• Published 30th Oct 2019
  • 3,709 Views, 257 Comments

A Deer Named John - Teapot Tales - Tael_Spinner

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Main Arc 2 - Chapter 1: Return of the Shadow


What a difference a day can make when living with pegasi. It had only taken a few hours to cover the browns and oranges of autumn plants with the white of winter snow. I smirked to myself as I trotted through the town on my morning rounds. Good thing armour like mine magically regulated the heat.

I glanced up at the thick clouds above. Snow was still lightly falling. I nodded to myself and trotted on; my eyes scanning for each and every former human in town. The locals were still ignorant to their true origins, calling them Outlanders. Especially those who hadn’t been turned into ponies.

All the locals of Ponyville knew was that the Outlanders had been saved in a battle to the north of Equestria and they needed help in restarting their lives. In true Equestrian fashion, the Ponyvillians had risen to the challenge, welcoming all as best they could. They took a little longer with the more exotic newcomers, like the two minotaurs, but soon they were all just part of the scenery.

In fact, there was Susan the minotauress now, helping Morning Glow with unloading goods for her stall. I gave a short nod before trotting onward. Many others I saw, got the same nod. Other than those I knew were still helping with the snowfall, I was quickly accounting for nearly every former human. Except for two in particular.

My brow creased at the thought. I hadn’t seen the gryphons, Ekks and Drake, for a few weeks. I pushed aside my concerns and pressed on. Whatever they were doing, at least they had promised to check in with the local authorities wherever they ended up and that would eventually filter through the record keeping.

I just hoped they weren’t anywhere near Vanhoover. My jaw clenched as I recalled the most recent reports. Although it had taken several months, the city had been retaken. At least the buildings had been. When the guard moved in on that eerily quiet morning, they found the streets empty of ponies and only broken belongings scattered everywhere.

As for the army itself, like its leader, it had completely disappeared. Reconnaissance flights by pegasi found no trace of their movements, much like what remained from the first battle to free the former humans. It was as if Sombra could suck away everything, tents, equipment, even hoofprints whenever he engulfed an area in his smoky form.

I nodded at another pair of former humans; these two looked rather cold as they huddled close, probably on their way to the market with nothing but their fur to protect them from the snow. Even so, with their relatively easy postures and calm demeanours, if I didn’t know they were former humans from my briefings, I would have easily mistaken them for regular ponyvillians.

Because of that, it was a struggle even trying to imagine what they all claimed to have been. The psychologists said they weren’t crazy. Hard to call them that when there were so many saying the same thing. And the psychologists were the best. Brought in by her Highness, the unicorns had checked them all thoroughly, probing their minds with magic in search of any deceptions. All they reported was confusion and fear.

Now, here they were, going about their day in such a peaceful village; at least the few assigned to living in Ponyville. It was nothing like where they had been or what they had seen. Not that they could remember much, whatever they had done while under influence of those helmets was lost to the magic controlling them.

All had worn them. All of them… except one. John.

Even at the sight of her, I couldn’t help but smile. She was walking with two other former humans, the yak she called her kin, Jackie, and the earth pony, Richard. Well, walking was a loose description as the yak spent most of his time jumping into the snow drifts at each side of the street. Giggling loudly at his fun, Jackie tossed the snow about, showering John and Richard in the process.

Richard scowled and shuddered, grumbling to himself in annoyance while Jackie bounded on to the next snow drift, the earth trembling faintly with every heavy hooffall. My jaw tightened but I kept my expression as stoic as any soldier worth their salt. Even General Mountain, the tower of solid earth pony strength, managed to step without making a sound. This yak could do with some guidance if he couldn’t make the effort of reining himself in.

I nodded to myself before looking to the others. Perhaps John could get him… him…

I froze mid-step, a front hoof raised, at the sight of John in front of me. Lightly dusted with snow, she shook her body from horn tip to tail, sending the last of the snow flying before her fur puffed out when she stopped. I couldn’t help but smile and chuckle at the sight.

How do you describe one such as her? The only one known to have escaped Sombra’s forces. Brave to walk a world she didn’t know by herself. Driven to seek out her friends and family even when stopped by ponies who brushed her aside.

The joy at seeing her sank within me as I remembered my first meeting with her. I was one of them. A unicorn only too willing to think of this lone deer as crazy. Yet, she not only proved herself to speak the truth, but so loyal to her friends that she, untrained even in her druidic magic, walked into battle with us in order to free those under Sombra’s control.

Jackie charged on ahead before diving into another snowdrift, throwing snow everywhere, most of which splashed John and Richard again.

I sighed, smiling to myself as I moved to stroll beside John, Richard at her other side. John had such a big heart. She even took it upon herself to help those most shaken by their arrival in our world.

“Getting too comfortable being native,” Richard muttered.

I shot a glance at him and did my best to keep my expression neutral. With my mandate to watch and assess all former humans in Ponyville, Richard was one of a few who carried a lot of anger at what had happened to him and his people. Not that any of them could really do anything, they weren’t trained to deal with magic like members of the guard. That said, John shared many of Richard’s concerns, but she didn’t appear to let it drag her down so heavily.

I looked at John again, the faint smile on her lips and spark of joy in her eyes as she watched her fully-grown yak sibling play. So much to unpack there, even as I shrugged off the latest wild spray of snow from the horns and coarse fur of the yak.

Richard glared at Jackie while loudly speaking to John. “Better watch him or you’ll lose your sister to being a beast in this world.”

Not waiting for a response, Richard trotted away from us. As he passed Jackie, he gave an irritated flick of his tail at the yak. With his tail being so short, it never had a chance of striking Jackie in the face.

Jackie stared after the angry earth pony then shook his head, puffed out his chest and bellowed, his deep voice shaking snow from the nearby eaves, “At least I’m having fun!”

Richard didn’t even twitch an ear as he trotted into the distance.

Jackie stood snorting breath after breath as he glowered at the last sight of Richard. Letting out a frustrated growl, Jackie set his shoulders, then stomped in the opposite direction leaving John and myself to stare after him.

I narrowed my gaze. Jackie. One of the former humans, as her Highness had labelled them. Like John, he claimed to be born the gender opposite to the one he now displayed. These three plus Susan were some of the few who kept their names from their former lives. Most had chosen new ones of their own. That said, it was even more surprising how many of them had decided they liked the names given to them by the one my fellow guards continued to fight and search for in the far north-west.

When there was a safe distance between myself and Jackie, my instinctively tightened muscles relaxed and I eased my stance. My ear twitched at a soft breath beside me. My heart leapt when I realised John was still next to me; less than a hoof gap between us.

Turning to face her again, the smile I was preparing to show vanished the moment I saw John’s face. Gone was the sparkle of joy as worry crept in. She raised a front hoof and slender leg as if readying to hurry after either Jackie or Richard, but she remained in place. She looked unsure of who to help.

Checking both directions, neither Jackie or Richard was in sight, leaving us to stand in the brisk morning air. I cocked an ear at the sound of several wings of ponies beating their way across the sky above. A glance later and I witnessed the waterfall of pegasi, bat ponies and other creatures as they swooped away from their clouds and flew across the town.

In passing, I noticed there were only a few snowflakes still fluttering from the clouds. The first fall was finally over. Looking in the direction of the flock above, I chuckled. Time for a celebration.

John was still locked in her worry when I looked at her again. My eyes quickly flicked around the area, spotting a café a short distance away. Now, what to say to get us there? I scrunched my nose in frustration while the words I needed continued to escape me. Clenching my jaw, I mentally cursed my long running inability to ask a girl out. I was a grown stallion and a Lieutenant in the Guard, for Celestia’s sake! Why was this so hard?

I cleared my throat and John’s gaze shot to me. The tension in my face instantly faded when we locked eyes and my heart beat even faster. Becoming the centre of her attention, my voice unintentionally warbled out a suggestion, “Well, want to go for a warm drink?”

My face grew warm and I smiled as I cleared my throat again, hoping to get the warble under control.

John blinked at me then quickly shook her head.

My smile fell, then John spoke, “Uh, sounds good?”

My breath caught in my throat and I simply stared at her, my heart now beating heavily in my ears. It was so loud; I barely caught her next words. “Think they both need to cool off.”

I couldn’t help the grin on my face as I nodded to the nearby café and led John toward the doors.

As we approached, the doors swung open; a magical glow on the handles. The unicorn waitress greeted us with a smile and directed us to a booth in the mostly empty café. “Be right with ya, huns. Make ya’selfs comfortable.”

When the doors closed behind us, a soft, rapid set of thumps reverberated from it. Stepping between the doors and John, I squared my shoulders and readied my magic, only to see three blobs of snow sliding down the glass of the doors.

“Is that normal?” John’s rich voice tickled my ear as she moved next to me.

“Nothin’ to worry about, hun,” assured the waitress from the other side of the café. “Take a seat and I’ll be with ya just after these fine folks.”

When nothing else struck the door after a few more seconds, I let the tension fade along with my magic. I turned to see the waitress, who was busy depositing the plates of waffles and bowls of fruit at the table of the only other customers, giving them assurances as well. “Always best to stay somewhere nice, warm and cosy on a day like this.”

Settling into our booth, I lifted my helmet and placed it on the seat beside me before running magic through my mane to smooth it back. The front lock of my mane flopped free, falling in front of my nose. I glared at it for a second before noticing John gazing off to the snow-lined window next to our booth.

While John was distracted, I took a moment to simply observe her. The softness of her fur. The gentle curve of her muzzle from brow to nose tip. Her delicate nose and the paler fur of her chin. The gentle shape of her small antlers… I could have stared at her for hours.

“Oh my,” the waitress said. I jumped at her voice and found her suddenly standing at the end of the table. “Aren’t you an interesting couple.”

She winked at me, adding, “Such an exotic catch.”

By the wilder look in her eye, John appeared just as startled as I was when she turned to face the waitress. John quickly found her tongue.

“We aren’t a couple,” she said. When the words sank in, I gave a nervous chuckle.

The waitress’ smile grew just as nervous as she pressed on. “Sorry. I saw ya both together an’ just thought–”

She quickly, almost comically, shook her head then held up her notepad and pencil with her magic. “What would ya like to drink?”

John never even looked at her menu. “A hot chocolate, please.”

I felt one of my eyebrows shoot up at her choice. I was expecting some kind of tea or coffee. Another glance toward the waitress and, noticing her smiling at me while taking peeks at John, I quickly gave my response. “Same, please.”

A scratch at her notepad was quickly followed by another smile from the waitress before making her exit. “Comin’ right up!”

With the waitress gone, I watched as John visibly deflated. If she had a mane, she would have run her hooves through it. Instead, she held her head as she mumbled to herself. My ears pricked forward to pick up what she said.

“…been living here for almost six months. How am I still such a strange sight to ponies?”

“Deer are rarely seen in Equestria, especially this far south.”

John sighed. “Always being judged for an outward appearance I cannot change.”

Quietly watching John rub at her temples, I could feel my chest tighten as my mind drifted back to only a few months prior. To when I first encountered her in Farrier’s Rest. An unexpected refugee among many ponies. One who told a fantastical tale which quickly turned my life and those of many others upside-down. Incredibly skittish, unsurprising during the attack, she became a fierce protector of her friends and family, even when they were a threat to her safety.

Remembering the moment she first summoned the vines, along with the destruction and distraction they brought… I felt my heart sink. What I had done in the minutes and days after, it was what I had been taught to do. Neutralise threats, keep others from danger, return order and safety to those I was charged with defending. John wasn’t so different. I had even watched her learn from her mistakes in the months following. Taking everything on her shoulders along with the worries of strangers.

Words slipped from my tongue before I realised I was speaking, “I’m sorry.”

John lifted her head, hooves still at her temples, and gazed at me. Eyes confused, wondering. Doing my best to not be drawn into her face, I rushed on, words spilling out.

“I shouldn’t have arrested you,” I said. “I mean, yes, it was following what I had been taught. Keeping citizens safe from harm. You were just trying to do the same, just not in the orthodox methods I was used to.”

John’s snout crinkled slightly at my words. She lowered her hooves and settled herself across the booth from me. “Okay, not what I was expecting you to say.”

She arched a slender eyebrow. “You do remember how I had no idea how to safely control plants at the time, right?”

I felt myself nodding.

“I didn’t even know I could control plants then. I could’ve hurt ponies with them without thinking, especially with me being an adult in terms of deer culture. Silverthorn was very clear about how extreme emotions can spark wild growth.”

I cut in. “You were scared and just as in danger as every other pony in Farrier’s Rest. I should have treated you just like any other pony. I’m sorry for that too. I should have acted more diplomatic.”

John fixed me with a strong stare. “Let me remind you, we were under attack. Everyone in the village was under attack. You did what you were trained to do; protect ponies. And you did that. Everything else that happened wasn’t normal and you did what you thought was right at the time. Even Cremator doesn’t hold it against you and you arrested her too.”

I did my best to smile but my heart wasn’t in it. John was right, even about Cremator. That dragoness didn’t appear capable of holding grudges. My brow furrowed as my thoughts continued to scrutinise the dragon of topic. Incredibly aloof but effective when given the right motivation. No wonder Sombra had valued her so much in John’s story of their arrival, transformations and enslavement.

Yet, for all her careless and carefree attitude, Cremator went out of her way to help others now stranded in our world. Much like John.

“No wonder you two are friends,” I mumbled.

“Sorry?” John asked.

“Just thinking of you and your friend Cremator,” I said. “How alike you are in wanting to help others. Richard for example.”

John shrugged and gave a weak smile. “Not much we can do but help each other. We’re all a long way from home and our families.”

I felt myself nodding. I was well aware of how many of the former humans were separated from their families. I was brought out of my thoughts by another question from John.

“What about you?”

I blinked quickly before focusing on her again. “What about me?”

“Don’t your parents worry about you? You are a soldier after all.”

“I’ve been in the guard a few years now,” I replied, squaring my shoulders. “Mostly training until my first posting. Farrier’s Rest.”

I gave her what I hoped was a knowing look in the hope she caught the added meaning. “My parents are used to me being away. They’re the ones who wanted me to be an officer. Felt I would be safer than just being a regular soldier. Meant I was living with my aunt in Canterlot for schooling before the Officer’s Academy accepted my application.”

I smiled again as I heard the return of the waitress. “Like I said, they’re used to me not being home m–”

Several soft thumps reverberated against the window beside our booth. My ears flattened and I readied my horn for action even before I turned to face the attack. All I could see, much like with the door when we arrived, were the remains of snowballs as they tumbled to the ground outside.

“Don’t worry too much about that, hun,” the waitress said, her magic placing our drinks in front of us. “It happens this time every year. Sort of a Ponyville tradition.”

“Thank you,” John said, nodding to the waitress before holding her mug in both hooves, simply letting the warmth seep into her from the touch.

“Ya welcome, hun.” The waitress’ grin was so big, I could see almost all of her teeth. “Anythin’ else I can get for ya?”

I glanced at John, who was now taking her first sip, then back to the waitress. “This is fine for now, thank you.”

“All right then” she continued to grin. “Just call if ya need anythin’.”

As she slipped away, I caught something she said under her breath. “Still think those two would make a cute couple.”

I simply raised my mug to my lips for a long sip. I tried to match John for how long she drank, but the drink was too hot. I held it to the side while I swallowed before it could burn my mouth. And John just kept drinking.

When she finally stopped, John set the mug down and continued to hold it in both hooves. She took a long breath then slowly let it out, her nose crinkled in annoyance. “Just having a drink together doesn’t make us a couple.”

I cleared my throat and brought my mug in for another sip.

John rolled her eyes, adding, “Happened back home, too. Worse was when they think you’re dating your own sister just because you both look closer in age than you actually are.”

My throat clenched and I clamped my lips shut, hoping not to spray hot chocolate all over John’s face. Doing my best to quickly swallow it all, I set my mug down and started coughing.

“Sorry,” John said, watching as I did my best to stop coughing. More snowballs thumped against one of the nearby windows. Whatever was happening outside must have been one intense snowball fight.

“It’s okay,” I said, still recovering.

John shrugged, leaning back and the worry leaving her face. “It’s just a peeve of mine. Too many people assume a boy and girl are dating if they drink or eat together. Heaven forbid they be friends who like spending time together.”

She smiled as she eyed me, “Know what I mean?”

“Not really,” I said, using a napkin to wipe away any lingering chocolate on my face.

Her eyebrow shot up and her smile grew sly. My heart skipped a beat at the mischievous twinkle in her eye. “Not many wanting to make friends in the guard or not much of a chance for dating while training?”

I felt my face cringe and I unintentionally sucked in a breath. “There weren’t many of us in officer training when I was there and most of them were of noble families.”

I swear she looked like she was enjoying watching me squirm. I did my best to get myself under control with a shrug and said, “As for dating, it depended on the pony.”

To her credit, John looked a little surprised at my response. “Thought dating would be frowned upon in the guard.”

Another shrug from my shoulders and I gave her my best teasing smile. “The Captain of the Guard is married to the Princess of Love.”

“Ah,” John said with a knowing nod. “To be otherwise would be hypocritical.”

We both chuckled and took another sip of our drinks.

“Looks like you’re getting really good at adapting to our world.”

Now it was John’s turn to cringe. “I’m still not used my antlers. I’m on my fifth pillow in two months.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. At least she knew what it was like for a unicorn, waking up with an impaled pillow stuck to your head. The smile didn’t leave my muzzle as I listened to her giggles; it was like music in my ears.

“Yeah,” John said, easing back in her seat. “Never had to worry about that back home. Pillows barely even messed up my hair.”

It was so good to see her taking a chance to relax. She always looked so tense with how much she worried about her friends and the other former humans. Not that she really needed to. It was my assignment after all.

I leaned forward and said, “You know–”

The front doors of the café burst open, blasting us with the chill of outside. I turned in time to see a grey pegasus mare in silver light armour assessing her surroundings. When she spotted me, she drew herself up and trotted forward.

“Lieutenant Spears?” the mare saluted.

“Private?” I returned her salute.

“Private Silver Wing,” she replied, reaching a hoof into her armour. She quickly pulled out a folded piece of paper with a wax seal on it. “Message for you, Lieutenant.”

“Thank you, Private,” I said, taking the message in my magic. My jaw tightened when I recognised the seal. Not something I had expected to see so recently. Captain of the Guard. I quickly broke the seal and read through the contents, doing my best to keep my expression neutral. I knew the Private and John were watching me, no doubt others in the café were just as curious.

Parts of the message were surprising. My eyebrows remained fixed when I read the mission location. I felt them twitch slightly at the attached orders. Folding the paper back up, I frowned to myself. When I looked at John again, she appeared just as curious as the others, even a little anxious to know more. At least I would be able to tell her some of it.

I wrapped my helmet in my magic, plucking it from the seat. But not here.

“Private,” I said, fixing her with my gaze. “Return with message, We will be ready as ordered.”

Silver Wing saluted again. “Lieutenant.”

She quickly turned and exited the café.

Pulling my helmet on, I let out a heavy breath then looked to John. She looked like she had many questions to ask so I gave her what little I could. “We need to find your friend, Cremator.”

Concern flickered through her eyes. I did my best to allay them as I plucked some bits from my armour and set them on the table. Sliding out of the booth, I looked at John and said, “We may have a lead on the teapot.”

Once we left the café, we found the remains of a snowball battlefield. Some ponies were still being helped from the scene. It didn’t take long to find the green dragoness as she finished dressing a pony in a scarf and woollen hat. She didn’t see us and spread her wings to fly before I caught her in my magic and held her in place.

“We need to talk,” I said before releasing Cremator. “Follow me.”

To their credit, John and Cremator kept pace with me until we entered a private room in the town hall. Once the doors closed, I spread my magic to the surrounding area to keep anypony else from listening in.

When I felt the room was secure, I pulled the letter from my armour and read for the two former humans to hear. Due to their knowledge of Sombra and his teapot, they were to both accompany me to Canterlot. We would board a train at seventeen hundred hours at Ponyville station. Once in Canterlot, we would transfer to a second train and fall under the command of Prince Shining Armour headed for a city previously believed lost to time.

They had questions. So did I. I answered what I could, not that there was much. The letter had been short and to the point. Once they agreed, I let my magic drop and instructed them in gathering the things they would need for the journey; in particular, warm clothing.

Opening the door, we were met by two more of John’s friends. Comet Streak, the bat pony who looked incredibly tired, and Jackie. Both were concerned by our abrupt discussion with Cremator and hurried walk to the town hall. To their credit, John and Cremator only told them what they were allowed, that they were asked to help the guard with information regarding Sombra and the teapot. Absolutely nothing about our destination slipped from their lips.

Their friends were concerned, and Richard joined them by the time they mentioned Sombra and the teapot. This instantly caught the earth pony’s attention and he demanded to accompany them. John and Cremator tried to discourage him but Richard refused to listen. By the time I had reluctantly agreed to let him join us for the trip to Canterlot, the other two had joined Richard in his stubbornness.

Frustrated, and with the departure time creeping closer, I made the same agreement with them as I had with Richard. They could travel with us to Canterlot, but they would have to remain there once we arrived. At least they could have their own adventure in the city while we were busy.

We all separated to gather what we needed before coming back together at the train station. All had their saddlebags and appeared dressed for the cold. We had also picked up another member. Alongside a very bubbly Cremator walked Boo in her pegasus disguise. She shrank a little when she noticed me but stayed by Cremator’s side.

When we could see the smoke from the approaching train, we were joined by the last of their friends. Shield Breaker. A unicorn of such magical strength that he broke almost everything he wrapped in an aura when first practicing with it so many months ago. His finesse had improved greatly since being assigned a tutor. With such potential, maybe he would join the guard and gain some discipline like I had?

With him was his mentor from the Hunter’s Association, the old unicorn stallion by the name of Ochre. He touched the brim of his hat with a hoof in greeting when he noticed me then turned his attention to the empty rails in front of us. They weren’t empty for long as the train chugged into the station. It only lingered long enough to take on more water and coal while we stepped aboard and found our seats.

After a few minutes, the train shuddered and started to roll forward, headed for Canterlot. Comet Streak fell asleep almost the moment he sat down. Everypony left him to stretch out on one of the seats. He was listed among those to help the local Weather Patrol bring the snows to Ponyville. Considering how long they had been at it, I couldn’t help but be amazed by his stamina at remaining awake for so long.

Like Shield Breaker, he could be another candidate for joining the guard. Maybe as a night infiltrator or something similar. From what I had heard, he had shown great skill in aiding the Hunter’s Association, Ochre in particular on a couple of his missions.

Bat ponies in general had been such a rare sight for a long time, even in Equestria. Although a number, like Comet Streak, had suddenly appeared among the former humans, even after the return of her Highness, Princess Luna, most bat ponies had kept to the darkness. I recalled whispers from other guards, saying how after the coming of Nigthmare Moon, the bat ponies had shunned the light, fearing attacks by those thinking them to be a threat as followers of the dark lady of the night.

It was hard to say what was true. The battle with Nightmare Moon had been fought over a thousand years ago. Only a few still remembered those events, namely the Princesses themselves. Now, with these former humans stepping into the light, maybe other bat ponies would see them and step from the shadows to join them. Maybe that was the desire of their Highnesses? But, who could tell? The thoughts of the Princesses could only be guessed at best by those not close to them.

John and the rest of her friends kept to the other end of the carriage and did their best to talk in hushed tones so Comet Streak could rest. There really wasn’t much to their discussions. A little about Canterlot from Jackie and Shield Breaker, but most of it settled on why Cremator was so happy. It didn’t take long for the reason to slip. Boo had accepted her request to try dating each other and the others were very excited about it; especially Jackie.

I, however, had my concerns. Boo, the revealed changeling.

No one in Equestria had thought her to be anything more than the pegasus she showed us to be for the past few years. Even with being recruited into the guard, her secret had remained intact. Until it was accidentally discovered when processing the former humans the guard had so far rescued from Sombra, of course.

Not only was she revealed to be such a potential danger to our forces, but the only former human to have escaped Sombra, through her own actions, other than John. If Boo had told us the truth back then, we probably wouldn’t be fighting such a large force under the control of a fabled mad king.

I bit the inside of my cheek. All that aside, it was hard to blame Boo for her deception. Changelings were a rather touchy subject within the guard, especially after the attack on Canterlot by the very Queen of them all. Well, all except Boo. Her Highness herself had examined her mind and found no connection to those captured after the main Canterlot forces had been repelled.

Formally discharged from the guard, it was now on Boo to prove her loyalty to Equestria and its rulers. She was yet to put a hoof wrong, but caution was always best in these situations; especially with changelings. She was the one I watched closest as the train continued its journey.

Arriving in Canterlot, I adjusted my armour and stood ready to disembark, along with the others and a still very drowsy looking Comet Streak. When the doors opened, we were met by other armoured members of the guard, two of whom quickly stepped aboard and, using their magic, began an inspection of the carriage.

Although odd, I raised a hoof to leave the carriage but was stopped by a familiar voice. “Remain on board, Lieutenant Spears.”

I blinked away my surprise and quickly saluted as Shining Armor stepped aboard. “C-Captain Armor.”

“The train we were to use has suffered a mechanical malfunction,” the Captain explained, glancing around the carriage as the two guards continued their inspection. “Speed is essential to the mission, so this train will be used in its place.”

I kept my expression neutral and saluted again, my hoof trembling, even as Princess Mi Amore Cadenza joined him in the carriage. I quickly spoke through the unexpected events. “Yes, Captain. All un-drafted civilians will depart here, immediately.”

Captain Armor’s gaze swept across those who had travelled with me who still stood behind me. His expression hardened only once. I could assume why. Boo.

The Princess appraised the group as well. “Very good. The insight they could give may prove invaluable.”

Captain Armor slowly nodded his agreement. “They definitely have experience in combat against his forces.”

When his attention turned back to me, I stiffened my stance.

“These seven will join us,” Captain Armor stated. A smile cracked his muzzle. “We have two other former humans joining us as well.”

“Some among them are very determined to seek the teapot which transformed them,” the Princess added. “A few have extra skills which we would like to assess in the field.”

I couldn’t help it. My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

“Two gryphons,” Captain Armor explained. “Originally from your posting, I believe.”

Originally from… I blinked a few times as the cryptic words sank in. Oh. So that was what happened to Ekks and Drake. Relief washed through me. At least they were safely accounted for and they would be joining us for the mission as well. The relief I felt quickly disappeared at the thought of trying to keep so many civilians safe in unknown lands to the north. Lands once ruled over by the very pony who had seemingly returned from legends long past to enslave the humans he had transformed and more.

Once Captain Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza had moved to speak with John and her friends, I assumed about the changes to their plans, I stole a glance at John and felt worry begin to fill my heart.

Eventually, after the train was thoroughly inspected, re-supplied and boarded by a troop of Canterlot Guards, the train started moving again. Our destination: the fabled lost capital of the Crystal Empire.

Author's Note:

What was so hard/frustrating about this chapter which caused it to take so long (other than me being ill)? Mostly balancing Spears' interest in John just right. I didn't want to overdo it and I hope it came out as intended with him decently smitten but not showing it too much to others. This was another thing I was testing myself on so, again, I hope it works.

Special thanks:

Thank you to Bernard, feydrautha01, and MosAnted for their help in naming Farrier's Rest. That naming session accidentally caused me to make a location for the deer which I hope to use in the future; the terrible pun Stag End. Blame it on watching most of The Hobbit with friends recently, I know I do.

Thank you to MosAnted for bouncing ideas off to try and break through the stagnant bits.

Thank you everyone for sticking with this story, particularly over the past year. I never expected the hiatuses to happen and am striving for faster chapter output as a result. The story is definitely not dead. Far from it.

More notes:

The extension of the chapter actually saved the mental assessments of Comet Streak and Boo from being dropped entirely, so bonus.

For a while I was considering the waitress could be a former human but felt it was too much with how many times former humans are mentioned in this chapter. It could still happen. If people think it isn’t too much, I will change it. The character is still embryonic, but I can see her as being originally from Georgia or a nearby state thanks to my time visiting there long before COVID hit.

I keep accidentally typing Shining as Shing because my fingers are trying to keep up with my thoughts. Not sure if anyone else has this problem.

Below, for anyone interested, I have added a copy of the chapter notes I was working from. One thing I noticed was the order of events changed because it felt better that way when writing. Also, anything after the train departing, other than the mental assessments of Boo and Comet Streak, was not planned which is why there are no notes on them.

Spears P.O.V.

  • Before and while the others have their snowball fight, Spears is busy trying to summon the courage to ask John out,
  • Possibly watch Jackie enjoying the snow or even have Jackie dump some snow on them before Richard causes Jackie to leave as per previous chapter,
  • Richard also skulk off, grumbling about former humans getting too comfortable,
  • With Jackie headed off to find others to have fun with in the snow, Spears grows more nervous as he walks with John,

    • Try and psych himself up with telling himself he is a lieutenant for Celestia’s sake, it shouldn’t be so hard,

      • Spears suggest getting warm drinks, which John agrees to,
      • Go to a café or similar,
    • Seconds after they step inside, snowballs plaster the door behind them, startles them but staff assure them that it is fine,
  • Staff call them an interesting couple, something John shoots down and Spears laughs nervously about,

    • Starting conversation once sat down is initially about what drinks they get,
    • Although considering it a kid’s drink, John decides to have a hot chocolate,
  • Again, comment on the John being exotic/interesting as staff member goes to get the drinks,
  • John grouse about the annoying assumption of two people of different genders having a drink together, people automatically assume they are a dating couple,
  • Spears respond with some kind of agreement which rolls into causing John to probe about Spears’ past,

    • Mainly his military service,
    • Possibly his family life,

      • Living with Aunt in Canterlot in order to get into the officer training,
      • Parents thought at least as an officer he wouldn’t be so readily put in danger, hence why they arranged it with his Aunt,
  • More snowballs hit the windows before drinks arrive,

    • Staff react nervously, but assure things are fine,

      • May happen every year after the festival,
  • Long awkward silence for Spears while John just gazes off at nothing in particular,
  • Spears apologise about how he handled their first meeting then move on to how well he thinks John is handling things,

    • John comment about still not being used to her antlers,
    • Maybe have John talk a little about home,
  • Spears to lean forward and say something but gets cut off,
  • In bursts the military messenger pony (Private Silver Wing), looking for Spears,
  • Possibly end section with Spears and John staring at the saluting Pegasus.
  • Move into monologue cliff-notes of the message followed by John accepting to go on the mission,

    • John gathers the other Misfits (most are not far away due to the snowball fight),
    • See Cremator happy about something,
  • Spears continue his assessment of the remaining Misfits as they wait for then board the train to Canterlot.