• Member Since 16th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen May 19th

Tums Festival

What's wrong with my face?!


Sunset Shimmer has had enough of her mentor's backwards ways. Seeking a new life across distant waters, the Equestrian Elf has decided to be the first of her kind to to attend the premiere human magic school of Hogwarts. However, with the school having recently recovered from a devastating war, accepted even more unusual students, and housing a new, strange artefact, more may be in store for her than just a simple education. And if her ambitions and disgruntlement over her homeland get the best of her, she may wish she had never come.

Will she fall victim to her own anger, or will her new friends keep her off a dark path? She will soon find out. After all, most don't leave Hogwarts without discovering who they truly are.

Part of my Sky Trek universe, though none of that is required reading.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 59 )

I'll admit it. I thought this was going to be a drivel piece with little redeeming value. Wasn't even sure why I clicked on it even.

But seeing that map? That made me realize that there might be some actual thought behind this. And then you spring the detail that this takes place aftertheir series' and won't just be rehashing them up? Now I'm legitimately curious where this is going to go and how this Sunset is different as well.

And I'm also the first commenter on the whole story? Well now I really have to buckle in for the ride. :twilightsmile:

Sure, I'll give this a try. Here I was afraid everyone would be eleven, but you're going for some post-War baggage and relationships. As much as I like Hogwarts stories where everything starts from the beginning, we get this type so rarely I have to check it out.

That map, tho. How many fandoms should I be expecting to see here? Don't tell me one of the Elric brothers is the new Transfiguration teacher...

Only three in this particular case 😋. Most characters tend to stick to their homelands.

This is great. I’m loving it. It took me some time to realize that ‘Luna’ was Luna Lovegood and not Princess Luna, but that was my mistake. I’ve only read the first four Harry Potter books, but I’ve seen all of the movies. I can’t wait for the next chapter.

"I gigaloathe you all."

I’ll be using that.

Question, will Sans appear?

Calling the Hogwarts Express "spartan and ordinary" says a lot about the train, Sunset, and Equestria.

It feels so weird to give Frisk a concrete gender.

"I gigaloathe you all."

Not quite omniloathing. I call that progress!

This should certainly make for an interesting school experience. Hopefully some early friends will keep Sunset from going too far down a darker path.

REALLY good job on the start of this prequel to your main series. Absolutely adored the efforts that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. So, this covers Sunset's time at Hogwarts (mentioned in earlier stories in the series AND is set a few months after the battle with Voldemort. Absolutely LOVED Sunset's first meetings with Hermione, Luna (Lovegood, NOT Celestia's sister), Frisk and Flowey. Yeah, they ALL bring their own issues (Hermione and Luna both have some post war stuff and Hermione also has the additional issue of this being the first [and only] year she will be attending without Harry and Ron, Frisk and Flowey have some stuff from the then recently re-discovered underground world and Sunset has that stuff with Celestia to deal with). That all certainly makes sense.

VERY definitely going to be looking forward to more of this.

Not normally a huge Harry Potter fan, but this story is great! Might read more of the Sky Trek series later. Flowey's characterization in this story is spot-on, and I love how Frisk keeps teasing him. I really hope the Legend of Zelda makes a cameo at some point since Hyrule is on the map.

Also have to mention that this is one of the most thought-out crossover universes I've seen ever, not just for ponies. It's AMAZING. Will absolutely be following this.

It took a deep breath, as if for dramatic effect, and finally announced...


Again, simply wonderful work on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up here. I absolutely loved seeing Sunset continuing to bond with the others over the course of the train ride (and Flowey's comments about alternate timelines and knives certainly make sense all things considered). And, yeah, Frisk getting assigned to Hufflepuff makes A LOT of sense. Of course, we're going to have wait until next chapter to find out what house Sunset got assigned to (since she IS qualified for ALL FOUR houses).

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

It took a deep breath, as if for dramatic effect, and finally announced...

What house is she sorted into? I need to know. I must know!

But I must say, this chapter is amazing. You’re doing great. I like how you’re making Sunset bond with the characters. This is the first time I’m reading anything related to Harry Potter books that don’t have Harry and Ron in them. I also love how you’re combining these different universes. What you’re doing is admirable.

But now you’ve got me thinking. At first, I felt Sunset was perfect for Gryffindor, but after reading this chapter, she seems qualified for every house. I can't wait for the next chapter. But seriously, ending a chapter like this is...

Literal horse whispering. :facehoof: How long have you been waiting to unload that one?

“Not in this timeline, anyway,” Flowey said, giving her what could only be described as a sinister wink.

That's... ominous. Depending on how much death Frisk saw in other timelines, everyone here could be in grave danger.

“Because I want to tell them what a neigh-sayer you are,” Frisk joked in a sing-song tone.

Sans strongly approves.

Hagrid thinking of the early Sorting makes perfect sense. He'd know all about awkwardly standing out among people smaller than you.

It feels almost invasive to hear the Hat's full thoughts on Frisk. This is supposed to be a deeply personal moment, after all.

It took a deep breath, as if for dramatic effect, and finally announced...

"Wait, what?"
"Just kidding."

Looking forward to seeing what the Hat decides. Though if Sunset does end up in Slytherin, it would have one member of each house in the group of friends. And goodness knows she came out of Equestria with ambition at the forefront of her mind.

REALLY good job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Yeah, I have to admit that *I* thought Sunset would end up in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin too. I guess the hat sensed Sunset's empathy and went with that. And, yeah, I could see Saggy's frustrations with Flowey (kind of like how most would be frustrated with Fluttershy's rabbit Angel [EVEN MORE SO if he could actually talk]) and Sunset's thoughts about Starlight's points considering how both Equestria and the Federation have come a long way, but still have a long way to go was really good. And, yeah, I got a chuckle out of the reaction to Frisk's mother becoming the Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher. Plus, yeah, McGonagall and Missy's chat at the end of the chapter definitely makes for some excellent foreshadowing.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

Star Trek if it was in a fantasy solarpunk/steampunk setting with a lot of other fandoms crossing over into it that are also now fantasy solarpunk/steampunk oriented.

Lots of airships involved.

Started with me just wanting to put a bunch of my favorite characters onto an Airship and went a little nuts from there.

Jaina? As a 12 year old? CHROMIE, you have some explaining to do.
For those that not know of Chromie: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Chronormu

Missy Who?

*listens for a particular sound*

(yes, I am trying to summon Doctor Whooves and Derpy)

"Pridemoure, Jaina…"

There's a girl with a rough future ahead. (On a related note, I'm wary of the latest DADA teacher, Professor Thuzad...)
Oh. For once, the Defense teacher isn't the one to keep an eye on.

Yeah, this will blow up. The question is who gets caught in the blast radius, and how badly.

Again, you did a great job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up here. Yeah, enjoyed the bits of this universe's Sunset's memories of one of her chats with Celestia before she woke up for her first full day at Hogwarts (including the nods to Starlight) as well as Toriel's explanations concerning the sort of magic her race can do and the bits of friendly rivalry between Hermione and Sunset (hopefully, the two are able to KEEP IT friendly; that's been one of Applejack and Rainbow Dash's biggest problems with THEIR rivalry) as they both showed a pretty fair amount of knowledge on the questions they were asked.

VERY much looking forward to more of this.

This story's just getting better with every update! It's always nice seeing the goatmom, and love the way you've been building up camaraderie between Sunset and the others. Keep up the great work!

I’m gonna remember gigaloathe lol

Very interesting to see how the setting shaped Sunset's dispute with Celestia.

I thought everyone knew true first contact came a thousand cycles ago when King Arthus saved Princess Celestia from The Lich after her ship ran off course.

I have several questions.

Sunset and SOUL magic. Oh, this won't end well. Though I find myself wondering if she'd have a heart or a sun.

Is Professor Who the Mistress from Doctor Who?

All I can say is excellent job on this latest chapter. Greatly enjoyed the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. REALLY loved Luna's explanation of the advantages of transfiguration over Amestrian Alchemy, the reactions to having to cast the Silver Shield Spell (especially from the few there that were NOT veterans of the Second Wizarding War), Missy's chat with Sunset concerning Celestia and Equestria (and the little Mythology Gag of her unicorn familiar having the word "Ray" in it [Ray being the name of her pet leopard gecko in the Equestria Girls shorts]) as well as Sunset and Luna's chat concerning war veterans. And, yeah, I have a hunch Sunset and her friends are going to go looking for Hermione in the next chapter and probably end up in some pretty deep doo-doo because of it (which is about the maximum I'm going to guess in order to minimize spoilers).

At any rate, I'll certainly be looking forward to more of this.

Sometime in future:
Doctor: You have a lot of nerve, Missy. Now, will you come quietly, or do I need to tell these nice people just WHAT you really are?

"Is she insane?" Hermione whispered.

Hermione, you lived through how many years of Dumbledore again? :duck:

And its core was a unicorn hair, and not just any unicorn hair, but one that belonged to her bonded unicorn, Solar Ray, back home.

Well, that's an interesting touch. And a clever connection to a certain leopard gecko.

“Intriguing,” Missy said, a twinkle in her eye. “Mind if I pass that along?”
“No, no not at all,” Sunset said, smiling slightly.

Oh, you poor, naive fool. So eager to get what you want that you never stop to ask why someone might have put the worm on that oddly bent metal thing.
Of course, between the obfuscating goofiness and exhausting Sunset physically and mentally, it's hardly surprising that she isn't in her most analytical state of mind.

And Hermione... oh, this is very concerning. We'll see where this goes from here.

Oh naive Sunset. So willingly to try to get what you want and thinking the Feds are true and good on first impressions could lead to consequences. Painful consequences to you and others.

Great job on this latest chapter. Absolutely loved the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Definitely enjoyed the dialogue between Sunset, Frisk, Flowey and Luna as they began their search for Hermione, especially with the stuff about SOUL magic (i.e. the stuff about the alterations to Missy), the stuff concerning sociopathy (when discussing Flowey) and Chara (the bits of Frisk and Flowey's backstory).

VERY definitely looking forward to more of this.

Thought you ought to know. (faints)
Okay, now that that's out of the way...

And you just said earlier Professor Who might be worth looking into. Yet you're sticking up for her employers?

First rule of Hogwarts: The actions of the teachers do not necessarily reflect on the headmaster.

You'd think Frisk would be less than thrilled at the prospect of a dungeon adventure. i suppose knowing she has way back up this time helps.

And the Real Knife of Damocles hangs over Frisk still. This could go nasty in so, so many ways. It's time like this where I'm glad I followed my friends' advice and stopped playing Undertale after my first pacifist playthrough.

Luna has found every troll's Achilles heel: indifference. When the entire goal is to prompt a reaction, the only winning move is not to play.

“Hey, your ears did a thing,” Frisk said. “Can you hear something?”

Sunset, what do your elf ears hear?

“Luna,” Luna said, glancing about and smiling whimsically.

(I knew he was in with a bad crowd.)

In any case, I do not see this ending well in the short term. We'll see just how bad it gets.

“I’m actually originally from the NCR,” Frisk shrugged. “They broke off from the Colonial Union after the war.”

New California Republic?

The guards are named Tarquin and Sylvanus?

As if Missy Who wasn't a big enough tip-off as to 'these are the baddies'?

Good news? The gang FOUND Hermione. The BAD news? They have NO idea how bad the situation they have stumbled into could be. But, yeah, I LOVED how Luna not only managed to trick those two guards, but also managed to no-sell Flowey's snark. Plus, the little bit of additional backstory here is another great detail.

Anyway, excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places.

Seems like i've come to enjoy some unconventional crossover fics Like this that I've stumbled across as of late, thanks to good writing that makes them interesting to read and see where they go. :rainbowkiss:

By the power of the Tardis Awake

“God damnit,” Flowey grumbled, looking at the lizard and fish lady. “If it isn’t Fish Face and Turbonerd. As if this day couldn’t get any worse.”

"TURBONERD" I'M DEAD :rainbowlaugh:

Why can't I like stories twice, Fimfiction? This one is good enough to deserve it!

REALLY good job on this latest chapter. LOVED the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Yeah, I can see where Sunset might spot the "unofficial" interrogation. And, yeah, I DID enjoy seeing Frisk getting peeved enough to actually smack Flowey. The dialogue with Undyne and Alphys was pretty enjoyable too (especially with the name "Ebbot" being used for the Undertale world and Undyne pretty much admitting that he is part of the Federation's answer to the Marines) and, even if Sunset was lucky enough to never have to deal with Sombra, it IS understandable why Equestria didn't want to risk another Sombra coming up.

REALLY looking forward to more of this.

Interesting to see connections between teleportation and demons. Makes me wonder if a certain Dr. Freeman was involved in whatever made the Federation ban it...

“Do you really think we’ll find proof of Langoliers one day, professor?” Luna asked, obviously picking up a previous conversation. “Daddy says it would be difficult thanks to their incorporeal nature.”

All you need to do is find yourself in a doomed timeline. That's relatively easy; just do something monumentally stupid, especially if Alternian trolls are involved. The real trick is finding a way to survive with proof in tow.

I do love Missy's air of genial, eccentric menace. It's hard to balance goofiness and doom, but you're pulling it off fantastically. Looking forward to the next leg of the not-an-interrogation.

...well that’s Ominous

Wait, how could soul magic see through Harry's invisibility cloak? Its a deathly hallow and according to legend, Death itself couldn't find the wearer. The cloak is also part of Death's own invisibility cloak. So how would one using soul magic see through the cloak?

A good point I haven't thought of. You'd think Death would be able to see someone's soul.

My best explanation is that either the cloak wasn't actually Death's, as Dumbledore theorized, or it was really Death's (which I'll probably go with since having Death personified in this universe would be fun) but its more potent effects wore off in time.

here's my suggestion, the ability to hide one truly only works on the true owner. Like Harry. So only Harry can be truly invisible

All I can say is this was an excellent job on this chapter. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places. I greatly enjoyed Missy admitting that she could see where the gang could be a bit paranoid as well as Flowey actually telling the higher ups that he was the one who planted the idea of the others worrying enough about Hermione to go snooping around, as well as Hermione going from giving the others the third degree for going after her to confessing one of her own most embarrassing moments. And now, Sunset has a partial realization concerning her new friends and how there actually is more to life than education.

I have nothing to blame for taking so long to respond except self-admitted laziness, but I AM still definitely looking forward to more of this.

No need to apologize :P. Though as always, I appreciate your comments!

She glanced at Flowey with a coy smirk. And for a brief second, her eyes flashed a brilliant shade of cyan.

I detect bad times ahead...

Though notably, she never spoke of anything beyond her third year. Apparently, that perilous though exuberant first start only went up to a certain point, and then the simpler times came to an end.

Year Four: The death of innocence, and also Cedric Diggory.

The thought of helping your friends through their trauma...
It fills you with DETERMINATION.

The group may be out of immediate danger, but there's still plenty lurking in Hogwarts. So business as usual, really. :derpytonuge2:

I mean, the whole point of Death's own Invisibility Cloak is that its magic never wore off, unlike lesser cloaks. And Harry's explicitly shouldn't have lasted through his Hogwarts career. I'd go with the "true ownership" caveat. Similar principle to the Elder Wand. Though I'm entirely in favor of Death being an entity in their own right, whether you go for Discworld, Sandman, or other approaches.

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