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The Sleepless Beholder

I just headbutt the keyboard till my ideas spill out into writing. Sometimes it works.


Chrysalis was blasted from Canterlot by Shining’s and Cadance’s love for each other, but she hasn’t lost yet, she still has a secret weapon against them.

A weapon that only an ancient love-sucking being with a keen mind and an army of spies can wield; a deep understanding of the pony’s laws.

So, she arms herself with a business suit, glasses, and a briefcase full of documents, and marches on towards Canterlot.

Featured 4/20/2020, this time was intentional! :pinkiehappy:

Narrated by StraightToThePointStudio: Narration

Reviewed by Javarod: Review

Now translated to russian! by GrandCat

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 180 )


NGL, I'm biased 'cuz Chrysalis is my favorite villain, and this was a treat to read.

Also please tell me Chrysalis had her mane done in a bun :pinkiehappy:


She's also my favorite, and of course she has a bun, she's a proper lawyer XD

As a lover of all things pony and bureaucratic, and lawyer jokes, this amuses me to no end. Well done!

“Preparation Precedes Victory” as I like to say, and Chrysalis did plenty of preparation. This story gave me a good chuckle, and makes for a nice pallet cleanser after your recent sadfics.

BTW, are you from Europe? Forgive my ignorance, but IIRC Europe splits large numbers with periods instead of commas.


are you from Europe?

no, South America.

I put the periods because the whole number seemed ugly for me, and didn't know another way to separate it.

makes for a nice pallet cleanser after your recent sadfics

Yup, i wanted to do something funny this time and I'm glad I could give you a chuckle

Funniest part of this story is that it makes Chrysalis much more sane and compassionate towards her subjects' needs than she is in canon.

Nicely random, a heartwarming tale of victory through bureaucracy!

After they gave the changelings personalities, I wondered how much more success she would have of she used it.
Thorax as a sort of diplomat or maybe spy if you manage to convince him would be quite the advantage.
Make him look like a pony, put him on a soap box, and let him convince the masses to give love instead of being destroyed.

And Phalanx would have been quite useful as a general with his strength and combat motivation.

Okay... holy f***k! That's massed up!!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Poor Cadence, at least she got Mr. Booze to help her. Twilight? Well, who cares. She always panics easily, that her thing.


Twilight? Well, who cares. She always panics easily, that her thing.

I imagine a similar reaction to when Starlight befriended Trixie

And jealous. She was not happy when glimmer befriend Trixie.

civilization has come to the conclusion that it is no longer important who is right and who is wrong; it matters whose lawyer is better or worse. 🤣

I don't remember if it was in a movie or a series, but a big corporate boss said:

"You don't need to worry about ethics if you have a well paid lawyer."

And now I want more legal shenanigans. Great.

I love when paperwork and technicalities utterly destroy someone.

Maybe when the Crystal Empire returns

All of my yes

Commas or spaces are the usual way in English speaking countries. Commas are more popular, especially in the US.
11,308,656 or 11 308 656
With decimal places it would be something like 11,308,656.00 or 11 308 656.00

I feel like the marriage should not be allowed. He signed it with the understanding he was marrying Cadance, not Chrysalis; he did not give informed consent.

Wouldn't being disguised as Cadence mean that Shining Armor married Cadence and not Chrysalis who was posing as Cadence? Not to mention the whole mind control thing, sure Shining signed it... but he wasn't entirely in control of his faculties while doing it. So forged by proxy.

Chrysalis would had to of have appeared in front of the one letting them sign the marriage papers as herself to make it viable, also the minister would have to of known Chrysalis was a changeling and not be under mind control as well. Another forge by proxy.

Also if Chrysalis signed Cadence's name and not her own while disguised as Cadence, then Shining just married Cadence twice. If she did sign her own name, then the official would have noticed that Cadence's name is not on the signed documents before stamping them. They actually have to read the documents over after they are signed in full before making it official. If the official wasn't mind controlled then the wrong name would have been noticed.

With all that, the marriage is automatically void or annulled under false pretenses, still funny though.

Your Honor! This supposed 'private marriage' is nothing but a sham. Any contract entered under false pretenses is invalid. Not only was Chrysalis hiding her true form and identity with shapeshifting, but Shining Armor had been subject to mental magic that rendered him unable to choose freely. Also, her claim that he bears responsibility for children she had before the marriage is a contradiction! A new parent does not gain responsibility over a child from a previous marriage unless they choose to adopt them. Chrysalis must present proof that Shining Armor adopted each changeling that she claims he bears responsibility for. AND her claim that he would be forced to pay child support is baseless as many of her changelings are well beyond the age of majority and capable of providing for themselves. On every level this document and demand are patently false, your Honor.
The defense rests.

Dang, It works!
I was just testing marriage law around the world and there are some relevance in the story.

Excellent work! Poor Cadance, I hope she did recover from her alcohol problems fully and can have a happy life ;)

Ah! Good to see that you made yet another high quality and exhillaratingly brilliant fanfic! And by God this one was so dramtic and just too good to pass up on! I hope ya didn't mind that I did a little audio reading on this story!

Audio Linty Linky Link!: https://youtu.be/bki7ebQkuWE

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment!)

Trust me, there are things that are similar to this situation and solutions to them seem simple( like what you wrote), to the situations in real life
Some court processes seem simple but they somehow aren't
A good lawyers can do that to defend its client or big rich company

Like here https://www.gofundme.com/f/scp-legal-funds
A guy tries to own SCP Foundation in Russia to have all the profit from merchandise , etc and SCP has to fight in court with him
It's simple, he doesn't own SCP but the guy did it and till they fix it he will milk money till he can

A very nice read indeed

Absolutely delightful. I especially liked Celestia in this story. Thanks for writing this.

Chrysalis moved in with Shining Armor and defended him form the alcoholic Cadence until she finally resigned and forgave him, giving some stability to the house and fixing their relationship. She still hates Chrysalis though.

So Shining has a royal harem?

Can't wait for similar things


Psychicscubadiver has a point!

Even if the signature spell ensures that Shining's approval was required for the paper to be signed, she was shape-shifted into her Cadance guise without his awareness. So, in a magically induced drunken stupor or not, he signed under the belief that he was marrying CADANCE! And agreeing to anything legal under false pretenses is FRAUD!

What have you to say about that, QUEEN?!

I'm surprised that in the story, no one mentioned how Twilight is now the auntie over legions of insects.

This got a laugh out of me. Have an upvote and a favorite!

The changeling queen smiled. “You mean your marriage… to your sister?”

I want that Honeymoon story! :pinkiecrazy:

I will keep it in mind for the future





Lawyer Chrysalis: adjust glasses.

Wouldn't being disguised as Cadence mean that Shining Armor married Cadence and not Chrysalis who was posing as Cadence? Not to mention the whole mind control thing, sure Shining signed it... but he wasn't entirely in control of his faculties while doing it.

Not only was Chrysalis hiding her true form and identity with shapeshifting, but Shining Armor had been subject to mental magic that rendered him unable to choose freely

Even if the signature spell ensures that Shining's approval was required for the paper to be signed, she was shape-shifted into her Cadance guise without his awareness. So, in a magically induced drunken stupor or not, he signed under the belief that he was marrying CADANCE! And agreeing to anything legal under false pretenses is FRAUD!

“As I stated before; Royal Ink’s form of signature is irrefutable, regardless of the conditions of the pony when it was signed, or if it’s a controversial document, such as a peace treaty, the document is valid due to the signature’s magic. Also, as I said before, the signature can’t be forged, even with shapeshifting, (it would be quite the advantage if it could), so I signed it as Chrysalis, not Cadence.

Regarding Shining’s mind control, Celestia stated that a contract can’t be signed without some desire to fulfill it. Shining had some fantasy of marrying a being like me, (obviously) and when presented with the chance, he signed it with that desire in mind.

Chrysalis would had to of have appeared in front of the one letting them sign the marriage papers as herself to make it viable, also the minister would have to of known Chrysalis was a changeling and not be under mind control as well.

The ceremony was made with a pony minister, and the one that corroborated the documents was also a pony. They both were aware of my true form but proceeded with the ceremony regardless.

her claim that he bears responsibility for children she had before the marriage is a contradiction! A new parent does not gain responsibility over a child from a previous marriage unless they choose to adopt them

You are right in this one. It was a bluff that Celestia and Cadence didn’t see through.
Ponies aren’t good with bureaucracy.”

I will never mind a reading from you, and I can't wait to hear it.

Glad you liked it!

Yeah, the whole SCP situation has me disgusted with whatever asshole is behind it and Russian bullshit laws.

I really hope they can win and SCP reamins free.

Shhh, you will give her another panic attack

I did some research before writing.

You have to give it to her... she looks good in black :coolphoto:

This is fucking great I love it!

Oh Cadance, you forgot your greatest weapon. :ajsleepy:

Twilight Sparkle. What is a mere Changeling Queen compared to a detail obsessed, near-OCD, academic main protagonist? Nothing, nothing! :pinkiecrazy:

She'll destroy her using the most obscure laws in history!

She should've taken things to court and declared Twilight as her lawyer.

That wouldn't hold water in real court but that is not real court :D

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