• Published 20th May 2019
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Guest Star Kelduo: Justice from Afar - The Kelduo

The Star Allies have conquered a great evil, but they now find themselves in a foreign land. Can they find a way home?

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Chapter 34: The Harmony Analysis

I am glad to have been allowed to rest in the impressive crystal castle that belonged to the one and only princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle. As luck would have it, Pummel Fist also resided there. After the incredible performance by Octavia Melody, DJ Pon-3, and Meloetta, I returned to the castle for research. In particular, I wanted to learn how to be a better friend, so I scoured the bookshelves for the journal that belonged to the very Mane 6, knowing that they wrote the friendship lessons that they learned in that book. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the book on the bookshelves. It would have been very easy to spot, with the thick, purple and gold spine.

I was about to ask Twilight about it, but she had hurried out of the castle without a word. She seemed panicked, so I looked through the window to see what caught her attention. It was a blue, winged boat flying towards the square. I recognized it as the Lor Starcutter, and I supposed it had come here to rescue us. I had no reason to hurry, because there was no monster threatening Equestria, and besides, I wanted to learn more about this world. Therefore, I returned to the bookshelf. Perhaps there would be other--

"So, you like books?" I quickly turned and aimed an arrow quill at the source of the voice. "Whoa, hold your fire!"

I lowered my built-in weapon, which was aimed at young Spike. "I'm very sorry. This species, Decidueye, is normally calm and cautious, but when something surprises it, panic takes over. So try not to startle me, okay? And to answer your question, I have always loved books. I am on a constant journey to learn."

"That's cool. Twilight likes to learn things too. You should get to know her."

I smiled. "You've got a sharp eye to guess that I love books. Spike, could you help me find the Journal of Friendship?"

"Sure, I'll get it!"

I watched Spike search long and hard for the journal. Various thoughts began to sneak into my head, though. 'It's nice to have obtained some friends, but are they really true friends? Could there be more to them? That's what I want to know. I remember the ordeal with Marx, and I'm unsure if Magolor is really reformed. He almost killed Twilight Sparkle! As for Pummel Fist and his colleagues, on the other hand... They destroyed a destroyer with the power of friendship! And the Mane 6 defeated Discord with the Elements of Harmony after they remembered who they were, what they stood for...'

"Found it!" Spike handed me a large book with a purple star on the front.

"Thanks. It's just that I want to know how to be a better friend. I want to know the qualities of good friends."

"Then why don't you visit the School of Friendship?"

I looked away, sadly. "About that... The school's where I landed. When I awoke, this gray unicorn stallion in a red and black robe wrapped me up in glowing red chains, saying that I was an invader, and that I would disrupt the school while on its premises. Ugh, that was the worst Embargo I had ever experienced..."

Spike groaned, "Oh, Chancellor Neighsay is the worst. He doesn't believe that creatures besides ponies are able to be friends. It's a good thing that Twilight and the others wrote in this journal. They know a thing or two about friendship."

"It's also a good thing that Pummel and his friends were there to help me cope with my dark past and convert me to a friend. I feel like Starlight Glimmer, because we both have a sad past, were once evil, and now became friendship apprentices."

"Then you should go visit her."

"I will, as soon as I read some of this." I opened the journal to the first page and began reading.

However, I saw Spike point outside. "Uh, do you see that?"

I looked out the window and saw a massive boulder falling from the sky. "That's Continental Crush, one of many types of Z-Moves."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "A Z-Move can be a giant rock?"

I grinned. "It can be as bland as that, or as amazing as a multicolor lightning bolt that explodes upon impact!"

"You mean like the time we beat Lord Tirek?" Twa-a-a-ang! My arrow barely missed Pinkie Pie.

"Can you try not to startle me like that? This species panics when surprised, and you almost became a victim."

Pinkie's ears drooped. "Oh, sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it, Pinkie Pie. It's in your nature to surprise. (Especially since one of her previous incarnations was literally named Surprise.) Also, your analogy to defeating Lord Tirek was excellent. Speaking of Z-Moves, do you want to see something awesome?"

Spike and Pinkie Pie cheered up. "Boy, do we!"

"Okay, there's someone I want you to meet." A red, metal being flew out of my coat. "This is my partner, Rotom Dex. Rotom, these are my friends, Spike and Pinkie Pie."

"Greetings, Spike and Pinkie Pie," Rotom said ecstatically.

Spike shook Rotom's appendage. "Nice to meet you, Rotom!"

Pinkie followed suit. "Hi, Rotom!"

I continued, "Rotom, will you show these two creatures the time that Pummel Captured me and used my body to defeat Soul of Sectonia?"

"But of course!" Rotom's screen changed to show footage of Pummel throwing Cappy at my unconscious Dawn Wings Necrozma body. Cappy landed on my head, causing Pummel to soar into my body through Cappy and take control of me.

Spike exclaimed, "Whoa, so that's what a Capture is!"

I grinned. "It gets better."

And it did. Meta Knight took the Ultranecrozium Z that I/Pummel had tossed to him and put it in his Z-Power Ring. He then performed a psychic pose after initiating the Z-Move with his arms crossed in front of his body, reciting an appropriately-altered version of Green Lantern's chant. He quickly collapsed as energy flowed from him into our body. We then proceeded to steal light from all around and condense it into a massive energy sphere before throwing it at Soul of Sectonia at the same time as Mew had thrown a purple ball of energy at her. Soul of Sectonia died in an explosion of petals.

Spike said after a long pause, "That... was... AWESOME!"

Pinkie fit her jaw back into place. "You and Pummel make the best team ever!"

I replied, "No, we're not. In my opinion, the best team ever consists of Pummel and Keldeo. And for your information, that attack I used was Ultra Necrozma's signature Z-Move, Light That Burns the Sky, while the pink cat thing, Mew, used Genesis Supernova."

Spike was quick to point at the screen with a horrified look. "Uh, what is that thing?!"

The screen showed what appeared to be a vampire zombie jester with wings. "That is the enemy that Pummel hates most, Marx Soul. I made the poor decision to revive Marx--using the leftover pieces from Star Dream Soul OS--and Queen Sectonia--using four Miracle Fruits--to do battle against Pummel, but they tried to kill him and his friends. Watch as Pummel and his friends take down this fiend, but get ready to cover your ears."

The pair watched as Pummel, Heart, Sonic, Keldeo, and Kirby ended the Z-Move pose by forming a 'Z' with their arms. As an aura surrounded them, their metal ally Roborygon pointed out a brown platform with a banner; a Friend Platform. They got on the Platform before changing to a line formation, with Keldeo at the front wearing a conductor's hat with a smokestack on top. After Pummel's clever quip (which happened to coincide with the name of the train that goes through Equestria), they charged towards Marx Soul, who fired a massive laser from his mouth. They struggled, but they were able to defeat Marx Soul with help from Mario's Fire Tickle, Keldeo's Phenomenal Sword (Secret Sword during Bond Phenomenon), and Meloetta's music.

I warned, "Now, cover your ears, or else!"

"What did you--" Spike chose a poor time to not listen, for he was subject to Marx Soul's earsplitting death scream. He ran out of the room with surprising speed.

I muttered to myself, "Should've warned him earlier..."

"Shall I call Amy?" Rotom asked.

"Please do. Her Sylveon's ribbon-like feelers have a soothing property."

"I knew that..." Rotom's screen changed to an exasperated face.

Pinkie asked, "How do you do that with your light-up belly, Rotom?"

Rotom was about to answer, but I stopped him. "That would take a long time to explain, Pinkie Pie. Besides, I still need to read this journal. How about you go make someone's day a little brighter?"

Pinkie saluted. "Yes, sir!" Zip--SCREECH! "Ow! What happened?"

I glanced at Pinkie's shadow, which was immobile. "Oh, my arrow happened to pin down your shadow. Let me get it for you." I plucked my quill and put it in my pocket for safekeeping.

"Thanks!" Pinkie successfully zipped away.

I opened up the journal once again. "Now, where was I...?"

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