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Botched Lobotomy

Imprisoned (without charges) by the Paw Patrol


There's something off with Sunset Shimmer, something not quite right. Things are...fine, her relationship is...fine, but maybe that's the problem.

An entry for Oroboro's Sunset Shipping contest

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 23 )

All right, I'm intrigued!!
I'm curious what's happening... if this was regular life I'd say Sunset is starting to feel symptoms of depression and will need to jump on that or risk her relationship.
But this is not regular life I'm reading about- there's not only magic, but there's Sci-Twi. I am suspicious about this experiment name of hers, and can only hope it really is as cute and innocent as it sounds.
Loving your writing style, btw. It's very easy to read, good flow, and like I could just sink into it.
(now to see what happens in all these upcoming chapters!)

Not where I expected the story to go, but a nice change of pace showing the friendship between these two, while the drama with Twilight is still very much there, bubbling underneath. The whole thing feels so natural, and I like your flow of dialogue, it really feels so natural between these two.

Call me a hopeless optimist, but I feel like this can still work out. The issue appears to be more with Sunset specifically than the relationship. (Granted, that would go against the prompt, but I just want these two to be happy, darn it!)

In any case, very nice little investigation of a mystery Sunset didn't want to admit she'd already solved. Thank you for it, and best of luck in the judging.

You know, I didn't really care for this chapter until right at the very end...

“It’s a terrible thing to say, darling, but sometimes things just don’t work out.”

This was very fitting and poignant, and I loved that it was said not even in the context of their romance, but Sunset (and the reader) pick up on it in a heartbeat. It feels like one of the strongest themes in the story.
Honestly, I think the first two-thirds of this chapter could have been cut or trimmed, I was wondering when something would actually happen! (and it did)

Kinda glad these two got a joint chapter- it's a pretty languidly paced fic, which is sorta nice but mainly makes me wonder when something is actually going to happen, although it is overall a very slice of life story, so personal preference.
Don't often see this pairing, but it works here, mainly because there's not much time to question it and it's presented naturally enough that I just go with it- the little jokes between them were a nice touch.
As for Sunset... the tension continues to creep up.
Also you really have some lovely lines in here- that last line was beautiful imagery.

Author Interviewer

When the first few paragraphs are so good, you instantly add all the author's other stories to your RIL.

...I mean, story. <.< You need to write more.

Author Interviewer

Not enough people ship Flutterjack. I think this is literally the first time I've seen them together in EQG.

Author Interviewer

Just because an experiment doesn't give you the result you hoped for doesn't mean it's not successful.

Seems like sunset is going through something that she'll have to figure out how go solve on her own.

She wanted to say something, she really did. Specifically, she wanted to say ‘hey, yeah, we’re really good, really happy, I love that girl, you know?’ but somehow, the words just got stuck in her mouth. So she didn’t say anything except “Sure,” and after that it just didn’t seem relevant any more.

Sounds like sunset doesn't see, to love twilight anymore imo.

By the time she’d shaken a cigarette from the box, Rainbow was holding a lighter. Sunset raised an eyebrow. “I remembered you always needed one,” said Rainbow with a smile.

Never thought I'd ever see a scene like this in a eqg fan fiction story.

“It’s just...” Sunset sighed, blowing out a long line of smoke. “Honestly? I feel kind of distant. Like, detached. I mean we’re still living together and everything, and I still...still love her, but...” She looked over at Rainbow, who was watching her.

Well that's good to know at least.

“Mmm.” Sunset sucked in another breath and slowly let it out, watching the smoke wisp and tear apart on the breeze. “Why can’t things just stay the same?”

Because these things happen whether we like it or not, change has to happen to everyone young and old.

They turned back to the sky then, and after another cigarette or two, went inside. Sunset slept on an inflatable mattress Rainbow borrowed off a flatmate, and it felt like an old-school sleepover all over again, except that Rainbow had to get up early, and was already gone by the time Sunset rose.


Rarity snorted. “Have you seen that mansion Dashie’s staying in? Horrid place, but gosh the possibilities are endless. Here I’m not even allowed to cover the walls!” She tapped the plaster with a knuckle. “Regulation blue, and I’m only allowed to alter that ,” Rarity gestured to a tiny corkboard laden with everything from pictures to ribbons. Sunset noticed with a smile that several photos of the gang were pinned up alongside the magazine cutouts.

Figured she'd say that about Rainbow's place.

Manehattan wasn’t far away from Ponyville, and Rarity had neither the blow-up bed nor the space Rainbow had had, so after eating at some unpronounceable cafe, Sunset got on the train, the sun still bright in the sky. As the train puffed away from the station (apparently they were running a steam celebration day, and it had made her ticket twice the price), Sunset couldn’t get rid of the last thing Rarity had said – well, not actually the last thing, that had probably been a heartfelt goodbye – the last really important thing, anyway. It had been in the cafe, as they were finishing up some subtle cheesecake with not nearly enough flavour, light streaming through the shuttered window beside them. “It’s a terrible thing to say, darling, but sometimes things just don’t work out.”

I'd be hyped to see whatever steam engine that was pulling the train since I'm a big train fan. But sadly i think rarity might be right that sunset and twilight's relationship isn't working anymore.

“We need to keep it a little quiet cause Granny’s sleeping upstairs,” said Applejack as she plonked herself down on the couch next to Fluttershy, snaking her arm round the other girl’s shoulder, “but she’s mostly deaf now, so we should be good.”

That's quite sad to know, my family has a similar issue but it's my grandfather being blind.

She blushed. “Mostly I just help with the animals.”

Figured that is what she'd mostly do. :ajsmug:

“Nah,” Sunset shrugged. “I think I’m just gonna head to bed. I had to sit and pose for Rarity for a couple years today, so I’m a bit tired.”

That's rarity for ya.

It was always an adventure when she met Pinkie again after a while, but this was especially different. The girl’s hair was cut short – really short – and sprang up in a miniature quiff at the front. A dark purple jacket hung over her red hoodie in a sort of flesh-coloured urban get-up.

Not bad I must say.

“Caause you got the train halfway across the country to see me at almost no notice, you’ve been making rounds of the old gang, and apparently you’ve not been home for two days. Did I miss anything?”

Sometimes I forget she often acts physic and I don't think I'll ever understand pinkie pie but it's not a big issue imo.

“Sunset,” Pinkie stopped, turned round, and closed the gap between them. She took both Sunset’s hands in her own and looked very seriously into her eyes. “You already know what you have to do.”

She's right, sunset will know once she sees twilight again.

Pinkie drew her into a hug, holding her gently, like she was afraid Sunset might break in her arms. Or maybe that was just what Sunset felt like. “It’s already happened,” she said softly. “You’ve tried persevering, but it’s just too much. Embrace it. Hug it tight and flow with it, cause you can’t go back.”

She's right, no going back now.

Despite this story is very short I liked it. And it gave me a little reminder of what many people go through as time goes on.

Howdy, hi!

Definitely a banger opening. Really want to know where this story is going now with such an intriguing setup. I really like the characterization thus far of Sunset and the internal struggle is wonderfully tantalizing as a hook. Onwards!

Huh, neat. I like the build-up to the final moment and vagueness of the last piece of dialogue from Sunset. Definitely a strong story about working through one's relationship issues. The ambiguity on the ending is a nice touch, even though it seems to push towards ending everything rather than renewing their passions.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read with a really interesting concept and execution. Thanks for the read~!

ah, Rainbow Dash not expecting that from Sunset and not quite knowing what to say to that at all is just so real and relatable. all the character work so far has been fantastic, as always. just so very real and full and oof, which is kind of what i expect from you at this point

ah, that very last line of dialogue! so good that it wasn't even about her and Twilight, like Sunset is doing exegesis on her own experience of the world. and Rarity playing relationship therapist is just so very her. fantastic stuff

this is the first time i've ever read or even thought of FlutterJack and wow i love it so much! their dynamic that you portrayed here slots in so well into my brain here, particularly

“These are sturdy Apple family walls, ya heathen.”

“We re-plastered them two weeks ago,” whispered Fluttershy.

it's very understandable for Sunset to feel pain from this, contrasting her own relationship with theirs. i would, too. not to mention just the difference in philosophy there is to be had from Rarity's perspective in the previous chapter. and that Ship of Theseus bit at the end without naming it. a wonderful bit of atmosphere for both the setting of the farmhouse and how the SciSet relationship works, and a metaphor for relationships themselves, intentional or not. just divine!

ugh, such wisdom in that last line! you're really good at ending these chapters on moods. and this was fantastic Pinkie inscrutability transplanted into a very ripped-from-real-life-cool-urban-person-living setting. i wish i could write characters that feel even a quarter this real!

i've always been in Twilight's shoes here, or felt anxiety about being in Twilight's shoes here, so i can just feel what is coming up next for her. that i really felt Sunset throughout all of this is a real sign of something amazing. or maybe that anxiety really was just the mirror image of Sunset's feelings in myself that i was not acknowledging then, or something.

in case you can't tell, i really loved this. just that final taking-in of the apartment. and Rarity's out-of-context words echoing in my head as i read this. an amazing example of low-concept done well, just sinking into this bit of Sunset's life and her skin. and i just loved that the only dialogue exchanged between them in this fic was "Hey"; like any good experiment, avoiding any forms of exploration that would interfere with the results.

just brilliant stuff here. it makes me feel like i am reading something truly real in a way that's hard to get to even by authors who try very much their hardest to give that sense of verisimilitude. thank you so much for it

it feels odd to call this fic comforting, because the events of the story really dont have that feeling when considered on their own, but i think it absolutely nails the feeling of a stagnating relationship (friendship or romantic) and is just so familiar and... i dunno, real. i think that familiarity is comforting, even if the content itself is not. if that makes any sense at all haha

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