• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
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Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic and hero of the Nightmare War, wants nothing more than to return to a quiet existence as a high school student. However, not every ending is final, or happy. A new foe rising in the darkness will force Twilight to rejoin the very organization that tore away her hope for normality, rebuild her team of other reluctant Elements, and save Equestria once again.

But first she has to learn how to make desserts and defeat a series of increasingly evil waifus.

A crossover with Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka.
Editing by Backslasherton. Prereading by Kamikakushi.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 56 )

Applejack: *treestrides behind u* "Nothin' personal, kid."

Seems like an interesting story. I'll look forward to seeing where you'll take it.

So I have to ask, what was Surprise the element of?

Surprise, actually.
Yes, that's partially why Rainbow picked her.

Does Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka really have a series of increasingly evil waifus in it?

I thought about it, and yeah, it kind of does.

Interesting mapping of the show characters and events to the Spec Ops roles for them. Twilight with a dead family is a particularly good match for Asuka, IMO.

It gets a little difficult considering six ponies but only four MG's appear in Asuka

Rainbow, Spitfire, and Soarin as those three, that fits remarkably well. I had been thinking AJ as that character, though for no reason other than appearance.

Though most of his body was currently concealed, Twilight remembered him perfectly. Spike was a jolly round-bodied spirit of magic who resembled a cute lizard. He may have been closer to a dragon in shape, but was far too small and jovial for the comparison.


“Spike, could you please check to see if my dress is still in place?” she murmured, quieter than the conversation around her.

Oh my god, Rarity.

With a sigh, she transformed. Interlocking metal plates coalesced from the magic, covering every inch of her body in steel. The armor was royal purple with patterned gold trim. Not even the smiths of the Royal Guard could have made such a well-fitted suit of armor. However, it wasn’t complete without the concave shield that the thimble had become.

Oooo, nice. Rarity always gets a great look.

She slumped there on the sand, breathing hard in the darkness of the tent. The light wasn’t good, but she could see that no blood remained on her pen. It had absorbed every drop fed to it, as usual. She put the pen back and hugged the school bag to her chest. Twilight squeezed her eyes closed.

That's a slightly creepy pen.

Twilight started to respond, but he cut her off. “There’s no other way. A lot of ponies say they need to see the Princess, but there are no exceptions. She’s busy, and you can’t just barge in. Now leave. Nothing you have to say is going to be important enough.”

Twilight punched him in the face.

As she was dog-piled by half a dozen guards, Twilight reflected that at least she was going to be in the castle now. She’d figure out the next step from there.


Hey, Sunset.

In a much more gentle tone, Celestia added, “We’re also developing a way to preemptively counter any bad Elements by selecting a small group of worthy humans to wield the magic for defense.”

Interesting, shades of both EQG and the way the magical girls worked in Spec Ops.

A pale blue unicorn mare had come in. She wore a rather heavy-looking necklace and the expression of somepony used to getting what they wanted, or at least one who thought they should.

“I’m here to commission an outfit worthy of somepony of my stature,” she said.

Looking forward to the inevitable scene of Fluttershy torturing Trixie.

“Who else can we invite?” said Pinkie. “How many friends does Twilight have?”

“That also know about the Elements?” said Rarity. “I think you’ve already named all of them.”

“Wow, that’s kind of sad,” said Pinkie.

A bit, yes.

Oh hey, Trixie and the Russian griffon mercenaries.

Trixie’s wound ran black with ink, her injured foreleg twitching as she tried and failed to move it. The rest of her body began to seize, spreading outward from the cut Twilight’s sword had made. Trixie looked down in horror, watching everything as it happened to her, right up until the point her eyes turned black and her body fell to the floor.

Woah, on the other hand probably no Trixie torture. Well, aside from this bit at least.

She walked up to the front door of the café. There was a purple sticky note on the glass that read surprise party.

Good idea to forewarn on that surprise.

“There may be a vulnerability in the Elements if a pony loses the quality for which they were named,” she explained. “I lost the power the moment my husband was killed. No Love, no Element. It hasn’t happened to anypony else, however, so it’s only a theory.”

Interesting, I was wondering about Cadance and if she was still an Element Bearer.

Hey, sorry if anyone got a notification about CH8, I accidentally put it up too early.

She started to turn the page, but then blinked in surprise. There was the second name, just one line down from the first. Brothers? She traced the line between the two of them back. There was a third sibling, named Gilda.

That seems like probably a bad thing, particularly if the Rainbow connection is also there.

What it was remained to be seen. Though it didn’t much matter. Applejack took out her knife and stepped off the porch, heading for the forest.

RIP Gilda.

Peace, pieces, similar difference.

Ahhh, here's the first Fluttershy interrogation volunteer. That makes sense with the limb removal.

Zombie Apples, now that's probably a good prompt to get AJ to sign back up.

The zebra fell over as she continued to burn. Her eyes, no longer clouded with shadows, were milky and septic, but they focused on Twilight and her mouth seemed to briefly smile. “From this shadow, I could not flee; thank you, Element, for releasing me.”

Living in the Everfree was probably a really bad place to be once the Shadows rose and attacked.

“My hat ain’t funny.”

Applejack's hat laughs on the inside.

“Then why did I see you with them in the park twenty minutes ago!?”

That seems bad.

“There’s a village up north, but to stay there, we have to do anything the Commander wants. Or...else.” Chrysalis looked away.

I'm suddenly getting Starlight vibes.

“Do you still use Spike to see how your own flank looks in a dress?” Applejack asked.

“He’s happy to do it. Plus, in armor, my helmet obstructs my peripheral vision.” Rarity turned to Twilight, away from Spike’s view of Chrysalis.

Spike probably appreciates the permission to look.

Starlight, I knew it.

This proposal feels like a trap.

Fluttershy saw a dark shape in the fire and continued around the corner of the building. Spike came stumbling out, blackened scales steaming in the cool night.

Good job being explosion proof, Spike.

So if she's working for them, are they going to make her the element of air superiority?

Airship vs magical pony combat, I like the sound of this.

Twilight started forward, but her sword clunked to the deck. She tried to lift it again, but only managed to roll it over with her magic. In desperation, she picked it up with her hoof, though it wasn’t nearly as secure as it had felt in her hand in the other world. Was the entire airship built to block magic?

Smart idea if you plan on picking this particular fight.

Tempest in this outfit, another good parallel.

“ Hiii-yah! ” Spike came plummeting from the sky and tackled the small hedgehog. The armored pony, even though they’d been facing Twilight, seemed to sense it and turned to look. Twilight used the opportunity to charge again.

Mascot combat! Kick his ass, Spike.

Nice to see a capture this time.

Tempest was looking at her again, glaring. “It’s easy to to believe in good and evil when you think there’s a difference. When you haven’t suffered at the hooves of ponies who call themselves good. When ponies haven’t pushed you away for who you are. Open up your eyes. The only pony looking out for you is you.”

The argument that good and evil are the same thing because sometimes evil lies and calls itself good is not a particularly good one.

“She got attacked by an ursa while she was a filly. That’s how her horn got broken. The Commander only had to promise her a new one and she was like a trained dog.” Grubber snorted.

And there it is.

Tempest stared at her for several more seconds. “Do you promise to fix it?”

“I promise to try.”

I hope this means we just got a Tempest.

Hey, free airship.

...wait, a thimble? How would she even use a thimble?

I want to see the chewing out if that was the only reason.

I had look up Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka to remember that I read the manga a long time ago.

She kills an awful lot of people for wanting information so bad.
And this cuts the commander down to Sombra, the Nightmare gone bodyhopping, an OC, or something weirder.
If Night Flyer and co actually died, though...

oh my please ship cadence and twilight together, but for some reason I think once Candace get love back she get her wings back

Well that was abrupt. I figured it would be who it ended up being, didn't see the twist, though the glasses really should have given it away.

Is there a chance that you’d be willing to post a blog with all the elements and their weapons?

Ok, that was fun. Now I'm off to watch this anime, You have gotten me pretty hyped.

Ha! I was half right.

That twist was really interesting and unexpected. I could say that the fight was brutally short and abrupt, but is was really well executed, in retrospect. Specially the way it ended, suddenly and without fanfare. I bet she wouldn't expect that in a thousand years, all that work and killing for an inglorious ending. Poetic, maybe, but still sad.
I wonder how much it hurt for Celestia to see it happening before her eyes.

And just like Cadence, I totally ship TwiPest :raritystarry:

I actually toned the shipping down from the source material. Part of why I liked Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka was how many genres it parodied, eventually including harems.

Cadance knew she had made the right choice in picking Twilight to lead the team, but she also feared something like this would happen. Twilight didn’t do things halfway. She was fully against rejoining the development group right up until she was fully committed to returning. Stubborn, like her brother. Cadance closed her eyes for a moment, resting her chin atop Twilight’s head, allowing herself the memory. Twilight even smelled slightly like Shining Armor.

The Sparkle family does nothing by halves.

“I don’t know. Starlight normally wouldn’t tolerate somepony more powerful than herself, so maybe the Commander is the source of her power, or can take it away. The village serves as a dumping ground for ponies who are no longer needed and a place to sustain changelings so they can do the Commander’s bidding.”

Okay, unless Starlight has been using a stand-in she's probably not the Commander.

Twilight, waking up in the library is very stereotypical of you and Cadance should not be encouraging it.

Using the Alicorn Amulet to replace Tempest's horn is an amazingly terrible idea, but hell, why not.

Arranged with the crowd of young foals were Princess Celestia and - at the time - the newly crowned Princess of Love, Mi Amore Cadenza.

They really should have found and censored this picture.

Fancy Cadance is fancy.

“Twilight,” Cadance said slowly, “put down the hammer.”

The No Fun police have arrived.

If anypony but Twilight had asked, Cadance probably would have said no. She still didn’t enjoy it, but let Twilight grease her horn so the plaster wouldn’t stick and set up the mold.


I like this plan.

She turned to Tempest. “This is the invasive part. We’re going to have to dig into the scar tissue of your horn to get at the nerves that interface with magic. It’s probably going to require some cutting. On top of that, we’re going to have to mold the metal to match the broken edges. We probably aren’t going to be able to use anesthetic because we need you to be able to tell us what you feel.”

That sounds like it'll be incredibly painful. Good thing Tempest is a badass.

Tempest reached back with a hoof, but then stopped herself. She instead unzipped her bodysuit with magic. It fell away to reveal an ice cream sundae on her hip.

Pinkie tore into the blacksmith shop. “That is so cool!” She gasped so deeply that she seemed to inflate and grabbed Twilight and Candance by their necks, pulling them close. “We need to open an ice cream parlor!”


“Oh, I meant to ask, did it have a name?”


Now that's just bad luck.

“Hey, check that out!” Lyra jumped out of her desk and pressed her nose to the window. Around her, other students were doing the same. The teacher called for order, but nopony was listening, all distracted by the faint rainbow trail in the distance.

She sure isn't the Element of Subtlety.

Lyra snorted. “I would remember if somepony put a memory cha...oh.”


“I named it Service ,” said Tempest.

Of course she did.

Twilight squinted, barely able to focus her eyes through fatigue. No, it wasn’t gone. A small black speck drifted past the rising moon. Her spell hadn’t had enough power and had fizzled out somewhere along the way. She’d only sent it to orbit.

Close enough for government work.

It does end pretty abruptly but it was a fun read, thanks.

“I wrote a report,” said Tempest. She showed Twilight a folder of paperwork. “You can fill in your own details if you have anything to add.”

She even does paperwork!

I feel like this might go far worse for Starlight than in the show.

“Maybe I was.” Night Glider shrugged. “Either way, I’m here now, and I have only Starlight to thank.”

“She was very generous in thanking me,” said Starlight, smiling again.


Oooo, kite theme.

“But that wasn’t good enough,” Starlight went on. “You became an Element. You made more Elements. But you know what? If everypony is special, nopony is special.”

Hah, nice.

Oh dang, I was hoping we could keep her like we did Tempest.

“We don’t have to.” Moon Dancer set a heavy book on her desk. “The castle blueprints are a state secret, but Prince Blueblood’s diary is exhaustive enough in detail that we may be able to piece together an idea of the layout.”

This feels like a bad idea.

“I believe in you now,” Chrysalis said to Twilight.


“The what?”

The what?

She started to turn away, but then pointed at Starlight’s body and said, “Also, asking me in front of a burning corpse? Maybe this is why you don’t have any romance in your life.”


Rainbow was still grinning. “Maybe being picky is why you’re going to die a virgin.”


“Um, maybe?” Spike replied. “I guess if you needed me to go somewhere really fast. But if that was the case, wouldn’t it be easier to just teleport me?”

Tactically speaking, a ballistically delivered dragon probably has a different impact then one delivered by teleport. Different need, different delivery system.

I was wondering what direction that scene at the end was going to go, and it turns out Cadence and Twilight were also not on the same page.

Just then, Cadance noticed them, too. The three of them locked eyes across the room. After a moment, Cadance jerked her head towards one of the ballroom doors. She broke eye contact as she turned away.

Yeah, best take hold of the random extra schoolgirls who have wandered into the situation.

“These are Twilight’s friends,” said Cadance. “Keep them here.” Without another word, she hurried up the next flight of stairs, leaving Moon Dancer and Lyra alone with a pony who looked like she ate bowls of nails for breakfast.

They're doomed.

Oh Sunset.

“Like I haven’t been lied to before,” said Twilight. “If you’re so smart, then you know exactly what I’ve been through. I don’t enjoy it - nopony does - but that’s kind of small potatoes compared to dealing ponies like you.”

Hah, nice.

Turns out the pen was pretty mighty.

Tuba player Twilight, the natural conclusion.

That was fun.

Best compliment I can give for a story like this; I have no familiarity with the source material and still found this highly engaging.

So... sequel?

What level of broken do you have to be to see your dead family, whom you held so dear, get raised from the dead and then immediately set a flame, along with the rest of your life's work, by your former comrade and all you can say is: "I see you're back with the group."

There was still the issue of how the Commander got their information. The more Twilight considered it, the more she suspected a leak. But who could it be?

If there is a Judas among them the most logical person is Kadence. Her husband was killed and without him she has no power. The commander (why call yourself that of all things?) probably offered her the shining armor from the other world or something similar.

Good story... any chance for a sequel?

I feel the final battle with Sunset a little rushed, also there are still other like Discord or Tirek or Cozy Glow

It seems that Twilight is being persuaded WAY to quickly for somepony that just wants to live a normal life, even with the explanation of some unknown enemy trying to counterfeit the elements(Seeing that we had a Changeling shown, I`m pretty sure everyone is guessing that its Chrysalis doing it.). Not to mention it IS Cadences fault for not telling Twilight WHY she wants her back.
Also I`m assuming when you say Elements, your not just talking about the original 6 elements, but rather just elements of any type of emotion or object like the Element of Rock/the Element of Stone/the Element of Patience etc.

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