you just saw a ghost.”

“Spike, I need you to send a letter to Princess Celestia. Now!” She snapped back at him after a second of eerie silence.

The young dragon grimaced, jumped off his seat, and scrambled to the drawer with the required material. Then he stared seriously at Twilight, signaling he was ready.

She nodded and began dictating. “Princess Celestia, I have just received a very disconcerting letter from Mayor Mare, and it seems that something horrible happened in Ponyville. As the mayor has informed me, a pair of griffons were involved in severe damage to the hospital, including loss of life. I urge you to look into the matter with the utmost celerity!”

“Uh… Discon… Dis…” Spike blinked at her.

“Spike…” Her ears flopped to the sides of her head and her hoof hit her face. “Just… Disturbing!”

“Sorry! Sorry!” He grimaced again and quickly jotted down the letter as best and as fast as he could.

He didn’t even wait for her to tell him to send the letter to the princess. Instead, he breathed his green fire on the rolled-up parchment, and it turned to smoke that flew out the window.

Twilight breathed in to tell him they must see their friends, but before she could externalize her thoughts, the letter popped back into existence right next to Spike.

‘Uh…” He grabbed the letter and tried again.

It didn’t matter, the letter simply returned as fast as before and flopped to the floor with both staring down at it.

Twilight stared at the thing as though it was a sign of the end of times, which the fact that a dragonfire letter couldn’t reach its destination might as well be.

Spike looked up to her from the letter. “It’s not working!”

“Princess Luna!” She blurted out and let her wings flare. “We have to see her! Now!”

Spike gasped and rushed after her out the door. But then Twilight stopped with a grimace and scared eyes. He almost ran into her.

What if it’s part of ‘the plan’? Maybe she should see Grigory first!

Then she shook her head so hard her ears flapped against her head. What was she thinking?! That was going too far even if it was part of whatever plan he and his griffons had!

Before Spike could say anything, she launched into a panicked gallop out of her room again.


Much as before, in Hippogriffia, Celestia didn’t teleport herself and Chocolate Velvet all the way to Griffonstone. Although she wanted to, something prevented teleportation. That worried her. She explained that something was definitely not right. So, Chocolate found himself flying next to her above the rocky badlands and hills that surrounded the griffon city. He carried with him a unicorn longsword much like the one he used to have, and a shield with the Royal Guard emblem of Celestia’s sun. He also carried a halberd on his back too and wore the helmet of his Royal Guard armor. Full armor and fighting gear. Something was not going to go well, and he supposed what tipped Celestia to that was her difficulty to teleport properly.

He also wore white robes above his armor that denoted his station, but she didn’t wear anything other than her typical royal regalia.

The air was hotter than Hipogriffia’s, without its open sea and nice scenery to contemplate and occupy the mind as he flew. It also smelled different. It a bit of a caustic edge to it in a way that almost made it feel dirty. Or was that the magic in the region that he captured in his magical senses?

Almost as though she could read his thoughts, Celestia came closer and spoke to him. “This used to be a beautiful land.”

“It did?” He snapped to attention, looking at her.

She let her gaze fall for a second. “Don’t misunderstand me… It has its own beauty as all lands that make up our world. It’s just that I prefer wide grasslands and fruit trees instead of jagged rocks and these acacias.”

She frowned at her own words. “I mean… I know that they have fruits too, it’s just that…”

“I understand what you mean, Celestia.” He held back his snorting at her difficulty with the proper words. “This place is full of memories for you, isn’t it?”

Then he frowned too. “Everywhere is, but this place has almost as much meaning as the old palace in Everfree, right?”

She nodded quietly. “I think that it helps that my issues with the events of that place have been resolved…”

Goddammit. He hated seeing Celestia mope like that. Even with that whole mess of griffons being griffons, she was in a high mood until they arrived. Maybe it was that ominous magical disruption. Celestia had so many buried memories from so long ago it was hard knowing what she was thinking at any given time!

The city, Griffonstone, sat in the distance. Almost flat against the terrain. It lacked high-rising buildings like the ones in Manehattan or Baltimare. It was a wide, sprawling city, instead of a densely packed one. As though griffons just preferred to keep a distance from each other. It made the city seem larger than it actually was.

There was also the river that snaked around the city and Fort King Grover, a star-shaped fort that used the river to feed its moat system. Mostly plains surrounded everything, with a few soft hills here or there. Few covered in the green grass that threatened to turn yellow as soon as seasons changed.

He didn’t know much about the climate in Griffonland Hold, but it was certainly not like the temperate and fertile Equestrian Heartland he had grown used to and that he loved. At least, it wasn’t as bad as the southern badlands where the changelings and diamond dogs lived.

The ominous fast moving and gray clouds didn’t help. It was almost like those obviously evil storms that complemented the scenario for the evil villain’s lair.

Of course, in Equestria those things actually worked like that because… Magic.

“This place used to be much more beautiful.” Celestia’s voice yanked him out of his thoughts. “It had beautiful vineyards and many acres of maize and bananas. There were others too, but those were their favorites. Soon before Grover’s death, with then modern magical construction techniques, they lived in tall spires. Complete with lifts for their wingless friends. But they crumbled away when griffons changed for the more practical Manehattian architecture. The soil isn’t very nice and doesn’t help the river provide its moisture. And the griffons, while dutiful in their job of tending to the weather, can’t be bothered to be as mindful as the pegasi.”

She made silence for a thoughtful second. “Much as griffons themselves, the very land they live in will make you work for sustenance.”

She smiled at him. “Hardy creatures that they are, they rather endure not ideal weather.”

“Selfish griffons, or lazy griffons?” He grinned back at her.

She smiled some more and shook her head. “Neither. Griffons aren’t selfish, much less lazy. They are independent. They lack a strong leader that will rally them to the right causes. In King Grover’s time you could see the intricate network of irrigation channels that webbed over the entire region. It was quite the sight, and I think it rivaled the beauty of places such as Mount Canterlot and the wonder that is Cloudsdale.”

“I should take you to the north one day… Just so that you see Griffindell’s Back Gates.” She turned her stare forward again. “I think there is no better display of their amazing skills when they are properly motivated. It is a reminder of an olden time, of crafts that have been lost to the passing of time.”

She smiled at him again, but it was not her typical happy smile. It was that sad ‘no, really it’s fine’ smile. “I guess we’re both relics of another age. That city and I. Even when Griffonstone is old enough to qualify. It has simply lost its splendor from King Grover’s time. It just lies there, dormant… Waiting for another mighty king that will rally its griffons to breathe a new life into this land.”

“It’s the Scar Effect.” He grinned at her.

“The… Scar Effect?” She frowned and smiled inquisitively.

“It’s from a very important and widely known documentary on wildlife from my original world. About what happened when a king was murdered by his brother and the young prince had been shunned away.” He told her with a serious professional expression. “The once fertile and beautiful land died because the king’s brother had taken over.”

“This is a joke, isn’t it?” She giggled. “Magic doesn’t exist in your original world.”

“Well… It’s not a documentary.” He chuckled at her. “It’s more like a fable. The king was a lion with his pride of lionesses that hunted the other animals and they all treated him like a king. One day he was murdered by his brother and his son was sent away, blamed for his death. The brother had help from the hyenas and the thing about them was their ravenous hunger.”

She nodded softly, paying attention as he went on, making some gestures with his forelegs. “And that was the problem because the old king understood that everything existed in a balance. The lions ate the animals in the region, but that was a nice place where they could live in peace because the king didn’t abuse them. He didn’t take more than was needed and he protected them from the hyenas. They could thrive there. But his brother couldn’t control the hyenas, and they didn’t have the same understanding about how the land worked, much less respected that balance.”

“When the animals left, the lions starved, and so did the hyenas.” He concluded. “And even if the king’s brother understood what had gone wrong, he was stuck. Without the hyenas, he would lose the lionesses, and without them, he would be a king with no kingdom. Even if his kingdom was a husk of what it was under the previous king.”

“And when the young prince returned the kingdom went back to what it used to be?” She blinked at him and urged him to speak more.

“Well, it’s a bit silly…” He scratched his helmet. “But yeah. It required the audience to understand a lot of stuff in between the lines. In the way it was presented it really seemed as though things had changed magically. The hyenas as the cause of the loss of balance is left to the imagination. But the thing was that the prince forced his uncle to admit to killing his father. That rallied the lionesses to rebel. It’s a simplified version of how politics work, and also rather racist and sexist. But that was how the general public thought that lion prides worked.”

“Also, the people that made that story were notorious for washing down old stories from folklore and adapting them into sappy and feel-good stories.” He frowned. “The point was the importance of a leadership that respected its people. About how certain compromises for the sake of clout could get you stuck in a situation that you would rather avoid. And there was a meerkat and a boar that taught the prince to eat bugs and his childhood friend. A musical number that totally wasn’t an analogy for sex that totally wasn’t the thing that actually motivated the prince to return and reclaim his father’s kingdom.”

She nodded at him and then stared silently at the approaching city. Then she nodded again, before smiling more happily at him. “I see. That is a good story.”

“Hey, can I call Lord Gilad ‘The Lion King’?” He grinned at her with all his cheeky silliness.

She giggled at him. “I think that he would appreciate that.”


Twilight dashed through corridors and past stairs with Spike doing his best to keep up until she finally found and entered the princesses’ quarters. Luna was in the living room, staring at an unrolled scroll she held in her magic.

“Princess Luna! I just got a letter from Mayor Mare!” She showed the thing in her own telekinetic magic, screeching to a halt at the door.

“I just received a letter from Blueblood, Twilight.” Luna spoke while still staring at her letter, before raising her eyes to Twilight. “Is it about the griffons?”

“Yes!” Twilight screeched. “Mayor Mare makes it sound like it was awful!”

Luna hummed and Twilight just stared at her, waiting for Luna to say or do anything.

“Didn’t Rainbow Dash receive a letter from her griffon friend saying she was in trouble?” Luna asked. “What was her name?”

“Rainbow’s friend?” Twilight blurted nervously. “Gilda?”

“Yes… That is the name Blueblood mentioned.” Luna frowned deeply. “Find Rainbow Dash and see if she knows of any reason her friend might have done something of the sort. Also, ask her if she knows of a Grunhilda.”

“Yes!” Twilight nodded as fast as she could.

“I’ll go to Canterlot and Ponyville.” Luna stood and walked towards Twilight. “Make sure to inquire Rainbow Dash in the meantime. The letter also informed that a custodian from Canterlot left for Thunderpeak. See if Rainbow Dash knows any significance the city might have. It is a small city close to the Snow Mountains Hold. Your new griffon friends may be involved. Thus, I suggest you don’t do anything you might regret. Celestia isn’t here to protect you.”

Twilight just stared anxiously at Luna. Talking to her only made Twilight even more anxious because it could be part of Grigory’s plan! She kicked herself but did her best not to show it outwardly. She may have already fouled the whole thing up just by talking to Luna!

“Worry not, Twilight.” Luna told her with a very motherly and assuaging smile together with a hoof gesture that urged her to leave already. “Just go see Rainbow Dash. Everything will be fine.”

“Yes… Sure.” Twilight smiled at her. “Right now.”

Spike followed Twilight out of the room into the corridor and she closed the door with her telekinetic magic. She kneeled to his level and whispered as urgently and silently as she managed, given her nerves. “I have to go see Grigory! I need to be sure this whole thing isn’t a diversion.”

“Wait! What?” He opened his arms but managed to keep his voice low. “I really don’t think that they would mess up Ponyville’s hospital to distract the Princesses so that we could escape!”

“That may be exactly what they did, Spike!” She breathed a little too loud. “I don’t know! This whole thing is a mess and I need to make sure that everything is alright in Ponyville! Please! Go see Rainbow Dash! What was the name Princess Luna said?”


“Yes! See if she knows anything! I’ll go see Grigory!” Twilight bit her lips. “Please! Also tell Cadance of this mess if you can! We’ll write a letter to Princess Luna after we meet in my room!”

“Gee, alright, Twilight.” He grimaced at her. “Just be careful. Don’t trust that griffon.”


Chocolate Velvet landed next to Celestia in the streets of the griffon city. It was kind of awful. Not colorful and cute like pony cities. It also smelled bad. It smelled of a city that didn’t care about its own cleanliness, or something.

It was a commercial street. Wide and flanked by wide walkways. Store after store both ways, but most of them closed or simply abandoned. Broken glass windows, ripped awnings, beaten down doors... It looked almost deserted and only a few stores remained.

“This looks bad…” Chocolate told her softly, coming closer after landing.

“It does look bad.” Celestia agreed with a soft nod. “But this is a consequence of the lack of supplies. It will fix itself soon now that Novo has agreed to stop with the blockade. It should be alright in a few weeks.”

She started walking and he followed. The few griffons outside were surprised. Pointing and talking in hushed voices but keeping their distance. Celestia just let them be and chocolate did the same.

One of the stores had a wider awning in white that allowed the sunlight to peer through and provided plenty of light over the products on display. In the walkway, close to the glass pane in the storefront, but in front of it, was a small stand with five levels. Each one was lined with several toys. Griffon dolls, a small set of earth-pony, pegasus and unicorn dolls, small trains, an airship. Delightfully beautiful, each one of them. Colorful and carefully crafted.

But the ones that really got Chocolate’s attention were the small figurines. They were important creatures Chocolate recognized from the House of Majesty and others. Above the door a sign declared that was ‘Grandolf’s Toys’.

Chocolate followed Celestia closer as she grabbed one of the small toy figurines in her telekinetic grasp. A miniature Queen Chrysalis wearing an angry grimace that made Celestia squeal in delight. Exquisitely crafted and painted, it had a very expressive face that really captured the essence of the Changeling Queen.

They were all there. The Princesses, Twilight and her friends. Queen Novo, both as a seapony and as a hippogriff. Chocolate wasn’t sure Dragon Lord Ember counted as a Majesty since the dragons never joined the Federation, but she was there. As was also King Caleb of Yakyakistan. And there were of course a few griffons. Chocolate picked one up, complete with a purple royal cape and a crown.

“Is this King Grover?” She showed it to Celestia.

“Yes.” She took the toy in her magical grasp with a smile. “That is him. Definitively.”

She returned the toy to the stand and grabbed another to offer Chocolate. “And this is Lord Gilad.”

He took it in his own grasp. It represented a griffon with a dark brown body and white head that definitively matched the photographs of the griffon in question. With his diadem and his serious stare.

While he examined that figure, Celestia took another griffon from the stand. A tall female, white and black. Also, black and white in her striped wings, open at full display and a crown of black-silvery feathers raised behind her head. On one of her black paws, she held a sword, pointed down, and in the other she held a black crown.

Celestia tilted her head with a soft ‘hum’… “Is this Lady Gwendolen?”

She picked up another figure. It looked very similar, but her wings were closed and covered in black feathers. She sat in a demure and behaved posture, lacking the crown of black feathers behind her head. She also wore a black diadem with a small gem. Lady Gwendolen had blue eyes and the other had gray eyes. “No. This is Lady Gwendolen.”

She looked at the other figure. “I don’t know who this is. How weird.”

“She looks kinda cool.” Chocolate looked at the figure and then at Celestia.

She giggled, but in an uncertain way. “Yes, she does.”

But then the Princess frowned and stared at the open-winged figure. “This is a curious symbology…”

He took a second to read her expression. Celestia had ‘that’ stare. That particular one she wore when she started messing around with the ancient stuff inside her head. Those unfathomably old memories. Thus, he kept his mouth shut as Celestia’s expression grew grim.

The door to the store opened and an old griffon appeared from inside. His round spectacles made his brown eyes look bigger than they were, and his graying black feathers showed his age as much as his small frame covered in black spots and snowy white.

The princess snapped out of her reverie and smiled at him. “Greetings. Would you be Master Grandolf? These are some beautiful toys!”

“Thank you, Princess.” He smiled and sat in front of the door. “Yes. That would be me, but just Grandolf, please. And I am happy you like my toys.”

“Is there any reason I’m not aware of that griffon children would be interested in Queen Chrysalis?” Chocolate asked. “Or in the Dragon Lord?”

The griffon chuckled softly. “Kids like the villains. Although, I hear that is not necessarily the case anymore.”

Celestia giggled again. “I don’t think that she will be changing too much as to disappoint the younglings. Chrysalis will always be… Spicy.”

“May I ask you who this is, Mister Grandolf?” Celestia wasted little time and showed him the white griffoness with the open wings.

He frowned a little. “I am not sure, princess.”

“What do you mean?” She perked her ears at him.

“I see her in my dreams.” He explained matter-of-factly. “But I’m not sure who she is. She looks like Lady Gwendolen, but at the same time she is also so different.”

“How interesting…” Celestia mused. “Hum… How much for these toy figurines? All of them?”

“They are out here for free, Princess.” The griffon smiled a little.

“But they are exquisite.” She looked at the small Chrysalis and then at the griffon talking to them. “I appreciate it, but I rather pay for goods that I want rather than accepting gifts like this.”

“I am offering them for free to anyone, Princess.” He explained with a smile. “Typically, I would charge a fairly steep amount on each, but nowadays families don’t have money to spend on toys. The little ones cry when their parents walk by and say they can’t afford them.”

He gave the feathers on his nape a rub as he stared up at the princess. “This may sound silly… But I don’t like crying cubs, nor distraught parents.”

Celestia let her ears fall and she cast her eyes down. “The situation is not nice, is it?”

“Don’t worry, Princess.” He said. “Only the ignorant blame you. Griffons are the source of Griffonian problems. We keep trying to elect that special griffon that will solve all our problems and end up electing the same thieves that bleed us dry. I don’t know if The Lion is the answer either, but it can’t be worse than Gail.”

“Thank you.” She gave him a small smile. “Still, I want to pay for this. Full price if you will. Use the money to make more of these. And then put them out for the little ones.”

“That is a deal, Princess.” He nodded softly.

After that Celestia materialized a small cheque booklet and paid the griffon. Meanwhile, he prepared the small figurines in proper boxes. All the while Chocolate Velvet couldn’t get out of his head that talk of seeing a griffon lady in his dreams. Sounded like the sort of thing that should worry Celestia. Especially with the stuff Luna found in the museum. The Cult of The Harpy seemed to be cropping up more than either of them was comfortable.

Scratch that… If something of the sort was happening, the Cult of The Harpy was already back, and they had been sleeping on their watch!

He would wait, though. Celestia was busy and she wasn’t stupid. She knew what she was doing. Doubting her didn’t work well for him last time.

With that in mind, he waited until she and the griffon were done and politely grabbed the box-shaped package while Celestia kept a small one for herself. Both were wrapped in a pretty gift paper, all white and golden. Certainly, chosen over Celestia’s own white and gold. He did get a moment to look at the shop’s interior. It was a nice and quaint combination of a workshop with a store. The working area and tools in the back really gave the place a lot of character. Especially with the unfinished toys and smell of wood.

When Celestia was done, they walked outside. A few curious griffons that had gathered at the storefront to peek inside scattered as soon as they turned to the door.

Silly griffons flew away and Celestia and Chocolate had the whole walkway to them. He carried the box as he followed her. Celestia walked slowly and Chocolate finally gathered the courage to talk. “Celestia…”

“I know…” She nodded and spoke softly as she wrote a letter.

He blinked at her, surprised at first. Then he waited as she wrote a quick letter and rolled the scroll. She offered it to him, along with the small box.

“Send this to Luna.” She spoke seriously and he realized it was one of those enchanted parchments for urgent letters. “You’ll have to fly away from the city to escape the strange magical disruption.”

He simply nodded and stowed the things inside his robe.

But she wasn’t done. Celestia materialized a fancy golden and silver cartridge belt for wearing over the neck and shoulder. It had a pair of holsters, each with even fancier revolvers. He could see white and black pearl in the grips. Furthermore, the belt was loaded with many high-caliber cartridges, each with fancy carvings of pony designs.

“We wanted to give you this with some fanfare and celebration…” Celestia spoke softly. “But you may need them. These are magical disruption bullets. Do not shoot with them at anything that doesn’t absolutely need to die.”

“You can trust me, Celestia.” He donned the belt with the guns in front of his armored chest.

“I know.” She gave him a concerned stare. “Please. Do be careful. Something strange is ahoof.”

Just as soon as she spoke, a group of griffons flew into the walkway and landed a respectful distance from them. One of them, a brown griffon wearing a fancy suit and escorted by two guards of the local militia raised a paw to greet them. “Princess Celestia! Welcome to Griffonstone!”

“Go now!” Celestia urged him. “And be careful!”

He flapped his wings and took flight, looking back to see her opening her wings and talking to the griffon with a smile.