• Member Since 4th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


How could you do this? And on Jueves?!


A collection of stories that follow different genres, with no central theme or core idea, beyond "this is what I, at some point in my life, thought would make a compelling read." Some are short, some are long, some are happy, some are sad. At least one is about food.

They have nothing in common beyond all being pieces of Me.

This is where I'll post Writeoff stories that can't I can't quite turn into standalone fiction. Some of these may end up being expanded, revised, and posted independently.

Some stories were written either in response to art prompts, or had art drawn for them as part of the competition. All artists have been credited appropriately.

All stories are dated MM/YY.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 46 )

But where’s the peepis????

What's hers is mine. That's how sisterhood works. Feudalism, too.

This is a fantastic line.

Also, dare I ask just how many times Luna has turned into a demon?

Apple Bloom screamed silence until her lungs burned.

Another excellent line.

I do agree with the "scene, not story" assessment, but this was still a wonderfully tense read. Looking forward to any future inclusions in the anthology, though I hope most of your ideas can come to full fruition.

9748116 She only remembers Nightmare Moon, so for all intents and purposes, just one.

Real talk, someone in the writeoff (Rao, I think) connected Luna in this story with the Ghost of Hearth's Warming Future that appeared in that one Christmas Carol episode, and I was like...

"Yeah! Totally intentional. Mm-hm!"

"'Doth this thy standard for nourishment meet?' she screamed at me, in between mouthfuls of dead, powdered bird.

Goddamn. This broke me. Well done.

Eesh, sleep paralysis must suck. I remember seeing a long tumblr post once in which a bunch of artists drew pictures of their own sleep paralysis monsters, gave them all names and described their behavior as if they were telling stories about close friends. I appreciate horror as much as the next guy, but I don't think I could deal with my actual life becoming Silent Hill when I sleep, so props to you for living with that shit!

9751339 The other night, I woke up thinking there was a rat under my bed. I also believed I could see the rat, through my mattress.

I screamed, "What the fuck?!" Then I bolted from bed, smashed the light switch, and stood there panting, groggy and half-blind.

Then I wandered back to bed, barely remembering why I got up in the first place.

So, life imitates art imitates life.

I never got to enjoy this in the writeoff. Good stuff. I dunno what it was up against, though, so... Top of slate!

It is a good snapshot of Starlight's early days after the time war, but Twilight would definitely be on the short list of things to work on if you were to expand it.

That being said, a very nice snippet. I've been on the outside looking in several times with some of my friends. You captured the feeling very well.

I would love to see more of this story if for no other reason than it is exactly the kind of story we needed an episode about in the actual show. Starlight's integration into the mane cast would have been so much smoother in season 6 if we had gotten an episode about the awkward adjustment period (and the canon hairstyle change is a great way to show that)! Don't get me wrong, I love Starlight as a character, her relationship with Trixie is one of my favorite dynamics in the show, but her reformation and integration into the cast could have definitely been handled better.


This was pretty damn funny, with lots of good lines.

"Zoom! Enhance! If I cast Seaside's Ocular Displacement, you can see the perpetrator hiding under the table!" :twilightangry2:

Bonus alternate joke!
"Aha! The rope whips back and to the left when it snaps! That means... It must have been Grassy Knoll who cut it!" :pinkiegasp:

:moustache: "Luna."
:twilightangry2: "I don't have time for your valid counterarguments, Spike! I have a conspiracy to uncover."

Grassy Knoll's a patsy. It was really Magic Bullet, who was scrying on the event from a nearby book depository.

Was reading this at work today. Every single one of these made me vomit. 10/10.

"Boinger" is a very authentic piece of Pinkie vocabulary. :pinkiesmile:

Pinkie is responsibly irresponsible with her tainted candy!

Had a big smile on my face the whole time I read this. Sopping wet with character.

Also it's my personal headcanon that Starlight took all that water from Brittlesworth's drinking supply, the bastards. Wouldn't know a good magic show if it pulled rabbits out of their asses.

Thanks for sharing.

10057228 they all drink Estus anyway

Delightful friendshipping. They're figuring this out as they go.

Aww, I love these two


Legit my favorite pairing on the show. Not just in a shipping sense; they just have my favorite friendship out of everyone.

Also in a shipping sense.

Posh, you were banned from touching anything Fire Burning related after Sunlight for Life. Please cease and desist immediately.


My lawyer will be in contact.

"First of all, Trixie's ego does not bruise," Trixie snapped, bolting upright. "Because Trixie is not some sort of... common household... banana."

Apropos of nothing, Starlight glanced to her right, and noticed a well-oxidized banana peel with its segments splayed out like a rag doll. "Second?"

This little section made me absolutely lose it.

This whole thing is just full of delightful interaction and banter between these two. Well done as always.

Is there nothing that Trixie *hasn't* sold at one time or another for more fireworks, or smokebombs, or to repair her hat? I think not.

I'm vaguely familiar with the source material involved, so I definitely got something out of this. Certainly an intriguing opening, and a good way to establish the other side of things for Fimfic.

The fact that a lot of this story made its way into Magica Ex Dolori is certainly intriguing. Looking forward to seeing how it fits in, especially in relation to Sunset.

I have no idea what I just read, but it sounds cool.

Friendshipping with friends dripping!

I do like this take on Cadence. There’s a lot of pressure being the third alicorn ever. And really, anyone would Twilight a little after permakilling Philomena.

Honestly, the only way it could be better would be if Cadence and Sunset Shimmer were bouncing off of each other, utterly convinced that Celestia would plan two ponies’ worth of barbeque.

The bit where she admits to herself she's a snack got me.

Posh – 08/21/2020
alright, I'm as far in as you've gotten.

DannyJ – 08/21/2020
You have substantially changed many things for the worse.

Posh – 08/21/2020
In any event, most of that last sequence is still in its drafting stages, so I imagine that anything I've changed is still, itself, subject to change.
My biggest point of criticism is that the length and density of those expository paragraphs need to be scaled the fuck back

DannyJ – 08/21/2020
The length and density of your COCK needs to be scaled back.

Posh – 08/21/2020
very true

DannyJ – 07/08/2018
Since you have apparently not yet edited my chapter, you must instead listen to me describe the dream I just woke up from.
So, I was Walter White.
And I was dealing with Gustavo Fring.
For some reason, rather than selling blue meth to him or working in his laundromat, I was helping him with a convoluted scheme involving scamming his hated enemy out of his house.
For some reason, this involved loaning him my laptop. But it was real me's laptop.
Mister Fring was quite disturbed by the front page of FimFiction.
But also very put out when I took my laptop back, because he hated using his own computer for some reason.
I think he was worried about government spies.
Anyway, so we got on a truck, drove to this house, and Fring basically took all the guy's stuff and kicked him out.
Said guy not being the cartel leader, but some sort of Irish mob boss.
Who was also really fucking old.
Apparently Fring is also really fucking old, because he says he intends to keep doing exactly this thing every one hundred years.
So I guess they're both vampires now or something.
Anyway, despite us having just taken over Irish mob boss guy's house, I am sent to a second, separate house that we scammed off this guy.
Irish mob boss threatens revenge on me, and sends me in the company of a priest who manages the estate.
Said priest angrily rants to me all the way there about how the Bible can be creatively interpreted to justify murdering the shit out of me.
Long story short, we arrive at the house and the priest leaves, and it turns out to be inhabited by a bunch of teenagers. I think Irish mob guy was running some sort of reality show out of here?
But for his revenge on me, he also sent in a dwarf with a bunch of makeup, tattoos, fucked up body modifications and such. Who also dressed like a cross between a clown and a metalhead.
Metalhead dwarf was supposed to... haunt me, or something. He seems kinda like a slasher villain, and even has dramatic speeches prepared.
I defeat the dwarf by befriending him.
(I am not sure if I am still meant to be Walter White by this point).
Then we hear a noise from the kitchen.
Turns out the ghost living in the ceiling lights is having problems.
Yeah, there's a real ghost, and everyone's just sorta cool with him.
He communicates through light flickering that, what else, the lights are damaged, so we help him out by Googling a solution.
While waiting for that, the reality TV show teenagers return.
Only they're not all teenagers.
One of them is an actor who played a character in Arrested Development.
He or she challenges me to name their character.
I completely fail to do so. Partially because their appearance and gender seems to change midway through my guess.
The dream ends with me waking up embarrassed that I can't remember the character's name.
Then I remember that the show doesn't have any characters who look remotely like that guy/girl.
I think my brain made them up. I was quite annoyed by this.
And that's it. I'm done.
Edit my fucking chapter, or you'll get this every day.

Posh – 07/08/2018
Can we write that into the story
also resend me the link. I've misplaced it.

DannyJ – 08/07/2018
We can, but only if you're a good boy.
Edit my fucking chapter, you fuckman.

11261672 I actually had a Breaking Bad-themed dream not long ago, too.


Tell us of it. The public demands to know the truth.

Don't make me imagine this, Posh.

11262290 I will do as I please, and nobody on this Earth can stop me.

“Mark my words, once I’m instated, I’ll have CHS looking sharper than a serpent’s tooth.”

“Fashionista, heal thyself.”

I am such a hack.

Enforcing something that subjective was bound to lead to some disagreements sooner or later. Pinkie probably saved everyone a lot of headache and/or messy freedom fighting against the Fabulous Regime.

Posh – 08/24/2021
I could go through an outline. How long is it?

DannyJ – 08/24/2021
Little less than 7K, but there's an optional 8K extra of backstory for one of the principle characters. Only the first half is relevant to the story, but even that's skippable if you're pressed for time and willing to just accept the weird bullshit.
Though either way, I'll need to give you the rundown on some of DEEPEST LORE of my Fallout fics.
Because it'll be literally incomprehensible otherwise.

Posh – 08/24/2021
Yeah, I can do this.
Present me with your deep lore video, and drop me a link to the outline. I'll get to it quicker than I did the Old Lady Watchmen

DannyJ – 08/24/2021
Okay. So, point one of interest, this setting contains a Doctor Who crossover which is semi-relevant to this story. Do you have any prior familiarity with Doctor Who, or is it just some British thing you occasionally hear nerds talking about?

Posh – 08/24/2021

Comment posted by Dubs Rewatcher deleted Mar 14th, 2023
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