• Member Since 4th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Monday


I like cake and all things Shining Armor/Chrysalis.


Chrysalis’ heart wrenched at the words as she felt a rush of dread. “Cadie… You- you don’t mean that.”

“I do! You’re a monster! And you’re not my sister! All you do is take! You don’t know how to love because all you care about is yourself!”

AU. Modern. EG/Human. Teen. Random AF. Main Pairing: Queen Chrysalis x Shining Armor; Features: Celestia, Luna, Mane 6, Maud Pie, Fluffle Puff and Princess Cadence.

Cover Art: Mega Anime Couple Creator [https://www.dolldivine.com/images/anime-couple-creator] By Rinmaru Games

Chapters (43)
Comments ( 98 )

Well, that was intense. And, fortunately and unfortunately, pretty real. I have friends who've been through that sort of thing, and as much as we want to act like it doesn't happen, or that the attackers get theirs, it does and they rarely do. Consider me interested in seeing where this goes.

Love the story. I can't wait to see what you do with this. I looked forward to an update.

She had an Instagram message request from RegalKing69.

Oh no.

!*#&*÷×*!& Luna! Celestia! Do something!!! Last thing Chrysalis needs right now. I hope he doesn't transfer to the school. Please oh please don't let that happen. Big sis already went through enough.

One can be born with hate, or it can be shaped by the world. Chryssy looks like she's going to be the latter.

I can understand Cadence, doesn't mean I have to like her. I'm worried for Chrysalis. Hope to see her get some type of happiness.

Woah! What's going on? The prologue gives me a little idea about what this story is about and leaves me with a lot of doubts, and I have to admit I love the idea of Chrysalis and Cadance be relatives, too bad it seems they have big problems since the very beginning. Oh well, that was fast but not unexpected. Although I'm not a big fan of Noncon stuff, I'll give this a try (I would read it anyway, lol). Greetings.

Oh please not! Not Chrysalis! Why you do this to me? 😭. This is no average teen drama, this is more like an average teen drama in soap operas, I hate it... but at the same time, I wanna know the truth even if it hurts!

Ok, ignore my silly and personal complains, I have to say I love the world-building of this one, with Chrysalis having a more stable life and part of a world with 'ponies' and changeling coexisting, and although I feel bad for Chrysie and her love deficiency problem I find it as a nice touch and important bond with her sister... but at the same time it could make the things worse. Oh well, let's see what's next in this fic and I hope those motherfuckers who dared to hurt my baby have awful endings 🙂.

Wey ya. Why, why did I have to read this today? I gonna have nightmares tonight (If I can sleep). Although Chrysalis' backstory didn't end as I feared, it was just worse, maybe it wasn't clear at all if they had all their way with her, but this must be an awful experience anyway, and worst of it, the son of his fucking whore mother got away with it and ruined her life and her relationship with her sister! The politics in this world also fucks Chrysalis' situation, she can't use her new ability freely (But I guess it's okay unless someone else discovers her) and even if she tries to prove she was raped, the law could sink her case. I really feel bad for Chrysalis, chapter 2 and her situation is this bad and unfair... argh... I'm so pissed off. Bah, but whatever, looking on the bright side, I could say I loved Celestia finally is doing something (?) and supports her cousin (Really, I love these relationships in your story), I don't like she didn't try to tell the truth to Chrysalis' family but at least she respected her wishes and helped to change school.

Nice chapter, it broke my heart, so, thank you for that. Oh, and that ending, it revived me again and gave hope. I can't hate you (too much) anymore (?).

Awww, so sweet! ❤. Finally, we see them interacting with each other and met more formally, I understand she was being so harsh and distrustful, especially with an unknown male, but I'm glad Shining was able to talk with her. Hehe, Jumper, it was a nice and funny nickname, and it will remind me how they met; the greek chat was a nice touch, I don't remember much about old greek myths and legends but the usually interesting stories.

I'm glad Shining Armor doesn't seem to pay attention to Candance, and although he didn't have a serious trauma with relationships, he apparently has his own demons about the subject.

Loved the previous chapters too, but I had no much to say, just Cadance is very cruel with Chrysalis and I'm glad the changeling girl is strong enough to be angry with her and that doesn't let her attitude hurt more than it should, especially when negating a sister is a very low blow. Maud and the fluffy pony being her new friends is an awesome detail, they don't seem to be a very good influence and that's pretty ok. I happy she could befriend with the cool girls in her new school.

I'm hoping that if and when the truth comes out, its going to crush Cadance. Hopefully she doesn't learn by Regal pulling the same thing on her that he did with her sister. Glad to see Chryssalis and Celestia having a little fun. Poor girl needs it.

Oh shucks, here we go again! I was afraid Cadance, Chrysalis, and this motherfucker met again one day, but it seems they'll do sooner rather than later. Anyways, nice chapter, I'm glad Shining and Chrysalis' relationship has progressed a lot in a month, but I found a bit odd (and sorta sweet) she hasn't revealed give her name yet (and remembered his, hehe) and he keeping gave her nicknames, also I'm not sure if Shining is aware she's the same girl of the bridge, I wanna think both are playing but sometimes it seems he hasn't connected the dots. Or did I lose something?

Chrysalis and Cadance's parents' scene from the previous chapter was remarkable too, it seems "Nyx" has business with the changeling monarchy in this universe too, maybe her mother should let her visit this side of the family more, but I guess she considered she could be a bad influence for Chrysie. Also, I liked both spouses miss and love each other.


Fuck you and your fucking basic dick nickname!

Although Cadance thinks the worst about her sister, I'm pleased she hates that asshole, at least didn't see him with the same eyes... until the dumb princess fell for him again... please, someone, hit me as hard as you can.
Celestia doing nothing wrong (or something) as expected, but the chat with her cousin calmed a bit Chrysie, I suppose. Even if Chrysalis isn't part of Twilight or Cadance social circle, she fighting with Applejack puts a smile on my face, but hardly I can see them becoming friends (And I hope she doesn't change this for a sexy night with Shining for punching country girls).
And finally... NO, DEAR LORD, PLEASE NO! This fucking asshole just wants more of Chrysalis (I mean, understandable, BUT FUCK, NO FUCKING WAY!) and plans to use her sister to lure her... oh please, please, I pray for a big fucking icicle fall down his groin soon.
P.S. Chrysalis should kick him harder.

Damn, brutal chapter, too much stuff happened in this one, sadly a lot of bad things for Chrysalis. Candance dating with Shining... damn, I guess the unicorn really didn't have a clue about Nyx/Chrysalis, and her relationship with her is more like a platonic one... Argh, but the way Cadance acted in this chapter... what a bitch! She really doesn't deserve a sister like her. The talk with her parents was ok, too bad she wasn't emotionally prepared and misunderstood their intentions, and they, at the same time, couldn't understand her because she doesn't share her pain. This is super unfair scenario.

I would say I liked the last scene with Shining and Chrysalis, especially with she being a bit more open with the unicorn and sharing a bit of her burden, but it was told with the incorrect energy and was bitter, also Shining fucked it up badly, not intentionally, but dating with her sister really mess the things up a lot, I hate and love at the same time this kind of stuff... I hope Shining could fix this later and Chrysalis will find a way to bear all this crap.

I hate most of the stuff happening to Chrysalis here, but somehow, and I could say without doubts, this is one of my favorite chapters so far... What the fuck?

“Rock. You are a rock. Gray. You are gray. Like a rock. Which you are. Rock.”

Maud, you are such an artist ❤. The Pie sister must have been in the familiar dinner, it could have been 20% cooler (?).

Nice and calmed episode, I was waiting to read more about 'the walk' Shining Armor and the real Chrysalis mentioned in the previous chapter, but this one was interesting too. I'm not very pleased happy to see Cadance talking shit about her sister as usual, but I think she also needed to tell another pony about her feeling, and maybe, understand she has been very cruel to her (At least is seems Cadance was more aware than before), and Twilight, as the clever girl she is, could notice some oddities in Cadance's point of view.

Beside Chrysalis have distanced from others, at least she has an awesome bond with her cousin. I hope Celestia can have a more serious chat with Cadance after the game. And poor Cadance and Chrysalis parents, they can't forget a bit about work even in their free time; this grumpy dude and the bigot teacher of the other day probably are the kind of people Adelpha has to deal with all the time.

P.S. I'm a bit lost, and probably I have to read the story from the very beginning but to be clear: Adelpha is a changeling but has been using 'pony person' appearance, alright? Or is she a pony-changeling hybrid like Cadance and her natural appearance is a pony one? I used to think she is a changeling and have the look of one, but the racist guy's reaction let me thinking he probably would have attacked her more personally if she looked like a real changeling. Or am I just overthinking it?

Oh no! Youre not overthinking. Shes a changeling that uses a pony person disguise. Yea, her parentals are definitely overworked, but they do try even if it's maybe not the best. Cadence is just bratty in this. Shes so nice I feel like it has to come out somewhere. She really does feel like her sister is unstoppable and proud in everything she does so she really cant fathom someone taking advantage of her. Which on one hand is flattering, but on the other is terribly unrealistic.

Glad Chrysalis was there for Twi. And, I think Twilight might be becoming savvy to what really happened to Chrysalis.

Get chapters!! It's good to see her get some good moments. Can't wait for the next chapter. Hope you stay healthy.

Thank goddess you're back! I was waiting for your updates and I imagined you just have more important things to care in those times, but the more weeks have passed, I started to think the worst... but I'm glad to know you're fine and back once more. I'm pleased to read about you and this story.

About this awesome chapter, really, it was a total blast! I would really feel sorry for Twilight, but enjoyed reading Chrysalis came just in time to help her, too bad she was a bit too much aggressive, but it's understandable due to the circumstances, The chat with her mother, finally she has started to understand her daughter and recognize what has done wrong, it probably won't solve her problems with Chryssie but it's something, I'm glad she realized that.

Yay! Another awesome chapter! Even if Chrysalis was doing a good action, I was afraid the others wouldn't see it that way. At least, Twilight was brave enough to speak for her savior but it didn't was enough for most the school, but enough for her dorky brother to save Chrysalis in time (Or maybe, he save the others from Chrysalis?). Shining clearly took his time to thank her properly and I suppose Chrysalis misunderstood Shining's negative emotions toward that creepy guy and not to her, anyway, it triggered a beautiful bond time between each other in the broom room (too bad it didn't escalate more, but hey, that's something, hehe). Shining's need to leave her making me think if he really thought in do something else with Chrysie there...
I really liked this chapter.

Twilight really had problems to get over this bad experience and had a lot of things to think in her head, but I'm glad the girls gave her a hand when she really needed it. Now the Mane 6 have another point of view Chrysalis, and even know more about her backstory (the Cadance vision, sadly) but I hope they be more considerate with her from now on.

Although I love Chrysalis and Shining relationship forever, I ashamed to recognize he and Cadance have good chemistry and makes a nice pairing here, I really gonna felt bad if Chrysalis has to be between them sooner or later, especially considering what happened at the beginning of this fic, but, oh well, we have to enjoy it until it last. Because I really enjoy this innocent but at the same time teasing relationship. It's so sweet and cute!

Oh, and the posterior chat was an interesting one, it's funny and ironic to think Shining of all pony people know more about Chrysalis that her own sister, even Twilight and the Mane 6 have a different perspective of her, and it's more ironic considering it supposed to happened literally right under her nose, a good karmatic doses from my point of view but I pleased to read it and saw that her reaction was super mature and she thanked Chrysalis for saving her friend. Chrysalis' final words were epic: "I’d have done worse for you..."

P. S. Cadance's eagerness and excitement are natural or have something to do with her hybrid features? Her mother comment sounded sarcastic at first, but then her father's question left me thinking about it.

All looking great so far! Looking forward to the next chat on the bridge with Shining. Not sure the mane six were best approaching Twilight as a group like that, or whether one or two might have been better on their own. I liked the random guys at the skating ring, that was a good touch of real detail. Glad to see this back on its rapid update schedule :twilightsmile:

At the very least, she should have more support if Luna tells Chrysalis about her dream-walking into the past. Hope this doesn't destroy their relationship with each other. I would love to see a confrontation between Luna and Cadence. That would be epic. Especially if it happened at her new school.

But what the other didn’t know was that Luna had a plan to find out whatever was bothering her.

Some of these characters, uh, aren't so great at respecting others' business when clearly upset about something :twilightoops:

Ooh, it's all heating up!

I thought Coal Stone trying to make amends to Adelpha was a particularly thoughtful idea.

Thanx to forbloodysummer for reminding me that I do like this ship and to keep it going!

:twilightblush: You love this ship, and you know it! And the story is barrelling along with how quickly you're firing out these chapters, so if you can keep it going, more power to you.

It's a good kind of gruelling though :twilightsmile:

And I think particularly something like high school romance would quickly become saccharine and cringe-inducing if it rushed into it.

I'm sorta glad finally another pony person know about Chrysalis' situation, especially someone so close to her like Luna, but on the other hand, it was painful to read the way those bastard abused of Chrysalis. I really really hope Regal gets what he deserves, and his awful friends too. Also hope Chrysi's therapist and Luna can help her to recover and have a better relationship with her sister.

P.S. I have read this chapter weeks ago but I forgot to comment o read new chapters, I don't know why Fimficition don't send me alerts. I'll try to be up to date soon. Greetings and thank you a lot for keep writing this amazing story.

Nice to see Twilight could overcome a possible fear of boys very soon, and Brad, err, I mean Flash seems to be a cool guy, still think it could be pretty fast they start dating, but it's good advice and help for Cadance.

Changeling problems seem to be a serious business, it isn't hard to imagine why pony people tend to hate them, but at least the Embassy take the job seriously, but it's probably the same or more stressfully for who work there.

Gee Shining Armor! How come your mom lets you have two, no, three love interest? Haha, damn, Shiny. Even I think it is too much xD. Sometimes I think he already knows about the 'two Chrysalis', but if not, he seems to be a very greedy guy... Okay, no, but it's a very interesting situation, and it's funny but also neat to think Chrysalis is slowly falling for him too. But for Shining's sake, I hope he'll choose carefully his words when he speaks about this matter with Chrysalis and Nyx, or even Cadance... right now, I'm not envying his position lol.

The time and the experiences have calmed the sisters' hate a bit, but still, there're wounds the time can't cure. The changeling incident has proven they have already chosen a side because their respective experiences, but it's nice to see even in moments of need they still can help each other (even if Cadance don't admit it).

Awesome chapter! Especially the Shining and Chrysalis part, but I also loved the sisters teamed up for a good cause one.

Daaaaaaw... so sweet! Even if Chrysalis punched Shining in the face, still cute hehe. It's very curious how Shining Armor is wining Chryssie's heart with her pony appearance and her true form, but he isn't aware of it. But realistically Chrysalis has motives to distrust him knowing he has a girlfriend (or so she thought so back there) and then he enclosed her in a magic shield, probably Shining didn't have bad intentions but for a girl with certain traumas, it didn't help very much. Very warm and cute chapter.

Damn, I would swear this freaking sexual tension can cut the strongest metal in the world! JUST KISS ALREADY! But I know it's not the best time. Shining is thinking more in Chrysalis than Cadance, and the changeling girl is hot enough to make Brad, errr, Flash Sentry forget about Twilight for a while and dance with her instead, This isn't a love triangle anymore! Haha. Maud is a clever girl, but Chrysie is more clever than her. I can guess who is about to ruin Shining and Chrysalis dance but I want and don't want at the same time to see what's next for this pairing.

I honestly can't wait for these two to get together 💖

Me too, I wanted to see them making out furiously right there at the homecoming!

I expected the part with Cadance discovering Shining and Cadance together would have a bit more... dramatic, but it's okay, still I can visualize Cadance killing her boyfriend and her sister with her eyes, but they stayed cool, even if Shining just dragged Chrysalis with them after that awkward meeting... What a Stud! Is nice to see Twilight and her friends succeed in the show with the nerdy girl fears, Cadance's hints and her way to understand the other's positive words from the stage was cool. Too bad her brother was busier watching another girl instead of the show, I bet he'll get in many troubles after this!

Lulu knows the truth but can Cadence accept it?

Trauma doesn't go away just by burying it. If anything, it just makes it worse.

I hope Luna's smart about her vengeance, and does something untraceable. Like inflicting a psychovore on Regal and his friends that forces them to suffer the same pain, fear and humilation that their victims did whenever they get aroused or think about trying something like what they've done again.

Great to see more of this! I can't get on board with Luna forcing her way into Chrysalis' confidences regarding her trauma, though. That's Chrysalis' to share, and others need to get over their own hurt if she doesn't volunteer it to them.

That siren line is ominous! I always get worried when they're mentioned.

Plot thickening regarding changeling integration is looking good!

Loving how petulant and petty Cadence is here :pinkiehappy:

A lot of stuff in a single chapter. Shining playing with fire as always, although I'm happy he's being closer with Chrysalis, already having a girlfriend will be a problem, he considers he loves Cadance, but his feelings for Chryssie are becoming more evident. I forgot about Luna, since she didn't appear again I thought she was not going to act, but it seems she couldn't stand this injustice (but I think she maybe was more jealous about the fact Chrysalis told it to Celestia and not she), but unless her sister, Luna seems will take the revenge route. And also ruined Chrysalis and Shining 'date' :(

Finally, the new Changeling issue, poor Adelpha, I'm glad her husband can help her in many ways, but the possible rupture of the Changelings and Ponies relationship seems imminent.

Also liked the little Dazzling mention, hope they appear again, Chrysalis should only hang out with the cool guys.

Super Jealous Cadance! Hehehe, she really can acts very aggressive when feels menaced, or maybe the idea of her sister 'stealing' her boyfriends really pisses her off... ironically, she isn't wrong entirely... it's sorta 'funny' if you think it.

Poor Chrysalis, sadly some traumas never left us, just learn to not thinking on them for a while. Maybe Luna's intervention wasn't the best way to deal with her problem, but it could have come back at any time. And I hope she could share this with her friends in order to help her, but I understand it must be very hard sharing this kind of experience. I'm also not surprised there was another girl that was a victim of Regal, I really hope Luna and Chrysalis can punish that son of a bitch.

Oh dear, I hope Aria isn't turning against who I think she's turning against :fluttershysad:

But I have a bad feeling that once all this is over, and Cadence realises how wrong she's been, and how much she's hurt people, she'll apologise and Chrysalis will forgive her.

Who's Faust, by the way, other than the creator of the show and a devil one makes bargains with?

This was a really good scene!

So, if I'm understanding this right, Cadence's cunning plan was to make sure Rarity was there for the event, so nothing could go on unobserved?

chrysalis isn't caddies sister because she's black.

10449379 Twilight and Shining, Pinkie and Maud, Apple Bloom and Big Mac, Fluttershy and Zephyr...

In fact the only siblings I can think of who are the same colour are Rarity and Sweetie Belle, and Flim and Flam?

Wait.... wait! Is this really about to end!? Oh please, don't tell me that! There's a lot of stuff in this story and many plots developing, there's no way this is about to end, not even Shining and Chrysalis have kissed! I would have sworn this story wasn't reached the half... oh heavens...!

Well, about this chapter, mmm... gossips in Cadance about Aria and de Dazzlings in her former school and that asshole of Regal didn't want to talk about it... Coincidence? I don't think so... or maybe I'm just overthinking again. Hehe... Cadance admitting she would fu... mess around with Faust... I understand that reference! Sorta ironic if you think it... anyway, still don't get why if Cadance thinks Chrysalis messed around with Regal consensually (BTW, Cadance say the F word when talked about her sister) she's in good terms with him, but at least she chose to kill him in his silly game. Jealous Cadance strikes back again! Too bad she realized this with someone like Regal.

Luna really is a Determinator, she won't let Chrysalis stay quiet for too long, I'm happy and nervous about it. Let's see what the next ones and maybe the last chapters show us about this intrigued story.

Faust is an OC pegasi from other author's fanfic "Idyllic", he and Cadance... well, let's no spoiler it if you decide to read it sometime, but in short, Faust is a stallion that has a crush for Cadance.

Awwwwwwwww, what an awesome chapter! I love it, definitely my favorite so far, even if there aren't explicit signs of affection between the two, it still feels the love, but more important in the context of this story, the support and the right feelings Chrysalis should have had.

The Politics about changelings is pretty insane too, that branded stuff really is horrible. I understand they should exist a control for a species with that reputation, but a visible branded also can work as a double-edged weapon, this could rise even more the discrimination, especially for hybrids as Cadance and Chrysalis.

Also loved Rarity's words here, even if Chrysalis doesn't consider a heroine herself, I'm glad Rara Rara still considers her a strong and brave woman and encouraged her unintentionally (although I wanna think she is very perceptive and can understand Chrysalis' motives to act that way). This and the actions of Shining Armor are the kind of stuff she really needs to overcome her situation. And in the end, I love those little bits of love between the two.

P. S. Pervert (and the same time, a gentleman) Shining Armor for having that intimate photo of Chrysalis! Hehe. Better hide it well for everybody, especially Cadance.

Hmm, well, that's one way to start in media res.

I feel very sorry for Chrysalis having to experience something like that, I just wanna give her a big hug and comfort while at the same time go after that no good creep and his buddies with a hard wood baseball bat.

Why is there an anthro tag and a human tag in an Equestria Girls story?

I think their add because the characters might be Beastman. You know, half human and half creature.

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