• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Forget not that I am a derp.


When everyone looked back on it after the fact, Pinkie seizing control of the chaos dimension once she was trapped in it wasn't actually that surprising. Nor was her going mad with power. Even the horn and wings made sense in hindsight.

No, it was how she won the duel with Discord that really dropped some jaws, to say nothing of what happened afterwards.

An alternate ending to IDW MLP:FiM issue #57, "Apinkalypse Now." No familiarity with the comic necessary.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 50 )

Fluttershy's got friends on the other side...

You know from what I have seen there have been very few stories that do anything based of this issue of the comics. This should be very interesting.

:pinkiegasp:"Oho, Fluttershy, you're approaching me?"
:flutterrage:"I can't beat the yay out of you without getting closer."
:pinkiehappy:Oh, well in that case.... well, this reference doesn't really make that much sense, but it's kind of required considering the cover art. Come as close as you like, or whatever"
:rainbowhuh: "Was... was that a motherbucking JoJo's reference?"
:ajbemused: "What the hay's a Joe Joe?"
:facehoof: "This was way better in the Manga..."

Pinkie ain't got nuthin' on the Butterfly Effect

That was such delightful madness. And Flutters once again shows why Celestia chose her to help reform Discord: she knows how to get things done.

That was a joy to read.

Finally, I would apologize for the cover art, but that would imply I regret it.

YES YES YES YES (Look, Dio's presence was still felt all the way up until Part 7 rebooted the timeline, and even there they used D4C to shoehorn in a reference)

Don't be so sure you won... :pinkiecrazy:

Don’t you have a party to plan?

The original Cipactli was a nigh-infinite crocodile-turtle-fish-thing in Aztec myth with a mouth on every joint that ate anything the gods created until they killed it and made it into the land itself. And sometimes it doesn't stay dead. Blood helps keep it quiet.

So, when the Aztecs said the world would end in 2012, I'm getting the impression that they thought it would be a good thing.

Seriously though, how could any culture get wrapped around evil as fully as it seems like they did? It is so interesting.


I'm sure I don't want to know.


when the Aztecs said the world would end in 2012

That was... technically not the Mayans, but the modern successors of the people who rioted when the changeover to the Gregorian calendar cut about a week and a half out of a single year. Still, this sort of conflation is widespread enough that it's leaked into the show itself, so I suppose I can't really blame you for the error.

"You merely adopted the chaos. He was born in it."

Gotham The Chaos Realm is yours!

green-smoldering warhammer

Could be worse. My nose could be gushing blood.

You forgot the sound effects GOGOGO-GOGOGO-GOGOGO. And the incessant hip-thrust-posing.

Are you saying that she is the one who-do that voodoo, so very well?

I didn't know that, thank you.

Nicely done indeed

Well that was a bizarre adventure. :rainbowwild:

And yes, Fluttershy is Best Chaos Cultist.

But Discord is also Best Flutter Cultist.


Here's a video whose first half gives an introduction to Cipactli

OMG, this is the best FlutterCord I've read to date :heart: I mean, sure, I haven't ready many others yet to judge, but this is still super cool and sweet and has so many references that I don't recognize, but that's okay because it was all kinds of fun :pinkiehappy:

And Laughter is a combination of Hope and Joy...

Does that mean Silverstream's Element is the latter? :rainbowderp:

You thought it was DIO, but it was me, Alicorn Pinkie Pie! :pinkiehappy:

Ow this should be good especially if it get “bizarre”

That was fun. I always appreciate Fluttercord, and Chaos Pinkie is awesome.

With regard to the author's note: Slaanesh isn't Joy, it's Excess, and while Pinkie does take things too far sometimes, I feel like the rest of the Mane 6 except Fluttershy are more likely Slaanesh cultists than she is. Maybe that's because I so strongly associate her with Tzeentch, though.

Is Fluttershy a chaos cultist or a very successful order cultist?

Never made before the obvious connection between butterflies and chaos in relation to MLP. I wonder if Faust thought of it when She made fluttershy befriend Discord.

“PINKAMENA DIANE PIE!” The shout echoed across the entire realm of chaos, scattering slaads and sending jabberwocks burbling off for mimsier borogroves.

Pinkie gulped, ears flat against her head. "Mama?" Eventually, the echoes grew distorted enough that she could pin down the source with ease. "Oh, it’s just Fluttershy."

Fluttershy stepped forward, eyes narrowed and wings flared, setting herself between Pinkie and Discord. She almost physically glowed with righteousness and demands for retribution.

"Oh." Pinkie gulped again. "It’s just Fluttershy."

It was at this moment that Pinkie knew, she bucked up. Though as I read I was starting to worry that Pinkie didn't buck up and then...

That got a series of barks.

“Wh-what do you mean?" Pinkie's smile grew nervous. Her mane started tying itself in knots. "Of course you’re still my friend. Aren't you?"

Fluttershy just glowered at her.

...Flutters pulled out her trump card.

Fluttershy so awesome! And I feel at least a little bit angry about that forced kiss from Pinkie.

Aww! Fluttercord!


"properly curse"

Ah. Ponies don't have literal curses, as Twilight said.

And that was a trade, interesting. Ponies that can't tool, but can curse would be a very interesting world.



whsiper > whisper

Nice to see another fanfic from you so soon. Pinkie is better at chaos, but Flutters is better at friendship. And Flutters knows how to play to her strengths.

Okay SO. First of all, the Mayans and the Aztecs were completely different people. Also the Mayans didn't think the world would end, that was basically their calendar reset.

That said, why did the Aztecs do what they did? It was, essentially, a protection racket. See the gods demand sacrifice... but the best sacrifices are of enemies. Which makes it very expedient to pay a tribute, become an ally, and let them move on to someone else. And the culture of elaborate ritual sacrifice let them demonstrate their ferocity through theater and bloodsport rather than needing to actually go to war. Not that they wouldn't fight, of course. They were quite good at that too. But when you invite the ambassadors to the sacrifice and let them see your priests wearing the flayed skins of your enemies, cutting out people's hearts, and this is their idea of a party? It makes what you might call an impression.

I really love the cover image


I wonder if Faust thought of it when She made fluttershy befriend Discord.

Faust was off the show by the time that happened.

Fluttershy merely scowled at that, even as the scratches grew fainter, mixed with confused whimpers like cricket chirps. She spread a wing with a sound like an unsheathed sword and ran its primary feather over the frog of a hoof, leaving a shallow cut. She tilted the hoof down, and the first drop of blood hit the ground with the thud of a kettledrum.

I know this is summoning Things, but somehow I also think it ought to stop Pinkie from skipping the next 10 seconds.

“But, but…” Patches of Pinkie's coat flickered constantly. One of her cutie marks kept throwing off sparks as it switched back and forth between the nine balloons of the Architect of Fun and her usual three.


"You merely adopted the chaos. He was born in it."

Was he though? That issue proved that mantling is a thing. Who's to say Discord isn't just the latest being to sit on the throne of chaos?

Yes yes I know it's a Dark Knight Rises reference.

Can I take for a second to admire the em dashes at the end, M8 those are the beaut!

The real mistake Pinkie made was kissing Discord in front of Fluttershy. After that, peace was never an option.

"If you actually understand what you're referencing, you're better at this than I thought." Pinkie winked. An enormous toothless alligator swept through the hordes mere feet from her, scooping them up like a floating, scaly whale through plankton. "But I'm even better than that."

holy shit next level reference

Fluttershy has friends on every side. Even when you're dueling her on a Möbius strip.

Right? The comics present so many incredible moments to build off of, but everyone just latches onto Anon-a-Miss because of the infamy... and the fact that most people on the site haven't read any of those more interesting, better written issues.

Fluttershy may not have a lot of ambition, but once she does have a goal in mind, she sees it through with a determination that would make Chara blanch.

You know, only now do I realize the irony of the one pony character who's canonically turned into a vampire facing off against DIO in that cover image.
:yay: "I reject my equinity, Dashie! Even if it's not okay with you!"

In addition to the other responses, the video in 10102559's comment shines a lot of light on the topic. (Appropriate for a myth of five suns. :trollestia:) It's actually where I got most of my information on the Cipactli. And it does say something about a culture when they have that many war gods...


Are you saying that she is the one who-do that voodoo, so very well?

She's got voodoo, she's got hoodoo, she's got things she ain't even tried! And that's still true even after this duel.

This may be the best summary of their relationship I could ask for. I can't help but think of a far future where that nice stallion with the tornado cutie mark's been sweeping the Kindness Memorial for as long as anyone can remember. They say if you ask him politely, he'll grant a wish... but only one per pony. And undoing what you wished for counts as two. Choose wisely, because sometimes the kindest choice is making someone grow by facing the consequences of their own actions...

Possibly. I'm going to have to dust off my analysis of the evolving Elements at some point.

Here's the thing, all of the Chaos gods are defined by excess and extremes. There are more benign aspects to them—Nurgle is Love, Khorne is Conviction, Malal isn't canon—but those healthy middle grounds are swamped in the continual emotional tsunami that is the Warp. At least, that's how I understand it; by no means do I claim to be the final authority on Warhammer lore.
That said, Dash could be Khorne's as much as Slaanesh's, Twilight is absolutely Tzeentch's faithful student, and Applejack is probably planning an Exterminatus once the paperwork gets processed.

Also, as Bugsydor noted, Fluttershy is a Discord cultist... but Discord is a Fluttershy cultist.

As Discord noted, a Yu-Gi-Oh-based finisher leaves one wide open to the next challenger activating their trap card.

Oh, before the trade, both could manage a little tool use and a bit of cursing, but weren't especially good at either. It's the difference between two sporks and an actual fork and spoon.

This was one of those ideas that struck me between the eyes and flowed out of the impact site. I love it when those happen.

Thanks! I tried to get just the right balance of quality and "quality" for a semi-serious, all-goofy story like this.

It's an interesting question, but given how he nearly annihilated himself in "Discordant Harmony," I'm inclined to believe that he's a native of the chaos dimension. Pathfinder's proteans do bear a suspicious resemblance to the local chaos noodle...

Thanks! I know how to type them, so I might as well use them where they're called for.


Wait, what issue has mantling?

Yeah, my comment was originally going to have some speculative mapping of ponies to Chaos Gods, but I decided to remove it because it was too messy for my tastes. But since we're on the topic:
Applejack: Nurgle or Khorne
Fluttershy: Nurgle or Tzeentch
Pinkie Pie: Tzeentch
Rainbow Dash: Slaanesh or Khorne
Rarity: Slaanesh or Tzeentch
Twilight Sparkle: Tzeentch or Slaanesh, although I admit the latter is a stretch.

The Changer of Ways is obviously strong in Equestria. Celestia is probably as much to blame for this as Discord, really.

Regarding excess, Slaanesh, and the other Dark Powers, I recall reading a book in which it was said that Slaanesh, although the youngest and weakest of the Four, is fed by its siblings' very nature, and that this frightens them, but they can't change what they are.

I definitely feel like Discord was based on a keketar.


57? The one this fic was based on?

I've not read most of the comics, but that's definitely one I should check out. Thanks.

And Fluttershy's...is tough love. Or rather, the lack of love.

Either way, let's face it, Fluttershy is the most successful Chaos cultist in the history of any galaxy you care to name.

"Acolyte, I married him."

ok but now you have me wanting some chaos multi-cross
like, iunno, Jevil or the Chaos Gods end up in Discord's realm somehow
maybe both? it'd be a rather big stretch, but i think you might be crazy enough to make it work

That does sound fun. However, you'll be pleased to know that you can already find a story using that premise right here.

i meant one better than that
firtly, that one doesn't have Jevil, secondly, it only has Tzeentch, and lastly, none of the chaotic entities end up as friends in the end
also, i kinda don't like that author

I'm not sure which is worse. The story idea itself (which is more that comic's fault than yours. But only just), that abomination of a cover art. Or the Warhammer references. Are you a worshiper of the Ruinous Powers?

Or are you a weak minded fool, who only skimmed over the relevant portions of the lore, to make it sound like you knew what you're talking about?

Funny crack fic either way.

Either way, I smell Heresy.

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