• Published 21st Oct 2019
  • 636 Views, 24 Comments

Meta Gamer in Equestria: Champion's Folly - reflective vagrant

The final instalment of the MGiE, our protagonist now faces his greatest adversary.

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The Hole Where my Heart Once Stood (Pain, Part 5)

Author's Note:

Or, as the alternative title of this chapter was once planned to be: Champion's Folly.

When the song was over, the crowd cheered. I mostly was mixed between my feelings of it only partly fitting my late friend, and how not all the notes had translated well in the machine. Some of the instruments were different from my home world's instruments, and they got some of the melodies a little off. Had I not been in such a downer, though, I still might have been able to relax and enjoy it otherwise.

Guiding Star quickly took the notes out of the machine and returned them to the tube, and then the tube to her saddlebag. She faltered momentarily as she stepped down from the slightly raised platform dedicated to the karaoke corner.

When I saw the entire crowd get up at this, I found myself a little shocked, as it was only a minor trip. Intrigued, I got up and asked the nearest stallion that stood about it while one of the mares went to check on her.

The stallion could only scratch his head and gesture out to the crowd.

"Like we said before, she's our lady. It's hard to explain. Guiding Star isn't related to any of us, and yet she's the center of a family here in Canterlot. She's touched our hearts and helped us through troubles. She's a counselor and a shoulder to cry on. More than once the guys have had to... aggressively clarify to an outsider that she isn't just some floozy that gets stallions to wish she was their mare-friend. She's been active in our lives, helping us come together. She helped Silver Spear learn to cook for his daughter when his wife passed and helped him and other single parents here to work together and make a support net for raising their foals. She's counseled Flintspark on controlling her temper and staying focused on her artisan work to where she'd be able to support herself solely with her crafted works now, if she wanted."

The stallion then looked at me and then down in a subtle shame. "And while I don't know how many she's helped, as it's part of her job to keep the privacy of her charges, I can at least say she helped me with my nightmares in my darkest hour. If it wasn't for her having gone above and beyond the call of duty back then, I might not be here today."

He brought his head back up and put on a thinking face.

"She's like a mother to all of us, except that she's our age and never tried to treat us like children? She's like our surrogate big sister we've grown to love, but not. It's kinda hard to put into words. She's kind, supportive, and always knows just what to say to help us through our woes. She's just, 'Our lady.'"

As he was finishing, I tilted my head back in thought about Fluttershy for a moment. With a nod, I looked back at him and I think he could see I understood what he meant, but I said it anyway.

"I think I get it. I have some... somepony like that too. Maybe she can help me through this slump."

I got up and turned to Tempest. "I think I'm ready to go now, but I need to talk to Fluttershy. Maybe on the train ride back to Ponyville tomorrow."

She nodded in kind. "Scraps hasn't shown up like he said he would, so I need to search for him anyway. I give him an inch and he runs off... He's in big trouble when I find him."

As Tempest and I left the rest of the group at the tavern, Archimedes was happy to finally see us come out, coming down to my shoulder from his spot on the sign just outside the tavern.

I heard a, "I told you the owl wasn't wild! Pay up!" from the tavern as we walked through the street and back to the inn at the edge of the city.

* * *

We found ourselves almost to the inn, where about every creature from Ponyville in our group was staying, and one or two others.

Suddenly, we saw Fluttershy and Scraps running into the city gates in tandem.

As they saw us, Scraps called out "Scraps keep promise! Scraps protect big sister Fluttershy!"

Running up to meet them, Fluttershy went straight to me. She was almost out of breath, her face scared, begging for help. Looking up and around for danger, I listened carefully as I held her. I could sense that familiar kindness in her voice through it all.

As she spoke, I saw a humanoid skeleton straight up murder the two guards at the gate and come running at us. It was missing one hand and its skull looked charred like it had been on fire.

"We're in trouble! Dal..."

I didn't even have time to react as I heard the laced magic pierce the night.


All of a sudden, Fluttershy went limp in my embrace. Looking down, I saw her expression wasn't changed, but her head had flopped back and there was no longer a spark in her eyes. Her body was no more harmed than it was a moment before, but I couldn't feel the rapid heartbeat anymore. I couldn't feel any heartbeat at all.

My world went quiet. I could sense Discord springing to action, but it barely registered. It was like there was too much pain in the air and the emotions had to be delegated. Discord held enough fury for the both of us, while I held our dear Fluttershy with enough sadness for the both of us in kind. I knew Dalock was free somehow, and that he was a threat to Equestria, but all I could think of was sadness. Pure, suffocating sadness. My heart beat against my rib cage so hard that it genuinely felt like it wanted to jump right out of my chest and into hers to take over for the one that had stopped, futilely struggling against the truth my mind was telling it.

Fluttershy was dead in my arms.

Fluttershy was dead in my arms.

Fluttershy was dead in my arms.

Fluttershy was dead in my arms.

Fluttershy was dead in my arms.

Fluttershy was dead in my arms.

Fluttershy was dead in my arms.

Fluttershy was dead in my arms.

Moment by moment, my mind kept repeating it to my heart, but my heart kept screaming no. No matter how many times my mind repeated it, my heart kept fighting back with no end in sight to the struggle between the two.

"She's..." I heard Discord whimper.

Looking up, I saw what I suspected to be bone marrow on his talon and paw.

As he reached for her, I instinctively waved one hand over his extended talon and called out, "Nikto."

he looked at me in surprise as his talon was suddenly pristine. With a gaze into each other's pain stricken eyes, he understood where I was coming from.

"He has no right to touch her, not even his marred remains."

He stroked her mane as gently as I had ever seen him be gentle with anything. It was like his fury had bled off and he was finally able to accept his half of the sadness, because it was as if the weather itself came to his chaotic beckon call to help him cry.

The rain started coming down from what was crystal clear night just prior as he spoke again with a weak, almost chocked whisper.

"She's... Really gone."

It was at this point my brain finally took a sucker punch from my heart, and my heart took over leading the two like I was a scared little child.

"No. She's not. Not yet."

He looked up at me, at first in confusion, but then in a cold aggression. Cold flames licked the edge of his mouth as he gave a very insistent command, "Explain."

My mind gave one last bout of logic with what I was about to do, but my heart quickly pinned it down like a wrestler, unable to object again.

"There's a spell I know how to cast through the Animus Mundi. I just became aware of it recently. It can bring her back to us, but we need materials. My mistletoe sprig isn't sufficient."

He pulled his head back, his eyes went to flames, but flames with dark centers. With a voice akin to a demon showing carefully measured patience bought with my compliance, he growled deeply, "What do you need?"

"High quality oils and unguents. As much and as rare as you can find. I'll meet you at the inn."

"No spa or hospital storehouse will be spared." With a brief snapping of his talon, he was gone. His voice lingered for but a moment, saying, "Make good on your spell, or you will wish you had shared her fate."

I pressed my amulet, knowing I wouldn't have a hand free soon, and then hefted. When I tried to get up, I stumbled in the effort to hold her in my weak arms.

Tempest and Scraps tried to help but quickly backed off when I lashed out at them.

"Stay back! I'll get her there by myself! Just make sure we have a clear path to the inn."

It took me a few tries, but I managed to finally stand while holding her in my arms.

I tried to move but quickly found her head rolling to the side. I tried to shift my weight to shift her head to my shoulder, but almost fell over again in the process. Ultimately, Tempest came up and carefully moved her head so that it would rest on my shoulder, but quickly backed away again as soon as she was done.

"Are you sure you can really save her?"

I turned to look her in the eyes. I tried to form words but the determination of my glare would have to suffice, because all I could do was turn back and start walking.

One step after another. The rain wasn't thick, just a light drizzle, but it was still starting to wet the dirt side road the inn was on and make it cake to my boots.

With the extra burden, it took a good fifteen minutes before we reached the fence that blocked off the back corner of the inn. My arms burned, much as my legs were starting to, but I pushed on.

As I rounded the corner, the mud started getting thick enough to cause my boots to want to sink and slip. Tempest and Scraps had already reached the in before me and were holding the door open. The inn keeper and Zecora were still up, talking deeply when they saw me coming in with Fluttershy in tow.

I signaled Tempest with my head to a table and called "Clear, empty," to her in crude Equestrian, with my amulet long sense deactivated.

Tempest quickly cleared the table and I carefully set Fluttershy down on it.

When the inn keeper started making a fuss about breaking cups and the mess it made, I simply tossed the entirety of my bit bag at him, landing at his hooves. It wasn't much, with me having inconsistent employment, but it was more than enough to pay for a few wooden mugs, plates and a broken lantern. With that covered, I simply went back to positioning Fluttershy's body in a respectful resting position.

Zecora, being the healer she was, came up to Fluttershy and came to realize the truth right as I shoved her back.

"You were wise to bring her but it is too late, I dread. There is nothing I can do, for she is already dead."

I gave a solid glare at Zecora and pressed my amulet into my chest so hard it hurt, "Maybe you can't do anything for her. But you wanted me to show you miraculous magic? Well sit back and you'll see your god damned miracle!"

Zecora cocked her head slightly as the gears turned in her head. At first even the wise shaman didn't get it, but soon enough her jaw dropped as the spark of realization came to her eyes.

"It took me a bit, but now I know for sure. I know you are upset, but you don't want to do this, Moss." I heard Archimedes call to me in my mind.

Turning to my familiar, I pointed my finger straight at him. As much as I've come to respect him, that was the furthest thing on my mind.

"Archimedes! You are my familiar." I paused for just a moment as I let this sink in. His eyes widened in horror. "And now I order you as my familiar, do not speak to me and do not interfere!"

Immediately, I found his body stiffen as the magic that bound him to that form forced him to obey my order.

With nothing left to do but wait for Discord, I simply sang to Fluttershy to let some of the sadness out. I sang boldly. I sang slowly. And I sang as if she and I were the only two in the room, because I didn't care about the others hearing.

"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You made me happy, when skies were grey."

Tears flowed anew out of my eyes as I stroked her cheek.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't... take... my sunshine..."

I couldn't finish and found myself falling to my knees in a straight up sob fest.

I just started sobering up when Discord popped in with more canisters and bottles of the supplies I asked for than I could count.

"I hope this is enough? What else do you need?" He saw my face and the fact that I had been sobbing. "I hope you aren't getting cold feet?" His paw and talon were on my shoulders as I looked at the canisters on the floor. I felt the icy fire of his breath go right down my back at this point. It didn't bother me in the slightest. I simply shoved him off like a badass in response, even though I knew he could squash me with no effort, and knelt down to the canisters.

I didn't know exactly what I was looking for, but I took a breath to center myself and attune into the Animus Mundi. Letting her whispers guide me through the canisters and bottles as I tested them, I eventually found the correct ones.

After picking a few, and grabbing a couple more than she seemed to indicate just to not accidentally apply too little, I looked up at him. "These will work. I don't know how many shots I'll get at this. Just keep the others back to make sure I don't get interrupted and I'll do my part."

* * *

It was a slow and meticulous process. The Animus Mundi whispered in my ear on where to apply the thick medical paste/oil and what patterns to draw on the table. I found myself apologizing multiple times to Fluttershy as I applied it to her face and barrel.

The spell slot was long since invested into the spell, being drawn into the patterns. Even though it was taking so long, it was not a ritual casting. This spell had to expend one of my highest level spell slots in spite of the time it took and I made a point to not let any noise interrupt me. I only had a tiny handful of them. I didn't even look up from my work as the rest of the old crew came in from the tavern with Plasma Wave. I knew Discord would do his part and keep them back. I could answer questions later.

Finally, the crescendo of the spell came and I closed my eyes placing my hands on her hoof, calling out "Auntie Equis, please bring her back to us!"

I heard gasps from the audience, but kept my eyes closed in some symbolic desperation. The table tilted suddenly as if something had fallen on it and I found myself falling backwards on my ass as the table flipped the other way.

It was over. Success or failure, it was over.

I heard the coughing and a gasp of a mare from the other side of the table. Then suddenly, I heard a familiar, sweet, angelic voice call out. "Dalock! He's loose! His sta-"

She couldn't finish as I saw Discord suddenly sweep the mare up into his arms.

"Fluttershy! Dear, sweet Fluttershy! You've come back to us!"

The draconequus was positively kissing her all over her forehead as tears flew up from his eyes and to the ceiling.

Finally managing to let the mare pry him away, he turned to me and gave the warmest, most sincere smile I had ever seen him give. I knew no matter what I did, I would never be able to put that kind of smile back onto his face again.

With that turn, he properly revealed the mare he held on to so tightly.

My mind went blank at what I saw, but only for a moment.

The pony before me looked remarkably like Fluttershy in many ways. Her identical cutie mark, her pink mane, her yellow fur, her kind smile and her embarrassed blush. But there was something else. Fangs.

Looking closer, I saw flecked ear ends. She also had a slight slit in her eyes that were barely distinguishable from normal eyes in the dark inn at a glance. At her sides were not the feathered wings of a pegasus, but something more bat like.

This mare was a thestral.

And yet I wasn't shaken by the otherwise scary demeanor. I was hardly even shaken for a moment by the change at all. Reincarnate had a vast majority likelihood of changing the species of the creature it was cast on in the game. Statistically speaking there might have even been about a fifty fifty chance of her coming back male, or whatever the gender ratio was for ponies. Probably close. I simply saw this shift as a scar to mark the occasion at worst.

My heart positively wept joy at the sight of her. With Discord opening up his paw in invitation to the group hug, I joined in merrily.

Discord spun us around in the air with joy until we started getting as dizzy as we were joyful.

When we came down, he finally let us go. I nuzzled my forehead to hers in simple happiness, then came up and spoke.


And then I saw it. Laying on the ground, tumbled over next to the table was Fluttershy. Or rather, Fluttershy's corpse.

With the sheer relief of the moment before easing the tensions of my heart, my brain got loose of the metaphorical choke hold and threw the heart off, pushing it back down to the secondary driving force that it was.

I had just cast the forbidden spell.

Looking around, I saw Zecora's jaw so slack it was mere inches from the floor and looked like it was threatening to unhinge itself to finish the drop. Plasma Wave and Tempest were similarly surprised. The inn keeper, the rest of the old crew and one of the other patrons of the inn that had come in without me noticing were looking at me like I had just bested all four alicorn princesses in a four on one duel.

The scariest part was that none of them had the look of horror on their face at what I had done. I had raised the dead. I broke the taboo barrier between life and death. I touched a power that I felt only god all mighty had the right to wield.

Looking down at the corpse again, I realized I didn't even have enough knowledge to scratch the surface of what I had done. Was this actually Fluttershy? Was this a new soul with her memories? Or was this some fraction of her ripped back from the afterlife and she was now incomplete on the other side?

My own trampling over the sanctity of life aside, I had no idea what the ramifications of this spell was. I had no idea what the ramifications on the kingdom was going to be. Was I going to be looked upon like a prophet? Was Zecora and the other servants going to pry into the secrets of this? I honestly had no idea what was going to happen, or what I should do.

So I ran.

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