• Member Since 25th Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Saved the day, the night, and the girl too.


After being flung into a portal by yours truly: Dr eggman, he is transported to Equestria along with the chaos emeralds. he faces challenges he'll have to do on his own. Well not really...

Added tags: Comedy, Slice of life

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 48 )

Not bad. It's a good start

I'll have to keep my eye on this 1

Tail's intelligence is actually now measured in canon to be higher than Eggman's 300+ IQ simply from his knack of constantly coming up with ways to counter said evil genius' "unbeatable" plans... 290 is kind of a low number due to the evidence of the contrary. The only one off the top of my head I can think of who has a higher intelligence than Tails is Wave.

Love the premise and the direction, but a few technical difficulties I noticed:

Spelling/grammar issues, "right word/wrong spelling" mistakes, sliding tenses, few instances of repitition, and the rapid fire exposition at the end makes the pace feel a bit quick.

Might be worth looking into a pre-reader/editor.
It was wonderful to see that you didn't hand Tails the "idiot ball" and set him straight to identifying and addressing the biggest problem, very in character (keep the smart characters smart and all that) and well played, even if it did set a quick pace.

Looking forward to more and hope to see your future growth as an author. ^^

What up with the romance?

(Sees romance tag alongside Celestia, Twilight and Chrysalis tagged)
Ooooo... Tails you sly fox you... ;)

Wait until he meets with Spike.

Oooo. This is good. I like it. Keep going buddy.

This is fine. I like it.

Which Sonic continuity is this?

Wonder if there's a Chao Garden in Equestria?

Maybe... they're might be a Chaos too...

“Magic? Hmmm… considering that you have a horn on your head, which means you can use magic, but it doesn't exist in my world, but no. I do not use magic, this is Machinery, engineering.” Twilight brought out a quill and notebook and started to write in it. He smiled.

(Technically magic does exist in Sonic. Amy litterally poofs her hammer into existance, the storybook games are magic worlds contained inside books, Dark Gaia and Chip seem to be the mystic avatars of creation and destruction, comic storlines, etc....)

Like in Sonic X only with the elements of harmony instead of the Chaos Emeralds?

Tails made idol small talk with Fluttershy

You probably meant 'Idle'.

Man, I am soo going to say let's ship them together ok.

in fox years or human years

Why is that a question for you?

“Drop him or I’ll make you regret it!” Eggman just laughed as he opened the rift to the other world under Tails.

Very poor choice of words

10075672 Seriously? That bird brain might be a competent engineer, but she isn't even in Tails' league. She'd been building Gears all her life, and Tails came up with a better one on his first try. 'Ha!' I say and 'Ha' again!

Improving an existing tech is impressive but not definitive. She built the tech from barely functioning stolen parts. He just one upped her because he probably used better resources and improved on an idea that already existed. Its debatable who is smarter but building a hoverboard from nothing is still superior to slapping on turbo boosters to said existing hoverboard.

Good Story, I hope we Super Tails in future chapters.👍😁

My favorite Sonic character. I'll have to read this when I get time.

I like this story it's good

New chapter ????

Comment posted by Alex80 deleted Dec 11th, 2021

New chapters ??????

Please continue this story

Com on update 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

New chapters ??????

“I think I can beat you in the ‘fastest flyer in Equestria’ title.” She was silent for a bit before bursting into laughter. Fluttershy was gone from the room leaving him and Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash vs One of the Sonic was 1 pixel Difference

Chaos powers work as Magic

archie comic has magicians

as with Fleetway should be wizards

The chaos ebmeralds are kind of magic items

There is the Transformation and dark gaia

sonic underground, revert the awarness of robotecised people to when they were not machines

That is Hammer space or pocket dimention, between cartoon logic or magic choose your pick

“and reprogrammed a super computer using dishwashing detergent and a toothpick.” He said while she still remained confused. His hands now on the engine of the bi-plane

ook ...

Maybe it's Sinister 6 but I'm not sure

So… I did not know that a normal Saturday afternoon led to me being thrown into another world. I'm not complaining, but it is confusing as to why eggman would teleport me here to help him. In fact, I do know why he did that. It's because he is just too old to do stuff by himself. But on another note, I met some interesting people… er… ponies that were nice of accepting me into their world. One of them is a mix of Knuckles and Sonic. Both fast and ignorant. But she made up for it in the end though. One of them is even letting me stay in their house as we speak! But I do miss Sonic… and since eggman is here and sonic usually handles situations like this, i fear the worst could happen here… and especially to Twilight… I've changed a lot since I started hanging out with Sonic, but I can't depend on him forever. I know I can do this by myself!

Still Sonic Adventure 2 which is the Tails I admire

“He looks peaceful when he sleeps. Wait what?! That's creepy!” She thought to herself as she looked at the twin tailed hero. She then without thinking, tip-toed into his room and towards his desk. She then saw his Journal wide open for the world to see. Her mind raced at what it could be about, machinery, science, about his race. But instead, she got a diary about how he was confused and somewhat worried. But what got her most was her name. Her name was in there and he was worried about her. She blushed and looked at Tails, he was still asleep. She quietly approached his bed and smiled at him. He was the first to take interest in most of her hobbies and she considered him a friend.

great minds think alike

I remember I had ridden it , almost forgot, still feel the same


mfs when they see the corvus family pull up at their house:

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