• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)


All of the girls speak directly to his face, and it feels like none of them listen to a single word which emerges from his mouth. They treat him as a prize: something which will say how special they were for being able to win him. There are boys in Hogwarts who would relish that shallow level of attention, and Bill Weasley isn't one of them. Sometimes it feels like there's no one in the world who understands.

But some say there are other worlds. And no one doesn't mean nopony.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 63 )

For those wondering about the suggestions of unseen events and backstory: this takes place several years before Harry entered school, during the events of Hogwarts Mystery. And while this story isn't necessarily 'canon' to another one in my catalog, I used the characterization found there.

Also, this whole thing is completely FOME's fault.

An interesting, if very, sad, and heartbreaking. Yet, its, something poignant and beautiful.

Nothing will ever make me as happy as seeing Estee's signature style being applied to an Alan Rickman character.

10192242 Agreed. FOME has much to answer for. We should prepare a test. Long essay, five scrolls of parchment, minimum.
(The funny part is I was actually playing the game, working on the Animagus quest when I saw this notification pop up.)

It was as if everything she ever said was chosen from a carefully-reviewed list of options, and the only true goal was to find the words which would make others like her all the more. (or frantic Google searches)

Because her name is Fluer I get it I see what's up
Dang it, now I want to play that stupid game. Maybe I'll find a let's play to watch.

How in the HELL did I not make that connection until the last line what is WRONG WITH ME.

Also, I feel like the main thing Hogwarts teaches is actually solving mysteries.

She almost always hesitated before speaking.

Sometimes it took her hours to muster up the Energy to respond.

It was as if everything she ever said was chosen from a carefully-reviewed list of options, and the only true goal was to find the words which would make others like her all the more.

He's onto us!

You write an exquisite Snape. I can hear Alan Rickman drawl those lines with all the distaste Rowling had for chemistry class.

I've only got so many years to be pretty, and when that's over -- I have to be ready for what comes next. So much of what I've done was about being ready. Because once my looks are gone, when there's nothing in the way to keep ponies from seeing what's underneath -- I have to be ready. To... to be alo --

Just in case it wasn't clear why she hates anypony with an hourglass for a cutie mark.

And with you, for your life... I can't imagine anything except a happy ending. But I know how the world works. My world, the real world.

There is something beautifully ironic about someone from Equestria saying that Earth's the sugarcoated wonderland.

'And death! And --" she seemed to be struggling somewhat, mostly because she'd just landed on her favorite word and was reluctant to let it go. "-- death...!"


Magnificent work. Especially when one considers that yes, there actually is a fair amount of symbolic connection between one Fleur and the other if you squint in the right way. I happily accept the blame for this one. Thank you for it. :twilightsmile:

Oh dear. Can I at least use a ballpoint pen?


There is something beautifully ironic about someone from Equestria saying that Earth's the sugarcoated wonderland.

I haven’t even read the fic yet and I’ve already facepalmed. :twilightoops:

Earth? A sugarcoated wonderland? Hah, I wish! *snort*

They’re in for a heck of a surprise.


I think we're all fated to assume other worlds must be better than ours.

Huh, a Bill Weaseley story eh? Neato. Normally its X pony during the events of the books, buit this is interesting


Well, if you're a talented wizard...


Oof, Tyler was *harsh*!

And ow, it took me until the end to see the name connection!

Great look at Bill's thoughts and everything!

Fleur. Of course. I did not expect this, but maybe I should have, considering your enlightening blog post about the game. :twilightsmile:

The grass is greener and all that, I guess. *shrug*

Fleur and Fleur. Didn't make the connection until the end. Kind do of obvious in retrospective but also clever for a crossover.

Have a like.

"I don't want that," she quietly said. "I don't want anyone in my head. And if I start to believe that, really believe you're real -- then I would have to attack. So don't ask me to believe that, biped. Not now. Are you going to lower that thing?"

Why absolutely havin to attack? Because he is a ugly biped and specie she can't identify? Or because he is in her 'head'?

I wonder how Luna would perceive what just happened from the outside with her dream magic.

You made me remember Alan's dead. And that made me sad :pinkiesad2:

It was a lovely story though, and that ending oh so sweet...

You absolute, massive, bastard.

I thought I was out.

But, now, I'm writing a new story for this universe.

I think I will have the last laugh, tho.

The story has Harem Fantasy in it. And, he gets to meet someone that is just as much an inverted story as he is...

Fantastic story! I really enjoyed your take on the wizarding world and how Bill interacted in the world and in the dream. It tracks that both would believe themselves to be the one dreaming.

Super fun to see Fleur in such a different context and from the angle of someone in a similar enough position that he could relate to her a lot. I like how they reflect each other and in that dream-like way mirror in unexpected yet sensible ways. And of course, there's the meta amusement of her name sharing continuity across franchises.

It's heartbreaking to see how fatalistic she really is, but fascinating to see her so openly discussing her philosophy on life in such a vulnerable way.

He was so afraid to forget the dream after he woke up; I can relate. I enjoy the idea that the dream stayed with him in some way and subtly shifted the course of his life to get him to meet the one person with the potential to match his vision. Who just happened to have the same name!

If some character named Bill shows up in Anchor Foal I'm gonna be salty, though.

The lion and the unicorn
Were fighting for the crown
The lion beat the unicorn
All around the town
Some gave them white bread
And some gave them brown
And some gave them plum cake
And drummed them out of town

Refreshing to see an original and great fanfic once in a while!
I really like how you wrote Fleur and Bill's characters and their interactions. Favourited.

An absolutely marvelous story! I really love how well you managed to capture both worlds, though with the story having no 'other' tag I originally wasn't sure if you had a very misleading summary or if the story featured only Fleur. I'd suggest adding it. The dialogue was an especially strong point, particularly from the professors and this had the lovable, adventurous tone I'd expect from anything aiming for Harry Potter-style prose. If you ever do more stories crossing these two over, expect me back again.

I stick in this link for the meaning
The article states that they are both figures in the British coat of arms
I'm a little surprised that Charles doesn't know that

"Not true knowledge," Snape finally said. "But deduction based on previously-acquired information, reaching for the new. The sort of thing which can occasionally have a place in this classroom, although I encourage you to keep it out of your cauldrons. Take two points for Hufflepuff, Ms. Trudence."

It's also really nice to see Snape as a real teacher, as opposed to a bully reenacting his childhood with the two main characters reversed.

A wonderful story from start to finish. You write a marvelous Snape, and it's always good to see him in his proper element instead of stuck revisiting potions 101 again and again and again. Perhaps he was less acerbic earlier in his career?

This story was something special, it hits that special place where you want to read more of it, even after it ends in exactly the right place. That's the mark of a good story, when you want to see more of the world based on what you've read already.

Well, I should have known that if anyone was going to write a Harry Potter fanfic that I actually liked it would probably have been Estee. Very well done.

for some reason this makes me think Batman (tas)

the taller of the two Ravenclaws: a redhead bearing a shade somewhat deeper than his own

I'm pretty sure I noticed a thing there.

Oh.... oh wow. This is beautiful, and oh so heartbreaking. I... I need time to process this.

Very nicely done. I love the subtle nudge to take a chance with his love later in life. =)

I'm still thinking about whether Fleur was real and what life she might have gone on to live. Good story; thank you.

Oh nice. This was a very good crossover; Bill Weasley was an excellent choice for a protagonist, the malfunctioning potion was a fine explanation for the crossover, and his and Fleur's discussion was great. And I really liked the "heightened reality" way you described the dream Equestria, too.

"He nodded, and an elder wand flicked through the air."

Sometimes it takes a second read to see the pun. Well played, Estee.

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

This was a cute little delight! What a gem. I wonder if you have written Potter fanfic before? The characterization of the HP characters was absolutely dead on accurate, and i already enjoyed your [quote]Anchor Foal Fleur.

Writing it now. It's fun to figure out what happens when a sapient story meets a sapient story.


I do not except full success. After the initial demonstration, I will be brewing a cauldron of my own during class, and any of you may approach to watch if you feel a personal review is required.


Except that... there were little rough modules under his palm. The feel of wood.


Just a couple of rough spots I noticed among the silken threads.

I felt like this was referencing some story or other I didn’t know, huh. Turns out it’s a game. And now I know.

Interesting and poignant on Fleur’s side. It’s too bad they’d never meet again. Fleur could use someone to talk to.

Great little crossover

Gonna say that you have such a wonderful way with characters.
Snape is spot on, Trelawney is delightfully, and the mental image of Percy vibrating was perfect.
The shift was also very seamless, and a testament to your writing skill.


1. This is probably a horrible mistake, at least in the sense that the only thing my little Hatedom might loathe more than me is anyone trying to get near the torch -- let alone trying to pick it up. But hey, it's your Comments set on fire.

2. I feel like this is a good time to mention that 'canonically', Harem recognizes herself as female.

"try to talk them to them, but"
"try to talk to them, but"?

"a night which had only half the chromatic options of the sky he knew"
Interesting. I wonder what that means?

Nice. :)

I'm willing to risk it. Hey, any attention is better than no attention.

And, damn. I kept seeing Harem Fantasy as a boy, because most of the stories are talking about the protagonist. I think I can figure out a way around this somehow...and it makes sense now.

As someone who has never read an HP book or seen a film, I quite enjoyed this.

WITH that said (I’m going to be that guy, sorry), but there were several Americanisms in there that didn’t fit for me. ”Mom” instead of “Mum”, “pants” for “trousers”, little niggles for a pedantic Brit.

Otherwise, this was great. If you decide to start writing HP docs, I’d read them.

I must confess at being at a bit of a loss. While I enjoy reading to a great extent the Harry Potter books have not been a part of my library other than one attempt at the first book. But from what I understand it seems to be a very enjoyable story.

And thus he now knows the name of his future wife... and before anyone thinks I'm talking about the pony, I'm talking about Fleur Delacour

Jaded Handsome boy meets cynical pretty girl in shared dream. They bond over people only wanting them for their looks. Parting ways, girl tells him not to give up on looking for love. Dream stays with handsome boy. Later, handsome boy meets different pretty girl who shares many attributes of first pretty girl. Pretty girls share the same name, so he gives love a chance. Babies.

Similarities include first name, ethereal beauty, short on size but big on temper, magic.

In a different world, after Fleur’s beauty has left her, she meets a tall, seemingly hideous (to her eyes) creature with hair like a lion. FleurXScorpan.

Wanderer D

I really enjoyed this story, thanks for sharing it! :raritystarry:

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