• Published 7th Apr 2019
  • 2,573 Views, 136 Comments

Old Mare Luna - Leondude

In an alternate universe where the villains won, Luna is busy living a quiet life in a land far away from Equestria. But one day an old friend shows up to ask a favor of her.

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Chapter 11 - Rescue Mission

Luna, Discord, and a great number of changelings hooked up to a sleigh and observed Chrysalis' arena from a distance. They were standing upon a mountain that was a rusty red in colour. Discord was sitting on Luna and using a telescope he conveniently found on the mountain to get a closer look at the arena.

"Can you see Flurry Heart anywhere?" Luna asked.

"I would but, thanks to Chrysalis' anti-magic throne, I can't see through the walls." Discord replied.

Discord then noticed the abundance of guards Chrysalis' arena had. He was surprised at the amount of ponies that flocked to Chrysalis' territory before realizing that Chrysalis provides more mutual benefits for her and the ponies under her rule. They provide her with food, she provides them with entertainment. This was marginally better than the deal other territories gave out, which amounted to 'do as we say or die' in which it was inconveniently easy to not do as the leaders said. However, a significant portion of her subjects tend to die from starvation, their near-emotionless states making them apathetic to their own needs except for the desire to be entertained.

"Good thing I've got a plan for this," Discord said.

"I trust this plan doesn't involve any violence," Luna said dryly.

"That honestly depends on whether using this sleigh Thorax provided us to smash through Chrysalis' arena and bust Flurry Heart and Settler out through the hole we made counts as 'violence'."

"We're gonna what?!" one of the changelings hooked up to the sleigh blurted out while the rest looked at Discord as if he'd gone mad, despite the fact that Discord was never that sane to begin with. Discord then hopped into the sleigh, with Luna following him, and the changelings quickly ran off the mountain and flew the sleigh towards the arena as quickly as they could. Had they known that Discord's mission to rescue Flurry Heart would become a suicide mission, they probably would have refused, but they were simply in too deep now. Luna and Discord braced themselves as the changelings zoomed right into where Chrysalis has been holding Flurry Heart and Settler and smashed straight through the wall. Flurry Heart and Settler gaped at the massive hole in the cell wall that wasn't there five seconds ago, then turned to Discord, who was ducking down within the sleigh. Discord then took a quick peek at Flurry Heart and gave her some reassuring words in an exaggerated Canterlot accent.

"Don't worry, love. Cavalry's 'ere."

The changelings morphed into Chrysalis' mind-controlled soldiers and charged right at the real soldiers until they clashed into a big ball of violence. Nopony was sure who won since all the combatants now looked alike. Everypony who was still conscious could hope for was that everypony was all on the same side. Discord pressed a button near the cell door that contained Settler and Flurry Heart to release them. And then Flurry Heart then walked up to Discord to give him a smack, causing spittle to go flying everywhere.

"I suppose you didn't deserve that one either?" Luna deadpanned.

"No, that one I definitely deserved," Discord said while rubbing his cheek where Flurry Heart had slapped him.

"Where were you, Discord?!" Flurry Heart angrily demanded.

"What happened to Uncle Discord?"

"Do I look like a filly to you?"

"Well, when you spend half a millennium mourning the one pony who truly cared about you..."

Settler cleared his throat to indicate Diiscord's statement was inaccurate.

"...At the time" Discord corrected himself. "As well as go perpetually sleep-deprived, your memory can get a little funny. Also, I was hungover and, while spending some time recovering, had a call from this guy who wanted me to deliver a package to him, and-".

"Must have been real important if you put a 'package' over the safety of your adoptive niece and her new guardian!" Flurry Heart said.

"Heh, I forgot you had your aunt's dry wit."

Flurry Heart then noticed Luna still sitting within the sleigh.

"So the legends were true," Flurry Heart said. "The princess of the night still lives."

"I am no longer the princess of the night," Luna solemnly corrected Flurry Heart. "Now I am just a simple rock farmer trying to make a living for my family.".

Luna stared at Flurry Heart, still somewhat amazed at how all grown up she was now. However, there was something missing about Flurry Heart. It's as if the innocence she had as a filly was taken away from her, leaving behind a cynical carapace in its place. Right next to Flurry Heart was an Earth pony with a brown coat and a white mane tied up in a ponytail, along with a white beard that was nearly as long as Star-Swirl's. He was also wearing a pair of round sunglasses, with his eyes being a milky blue. She assumed that the Earth pony was Discord's friend Settler.

"Well then," Settler said to break the silence. "While we could have a quick catch-up, I'd like to remind everypony that Chrysalis will notice the guards haven't shown up with us, so..."

Settler looked at the changelings disguised as the guards, with everypony else doing the same.

"Do we have to?" one of the disguised changelings whined.

"Come on, you know Chrysalis is starting to get suspicious by now," Settler said.

"Ugh, fine. Let's get this over with…"

Meanwhile, on her throne perched directly above the arena, Chrysalis lounged about impatiently, waiting for her guards to bring Flurry Heart and Settler before her so she could personally kill them herself in a fight to the death. The crowds' excitement was also dwindling as well, slowly going back to the emotionless husks Chrysalis' feeding has turned them into, their cheers becoming more and more dull and unenergetic. Soon enough, her "guards" walked up to Chrysalis with Flurry Heart and Settler in chains.

"Took you long enough!" Chrysalis said in an annoyed tone.

"You will never get away with this, Chrysalis!" Flurry Heart cried out defiantly.

Chrysalis laughed before walking to Flurry Heart and slightly pushing her head up with her hoof to make Flurry Heart face her.

"Oh, but I already have. I've been getting away with it for five hundred years!"

Chrysalis then gestured towards the centre of the arena so the "guards" could take Flurry Heart and Settler there. Flurry Heart then looked at the puddle of blood and viscera that a pair of bugbears were buzzing around. The bugbears, mouths covered in blood, clawed at each other to fend for whatever scraps remained, if indeed there were any scraps left. When they reached the centre of the arena, Chrysalis walked closer to the edge of where she was standing to address her audience once more.

"Today is a glorious day!" Chrysalis announced. "For today, the last princess of Equestria shall die! Mwahahahahaha!"

"Ahem," a voice said behind her. Chrysalis turned around and noticed Discord pointing towards a dark blue unicorn wearing a dark grey hooded cloak.

"You missed one," Discord said mockingly.

The unicorn then uncloaked herself, revealing herself to be Princess Luna as she spread her wings majestically.

"She wasn't going to fight you at first, but when I told her she can't access her full power here, I think that might have eased any fears she had of accidentally killing you. So what do you say we give the audience what they want?"

Author's Note:

Black and blue. Fight night. The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world. Night vs Parasite. Alicorn vs Insect. The former Princess of the Night vs the former Queen of the Changelings!

Well, it doesn't sound that exciting in comparison to other battles in and out of canon but, since these two are on equal ground now, I can assure you blood will be shed in equal amounts.

Also, did anyone notice what the minor running gag of Discord getting slapped is a reference to? I know this story is more serious than what I usually write but sometimes you got to have a little bit of levity in these things otherwise you will get Darkness Induced Audience Apathy.