• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 3,351 Views, 234 Comments

Halo, Equestrian Covenant - Shady Steps

Twilight Sparkle and her Covenant forces fight a bloody battle against the Human transgressors as a dark thing stirs deep below.

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Chapter Eleven

September 20th 2552

Rainbow Dash burped and tossed a used food nipple into the recycler. Unlike Equestrian rations the food nipples all shared a greasy milky flavor no matter the ingredients, unless you acquired an Unggoy food nipple by mistake. Infusions were extraordinarily potent something Dash had the misfortune to experience, the mantra ‘never again’ at the forefront of her mind as she relived the memory.

She had plenty of time over the years to reflect upon memories, it seemed that things were always happening planetside but in the cold quiet of space days and weeks blurred together. Dash pulled herself to her hooves and left the pilot cabin entering the dropships main hold spotting the curled up catlike figure of Gilda snoring softly.

“Hay G.” Dash slumped against one of the walls with a sigh. “It's been awhile since we could just talk you know?” Her words were met with snores but she continued anyway. “Its crazy how quickly time flies, I remember when I first came to the war academy and you were forced to share a room with me, back when we were kids. Even when there are other people around, I am always thinking of stuff like that, I don’t know why. When I signed up and actually passed muster it was crazy, one in a million and all that. Seems like I joined just to shuttle Twilight about, they give us runes and enchantments, arcane infusions.” She let out a long sigh. “I am going to outlive most ponies and what am I doing with the time? I don’t even know, why are we even here? Why am I here?”

“You think too much” Gilda stretched out pressing her forelimbs forward and shaking slightly before collecting herself and lumbering towards Dash. “We just keep going one day at a time. That is what a warrior does, one day your people will need you.” Almost casually Gilda picked up the small pony and curled up again hugging the mare as she closed her eyes. “That also means that you sleep when you get the chance. So you are well rested when they need you.”

Dash wiggled a bit to get comfortable before setting a five hour alarm, it would take six to reach the Infinite Succor. With the soft purring of her lifelong friend sleep took her rapidly.

A gaggle of captive Unggoy shuffled forward to unhook the bindings over Gabby’s form overseen by the weary human shock troopers who kept weapons trained on the prone Griffon. The bindings covering her, some kind of sticky plastic wraps that pinned her armoured wings to her back and her legs together, were left in place forcing the Unggoy to pick up the Griffon and carry her to whatever the humans had in store.

Gabby tried to ignore the wobbling and quiet apologies of the poor sods forced to carry her and took in the area around her, the human dropship she had been taken in had landed in a heavily fortified Forerunner structure, or structures she supposed. Downspin there was a large beacon structure, the kind that had been reported all over the ring and would fire light blue pulses periodically into the sky for some unknown reason. Several anti air turrets had been placed in strategic places on the structure and she could even see a wing of banshees on a flat space overlooking a cliffside.

A series of strange walls in odd geometric shapes extended in a semicircle overlooking the cliffside for several kilometers before reaching the upspin structure. Gaps in the walls had been filled with dull grey sacks likely filled with dirt, where the humans had gotten the material for that she had no idea.The upsin structure was a squat building with a flat roof, dozens of Covenant and Human anti air systems were in place as well as obvious signal jammers to prevent orbiting ships from eavesdropping.

Dropships both Human and Covenant where busy shuttling up the large human convoy that had won the battle at the crash site. Gabby begin to count human assets, Eleven tanks, thirty six scout cars, nine human dropships, two very big dropships, five small gunships. Covenant equipment was dotted about too with dozens of scouts and a few mortar tanks. Next Gabby carefully looked at the personel, her eyes darting about as she rapidly calculated what she could see. Roughly seventy of the green clothes Humans, another fifty with the black clothes and hundreds in the thicker full body non combat clothes of service personnel.

While wobbling about Gabby carefully ran her razor sharp beak across the black plastic straps tying her forelimbs together, not enough to break them but enough that she felt the bonds tense and felt confident enough that she could snap the bindings should desire to. She just needed a good opportunity, Her clock and shields were still active in her suit and while her weapons had been taken the Humans had left the silver chain holding her runestones hanging from her breast, no doubt the primates did not understand the power on the little black stone disks and had dismissed them as decorative.

An odd and fatal mistake to make Gabby mused as she watched the sky turn brilliant pink and orange.

“You are to return to Alpha base and coordinate with marine reinforcements before attacking this ‘Control Room’ Cortana, that is an order!” Antonio Silva considered himself a reasonable man but dealing with an insubordinate AI of all things was testing him considerably.

“Negative Major, judging from the assets reported on the Covenant battle net Blue Team is more than sufficient to secure the Control Room, any additional forces would only put lives at risk uselessly. I will report back when the Control Room is secure.”

“This is insubordination Cortana! Let me speak to Spartian one one seven! Now!”

“That won't be necessary, if you want to send support please deploy red team to the following coordinates. Marine or ODST reinforcements are unnecessary. Cortana out.” Silva threw the radio across the room to crash against the odd metal wall of his makeshift office.

“Fuck, Fuck!” Wellsley watched impassively as the Major calmly walked across the room after his outburst to recover the radio and put it carefully onto his desk, the robust equipment no worse for its trip across the room.

“McKay has returned from the raid Major, the Covenant did not attack the convoy and chose to shadow it instead. I predict that this is a prelude to a concerted attack.” Silva settled down at his desk and turned to regard the AI. Despite the low resolution holographic display the AI’s chosen form was impeccable a straight backed stern looking man in an ancient british naval officers uniform. As far as Silva was concerned Wellsley was simply an eccentric human.

“Is Cortana Rampant? What the hell is she thinking Wellsley?” The intelligence in question let out the digital equivalent of a sigh and paused before responding, of course the time it took for him to decide on a reply was so rapid that the good Major did not notice any such pause.

“Cortana is loyal to humanity Major. There is no question of that, she is however protective of her charges.”

“The child soldier freaks? You think she gives a shit about them? If she cared at all they would be taken to earth for therapy and retirement not used like a damn warhead.”

“We are in a bad situation Antonio we need every soldier we can get.” The man waved a hand dismissively at the little holographic projection on his desk.

“You know how we took this butte, nine of the bastards running about and not one of them was necessary to take this site! All we needed was good men with nerves of steel. People green to the core!”

“Red and Blue team have demonstrated incredible fighting prowess Major, we cannot discount the value of such assets”

“Assets, good god man they are mentally damaged, anyone would be if they were one of them. And we can! We can when said assets are being sent on unsanctioned missions Wellsley, where the fuck did red five go?”

“I don’t know, she cut me out of her systems after an unregistered armour modification became active. I suspect that she somehow received orders from an unknown actor.” There was a pause as the Major unwrapped an energy bar.

“You said her report was scrubbed?”

“It was mostly black ink.”

“So we have five toy soldiers running about outside the chain of command, when are the others going to wander off?”

“They are currently waiting for a debriefing. I know you are eager to investigate this weapons cash personally but I would however recommend we investigate one of the captives recovered from the raid first.”

“Why? He important.”

“It’s a new kind of alien. Equipment is technologically distinct from the other Covenant and she is currently singing ‘The Army Goes Rolling Along’ in perfect english.” Antonio turned to look at Wellsley with a deep and sincere frown upon his face.

“‘The Army Goes Rolling Along’?”

“It's a twentieth century song used by the United Sta-”

“I know the fucking song how does some alien know it?”

“Well that would be a good question to ask her Major.”

“Get McKay to debrief the Spartians, she will assume command while I am away.”Silva finished the energy bar and collected his sidearm before he left his office, things had been strange since the moment they landed on this ring.

As her hooves touched the landing platform a horrid repugnant humidity and clawing heat took the opportunity to strike Twilight so suddenly that the mare had to take a few shocked sharp breaths before turning towards a group of Unggoy in hermetically sealed special operations combat harnesses.

“Inquisitor Twilight Sparkle, you did not announce your arrival. How can this humble unit serve you?” The lead Unggoy stepped forward to greet Twilight as the mare made her way to the edge of the platform to get out of the way of the supplies being unloaded.

“I am looking to speak with Usze 'Tahamee, he is currently in command of this reclamation expedition.” The Unggoy paused before responding.

“I am afraid that Usze is currently unavailable your Excellency, I must offer you sincere apologies on his behalf. If I may inquire as to the nature of your unexpected but most welcome visit?” Twilight frowned and nodded a head to the power cells being unloaded.

“Why does this expedition require so much power? You have requisitioned enough cells to fire ten plasma pistols continuously for a week.” Twilight turned away from the Unggoy and looked out, the sky was obscured by a thick layer of dark green plantlife and the ground was a spongy wet mass of thin gripping roots and fungus were it was not submerged entirely. A thin layer of sickly brown water had somehow managed to coat the purple mare even after just moments spent on a raised ‘dry’ platform.

“I am afraid that I am simply here to ensure the supplies are present and stockpiled your Excellency I do not concern myself with questions over my station. My charge however, his most competent excellency Zuka 'Zamamee is of an equal standing to Usze 'Tahamee in regards to forces under his command.” The Unggoy moved to stand next to Twilight collecting himself and standing straighter than was expected of his kind, he was a full head and shoulders taller than the Unicorn.

“You are presumptuous, what makes you think I would want to share anything with your charge?” Twilight turned to the Unggoy an eyebrow raised as she looked into the reflective plates covering his eyes.

“Because your Excellency, you came here unannounced and have made only a token investigation into the activity here, meaning this place is not in your interest. However you wish to speak to Usze, a well respected and competent special operations commando.” The Unggoy paused to gage the Unicorns reaction before he continued. “You want to conscript him for an operation elsewhere, likely involving humans.”

“What forces can your ‘Zamamee offer me?” Twilight asked the curiously well spoken Unggoy.

“Myself, five other Unggoy, four Kig Yar and two other Sanghili and a pair of bonded Mgalekgolo. We also have access to appropriate transport for this terrain.”

“You said that ‘Zamamee was of equal standing to 'Tahamee?” The Unggoy looked away from Twilight.

“I did, there was an... Accident, several reclamation parties have been wounded and are unfit for any mission you have in mind” The Unggoy looked back to Twilight who let out a sigh.

“Very well, I will warn you however. I intend on taking you on a Demon hunt.” To her surprise the Unggoy did not even flinch, instead he nodded.

“Then it shall be easy for you to convince Zuka to lend you his strength your Excellency, he bears a terrible grudge against the Demons.” Twilight cocked her head.

“You are not afraid to fight a Demon?”

“Anything is better than this place.” The Unggoy’s head snapped to Twilight as he spoke as if shocked at his own words.

“Is it that bad? I would have thought an Unggoy would be pleased to get away from combat duties.” There was a long pause as the Unggoy carefully thought about his response.

“Idle feet lead us astray on the great journey, I simply... restless here and our presence is largely unnecessary anyway.” Twilight nodded at the mans wise words and offered a hoof.

“Your name?” Twilight felt the strength of the Unggoy as he clasped her leg, surprisingly well versed in Equestrian custom.

“Yayap your Excellency.” The man in question bowed his head in respect.

“It's nice to meet you Yayap, let's go meet your charge.” Twilight nodded to N'tho who was standing at the other end of the platform next to the gravity lift. He turned and went back inside the dropship to collect the Griffon’s and Human

Gabby had been placed in a large alcove with a covenant energy shield blocking her exit, there was also a human scout vehicle with its rear mounted weapon pointed at her at all times. Her shield and cloak systems while still on her person relied upon a specific type of conventional power cell, something that had been taken out by the Humans. However her armour still bore runes and enchantments woven carefully into the plates of her harness that had gone ignored or unnoticed by the humans, she still had her black runestones on a chain around her leg.

They had taken here to a different place to the other Covenant prisoners. For what reason she had no idea but it made any escape plans more complex.

“Up rode the squatter, mounted on his thoroughbred.~” Gabby sang out for the five Humans watching her warily, they had stopped shouting at her to stop making noise half an hour ago.

“Down came the troopers, one, two, and three.~” Gabby was a fast learner with an impeccable memory, she took a great deal of pride in that fact. She had spent the last four years around Twilight Sparkle as the mad little mare studied humans constantly, picking up the language while her comrades only understood grunts and squeaks was simple for her, perhaps she simply had an ear for it.

“And he sang as he stowed that jumbuck in his tucker bag- ‘You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me!’~" The last line of the chorus was joined by a masculine voice. Looking for its owner Gabby saw a Human in green armour stride forward with a rifle over one shoulder.

“Hi! I have been trying to get this boring lot to sing for ages.” Gabby smiled at the newcomer as he strode right up to the glowing forcefield.

“You big bastards shot down a dropship containing friends of theirs. Lets just say you aint the most popular chicken in the henhouse.”

“All is fair in love and war~” Gabby glanced at the black armoured figures who were watching her with stony faces and winked.

“You know an awful lot about Human culture for a big ugly bird you know that?” Gabby gasped in mock offense and clasped her taloned arms over her chest standing on her hindlegs.

“You don’t actually mean that do you? You don’t think I am ugly Sargent Johnson?” The man blinked at her in confusion for a moment before rolling his eyes as he remembered the dog tag around his neck.

“So you can read too? Impressive eyesight, how about you tell me were you lot have Captain Keyes and we can go and sing a little song together.”

“Deactivate the forcefield and I will whisper it into your ear” Gabby wiggled her eyebrows at the man before her as he lit a cigar.

“If that forcefield gets deactivated you won’t like what happens I can promise you that.” Johnson replied with the cigar between his teeth slightly slurring the words.

“Ah ah ah.” Gabby waved a single talon at the man before smiling. “Prisoners of War must be treated humanely in all circumstances. They are protected against any act of violence, as well as against intimidation, insults, and public curiosity.” Johnson let out a dry laugh as she spoke.

“What is that the Geneva Convention? Since when is the Covenant a signatory?”

“The Conventions apply to a signatory nation even if the opposing nation is not a signatory, but only if the opposing nation accepts and applies the provisions of the Conventions.” Gabby replied in a singsong tone before sticking her tongue out at the Sargent.

“The Covenant don’t abide by the standards of the Geneva Convention” Johnson’s voice took a dark tone as he stepped forward and let out a puff of dense smoke.

“Oh dear did someone's pet corporal get eaten by a Kig Yar?” Gabby let out an exaggerated sigh and shook her head. “I suppose if I was a member of the Covenant I would be in big trouble from the angry little Humans.”

“If you were a member?”

“Yup never joined, not the religious type. Technically I am not even a citizen of Equestria ether, my Government have no official connections with the Covenant at all, of course that is because the last Griffon King died like eight hundred years ago and no one has been able to take the throne without turning to ash and we are like ‘regency council? Who needs that nonsense!’ and just kept going wi-”

“Are you telling me.” Johnson cut the Griffon off mid ramble “That you are not a part of the Covenant? Why the hell are you fighting with them?” Gabby smiled and leaned against the forcefield.

“That is a long story that involves the location of your dear Captain Jacob Keyes... But I am not telling.”

“What do yo-”

“Up to mighty London came an Irish man one day~” The Sargent swore as Gabby started to sing again and turned to stalk away from the crazy alien as the familiar form of Major Silva entered the motor pool.

“Sargent, you spoke with the... Singing alien?” Antonio frowned as the massive alien stood on her hindlegs and filled the room with her voice.

“Yeah, it's a weird one, claims it is not part of the Covenant but won't explain why its fighting with them.” Silva shook his head.

“Get your squads ready Sargent and wait in the pelican, we will investigate that Covenant weapons cache when I am finished speaking with this thing.” The Sargent frowned and turned back towards the major.

“We aint taking red team?”

“No, I want them here in case of a Covenant attack. It will just be me, you and your marines. If intel is accurate that is going to be more than enough.” Johnson looked like he wanted to argue but thought better of it and nodded his head.

“Yes sir.” He turned and made his way out of the motor pool.

“It's a long way to goooo!~” Silva looked over the alien, dozens of strips of duct tape littered the ground of her little makeshift cell it looked like she had taken great pains to remove the strips from her armour.

“If she keeps singing shove a grenade though the food slot” The Major spoke casually as he strode towards the giant bird that turned its entire head to the side to regard the newcomer.

“Major Antonio Silva.” Gabby moved her head back to a normal angle after reading the tags on the man. “Are you in charge? Or is there a General or something around here?”

“Where is Captain Jacob Keyes?”

“Now why would I tell you that?” Gabby smiled down at Antonio drumming her talons across the face of the energy shield keeping her contained with a horrible hissing sound.

“Because until you tell me what I want to know you won’t be getting any food.”

“Oh but that is the crazy thing Major.” Gabby began to put pressure upon the shield holding her causing the entire watery field to turn a bright shimmering pink. “I am surrounded by food.” Her tone was dark and threatening, the ODST around the Major all pulled up rifles and pointed them at the straining shield and unreasonably large predatory bird before them. “But If you want to try to starve me good luck.”

“Let me tell you something.” Silva walked forward until he was standing right next to the energy shield, gabby moved her head to be level with the man as the pair stared at each other just inches away. “When we beat you alien bastards, and we will. You will suffer every indignity, every lost life, every burned planet a millionfold. When we beat your armies back, when we blow up your damn ships and when we gain control of this ring you will beg for mercy that you denied us.” With that the Major turned and strode away from the captive Griffon and the sun set upon Halo.

“Warning! Proximity to containment facilities is forbidden by order of the Ecumene council. Please cease all activity within quarantine zones immediately. I must insist that you cease all activities. this ring contains significant dangers that you do not comprehend.”

“Oh dear.”

“Deploying containment breach countermeasures.”

Author's Note:

Oh dear.

Remember to give me a like if you are enjoying the story and I am still looking for editors, please PM me if you are intrested in helping out!