• Published 19th Jun 2019
  • 8,207 Views, 90 Comments

The Black Horseman - Redsummer09

Through the fog, which turns a man into a fearsome creature of darkness.

  • ...

Refugee arrivals

In the Golden Oaks Library, Twilight was currently reading up on some research material, specifically the Grimm.

Two weeks ago, just before the incident regarding her panicking over something that wouldn't happen, the Grimm had begun to act strangely. Instead of their basic animalistic nature, they became more ravenous, destroying everything that isn't a Grimm. Many researchers and Grimm studiers have many speculations on the topic, one such popular theory is that they are now without an alpha, thus have no coordination. Twilight, for a while, agreed with this theory; however she got to researching, more so in the history books.

In the many events and tragedies which involved the Grimm in some way or form, very few described the Grimm as "going berserk", so to speak. Nonetheless, out of the books Twilight has read, only ONE fit the description.

The Hollow Shades massacre.

Approximately two days before the fabled Black Horseman appeared, the Grimm in the surrounding area were reported to be oddly quiet right before screeching into the air, as if signalling, or worse celebrating. Historians over the years speculated that the Grimm foresaw the arrival of the Horseman, thus were celebrating that it arrived.

Closing the book, Twilight sighed.

"Why can't life just be eas-" *Crash* she was interrupted however as a certain cyan pegasus came crashing through her window. Looking over to her friend, Twilight walked over with an air of frustration.

"Rainbow, what did I say about flying through my window?" she asked lowly. It was known throughout Ponyville that Twilight had told Rainbow Dash again and again, to not fly through her window (not that the pegasus ever listened). She was about to berate her, until she saw the worried expression on the mare's face. "Rainbow?" she asked, concerned for her friend. Picking her up from the stack of books, she helped her friend regain her bearings.

"Twilightitstheemergencytr-" Rainbow was cut off as her muzzle suddenly had a hand closing it.

"Rainbow, take a deep breath and speak slowly, I swear you're as bad as Pinkie." Twilight muttered to herself, having grown used to the party ponies' antics. Taking a deep breath, the cyan mare did as instructed.

"Twilight, its the Emergency Train, its at the station." Rainbow said to Twilight, the lavender bookworm widening her eyes in shock.

The Emergency Train was an idea that was proposed several years ago, back when the trains were introduced. The idea was to have a backup train available in times of crisis to undergo an evacuation. So far, the only crisis that were involved in the usage of the train has been Grimm attacks. So for the train to come, that would mean...

"Rainbow, get Fluttershy and have her come to the station to tend to any injured. After that, get Rarity and Applejack to hand out any clothing/supplies and food to cater. Knowing Pinkie, she's already there. Got it?" Twilight ordered, having come up with a plan in just a couple of seconds. Saluting in response, Rainbow Dash immediately went to Fluttershy's as ordered by flying out the window she came through (to Twilight's dismay), while the lavender mare herself went to the station and get a recount on the events involved.

Running was never her strong suit, never has, but considering the intensity of the situation running was a must. While running to the station, numerous thoughts went through her mind. 'Two weeks after the Grimm go nuts, and then this happens. It may sound selfish, but can't I just catch a break?' she pleaded (read: whined) in her head. Finally arriving at the station, she saw the symbol on the train's side. Seeing an apple tree, however, gave her a sense of dread.

"Oh no, Applejack is not going to like this." Twilight muttered, before walking over there. Upon reaching the station itself, true to her word, Pinkie was there trying to cheer everypony up; either through silly faces or jokes. Judging by their long and distraught faces, it wasn't working. Looking over the gathered crowd, she spotted something odd. Two creatures, looking like hairless monkeys. They were dressed in clothes, the male in green and the girl in mostly pink, so that showed intelligence at least. They were helping with cheering up the crowd (the girl mostly, with the boy handing out supplies like food Pinkie brang). The arrivals sent them odd looks, but accepted the help with a nod and a smile. Going over to her hyperactive friend, Twilight addressed the situation.

"Pinkie, who are they?" Twilight asked the party mare tentatively, as if one wrong word could spell doom. Turning to her knowledgeable friend, Pinkie gained an enthusiastic smile befitting someone either REALLY excited, or a homicidal sociopath.

"OH! Well, I was outside Ponyville..." she began.

Flashback: Yesterday

Pinkie Pie can be seen hopping along the border of town, wanting to just enjoy the moment and tranquillity. Normally, one would assume the party enthusiast to, as implied, throw a party of sorts, but they would be wrong. Pinkie, in fact, DID have moments where she wanted to bask in silence, it was just those were fairly rare. Taking in the scenery, she spotted something, while odd to others, exciting to her.

Beneath a lone tree a ways off, would soon become her new friends (with some effort). The boy in green was sitting back up against the base of the tree, while the girl was hanging on to the branch above like a sloth. May sound like an exaggeration, but no, as through the use of her arm and leg muscles, was able to perfectly hang from the branch like an actual sloth. Again, odd to others, but Pinkie only had one thought when looking the sloth-impersonator.

'Are you challenging me?' she thought competitively. Planning in her head, she snuck over there to inact her shenanigans.

Through the eyes of the girl, Nora, she was content to relax there in the position of her (hinted) favourite animal. However, feeling a weight in front of her on the bench, she opened her eyes to an interesting sight. Hanging right before her, in the same sloth position, was what looked to be the child between a horse and human, injected with copious amounts of pink. Like her, the pink one had cyan coloured eyes, which were squinted in a determined and challenging gaze. Coming out of the hybrid's mouth, was the very words that kick-started a beautiful friendship.

"Don't think you're the only sloth here." she stated confidently.

Narrowing her eyes in return, Nora and Pinkie soon hung there like sloths, in order to see who made the better sloth. All while below, Ren watched the while thing and sighed in defeat and acceptance, knowing he'd have to deal with TWO of the same person. Soon, the two humans went through the extreme welcoming coming from Pinkie, discussing various things (mainly birthdays, in order for the mare to throw parties, duh) and soon spending the night at Sugarcube Corner, out of Pinkie's good will. One thing was discovered during this exchange though.

It would be impossible to discover who's the better sloth.


Smiling with eyes closed, Pinkie was unable to see the absolutely bewildered expression on Twilight's face.

This was fair, as even during the time she has known the party mare, there still things TO THIS DAY that will constantly make her mind hurt. Honestly, the fact that the two were even here had her mind spinning, but rather their sloth escapade. Luckily, a voice saved her from having her mind implode.

"Don't worry, you're not alone in this." a male voice said, looking behind her Twilight saw the male out of the two, and seeming to be the sane one also.

"Let me guess, you've been with her for a while?" Twilight questioned, seeing as he was a little too calm. Food for thought, she supposed.

"Yes, ever since we were kids..." he trailed off with a depressed face, before looking at his companion and smiling. "But I wouldn't change her for the world." jumping slightly, he looked to Twilight. "I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Lie Ren, or just Ren." he said, sticking out his hand for a handshake.

Shaking his hand, Twilight did so in return. "My name is Twilight Sparkle." "And I'm Nora!" she caught when jumping in surprise, as the girl named Nora suddenly appeared beside them.

"Nora, don't do that again." he told her, Nora at the very least looking sheepish. Twilight was about to add her own opinion, before once again being interrupted.


Looking over to where the voice came from, Twilight saw Rainbow along with Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack, the butterscotch pegasus already flying off to tend to any injured. Applejack, seeing the apple tree symbol on the side of the train, quickly ran over to them with the other two in tow.

"Twilight, ah want to know, where are Braeburn and Strongheart?" the farm mare asked, being worried for her cousin and the buffalo she grew to like. Before she could answer her friend, Ren answered before Twilight.

"They are by the front of the train, appearing shaken up. They are not hurt, but they could use comfort." He told her honestly, Applejack nodding in gratitude before running off. Rainbow, having now seen the raven haired boy, flew up into his face with a suspicious look on her face.

"And who are you punk? Actually, what are you?" she asked, thinking he means harm. Before she could go off on a tangent, Twilight pulled her down to the ground.

"Now's not the time Rainbow, we need to help with everypony here, are you able to help Ren?" Twilight asked, missing Rainbow's confused look about how she casually addressed him, Ren nodding in response. "Okay, what we want to do is..." As Twilight coordinated an organised shelter for the refugees, they were all unaware of the danger coming.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter was short, but I was suffering minor Writer's Block and couldn't figure out how it should go. Obviously, this was dedicated to the aftermath of the Appleloosa Raid. Be sure to comment opinions/suggestions below, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Until next time, Redsummer out.

Comments ( 19 )

Perhaps while your horseman is travelling, he can use the time travelling to either test the limits of his powers on things, or figure out how to keep himself from going out of control again like in his memories that he recently regained. Both are options he can do during his travels. And, there's always the option of encountering wild life on the way too.

So...Both Ren & Nora have been introduced to the Mane-Six & became resident's of Ponyville. I wonder what our horsemen will do next while on his journey?

Oh man I lost this story a while back really glad I found it again. Noticed it's been a while since the last update. I hope it's not dead it's a interesting story. Liked and followed dear author

Any word on the next chapter?

the word is probably never.

will there bemore chapters

Why does it look like that one SCP?

The Nuckalavee is a creature from, IRC, Celtic folklore

The one where a French soldier from ww1 first documented it's discovery.

Cover looks like SCP-3456 The Orcadian Horsemen

Just stumbled upon this and I think the front picture is a scp
Well let’s get to reading and see how the story is

it's actually from RWBY

oh ok
it just looks like scp 3456

My bet is that the SCP is based on the Grimm.

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