• Published 17th Jul 2020
  • 1,011 Views, 76 Comments

Sunbeam - TheMajorTechie

Twilight Sparkle has stepped down. This is how Equestria crumbled.

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Day 13

Finally, I get to go with Starlight! She said that I can't tell anypony about what she's doing or where she's going, so I guess I'll try and keep things vague or something. Actually, you know what? I'm gonna write it down anyway! I'm getting sick of being told what I can and can't do, and even though Starlight's been nice to me, that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna try and enjoy myself a little and write stuff down.


I genuinely got afraid when we started heading back towards Ponyville again. Turns out that Starlight was just making a stop by the Old Guard base to make sure that things were still fine there before moving on. Apparently, we were going to Ponyville, 'cause that's where we went to right after we stopped by the fort. Starlight went to Twilight's old castle, but instead of going inside (like we did during the battle), we went under it. I'm not really sure who knows about it and who doesn't, but it seems like a lot of the ponies that were able to flee were able to escape into the underground tunnel. Starlight said that the tunnel is connected to the Old Guard fort, but nopony else but her knows that. I think she might've made the tunnels, possibly during the time she went missing.



Wait hold on, is Starlight a double agent? Cool! I can't believe it took me an entire day to realize that just now!

So anyway, a lot of the ponies looked scared of me when I arrived since I was wearing my uniform. Starlight told them that it's okay, that I was only there to guard her and not to go after anypony else. Honestly, I wish that I was part of these ponies hiding in the tunnels. I hope I can find the families of the ones I killed to apologize.

So, continuing on... Starlight said that during the time she was gone, she met with Princess Luna, who said that Celestia is going through the same thing she herself went through when she turned all Nightmare Moon and stuff. She calls Celestia's current form "Daybreaker", so I guess I'll use that as well. The ponies here under Ponyville are part of a resistance movement that's gonna try and take down Daybreaker with the help of Starlight and Luna, though since Starlight has to play double-agent, she can't do all that much herself or else she'll blow the group's cover. There really isn't much of a plan yet as to how we're going to take down Daybreaker, but Starlight said that since the Elements of Harmony worked on Nightmare Moon, they might be able to work on Daybreaker too. The only problem? They don't really exist anymore in the same way they used to.

Also, I asked Starlight about why she chose me specifically, and the funny thing about it? She said she chose me because I looked the most harmless. I don't think she knows that I was one of the soldiers that had to go and kill ponies from this same group not too long ago. She probably thinks they're scared because of my uniform. But either way, I'm glad she chose me to be with her on her guard team. Yeah, there's some other ponies too, but not all of them really look all that trustworthy. At the very least, if things go wrong, I'm still completely onboard with Starlight! Let's just hope that the same goes with the other guards now that they know about the resistance.

Speaking of which, the resistance does have a name.

They call themselves the Ashen.

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