• Published 10th May 2020
  • 2,602 Views, 80 Comments

To Be a Dragon - L Drkheart

Spike comes home find the changes his disappearance caused and to fix what he destroyed.

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A Past Home Pt 2

“Ow ow ow! Starlight let go! You’re gonna tear my ear off!” Starlight pulled Spike out of Ponyville and to the old CMC clubhouse so they would be alone. She let go and he rubbed his ear frill as she faced him with an angry principal face.

“You have a lot of explaining to do. “

“Of course… Star I’ll explain everything to everyone but I have to see her… Twilight…” Starlight looked down and sighed. “What’s wrong?”

“Spike, you were gone for so long… you were with her since she cared to remember. Losing you hurt her in so many ways and while you coming back will help, I don't know about letting you see her yet.“

“What do you mean? What’s wrong?”

“She hoped every day to see you and was so broken up that… two years after you vanished she started to see you. A living nightmare that blamed her, that tortured her, one none of us could see. She would be fine but then she would be crying and hiding herself away. We all did what we could. Over time, Cadence got her to open up again. I was so busy with the school…” Spike hugged her and sighed.

“Don’t go down that slope… you can’t blame yourself especially since this was my fault.”

“She opened up slowly, starting with Applejack thinking she’d understand loss. We brought her back and nightmare left but I could see it. It never truly disappeared. Always a tiny voice there in the back of his mind. Seeing you just out of the blue may not help unless the girls and I are there to help prove that you’re real.” Spike nodded slowly and looked down at his claws, anger filling him. Anger at his own greed, at just how much he had hurt the one that gave him everything. He roared and blasted fire into the sky. Starlight put a hoof on his back and he slowly relaxed before laying on his back.

“I’m sorry… for everything. For leaving you to put up the pieces…”

“Spike, we all may not forgive you as easily as Pinkie but you have a chance to make things right. Now you do what you think is right.” They turned when they heard a train whistle and Starlight paled before she cursed and ordered him to stay. She teleported away and Spike shrugged before looking back at the old CMC clubhouse, wondering what happened to them for it to look so unused. He jumped when he heard a stick break and turned to see another familiar face.

. . .

Starlight teleported to her school and rushed through the halls. “No no no, damn it! Why do I get lost even in my own school!?” She finally burst through a room where Applebloom was getting ready for her class. She smiled at her boss.

“Howdy Starlight, somethin’ wrong?”

“No time! I need you to distract your sister! You have to keep her away from Sweet Apple Acres while I’m talking to someone there!” Starlight started to pull Applebloo, closer and prepared to teleport them to the train station. Applebloom struggled against the magic and shouted.

“Starlight! Ma sister is already home! She arrived late last night in case ya needed help with Twilight!” Starlight stopped and pulled the red-maned girl close.

“She what?!”

. . .

“A-Applejack…” Spike faced the country mare and blushed to find she had gotten even more beautiful since he last saw her. His younger self never admitted it but he had a bit of a crush on her, not as big as the one on Rarity of course but he admired her maybe even more. She was kind, honest, hard-working, always there to listen even if it was a tiny problem. Her accent and looks also helped. Her dedication to family and to make her fortunes square inspired him to work harder and reach ever higher.

“Spike…” She stared at him before she leaned her head down, her trademarked hat covering her eyes as she smiled.

“I’m back… to stay.”

“Ah see that… so nice to see ya…” She undid the red bands from her hair and tail, letting her mane fall freely and putting the bands on her forelegs. She looked up at him, a deathly glare in her eyes as they watered ever so slightly. Spike shivered and froze for a moment, it was like Fluttershy using the stare on him. He had killed villains whose glares that couldn’t compare to this one.

“A-Applej-” He didn’t finish as she rushed at him and shouted as she hit him in the jaw with all of her strength. Spike smashed into the ground, causing a small crater and was shocked as pain spread across his body. He touched his jaw to find blood, she had actually managed to hurt him. “A-Applejack, you hurt me!?” The country mare didn’t stop as she bit on his tail and pulled him out of the crater.

“And you have a lot more coming!!” She shouted, throwing him into a tree and tried to punch him but he moved his head at the last moment, seeing her hoof make an indent in the tree. He gulped seeing this was serious and that if he wasn’t careful then she would hurt him. He kicked her away and stood.

“I don’t wanna fight you!”

“Should have thought of that before you ran! Before you abandoned your family!” She attacked him with punches and kicks which Spike blocked and dodged but Applejack had only gotten better with age, her speed and strength was something Spike was unused to. She landed several kicks to his gut and cracked him on the jaw again. He cursed and spat out more crimson liquid before he punched her back.


“SIS!” Applebloom shouted trying to get to her sister but Starlight pulled her back as Applejack glared at her.

“Keep her out of this!” She jumped back at Spike and he grabbed her hooves and threw her aside and opened his wings to fly but she growled and kicked rocks at him, one hitting his wing. He cursed and grabbed an empty log before throwing it at her but she ran towards it and jumped, spinning right through the center and landing a kick on his face again. He fell to a knee but quickly grabbed her hooves again trying to stop her but she smashed her head into his nose causing him to drop her and she reared her legs. He held his face and opened an eye just in time to see her buck him, just in time to see tears in her glaring eyes. He coughed and crashed through several trees.

He gasped and moved a hand to his chest. ‘Several cracked ribs… knocked out a few teeth… broken nose...’ He coughed out some blood and looked up to see Applejack glaring.

“A-Applejack…” He muttered and reached out a hand only for her to buck his shoulder and dislocate it. He stayed still and cried, shutting his eyes and waiting for more pain.

“THAT’S ENOUGH APPLEJACK!” He opened his eyes to see Applebloom standing over him. She sounded sad and distant to Spike. She was bigger and seemed to take after Applejack. Her long red mane fell naturally over her shoulder and her tail seemed to stick out just a tiny bit. “He had enough!”

“Enough? ENOUGH!?! After all, this bastard did?! He abandoned us! His family! He let us think he was dead! Did ya have to hear Twilight?! Rarity!? Everyone?! Did he have to be here and watch as our friends lost themselves in grief!? Did he have to put on a brave face and lie telling them that everything would be okay?! That… everything… would be normal again… someday…” She glared and allowed herself to cry and she shook her head angrily before she spat on Spike and started to leave. “I have work to do… Applebloom I suggest you do the same… Oh and Spike.” He struggled to focus on her as she glared at him. “Come back on my land and I won’t stop.”

Spike opened his mouth to say something but fainted as Starlight put him to sleep. Her and Applebloom helped him up and teleported him to the school, hoping that Nurse Redheart would be able to do something for him.

Author's Note:

Short chapter but I'll make up for it! Promise! So how was the fight? Clearer? I hope I'm getting better at this. Thanks for all the likes and such since I've been gone.

Comments ( 37 )

Ok while i get you wanted to show AJ could hold her own you went too far with the injuries and the amount of dmg he allowed himself to take no matter the guilt or hesitation his instict should have protected him.

This goes the route of i dont want to see you again for both of them now. Spike if hes not wisened up after this and doesent have a shred of resentment or self confidence he wont take this laying down and would walk away with his head held high as he knows where his former friend stands now.

Uf it boils my blood when i see former friends trying to kill one another and one simply taking it. No matter the reasons......

To be honest, I don't like the way the fight went. I know Applejack is strong, and Spike wouldn't want to hurt her but, that fight was way too one-sided. Makes it look like all those years of training, fighting and victories against the Ancients really didn't do anything for his skills.

Will still see how this turns out. But if most of this is just going to be, "beat the dragon", I'm not really interested in reading more. Not looking for a pity party but, not really sure where the story is going with this turn of events. He didn't even go see, Princess Celestia, who is the whole reason he even came back now in the first place! Just looking for some clear direction here, that still has something to do with the original goals and tasks for his leaving in the first place, and what he really learned from it.

So, that's just my two cents. Sorry for the rant. Just happened and I went with it.

Please continue!

I understand Applejacks anger but to me it doesn’t make sense that she won this fight. Spike has been training and taking on ancient Evils. I understand the first hit taking him by surprise and her getting in a couple of hits but I feel like he should have been able to block the other attacks.

Spike didn't want to fight her

Yeah really. Though AJ is the angriest of anyone, this attacking thing won't happen again. He'll need to work to get her back to being his friend.

Yeah Spike is more resilient and while I think he was caught off guard he tried to avoid fighting only to be actually be hurt. I mean he could have breathed fire or slashed but he doesn't wanna hurt her or the land. I may have gone too far, once he realized that he was getting hurt maybe he should have ran. Since he was a dragon, AJ I suppose believed she could go all out while Spike can't, a fight with an ancient even is easier when you can focus on killing instead of disabling. The way I see it, Applejack is the most sensible of the Mane 6, probably Spike hoped that she would get it out of her system like Starlight but you saw how it ended. This won't be the last time the two fight but next time it will be on far more even terms. Spur of the moment and caught off guard Spike underestimated her and paid the price. It won't happen next time. You did have a point though so thanks for the comment!

I agree. The fight was more so Applejack based this time. That is something that I'll work on, especially in their second fight. The next one will be much more emotional and even with them agreeing to not maim but hit hard. Spike was trained to fight monsters and while he has captured many I think he's mostly resulted to killing. Something that doesn't help here. I may have him have to train to actually disable opponents. Especially since ponies like Fluttershy and Twilight would be against it. Maybe Shining Armor will be the teacher. I fully understand the complaint and this was gonna be the last fight chapter for a bit. He is gonna rebuild his relationships, strengthen them, and focus on finding his role with them again. Maybe he'll be an assistant, maybe a teacher? I can say that everyone, even Rainbow, will be far more accepting of Spike again but AJ will still not be for a tiny bit.

Seeing how important family is to her this running away thing and how hurt the others were affected her. AJ being who she is decided to bottle that, seeing Spike here snapped her for a bit but she'll be sensible again soon.

Would be funny if in a nightmare, Luna made sure to put Spike into a bad time Sans style.

Heh yeah that would be but Loony will be more mature haha

She isn't when it comes to games.

I enjoyed seeing AppleJack smash him down several times. She has every right to be angry, and the damage to Twilight...is pretty bad.

It would really bad if some....villain happen to know all this and say...use ti against them.

A villain attack would help bring them back together, that is how necessaries work

Rubs face......Ok I get why you misunderstood that,.

What I'm referring to the possible villain not being stupid, that he or she could try to take control of Twilight as her mental state if fragile maybe even enslave her to hurt to break Spike.

Shadelings a concept I came up with if Chrysalis and Sombra were to join forces.

Hmmm... well said! Now I'm really looking forward to more. Hope the recovery doesn't take long.:moustache:

Nope Starlight and Redheart (with Smolder's help) have learned a lot about dragons and while it takes hours Spike will be walking again, by the next chapter. He'll just need to take it easy and heal, which gives him good reason to just relax with his friends.

This is very good, can't wait to see what happens next.

Are you planning on continuing this story? It's been really good so far why did you give up on it? :raritycry:

It's my hands. After a workplace incident it makes any type of movement over a period of time causes them to lock up and not move.

Omg so sorry to hear that! Will they ever recover or is it a permanent damage?

It's taken time but I'm getting better!

Bet spike will feel that tomorrow

So glad to hear it. Take your time. We'll wait for your great stories :raritywink:

Hope you feel better.

God damn. Is this what earth ponies can do?

I feel this story was canceled which is sad but if it is continuing it will be amazing

Is this story still going?

Loved this,

Thank you! This one was cool to write.

Will this continue?

I wouldn't say nooooo

Is this story dead or what I really hope it's not

And I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I feel like you should have made it more clear that Spike let her win The fight . would've have been much better that way instead of it being one-sided

I will! Sorry been really busy with stuff and original projects but I do still have my notes for each and every story and which direction they will go in

That "fight" SHOULD'VE ended after the first punch and a "I deserved that" line. He's an armor plated dragon trained to fight and defend against POWERFUL foes... But even after saying that, it reminds me that SHE, herself left her home to try and find herself in a different city, would she have preferred if her brother beat her to a pulp and banished her from the farm when she tried to return?

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