• Member Since 7th Jan, 2012
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The Great and Powerful Trixie has eagerly been looking forward to her date with Starlight Glimmer, but her hopes of a wonderful evening with her fillyfriend are dashed when she finds Starlight taking care of Flurry Heart. Now Trixie finds stuck herself helping with the royal foal. Still, it’s only for a little bit, and the worst of Flurry’s magical outbursts are surely long behind her—between her and her fillyfriend, how hard could watching a foal for a few hours really be?

A standalone Winningverse story.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 61 )

Congrats on another venture. Good luck:twilightsmile:

Trixie reacting to Flurry like a child resenting their baby sibling taking the parents' attention is all kinds of perfect.

“Riiight.” Trixie flicked her hoof in a dismissive wave. “What about the servants? Can’t they take care of Flurry? Isn't that what they're for?”

Starlight already said Spike's visiting Thorax, Trixie.

Trixie frowned at the film’s cover with its ridiculously cute googly-eyed cartoon of a filly.

When a pony thinks something looks googly-eyed, you know it's bad.

“But what if she rips apart reality again?” Trixie demanded. “Or has another wild magic burst like causing Trixie to get stuck in a time loop from which there is no escape and Trixie dies over and over and over again in increasingly stupid but comical ways?”

I won't lie, I'd read a played-for-laughs version of Hard Reset starring Trixie.

Oh, Harmony just wants to Element-blast Flurry. That honestly doesn't sound so bad. It's like a vaccination for evil. In theory.
And I do love how Harmony's being presented as Discord's equal and opposite when it comes to being aggravating. Ironically enough, it needs a friend. I can only imagine how Twilight reacted when she first learned about it.

Definitely looking forward to more adventures in extreme babysitting.

Oh dear, the Spirit of Harmony thinks it's ontologically correct...

If 'mental harm' does cut it, how about 'you're scaring us'?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but... this is a job for Discord!

Trixie and Starlight make such a good duo.

Oh Starlight, is there no start to your competency? XD

Well, technically a horse's hoof is one giant fused toe.

“Twilight was a bit reluctant at first, but I told her that I’ve ruled a whole village with an iron hoof before, so I’m more than capable of taking care of a single foal.”

Those skill sets are not entirely alike. Children eventually learn how to take care of themselves.

I think Starlight VERY MUCH needed a whack upside the head from Trixie saying ‘this is not normal’ and ‘what I thought they dealt with this’ and ‘why no suppressor ring’.

Will they get an explanation? I don’t know, which is funnier? :p

Can't hurt the Spirit by shooting at its image, that's just a projection; you need to go after the Tree directly. (Or, since this last season, the Treehouse. :applejackunsure: )

"Several black and leathery tenacles shot out from the crack and wrapped themselves around Trixie. To Trixie’s disgust, they were wet and slimy, though of more immediate concern was the fact they were dragging her towards the crack."

Starlight: "Don't worry Trixie! Slimy, leathery tentacles are indicative of a minor abomination at best! It's when the tentacles are composed of shadows and are lined with eyes that are also mouths, or tipped with the screaming heads of the dammed, that you have to worry!"

“Popcorn is soft, right?”


I think Trixie may be on to something ... the forced, magical, "redemption" of an infant, without said infant's parents' approval, or even knowledge, strikes me as very questionable from a Harmony standpoint ....


"If the child is not purified, darkness shall reign and an everlasting cold shall descend to create disharmony in the hearts of all. Hers are the cries of an oncoming eternal despair.”

Isn't anybody worried about this? When the very embodiment of Harmony tells you your baby is the Antichrist there may be reason to be concerned

Starlight’s smile became brittle along the edges, and she presented the crying foal to Trixie. “Right, Trixie, this is Princess Flurry Heart. Flurry, this is Trixie, my special somepony.”

Trixie presented for your approval.

Flurry sniffed as she briefly stopped crying to examine this new pony presented to her, her nose wrinkling before she made her royal displeasure known to all.

Flurry disapproves

“None of them are exactly kid-friendly.” Starlight nodded in Flurry’s direction. “We can’t just show her anything, you know.”

Yeah, she might get ideas.

The glowing Twilight continued perpetually smiling in a way that unsettled Trixie, and instead of answering her question spoke in a monotone voice. “The child needs to be purified.”


If the Manifestation of Harmony was perturbed, or affected in any way by Starlight’s presence, it didn’t show it. “The child must be purified.”

Hey, maybe Trixie just did a really bad job at changing the diaper.

Picking a fight with the spirit of the Tree of Harmony while standing inside the magical castle that the Tree of Harmony grew seems counterindicated.

Huh. Season eight fic? I don't see the School of Friendship in evidence, but it does indeed seem to be set around season eight. I think this is a Winningverse first, coming this far forward in the timeline.

It amuses me that we're getting third-person narration for once, and it's in the story where Trixie is our protagonist. I like how she reacts to all the weirdness around her, and her dynamic with Starlight, who I'm also happy to see more of. And I like seeing you touch on how creepy and unsettling the Tree of Harmony can be.

So far, so good. Looking forward to the rest of this. Seems like it's going to be fun.

The Spirit of Harmony being the antagonist works so well, as she is quite creepy and doesn't know the meaning of 'healthy balance'.

:twilightsmile: : "All must be harmonious, purified by harmony, or destroyed!"

I'm looking forward to all the chaos sure to come!

She levitated it over for Trixie to see, and she didn’t like what she saw. “The Happy Hearthswarming Home?” Trixie frowned at the film’s cover with its ridiculously cute googly-eyed cartoon of a filly.

Something that's too saccharine even by pony standards? Must be G3.5

This looks like it'll be a lot of fun. I love the idea of Starlight and Trixie running from Crystal Tree Twilight as it calmly pursues them like the freaking Terminator. I'm hoping this ends with Trixie destroying the Spirit (somehow) while saying "You're purified, bitch!"

9663665 Oh it does sound quite bad, I agree, but with Discord (you know, the embodiment of chaos and disharmony) running loose, having Harmony being focused on Flurry (who I admit, is also a source of chaos) strikes me as suspicious.


Exactly. Harmony considers Flurry a more inmediate concern than Discord himself. Let's that sink it for a moment.

Every time I read that, I see "Leathery" and "Feathery". It's a very different image to say the least. Though arguably far more alien.

9665286 Well ... ah ... :rainbowderp: (pretend this is an "oh shite" emoticon)

I’m hoping it ends with Shining and Cadence picking Flurry up, asking if she was any trouble, Starlight trying to do the typical cartoon thing where she says she was no trouble at all, and Trixie going ballistic when she does. Probably not terribly original, but it sounds funny to me.

The hardest part of babysitting Flurry Heart is defeating all those time-traveling assassins from the future trying to stop her rise to power.

Trixie and Starlight should see if Discord will let them crash at his house for a while. It's probably the only place they can stay that Harmony can't follow.

9662464 That's a good point about Harmony and Discord. If this is set during season 8, then both of them have resorted to annoying tricks played on Twilight's students as part of some kind of "test of character." I think those two have a bet going on.

But Harmony, ALL babies are inherently Evil, didn't you know? Why d'you think I get on so well with 'em?

(Best Princess of Destruction would just laugh your feeble attempts, anyway, though...)

It seems Trixie’s familiar with the Joseph Joestar Secret Technique.

Oh. I, was not expecting this. Any of this, really.

The child must be purified.

Why do I get the feeling that Harmony sees that Flurry is coming down with the flue and just wants to heal her? Because if Flurry gets sick just think of the chaos she would unleash with magical sneezing and coughing misfires. :pinkiesick: Discord would be so proud.

“She's been sneezing and coughing an awful lot, don't you think?”

Processing... Processing...

It appears as though the child must be purified. It also appears as though freaky tree spirits need to use their words.

Well this was a super fun and wacky ride until it wasn’t. Though I do wonder if those four are actually prepared to handle Flurry now that they have her.

assault with a deadly infant

:rainbowlaugh: Only in Equestria :pinkiehappy:

Poor Trixie, she's probably going to be hateing herself for a while :fluttershysad:

9685219 And now, Flurry's oncoming flu will save the day (and wreck local reality).

Plot twist: Daggoth will catch the flu from Flurry.

As a general rule, if you're plotting and deceiving the Spirit of Harmony, you may be in the wrong.

Also, Harmony really needs to work on its interpersonal skills. And vocabulary.

“Maybe ... once a month?” The crooked smile Starlight flashed showed exactly how much confidence she had in that fact. “That I know of.”

“Trixie is never going back to that madhouse again.”

Yikes, no kidding.

Wow, tentacle monsters already. Maybe the Spirit of Harmony had a point.

Flurry’s cries stopped and she smiled. “Whammy!” She reached out for her toy, but then her hooves passed right through the illusion. Flurry gasped and, feeling a grave sense of betrayal, started crying once again.

Well that was never going to work.

Flurry probably doesn't want a teacup.

Flurry stopped crying, but not in joy of seeing her favorite toy; she froze in opened mouth horror at the mutated mockery of her precious Whammy. What they looked at could—only in the most generous terms, by an utterly hammered zoologist on his worst day after he’d been fired for plagiarism, gotten his divorce papers, and had his house burned down—be called a snail. Throwing it in the trash would have been an insult to the rest of the refuse, and if a book for the greatest failed attempts at casting a spell existed this would at least have gotten a dishonorable mention.

Or that!

The False Whammy burst into ectoplasm as Flurry hugged it harder than it could bear. Flurry’s eyes widened like a pony who had just accidentally murdered her best friend. She sniffed and then wailed loudly, making everypony in the area grimace and move quickly to get away from the crying foal.

Or that either!

The Cutie Mark mission does seem highly likely to be a trap.

I feel like Trixie is trying really hard to backtalk herself into some harmonization.

“Then be on your way, my little pony,” the Spirit said. “The child must be purified.”

I wonder if we're going to get to the end of this and find out that the spirit just wants to change the diaper.

“Oh, them!” Starlight finished chewing her food and swallowed. “Just a small cult that's trying to kidnap Flurry.”

That was a poor choice.

Starlight shrugged again. “They're all unconscious.” She watched as one of the cultists started to rise on unsteady legs. “Or mostly unconscious, one sec.” She pointed at the cultist and said, “Zap.”

Flurry giggled in a manner that sounded just a little bit too maniacal for Trixie’s tastes and blasted the cultist off his hooves.

I have concerns.

Sensing they could only get into trouble here and fearing Starlight might lose her temper, Trixie placed a hoof on Starlight’s shoulder. “Let's just go, Starlight. Do you really want to hang out in a place with a bunch of cultists?”

That's a good point, they're all over the place.

Oh crap, Flurry has the feather flu.

Oh crap x2, experienced and competent cultists.

“Spring Breeze,” Frosty said in a flat tone. “Spring is her name.”

Spring glowered at her cohort as her body slowly took on a more amorphous shape. “Oh come on now, I like my cult name.”

I kind of like these old ladies.

Hmn. Starlight is doing well, but she may be in over her head.

The group flew away, and Trixie watched them go, feeling wretched as she did so.

Well, crap. I was hoping that she did the transmutation trick again and made a fake baby, but that is not the reaction of a successfully tricky Trixie.

I like these old cultists. I’m getting a strong Silver Horde vibe here.

And speaking of Conan, Daggoth at it again?

Feather Flu is going to be problematic isn’t it. Stupid magical diseases... what do you bet the cultists started it and then will be boost by their own petard?

Trixie and Starlight will be off on another quest!

I love the Golden Horseshoe GalsCult of Daggoth. I kind of expected Lightning Dust to show up suddenly, since she's supposed to be chaperoning them.

If the goal of those yellow-robed cultists was to try and train Flurry into becoming a dark and terrible overlord someday, I'd wager they actually got off to a pretty decent start.

I would never take that offer.

Deliberately picking a fight against the Embodiment of Harmony...these cultists won the Darwin Award of the year by a wide margin.

Heh, read through the whole thing and I was greatly amused. I had a good idea what I was in for and wasn't disappointed. Twilight and the others really need to confront the Spirit of Harmony on its communication issues.

You know, since Trixie's going to be a bigger part of Ponyville life, it probably wouldn't hurt for her to get in some advanced magical defense lessons. It may not be her thing, but she's bound to end up in more situations like these. Luck favors the prepared, after all.

Enjoyed it!

Cultists... just because a bunch of people get together doesn't mean they're gonna do anything smart. One dumb idea multiplied by 20 dumbasses equals a pretty big fuck up.

They seriously never learn. The winningverse especially has an abundance of history for in universe characters to draw on as examples of what not to do when they start a cult, yet the exact same mistakes keep on repeating. These people don't read much, do they? Seriously, a crazy plot twist would be for all of the cultists to actually genuinely be working together with no double crossing for once. Don't they know that they need to do the betraying after the big dangerous ritual? Otherwise it'll get fucked up for everyone.

Bah, don't mind me. Tldr; cults dumb, story good, especially the spirit of harmony twist.

Starlight scowled, unable to meet her gaze. “Considering how most of my plans usually go, I think winging it might work out better for me. Planning was never my thing, anyways—things seem to work better when I just go with my instincts.”

I'm not too sure that's wise.

“Of course I care!” Trixie shot back. “But we can't handle this on our own! We need help! Here's a plan: let's go back to the palace, write a letter, and have Spike send it to Celestia. Within a few hours we can have a company of guards and actual magi here to take care of the problem that's too big for us.”

I agree, but you may not have that time.

Trixie proceeded to scream several unflattering things about her fillyfriend and stomp around in a storm.


Trixie sighed. “Trixie is probably going to regret this.” She scooped up Whammy and ran after Starlight.

OH yeah.

Flurry started coughing, and Trixie noticed that several of her feathers had fallen out.

Feather Flu?

“Completing the ritual for myself, you doofus.” July stepped up to the circle and started pouring her magic into it, making the chalk lines glow with power. “I'm tired of getting old and my horn not being what it used to be. Don't think I didn't notice how Frosty and the rest of ya were plottin' against me just 'cause I’m not as spry as I used to be.”

Of course.

“Shut up!” July sneered as she tossed another fireball to destroy the latest illusion, but she winced afterwards and started rubbing her horn. “You thinking to play games with me?!”

She is successfully playing games with you.

“No, just practicing the first rule of stage magic: misdirection.” Trixie tossed a dozen of her smoke bombs out into the chamber, and once the room burst into blue smoke, created a dozen illusions of herself.


“Gotcha!” Trixie said quietly as she look Flurry, the foal coughed and whined pitifully as she hugged her rescuer. “I know, but Trixie needs you to be quiet while we get out of here.”

Clever girl.

“You’re amazing!” Starlight gave her a quick kiss. “Now let’s get out of here. I’m starting to suspect I’m ramming my head against a brick wall fighting those two warlocks.” She scowled. “Do you have any idea how annoying it is to fight an enemy that keeps instantly regenerating? And that blockhead is really getting on my nerves.”

I imagine.

It was also glaring right at Trixie. “You have deceived us!”

Ah, you finally get it.

She held up Whammy, now back in its normal snail-ish form. From within it screamed a deep, dark, and enraged voice. “Why am I trapped inside of a toy snail?! You fools! What have you done to me?! Were my instructions not clear?! You incompetents!”

HAH! Get fucked.

Thankfully for them, the Disciples of Daggoth had attracted the attention of the Spirit of Harmony. It floated past the trio to address the cultists. “You do not have friendship in your hearts. You bicker and hate, and do not seek harmony. You should do better.”


Seeing how the winds of fate had turned, Asparagus raised her arms. “I surrender!”

“Your surrender is accepted.” Asparagus was promptly added to the collection of crystal bound prisoners.


Trixie and Starlight watched on with open-mouthed amazement. Eventually Trixie recovered enough to speak. “Trixie isn’t sure if we should be relieved or even more scared.”

Give it a moment.

The spirit turned around to face them, its furious glowing eyes focused on Trixie. “You deceived us!”


“You have been gravely punished for your transgression!” The spirit declared with grave severity. “Do not do this again or you will receive similar punishment!” The spirit then dropped to the floor, the glow fading from its eyes as it returned to its typical bland, emotionless smile.

That's it? You smacked her snout?

“This.” The Spirit of Harmony teleported Flurry into its arms, and before either of her caretakers could do anything it pecked Flurry’s forehead. Flurry flashed with a bright light, and when it faded her nose was no longer red, her cough was seemingly gone, and her feathers were back to normal. The spirit then gave Flurry back to Starlight without ceremony. “The child has been purified.”

Oh. You, couldn't have said so in the first place?

Trixie covered Flurry’s ears. “Why the flying feathering BUCK didn't you just say so?!”

The spirit was somehow unphased by the burning, righteous anger confronting it. “I did. The child needed to be purified.”

... You're a moron. Then again, you're not used to having a "body" to directly interact with ponies so, non abstract thought may go over your head.

Starlight glowered at the spirit. “You know, for the being Spirit of Friendship and Harmony, you sure do suck at communication.”

No kidding.

Either way, given the law doesn’t exactly smile on ponies kidnapping royal foals, and with how old they are, I doubt we’ll ever have to worry about that crazy bunch again.”


Trixie’s first instinct was to object to the idea, but upon seeing Flurry’s happy little smile a very different response came to her lips. “There wasn’t anything the Great and Maternal Trixie couldn’t take care of.”

I would hardly call you maternal, but sure.

Twilight quickly recast the silence spell on Whammy and rubbed her ear. “Okay, mind explaining that?”

Demon possession due to botched ritual.

“What’s a fillyfriend for?” Trixie pecked her cheek. “Trixie was happy to help.”


Trixie reacted quite naturally to this proposal. “Eeep!”



But these mares were old, experienced and powerful. One may think natural selection would count in the cultist bussiness.

“So it’s treason then.”

Spoken like a true Senate.

Fun story. Part of me hopes Daggoth is never exorcised from Whammy, and he is doomed to years of being cuddled and chewed on by the world’s most deadly baby.

Aw, don't worry Trixie! Yours won't be an alicorn, which means no zappa, and no cultists! Way easier.

But you know...” Starlight started rubbing Trixie’s belly. “We could have our own foal someday.”

Trixie reacted quite naturally to this proposal. “Eeep!”

But the filly would be so cute :raritystarry: (and a walking drama magnet, probably). She can be Flurry's best friend! Think of all the hi-jinks and adventures they could get up to together! :pinkiehappy:

9697240 In their defense, the cultists didn't actually know who they were threatening ...

When Trixie is the voice of reason and restraint, you know you've gone off the deep end.

Poor Daggoth just can't win, can he?

Starlight glowered at the spirit. “You know, for the being Spirit of Friendship and Harmony, you sure do suck at communication.”

I would love to know how Harmony responded to that. Hopefully this will give it something to think about, to whatever degree it can at this stage of its mental development.

Huh. Looking at it that way, this was one heck of a playdate for Flurry.

Marvelous silliness all around. Thank you for one heck of a farce.

Heh, I really liked this one

The spirit was somehow unphased


Beware of any old person in a profession where most people die young.

Another day, another ignoble fate for Daggoth. I almost feel sorry for him at this point.

So, was all this a prequel to Flurrygeddon, or alternate timeline? Neither story references each other, and they both seem to deal with the same base concept, so I'm not entirely sure. Seems like a different set of cultists, at least. And speaking of, it probably wasn't intentional, but I did get a laugh out of the fact that one of the cultists was named Frosty Morning, so thank you for that.

Overall, a fun little adventure. Probably my favourite of all your comedies so far (aside from Great Snowball War, obviously).

History is often one long play of people often making the same mistakes over and over again. As for cultists, often the reasons they join these cults (desires for power, to have their deepest wishes granted often at the harm of others, etc.) often results in them being a bit backstabby, in addition to other issues. Many of them have probably even prospered from betrayals in the past, just sometimes they're done in the wrong circumstances or against the wrong people.

Thanks for catching that typo. Darn homophones...

This is technically a sequel to Flurrygeddon, at least timewise. I didn't have a bunch of references due to wanting to let this story have a low bar for entry (I gotta publish an gateway drug into the Winningverse every now and again, after all :raritywink:). And it is a different set of cultists. Alas for Flurry, many a cultist wishes to use her for their schemes. It's hard being a royal alicorn heir like that.


Good to know, thanks.

Communication. It's so important...

Pity Daggoth was in something they didn't need back, else he'd be best put into whatever the equivilent of the SCP Equestria has and left to howl...

(Come on, you know they have to have something somewhere, even if it's just a vault or something...)

That's the Sealed Repository in the Winningverse. They seal away all the nasty things they capture there.

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