• Published 7th Jun 2020
  • 1,226 Views, 62 Comments

Late Night Mangoes - Forgetful

Late Shift Is a radio personality in the human world, also a Bat Pony... Not that anyone believes that's true.

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Starting The Shift, 12:00 A.M - 12:30 A.M

Late Shift stretched her slender legs with a monotonous yawn. Long dark lashes fluttered in front of vibrant orange eyes, that glowed hauntingly in the dim light of her workplace. A tiny radio station on the outskirts of the nearby city of Birmingham, her work area claustrophobic to be put bluntly.

The room cluttered beyond repair as she took off her flowing black cloak, dark ocean blue hooves allowing it to hang off the nearby wall. Trash of the dayshift scattered across the shelves and floor, apparently she was the only clean creature at this business.

A short silvery mane framed her delicate features in a congenial way, the petite bat pony quick to pounce up onto her nearby stool in the soundproof booth. A smile slowly crossed her narrow muzzle, a large coffee cup in the shape of a mango sat waiting beside her oversized microphone, steam wafting into the air lazily.

Sarah must've been kind enough to fetch a coffee before she arrived. Not all humans in this odd world were complete selfish mules, just most of them. With a glance towards the call booth, she made out the silhouette of Julie on the ready.

A colorful line of buttons shining bright in the darkness as calls came in from all over the city. Seconds away from midnight, she knew her night was just about to begin.

Late Shift nestled her headphones atop her head, nodding to Julie who switched the sign above the booth to "On Air". A night full of BS surely on the horizon, humans were reliable like that.

"Welcome to Late Night Mangoes!" Late shift rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"I'm your lovely hostess Late Shift, we're here to chat about how the dayshift just doesn't understand us." She winked towards Julie who just snorted aloud.

The caller on one flashed to attention as Late Shift groaned, knowing it was time to hear some nonsense.

"Caller One, you're on the air!" She yawned extra loud to be heard over the phone.

"Yes, this is Trevor." The caller felt the unknown need to introduce himself this dark night.

"Hello Trevor, how may I keep you company on this night?" Late Shift quirked her brow.

"Well, I'm curious about how you eat!?" He asked his question in a serious tone.

"Like most creatures, I was born with a mouth." She giggled behind her hoof.

"No, I mean you drink blood! ~ Like at what a blood bank or something!?" He snapped back a bit angry.

"Rawr, settle down! ~ Just because I'm a bat pony, doesn't mean I'm a blood drinker." She popped her lips softly towards the microphone.

"Huh, but all bats drink blood!?" Trevor seemed very sure of himself.

"Actually most are fruit eaters, if not then bugs! ~ I insist you do a tad more research if you're going to call in cutie!" The clicking sound of the phone hanging up echoed across the room.

"Caller Two, talk to me, baby!" She sighed as a young woman spoke up.

"Actually I thought you sucked blood too." The second caller spoke up in a ditzy manner.

"Hon, the only thing I suck life from is a pack of menthols." Late Shift flashed a lackluster gaze towards her cigarettes that hung out of her cloak's pocket.

"At that, they give me the same courtesy." Julie was quick to hang up the caller as the bat pony finished her sentence.

Two calls in and she was already annoyed. The bright green flash of the board, telling her that another slew of annoyances was quickly approaching.

"Caller Three, what will it be!?" Late Shift forced herself to be polite.

"Politics." A man's voice spoke in a gruff but collected tone.

"Hate them." She replied with a scrunch of her muzzle confused.

"No, I mean that the only reason Radio-M hired you in was politics!" The man snapped as if annoyed by her presence.

"Actually they needed a host who totally didn't need sleep." She blew a loud raspberry.

"As if, dumb ponies are the stylish thing right now! Face it, you have no personality and are completely boring!!" He chuckled as Julie gave a silent nudge to the hang-up button.

"Wow, somebody sounds constipated." She giggled as her hoof shook up and down in the air, this guy was a complete jerk off.

"And you're a token bi…" The air went silent as Julie stepped in and pressed the bright red button.

"Oi, if you call in please be civil!" Late Shift tilted her head back in defeat.

"Caller Four, thinks you're a human," Julie spoke from her tiny booth of isolation, the screening process had already begun.

"Is that right, Caller Four?" Late Shift spoke in a flirtatious little voice.

"Yeah, your voice is way too elegant for an animal."A young male chuckled from across the line.

"What if I said, I was drinking coffee from a mango mug right now?" She giggled and wrapped hooves around her novelty cup, taking a long deep drink.

"Ha, still not convinced! The last guy was an asshole, but he was right about one thing." The caller playfully nudged the conversation along.

"Ponies are popular?" Late Shift sighed with a delicate eye roll.

"Totally, I bet you're just a cute girl pretending to be a pony for ratings." He quipped.

"We shall never know, but if you think I'm one of the shaved primates." She shook her head playfully.

"I do." He chuckled.

"Well, from a Homo I'll take that as a compliment." Late Shift couldn't help but giggle aloud as the call ended.

"To all those out there, who don't believe I'm an equine!" She rolled her tongue softly over her lips in deep thought.

"Meet me at Jill's Sandwiches on Tuesday nights, I always go there for a snack around eleven." The pony placed her hoof on her cheek with a sly smile.

"Find me, we'll take a selfie together. ~ Happy hunting!" Late Shift flicked her headphones off with a feminine flaunt of her hoof.

"Really think that's smart?" Julie flashed one of those deadpan human stares.

"Meh, I don't care! ~ Jill needs the business, the walls are closing in on the poor girl!" Late Shift let her wings stretch out behind her, it was barely half-past midnight.

Tonight was going to be a long one.

Thank Luna for…

Mango Blend Bold.