• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 3,199 Views, 172 Comments

Product of Friendship - AzuraKeres

With the defeat of Chrysalis and her allies, peace was finally achieved amongst many creatures. All creatures were given the choice of happiness, except for one creature that was stolen of her mother.

  • ...

14: Smolder's Revenge

Author's Note:



A self-proclaimed witch that attends the School of Friendship for the promise of the whereabouts of her mother, Poison Peck.

Luster Dawn

The star pupil of Princess Twilight. She attends the School of Friendship to learn and embody its values.


Mayor of a city in Abyssinia that leads a secret underground drug trafficking of Devil’s Dust.


A wild young feline that is the daughter of Hop.

Wist, Luster, and Twist could only describe what they saw as a work of art. Never had they seen someone work so fluently with the most optimal of efficiency. It was like the creature they stared at was a literal part of the shop.

Pharynx displayed exemplary customer service. His memory of sundry candies within Twist’s shop was astonishing. It would lead one to think that he was the actual owner of the shop.

“Wow,” Twist said. “He’s a real natural.”

“Yeah,” Luster agreed. “I should ask him for some pointers.”

“Is it that surprising?” Wist questioned with her chin slumped on the checkout table. “Changelings are normally good at blending in the crowd, aren’t they?”

“I don’t know about that,” Luster responded. “With the way he’s maneuvering through customers, I’d say he’s the reason the crowd exists.”

“It’s just customer service, Luster. It’s not like he’s regaling them with grand epiphanies.”

What deserved more attention in Wist’s perspective was the spare uniform that fitted his size. It was a clear white shirt with a black bow tie. A plain and ugly fashion choice that boggled Wist’s mind of how he could walk around so proudly in.

“What I don’t get is why he’s acting like an employee when he’s supposed to be my bodyguard,” Wist raised her voice loud enough for Pharynx to hear. Despite it, Pharynx continued to aid customers.

“Don’t be selfish with him,” Luster advised. “He just wants to help us out.”

“He’s supposed to be observing me,” Wist retorted. “Not injecting himself in my daily activities.”

“So far you three appear to be lacking in your activities,” Pharynx said to the three. “Y’all are still on your shift. Get back to work.”

Luster and Twist flinched at Pharynx demand, causing Luster to slip her hoof off the counter and fall to the floor. Twist rushed to help her back up as Wist chuckled at Luster’s humiliation.

Luster and Twist quickly reported to Pharynx in a firm line as if he was their captain. His control over the two made Wist question exactly who the boss of this shop was.

“I really appreciate your help, Pharynx,” Twist thanked him. “Today has been booming since you’ve arrived. Oddly, with a spike of mares. I’ll be sure to compensate you for your service.”

“This place holds value to Wist,” Pharynx said. “Its success must be guaranteed.”

“And since when do you care what I like?” Wist questioned him. “You’re just Thorax’s watchdog making sure that I play nice in town, remember?”

Pharynx gave a brief glance at Wist before averting his eyes. His behavior only made Wist even more suspicious of him. Wist sensed his emotions to be sporadic and explosive, yet he did well to feign his stoicism.

Just what are you hiding from me, Wist wondered.

“Hey Pharynx,” Luster said. “Do you think you can teach me some of your techniques? You have a way to speak with so many customers in a short time that it’s astonishing.”

“I can do that,” Pharynx accepted. “But I have a question. Why has Wisteria spent her entire shift harbored behind the checkout counter?”

Wist narrowed her gaze at Pharynx. “Isn’t it obvious?” She said, “I’m the cashier. Where else would I be?”

“Wist is a bit shy about walking about in her uniform,” Twist revealed. “I hoped talking with customers from the counter would make her grow comfortable with it. Though, she’s become quite attached to that spot.”

“Twist!” Wist shrieked. “What the heck!? He didn’t need to know that!”

Pharynx raised a brow at Wist. “Why do you feel embarrassed in your uniform? As you’ve said, we changelings are exceptional in adapting to any environment.”

“Who can adapt to getting used to this ugly getup?” Wist retorted. “No disrespect to you, Twist, but this tacky thing is just not for me.”

Pharynx suddenly lit himself in eldritch flames. When the emerald fire dispersed, Pharynx garbed in a dress similar to Luster and Wisteria. The mares within the shop were floored to see such a masculine changing donned a feminine garment.

“Changelings should not take shame in the disguises to wear,” Pharynx lectured Wist. “It’s how we have survived for so long. Which is why no outfit is off the table when it serves a purpose.”

“Dear Celestia!” Twist blurted, slack jawed. “You look... I can’t. I love it!”

“Enough with the gushing,’ Pharynx commanded. “All of you back to work.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Twist saluted. “I will make you proud, my bug diva.” Twist then assisted the customers that took frequent glances at their odd conversation.

“Why is she going along with his orders?” Wist grumbled. “Doesn’t she remember she’s the boss here?”

“Luster,” Pharynx called. “I will give you some pointers in customer service, but first I would like you to operate the register.”

“Oh,” Luster said. “Uh, yes ma’am.”

“He’s a male,” Wist reminded Luster. “And what do you mean, she will operate the register? That’s my job.”

“And what good will that do for you?” Pharynx questioned. “You’ll grow no confidence in your uniform if you’re always hiding.”

“And who are you to dictate what I do?” Wist challenged. “You’re not the one in charge here.”

“I think Pharynx makes a good point,” Twist said, earning a twitchy eye from Wist.

“What the,” Wist started. “Whose side are you on?”

“Come on, Wist.” Luster returned to Wist’s side and wrapped a hoof behind her neck. It took a large semblance of Wist’s being not to shove Luster off. “This could be a good experience for you. There’s nothing like humility that builds character.”

Wist heeled her head away from Luster, disgusted that neither mare was taking her side. She darted her eyes across the shop, remembering the doors, windows, and vents she could use to escape.

There was no way she was letting this soldier bug lord over her with commands. There were already too many ponies that did that.

However, before she could plot her route, the entrance door slammed open. The customers and workers all stared, aghast, at the thunderous sound. Though their shock was immediately shifted to fuming dragoness that stomped inside the candy shop.

“Where is she!?” Smolder demanded. “Where’s that no-good narcissistic insect!?”

Wist immediately ducked underneath the cashier counter. Luster stared confusedly at Wist.

“Don’t tell her I’m here,” Wist hissed.

“Um, welcome, Smolder,” Twist greeted the angry dragoness, though, from a small distance. “How might I help you today?”

“I know Wist is here,” Smolder spat. “Bring her here right now. She’s in a heap of trouble.”

“She is?” Pharynx asked. “Can you tell me what she has done?”

“Something unforgivable! And I swear no magic in the world will fix what I do to her if she doesn’t bring her plot here right now!”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this angry before,” Luster said. “Wist, what did you do to her?”

Wist shrugged. “How am I supposed to know? You expect me to keep track of every little thing I do?”

“It can’t be little if I threw Ms. Smolder into a rage.”

“That lizard gets angry about the smallest things,” Wist retorted. “It’s not my fault she doesn’t know how to take a joke.”

Luster shook her head at Wist’s response, causing Wist to get anxious.

“H-hold on,” Wist said, reaching her hoof out to Luster. “I don’t like that look you’re giving me. C’mon, Luster. We’re friends, remember?”

“And as your friend, I have made sure you are reprimanded for your mistakes,” Luster said. “She’s right here, Ms. Smolder!”


Before Wist could crawl out of the counter, Smolder had leaped over it and landed before her. Wist could only stare aghast at Smolder. The dragoness’s slit eyes were sharp and quivering like rumbling lava.

“Found you,” Smolder hissed.

“Oh, hey Ms. Smolder,” Wist said with a sheepish smile. “I never figured you for a candy-lover. Would you like me to show you, our selections?”

Instead of a response, Smolder grabbed Wist’s hind hoof, “You got a lot of never smiling at me.” She then dragged Wist out of the counter and dragged her to the entrance door of the candy store. Wist tried to pull herself free from Smolder, but the dragoness’s grip was ridiculously strong.

“Hey, let me go!” Wist demanded. “I’m still on my shift!”

“If it’s so important, why not pull another one of your ploys to get away from me,” Smolder retorted. “You’re not the type to play fairly, right?”

“Why are you throwing such a temper tantrum!” Wist complained. “I’ve barely done anything to you.”

“That’s the point,” Smolder said. “I know about your little deal with Principal Starlight.”

“Oh...” It finally clicked to Wist. She had made headways to complete her apologies to Ocellus and Diamond Tiara. However, there was another she had not bothered to start with. “I was getting around to it. I just didn’t have time.”

“Then I’ll give you one right now.”

“You can’t do this,” Wist argued. “I could lose my job over this.”

“Um, Smolder,” Luster spoke, catching up to Smolder’s side. “Though I believe your feelings are validated, Wist has her duty to Twist’s shop.”

Smolder glared at Luster, making the mare falter back. “I’ve heard you have been helping Wist with her deal. You might as well come too.”

“Huh?” was all that Luster could say before Smolder carried Luster with her other arm. Luster dangled at Smolder’s side, shocked by the predicament she has now found herself in. “Wait! What’re you doing? Let me go!”

“You’re in just as much trouble as Wist is. None of you even bothered to talk to me about it. I matter too, you know!”

Luster tried to reason with Smolder, but the dragoness was in no mood for excuses. Wist looked to Pharynx, but the changeling general only stood idle at the chaos.

“Why aren’t you doing anything?” Wist asked. “Aren’t you supposed to be my bodyguard?”

“I think it’s best you appease the dragons now before things get worse,” Pharynx answered. “Don’t worry, I’ll help Twist with the shop while the two of you are gone.”

“No,” Luster cried. “Please save us Mr. Pharynx. I don’t deserve this!” But her plea was declined, and she disappeared into the light of Ponyville with her captor. Celestia knows what horror awaited from this malevolent dragon.

“I blame you for this, Luster!” Wist accused.

Smolder shot high above the town of Ponyville when she left Twist’s candy shop. The sudden turbulence gave Wist and Luster a fright, having Luster screaming her heart out.

Smolder zoomed through the sky fast as the pairs’ uniforms flap wildly against the rough winds. Wist pleaded constantly to the dragoness to let her remove the uniform, but Smolder allowed no mercy.

The only silver lining to it all was that the trip was short. Smolder descended before a glamour building coated in pink and pale blue. It gave the impression of a mini-castle that confused Wist. Then again, nearly every building in Ponyville held a wild uniqueness.

But Wist didn’t have to ponder on the design. Smolder kicked the door to the building open and tossed Wist and Luster inside. Their bodies rolled against the smooth wooden floor of the building and were shot with multitudes of colors within their sight.

Wist found it disorientating. Even when her body finally came to a halt, the constant swaying in her vision preserved her headache.

Luster sprawled her back on the floor, looking to pass out any moment. If her sudden flight in the air didn’t overwhelm her, then this one would likely do her in.

“I’ve brought them,” Smolder announced into the building.

Wist pushed through the headache and tried to get a clear look at her surroundings. What she first saw as random spots of colors were in fact hangars of dresses and accessories sorted across a room. There were also numerous curtains composed of different colors and materials concealing small rooms, Wist presumed to be changing rooms.

Everything held a profound quality that was apparent to Wist. She knew Mandy and Pixie to be fanatic for dresses. They would often drag her into their shopping sprees to serve as an audience to their mini pageant shows.

“Is this a clothing shop?” Wist asked.

“It’s called a boutique,” Smolder corrected.

Wist was ready to unleash her fury on the dragoness, but then her ears honed to the sound of incoming hoof steps. A green stallion emerged from the doorway leading further inside the boutique. His eyes wandered toward the three and then rushed before Wist and Luster.

“What happened to your uniforms?” the stallion asked. “It looks all frazzled.”

Wist noted many creases on her uniforms. No doubt a result of their hazardous ride here. “We had a terrible driver,” Wist answered, glaring towards Smolder.

However, Smolder did not seem to care. She approached the stallion and said, “Hey Sandbar, where’s Yona? I need her for this.”

Sandbar helped Luster and Wist back on their hooves. Luster wobbled on her hooves, prompting Sandbar to catch her. “Yona is in the stage room with the dresses,” Sandbar answered Smolder. “She’s putting on the finishing touches. So, I’m guessing these two are rather ones?”

“Why else would I be here?” Smolder questioned, and then grabbed hold of Wist and Luster again.

“Wait, not again!” Luster cried and then clamped her mouth; anxious she might hurl.

“We got hooves you know!?” Wist complained.

Despite their protest, Smolder pulled the two through a hallway past the doorway and entered a room within the far end. Smolder tossed the pair again inside. A small stage laid before them with many dressers hung near the walls in carts.

“Yona,” Smolder called. “You ready?”

A tall yak emerged from a curtain on the stage. She wore an alluring green dress and shining accessories of gold and sapphire. Wist felt overwhelmed by her glamor, something Wist would definitely recognize from a diva.

Although, all that aura went out the window when jumped gleefully off the stage and dashed before Smolder to give a hug. “Smolder,” Yona said. “Good to see you. Yona finished dresses as Smolder liked.”

“Okay, that’s it!” Wist cried, slamming her hoof on the floor. “What in Abyssinia is going on here!? I’m not some rag doll that you folks can experiment with!”

“Sometimes you have it coming, but sure,” Luster muttered and then clamped her mouth again.

Smolder approached Wist with an imposing gaze, which Wist counted with an intense glare. Wist expected a battle to brew, but the dragoness grinned. “You’re here to pay me back. And you’ll do that by performing at the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“The what?”

“Oh right,” Luster said, trudging next to Wist’s side. “Princess Twilight will host the gala at Canterlot next month. I can’t believe I’ve forgotten about it.”

“There’s a mare named Rarity that will host a ballroom contest and award a pair with the most beautiful dance and chemistry,” Smolder explained. “You two are going to enter together and win that contest.”

“And why would I do something as stupid and insignificant as that?” Wist challenged. “Do I look like a dancer?”

“I figured a changeling would know a little about that. But a month is more than enough time to teach you.”

“I’m not dancing at some stupid ballroom contest! I’m a witch!”

“Oh, is that right? Then I guess you don’t really care about enrolling in Applebloom’s potion-making class.”

“... Ugh, why does everyone always hang that over my head!?”

“There’s a lot of dresses here,” Luster pointed out. “I’m not sure I may fit all of them.”

“Luster doesn’t have to worry about a thing,” Yona assured. “Yona has made all the correct measurements to fit both of you.”

“You what?” Wist said. “How do you... wait, you’re going to dress us up!?”

“Well duh,” Smolder said matter-of-factly. “I didn’t commission sets of dresses for nothing.”

“You... you mean you ordered all these dresses?” Luster asked, astonished. “All for me and Wist to wear?”

“If you’re concerned about my purse then stop it,” Smolder said. “I rarely ever use my bits. Most things I want I forage for myself.”

“How did you even get our measurement!?” Wist asked. “I swear, if you snuck up me while I was asleep, I’m gonna—”

“From your physical exam,” Smolder said. “Obviously.”

“That’s an invasion of my privacy! You can’t just go around sharing that with others.”

Smolder crossed her arms. “Are you going to do this or not?”

“But that’s not fair! You know full well I can’t back out of this.”

“I guess so. Not so fun when the other creature has the handicap, huh?”

“It just had to be the ones to hold the biggest grudge against me, huh?” Wist complained. She then let out a sigh. “Fine, do your worst.”

“Yona promises you will enjoy this,” Yona promised. “Yona always looks for a smile in all her customers.”

Wist wholeheartedly disagreed with that notion but would have got to see this through, regardless. Yona and Smolder guided the pair to an array of dresses and adorned them in their frills and shine.

Wist bickered constantly but endured the humiliation of Smolder and Yona dressing her up like she was their personal doll. And that haughty smile Smolder wore only made it more demeaning.

Smolder had her vengeance, and there was nothing Wist could do about it. But Wist promised one day she will get Smolder back for this. She may have won this round, but their war has not been settled.

Wist and Luster were then guided to the stage in their dress. Wist wore a black and red dress that appeared beautiful yet threading like a thorny rose. Lust wore a white and navy dress that held an aura of innocence.

“I knew those were perfect,” Smolder proudly said.

“Yona agrees,” Yona said. “They match with Wist and Luster so well.”

“Okay, then let’s start our dancing lesson with something basic. I think the waltz is a good place to start.”

“What’s that?” Wist asked, though honestly, she couldn’t care less.

“It’s a basic ballroom dance many ponies practice at the gala,” Luster explained. “I know it pretty well so I can lead.”

“Lead? What’re you talking about?”

“Just follow my lead,” Luster said as she grabbed Wist’s hooves. Again, Wist felt the urge to push Luster away. However, if Wist wanted to gain access to Applebloom’s class, she needed to comply with Luster.

“This sucks,” Wist complained as Smolder gave instructions of their movement. Something told Wist that this would be a long day for her. And Smolder enjoyed every moment.

Hop stepped out of his luxurious carriage of crimson and gold. His driver gave a bow as Hop proceeded through silver gates into his home.

His lawn was vast with shrubberies and plants that could contest the gardens of Canterlot Castle. Only the most exotic plants were worthy to prosper in his land. He hired a group of gardeners to tend to its growth, expecting them to be polished like genes.

Hop then entered his mansion, standing five stories tall. It was made with smooth slabs and ornamented with the finest furnishing money could buy. It was also serviced by the most disciplined maids and butlers Hop could find in Abyssinia.

Hop had secured a home many could only dream of. But none was finer than his family.

Lines of maids and butlers standing patiently for Hop’s command greeted him. One maid came to Pixie’s side to collect his trench coat as he asked, “Where are Mandy and Pixie?”

“In Miss Pixie’s bedroom,” the maid answered. “Mrs. Mandy is reviewing Miss Pixie’s lessons from school today.”

“Thank you,” Hop said. “You are all excused from your tasks.”

Hop entered the left wing of his mansion and approached a door decorated with random ornaments of flowers and drawings. He leaned his head into the door and listened in for the voices inside.

“I want to meet all the ponies and dragons, mom,” Hop heard his daughter.

“And I think it’s a wonderful idea,” he heard his wife, Mandy. “But we should talk over this more when your father comes back, okay?”

“You think daddy won’t let me? But I want to go!”

Hop sighed and then opened the door, finding his wife and daughter seated before a desk. “Did someone call my name?” Hop asked.

“Daddy!” Pixie cheered. She leaped off from her chair and jumped into Hop’s grasp to give a hug.

“How’s my favorite wildflower?” Hop asked. “There aren’t any tomcats I have to make disappear, do I?”

“Cats can’t disappear, dad,” Pixie giggled.

Mandy raised from her seat and joined Hop’s side to kiss his cheek. “When did you get back?” She asked.

“Just now,” Hop responded. “Now, what is it I’m hearing about you wanting to meet ponies and dragons, Pixie?”

“I want to go to the school of friendship,” Pixie answered. “It’s supposed to have creatures from all over the world, right?”

“Maybe all but Abyssinians,” Hop corrected. “The school system is more than enough for our kind.”

“But all I ever meet are other Abyssinians,” Pixie complained. “I want to meet other kinds of creatures like Wist.”

Hop blinked at the mention of Wist’s name. He felt a sudden prick somewhere in his being that age him pause.

“I wish big sis didn’t leave us,” Pixie said solemnly. “Why would she leave and not even tell us? We’re supposed to be BSFL (best sisters for life).”

“Of course, you two are, Pixie,” Mandy assured Pixie and groomed her daughter’s ivory hair. “Wist just had to go out into the world to expand her horizons. There’s only so much she could do here as a witch.”

Mandy and Pixie knew Wist to be a whimsical soul that Hop had befriended long ago. He and Wist were a duo that tackled a shaky path to rise to the top in Abyssinia. There were many things he and Wist did that he could never share with his family. It was essential to happiness and reputation that kept them deep in the underworld where it belonged.

Hop rubbed Pixie’s cheek with a thumb. “Pixie,” Hop started. “Are you sure you’re fine with leaving your mother and daddy all on their lonesome? It wouldn’t be the same without you here?”

“But aren’t we rich?” Pixie asked. “We could arrange a first-class express to go anywhere in the world in a day with our kind of wealth, right?”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re too smart for your own good,” Hop said and then rubbed her fangs across Pixie’s neck, tickling her.

“I think we can make it work,” Mandy said. “Besides, it’s been quite some time since we’ve had the mansion to ourselves, wouldn’t you agree?”

Hop perked at the bedroom eyes Mandy was giving her. His tail waggled wildly at the delicious possibilities they could share. “Well,” Hop began with a cough. “It would be beneficial for Pixie to know more about the world. I can’t keep her sheltered in this castle forever.”

“Yes!” Pixie cheered. “And who knows, I might even find Wist along the way.”

“I don’t know about that,” Hop chuckled. “You know Wist is not friendly to new folks. In fact, with that country’s lofty culture about friendship, I seriously doubt she would ever walk her hooves in there.”