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Call me Leroy. Some time ago, never mind how long exactly, having little or no sense in my brain, I began to write. PM me if you'd like a story reviewed!



Rarity lives a good life. To the world, she's a beautiful fashionista, a paragon of grace and virtue, an exemplar of generosity and friendship. Furthermore, she has a girlfriend who loves her dearly - and buys her everything she wants. However, a lady can only keep up an act so long...

An argument spiraled out of control one day, and Sci-Twi came home with a bruise that day. Now Rarity's secret is in danger and Cadance is determined to uncover the truth about her and her charming facade. Seated in a trendy cafe, Rarity's carefully constructed life is about to come crashing down.

Edited by: Samey90 and Waxworks
Written for: ArtistFire's Disabled Character contest

Featured: July 26 2019

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 46 )

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I want to see a little more of this because I'm curious as to whether she ran away or ran to the car.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting much from a story like this. The whole "viewpoint character is a sociopath" idea is bungled so often it's tiring.

This was damn good. It was engrossing. Rarity's voice was handled perfectly and she felt like a sociopath. I could believe that Rarity might be like this and that is impressive.


I've read worse.

This was better than what I was expecting. Good job mate 👍

It's pretty good... Except for the fact that Rarity is the main character... I don't like rarity... But good writing, good portrayel of whats its like to live with APD, and overall just a good story

Huh. I kinda feel a little bad for Rarity. Not as bad I feel for Twilight, though.

Honestly, during the whole Sirens affair, I was this close to walloping Rainbow Dash with her own guitar and trading in my loyalties to Adagio Dazzle, hopefully in exchange for unlimited wealth, power, and the key Sonata Dusk’s bedroom.

However, I saw through their little hex. Lacking empathy does have an upside occasionally – even if the mundane upsides translate to the equivalent of a reserved parking space at the local K-Mart. I realized that I would be fish food, literally, no matter what bargain I attempted to make.

That part chilled me a bit. The idea of the Rainbooms being betrayed from within, with Rarity only not betraying for self-serving reasons.

Wow. Very, very good read. Definitely marking this as a favorite... :heart:

Well, I wasn't planning on doing a sequel. But seeing this one's reception, I definitely will.

Now this was interesting.

I went into this expecting nothing but a cringe-worthy "I feel nothing, oh yes I'm superior to you" mess... I was pleasantly surprised.

You explained sociopathy rather well while doing it from the lens of our favorite fashionista, and maintained the distinctive tone that the Reader has come to expect from Rarity.

While the reason for her hitting Twilight is, even in this scenario, out of character for her, I feel that you played off the gravity of the situation fairly well, emphasizing just how serious Cadance was; And by proxy, the lengths she may have been willing to go to protect her sister in law.

Overall a good piece that I certainly feel deserves more views.

Let's have a little look at the Hare Psychopathy Checklist:

Glib and Superficial Charm: Yeah, she has that in spades. I'd rank it a 2.

Grandiose sense of self: True but, given her description of Cadence, I'd say she's willing to acknowledge she's not the only woman on the planet that's pretty. I'd rank it a 1.

Need for stimulation: She quickly got bored while waiting for Twilight, considers her fashion career as merely a hobby. and has mentioned going on spending sprees. I'd rank it a 2.

Pathological lying: She described herself as a compulsive liar and initially tried to deny she hit Twilight. I'd rank it a 2.

Cunning and manipulativeness: Has described herself as "somebody with the savvy to actually put their brains and beauty to good use". I'd rank it a 2.

Lack of remorse or guilt: She really has no problem with the fact that she nearly drove a disabled girl to suicide. I'd rank it a 2.

Shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness): Has mentioned being composed most of the time and is very good at faking shock and empathy. I'd rank it a 1.

Callousness and lack of empathy: Has mentioned having zero compassion whatsoever. I'd rank it a 2.

Parasitic lifestyle: Even though she has a career in fashion, she expects Twilight to pay for her expenses. I'd rank it a 1.

Poor behavioural controls: While she's good at reigning it in, she does slip up from time to time and does wish she had more self-control. I'd rank it a 1.

Sexual promiscuity: I would presume she's gone past second base at least once, mentioning she has removed the straps of bras from Twilight's shoulder before. I'd rank it a 1.

Early behaviour problems: She vivisected her cat and bullied a disabled girl. I'd rank it a 2.

Lack of realistic long-term goals: While she does have a career in fashion, she considers it more of a hobby. I'd rank it a 1.

Impulsivity: While good at mulling in her impulses, she does slip up from time-to-time. I'd rank it a 1.

Irresponsibility: While she mentions having responsibilities, she is not very responsible with her expenses, if her spree spending habit is any indication. I'd rank it a 1.

Failure to accept responsibility for own actions: While she's willing to admit she makes mistakes, she does consider it Twilight's fault for making Rarity hit her. I'd rank it a 1.

Many short-term marital relationships: Has mentioned that Twilight isn't the first girlfriend she had and has no problem discarding her once she left for college. I'd rank it a 2.

Juvenile delinquency: Has mentioned being a juvenile delinquent, what with vivisecting her cat and bullying a disabled girl. I'd give it a 2.

Revocation of conditional release: She has never been arrested as far as I could tell so I'm going to rank it a 0.

Criminal versatility: While never arrested for anything, she did steal someone else's pet. I'd rank it a 1.

Total score: 28

I know the score needed for a clinical diagnosis of psychopathy/sociopathy/antisocial personality disorder is 30 or above in the US. But in the UK, it is 25 or above so, as far as I'm concerned, you've actually done a really accurate portrayal of someone with psychopathy/sociopathy/antisocial personality disorder.

Oh, and do feel free to take my diagnosis of Rarity with a pinch of salt since I am by no means a psychiatrist but I do find mental and personality disorders to be fascinating (mainly because I myself am autistic and, surprisingly enough considering how rare it is for autistics to have narcissistic and sociopathic personality disorders, I do have a few traits that are associated with psychopathy, in spite of never being diagnosed with psychopathy).

Ooh, shiny! I'll keep an eye out for it. :pinkiehappy:

As far as representations of sociopathy, making the character insufficiently sociopathic is probably the least harmful error that could have been made.

I was actually unaware that this test was a thing, or how it was easier to be be a card-carrying sociopath across certain countries. Something tells me that some innocent Brits might've been given the label from such a disparity. I'unno.

so you're saying I'm NOT QUITE a sociopath?
Fucking sweet

Chilling. Well done.


I'm autistic too. I think the issue for autistic people is that due to our cognitive disorders, we can be mistaken for sociopaths because of our poor social cues. A sociopath is defined by his/her ability to disregard the laws of society. An autistic person is someone is who struggles to comprehend the social norms of society.

Nevertheless, I really like your checklist. What is really shocking that canon Rarity (pony and human) actually demonstrates some of these very traits.

Oh man, the idea of Hasbro creating a main character who could be a genuine sociopath is pretty scary.

Damn. Rarity you are a monster.

Really? How so?

How does cannon Rarity reflect those criteria?


Well, Rarity (in both worlds) can be charismatic, manipulative, self-absorbed, dishonest. and somewhat ambitious.

I'm not saying she is a sociopath. I am saying she has the potential to be quite ruthless and driven.

Yeah, autistic people can be mistaken for sociopaths, which is ironic because comorbidity between autism and sociopathy is very rare.

Good to know. Now I've got to figure of what Rarity's going to do next.

I feel like in some of the more higher functioning of us (the ones who pass as normal) that a bit of an overlap starts to form.
I find myself often forcing myself to care or act certain ways or just not tip people off that whats going on is not important to me and Ive found this in my other high functioning friends. just a slight apathy towards people that makes disregarding them easy


When it comes to our brain, the line between crazy and sane is not clear cut.

I came here for the raritwi

I am toroughly terrified, and absolutely hooked with this au

For a second or two, I thought the story would have ended with Rarity taking care of Cadence.
Really nice story dude!

this seem to be an accurate enough depiction of sociopathy not textbook , not exactly the best ive seen in writting media.BUT SPOT ON i commend you friendo you did an amazing job in this story

Hopefully gets tackled and ruminates in the Police cruiser.

Sometimes, I want to be content and compassionate and I want to no longer have to worry about all of these ridiculous situations and nuances I’m always needing to weasel my way out of.

"Don't f*ck with me Ma'm Belle. We both know that is a blatant lie."


The problem is, people imagine autistic people as being simply card-counting savants, not living, breathing, feeling individuals.

Autists can love people, we just don't know how to express it.

Yeah, that's also annoying too.

This one deserve a sequel , since there is so much that could happen in such a setting.
I really like the voice given to Rarity here , and her inner monologue really portrayed who she is quite well.
Very telling that she proposed all of that , but couldn't come up with simply apologizing.
Makes me feel sorry for both Twilight and Rarity here , Twilight for having the misfortune of loving Rarity , and Rarity for having the misfortune of not being emotionaly able to reciprocate.

Hello! I've done a review for your story here!

Prepare for a pretty long read, haha :twilightsheepish:

Question is, Twilight actually in the cruiser, or are they gonna lock the door on her?

Read the sequel and find out my dude.

Yeesh, this hit pretty close to home for me.

Sociopathy is... Often difficult to articulate, I've found.

Luckily I have a lifetime of experience in the field of hiding it behind several facades, general misanthropy, and crippling depression:pinkiehappy:

And taking those blank spaces left behind by a number of ego breakdowns, mental crises and psychic deaths, I carved the abilities to empathize, advocate and near-flawlessly emulate emotions I no longer have.

Still can't stand children, romantic love, or authority thigh.

So... Good job writing a broken, almost passing shell of a "person"

Reading this with the Film Noir music from Whose Line is it Anyway transformed this short story from great to perfection. So well written, it really let's you get into the headspace that Rarity lives with. Can't wait to read the sequel!

I decided, after no small amount of hemming and hawing, to be good. As good as I could be, given my condition. More effort was put into learning how people tick, how their hearts worked and what I was supposed to feel. Of course, I can’t feel it, but I can understand it intellectual. I am still though, excuse the French, our little team’s weakest link, after all.


Looks at title

Hmm, seems rarity has something in common with many users on here

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