• Published 18th Jun 2019
  • 2,576 Views, 62 Comments

Rise of the Shimmering Sun - Sollys

Sunset Shimmer's journey from her fall at the Fall Formal, all the way to her adventures with the Spectacular Seven.

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Chapter 4: Nova

Sunset stormed out of the zoo as it grew dark outside, she was cold and wet. One of the most annoying feelings in the world. She wasn't far from home, and she knew that she would be there soon. 'So much for making friends.' Sunset rolled her eyes and continued to walk on home, she hugged herself trying her best to keep warm. 'Just a few more blocks and I'll be there.' Sunset tried to continue her hopeful thinking, until she heard someone walking behind her. She had developed the feeling of someone following her like it was a sixth sense. She pushed the thought of someone following her away until she heard more footsteps and voices trailing behind her. Sunset knew this wouldn't end well for her, so she decided to make a run for it.

As if on queue, someone the size of a giant boulder appeared right in front of her and pushed her into a nearby alley. Sunset quickly regained her balance and stood up to face at least five people, including the guy who had pushed her. 'This is definitely not going to end well for me at all. Isn't this day just perfect!'

"Look what we have here," a voice finally decided to say. The speaker stepped forward, and Sunset knew who it was almost immediately. Gilda. "She-Demon Shimmer."

"Gilda, what do you want?" Sunset returned coldly. She didn't want anything to do with Gilda or any of her goons. Sunset knew why they were here, she knew they were trouble, and what they wanted. Gilda wanted to get back at her for blackmailing her, and most likely getting her suspended.

"You know what I want Shimmer," Gilda snapped back. "I want revenge. The rest of you keep watch."

"Is now really the best time? I might be able to fit you into my schedule." Sunset replied with a smirk on her face.

"Enough stalling she-demon!" Gilda retorted. Before Sunset could react Gilda was right in front of her, her arm pulled back and ready to sock Sunset. She dodged her first shot, but wasn't so lucky on the second. Hitting her right in the eye, 'Well that's going to leave a mark.' Sunset saw a moment to hit Gilda, and took advantage of it, returning the powerful punch to her, hitting her square in the nose.

"You little shit! You're going to pay for that!" Sunset was ready for a punch in return, but wasn't ready for the kick in the stomach. Sunset's wind was knocked out of her and she fell to the ground, and struggled to catch her breathe. Gilda was about to go for another kick, when the sound of multiple motorcycles started to approach.

"Gilda! It's them, we should get ou-" One of Gilda's goons began to say, until he was interrupted by a punch in the face. Now there was 10 other people who joined the fight in the alley, the rest of Gilda's gang backing up in fear.

"Get out of here Gilda." a cold voice said from the group. Gilda turned around, and from what Sunset saw in her eyes, she could tell she was scared.

"H-hey Skyes, w-why don't you help me beat this twerp up, huh?" Gilda stuttered. Sunset looked up, her vision a little blurred from the punch to the eye. One of the ten stepped forward, presenting themselves as the leader.

"Hard pass. I won't say it again Gilda, scram." Sunset thought she had heard the voice before, the same cold voice. She could see Gilda didn't want to leave, but the rest of her gang had already ran away. Soon enough, she followed them out, muttering a swear under her breathe. No one came to help Sunset up, she didn't need help. She stood up up and faced the group of ten bikers. None of them was glaring at her as much as their leader. Once Shimmer got a good look at her, she recognized who it was almost immediately. Nova Skyes.

"You alright?" Nova coldly asked.

"Y-yeah, uhm tha-"

"Don't mention it." Nova's cold voice continued, her blue eyes never leaving Sunset's. 'I swear it's like she freezing my soul. Probably deserve it though, after what I did to her.' The bikers started to mount their bikes again, along with Nova. She entered the key in her bike, starting it up. Sunset just stared, Nova's bike was gorgeous, better than the one that she had gotten from the junk yard. She also admired Nova's jacket, leather with blue stripes on the sleeves, matching the color of her hair. Which was short, and looked identical to her sister's, Spitfire.

"Aren't you coming Shimmer? Or did you need an invitation." Nova said, Sunset jumped for a second, and continued to stare. Not knowing what to say back to her, she climbed on the back. 'Well this is going to be hell'a awkward for me, riding on the back of Nova Skyes bike.' The motorcycle roared, but it was still quiet. The group followed and Sunset knew she didn't deserve to be saved by Nova and her gang. After what she did to her.

Sunset zoned out completely, memories of the incident with flooded her head...

☀️1 YEAR AGO ☀️

Nova Skyes leaned against the lockers with the rest of her friends, mostly all her gang members. She was known for being relatively passive, loyal, and honest. Sunset knew that she would have to take Nova down to get to the top. She knew that she would get in her way. So she would do what she normally does, blackmail and spread rumors.

Sunset had been watching Skyes for a long time, and she didn't see anything that she could get her hands on. Until one day her and her sister got into an argument. Sunset had been around the corner, she was a freshman then, and Nova a sophomore. The argument was short, and hurtful words were said.

"Maybe if you weren't so busy riding your bike with your gang, you would see that family comes first!" Spitfire was yelling louder than Sunset had ever heard before.

"Look sis, I didn't know that mom was sick, so how was a supposed to know that she needed some flower from across the country to help her feel better?!"

"I don't want to hear excuses Nova!" Spitfire was now jabbing her finger at Skyes, and Nova looked terrified. "You know what?" Spitfire got closer, fuming.

"You're just like dad Nova, selfish, un-loyal, bitch." Spitfire than stormed off, leaving her little sister. Nova looked at her feet for a few seconds, and mounted her motorcycle and rode off. Little did both of them know that Sunset was recording the whole time, and all she needed to do was alter Spitfires words a bit, and make Nova look like some 'bitch'.

That's what she did, and the next day Nova received looks from everybody, the only people that came to her side was Spitfire and the nine loyal gang members that were still with her today.


Sunset saw Nova sign to the rest of the bikers, and she split from them, towards Sunset's home. She came to a stop, and both dismounted the motorcycle. 'What do I do? Do I apologize? Do I say thank you? Why didn't she punch my face in?'

Sunset's thoughts were interrupted when she heard Nova's raspy voice. "You sure you're alright Shimmer?"

"Y-yeah definitely." Sunset said as she nodded her head, receiving a stare from Nova. "Hey, Nova?"


"I-I'm really sorry, for everything. The video, altering your sister's words, getting into your business. I'm really sorry." Sunset said, looking down at her hands the whole time. She looked up to Nova in a way, and she wanted to be friends with her.

There was an awkward silence between the two, until Nova decided to ask, "So you are ready?" Nova replied.

Sunset looked up and said, "Ready? For what?"

"For a second chance." Nova said, her voice not changing. Sunset looked Nova in the eyes, they were still cold, but forgiving.

"Yes ma'am." Sunset said, a smile forming on her face.

"Good, because I heard you ride a bike, am I right?" Nova grinned when she saw Sunset nodded her head vigorously.

"I expect you to be at my place then next week after school, me and the gang practically spend most of our time there if we aren't riding." Skyes said, mounting her bike once again.

Sunset's smile grew larger, for she always wanted to be in Nova's gang, even when she was a bully. "Hey, uhm Nova?"

Nova looked up before sliding on her helmet, "Yeah?"

"Why did you, you know, save me? I deserved that beating."

Nova just stared at her motorcycle for a second, and than looked back at Sunset again, "Someone told me that everyone deserves a second chance Shimmer, no matter how shitty they were before." Sunset just nodded in response, Nova gave her a little wave, and drove off into the night.

Sunset opened the door to her home, changed out of her damp clothes, it wasn't the best day, but it was one heck of an exciting one.

Author's Note:

That's another chapter, and the longest one I have written thus far. More chapters will be coming soon of course! I drew a quick sketch of what Nova Skyes would look like if she was a real character. I'll upload it later on this note later today. Shout out for kazss once again for making this awesome cover art! :rainbowdetermined2:
