• Published 24th Jul 2020
  • 2,676 Views, 93 Comments

Your Eyes On Me - DatZigga

So, there’s this cartoon I used to watch as a kid. I think it still wants me to...

  • ...

Entry #8 - Revelation


How fitting that I’m writing a supernatural encounter on Halloween night. No formalities. No prefaces. Here’s what happened.

It was the dead of night, going on early morning. Mom was asleep in her room no for good measure, I placed my mattress against her door. I didn’t want to freak her out since I’m relapsing back to old, worrisome habits. I walked out to the living room and sat in front of the TV set. My heart rapped across my chest but I did my best to ignore it.

Best case scenario, this will be as awkward for them as it will be for me. My fears of them being extra-dimensional monsters was slightly alleviated by the mysterious song that played a couple days ago. Granted, it could all be an elaborate ruse to lower my guard but there’s just so little I actually know. And I just want answers.

I push the power button. As expected, I’m greeted with a view of Twilight’s Castle. Perfect. If I could rely on anyone to give me a straight answer, it’d be her. The scene transitions to inside the castle, where Twilight is busy reorganizing the many bookcases.

“So, how should you organize you all today?” She pondered to herself. I watched as her tail twitched, a light swishing from side to side. I long since identified as a tick, particularly of Twilight, whenever she becomes aware of my presence. She continued addressing the audience of literature. “We could try the plain old Dewey Decimal, reverse Dewey Decimal, alphabetical titles, word count, page count, reverse alphabetical…”

“Twilight.” I uttered. It was soft at first, as I had a last minute thought of flaking on this decision. Despite that, Twilight froze in place. Her wings hugged her sides. Even her tail stiffened, resembling cardboard. A short inhale, with no following exhale. No doubt about it, I totally caught her off guard. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air between us, penetrating through the screen. In a poetic way, it connected us. Rooted us in the moment with its eldritch atmosphere.

“...R-reversal alphabetical titles, Topics ranging from least to most interesting, alphabetical authors, reverse…” She continued, having chosen to ignore me calling her name. Maybe she thought I had said it absentmindedly or haven’t said it at all. Whatever the case, she continued to act as though I wasn’t watching her. Ironic, given how much the ponies wanted me to acknowledge them before. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.

“Twilight.” I said with more authority. I could only hope my false confidence could be heard over the incessant beating of my heart. I readied the remote in my hand, in the event Twilight decides to pull a “The Ring” on me. “I...I know you can hear me.”

Twilight shuffled on her hooves, shifting on each hoof. I recognize the behavior, as it was something I did whenever I was unexpectedly called out. She was anxious, as she had the right to be. So was I, after all. Even then, I fidgeted with the remote, caressing each button as I thought of the next words to say.

“I, uh, been knowing that you can hear me. Or, at least, know that I can hear and see you.” I stopped trying to think about what to say and just let my mouth move on it’s own. “You might like to know that I have been taking notes and treating this like a field study, kinda like you would’ve. Or, did. I don’t really know. It was a long time ago.”

“A long time ago…” She echoed, nostalgia lingering inher tone.

“Yeah. I was...younger. I don’t really remember much back then. But, I remembered you guys. A little bit anyways. I just didn’t remember that we...you know.”

“Talk?” Twilight offered, as she turned her head slightly. She was easing up.

“Yeah, talk. I assume we had some kinda...thing going back then.”

“Uhm, if you don’t mind me prodding...” Twilight turned to face the screen. Or rather, me. She didn’t look in my direction yet. She looked more like Fluttershy with how indirect and shy she was being. It was an odd change of pace from the confidant, quirky alicorn from a few moments ago. “What, er, jogged your memory? Was that around the time you…”

“Vanished?” It was my turn to complete the thought. “I saw a tape, one my mom recorded for...it doesn’t matter. I saw myself talking with Pinkie Pie.”

Twilight smiled a little when I said that in particular. A small, knowing smile. There was more to uncover there but I didn’t press that yet.

“Then, what prompted you to speak up now?” Twilight looked up, slightly. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t melt my heart. What monster could be this cute?

“I heard a song. A lullaby, specifically. Sung by Pinkie.”

This time, Twilight chuckled. “Of course. Leave it to Pinkie to find a way to break reality further.” Again, implications abounded in that statement. One step at a time, though.

“So, I wanted to ask...uh, Twilight? Are you alright?” I noticed a look in her eyes. They were more sparkling than usual. Like they were wet. “Are you...crying?”

Twilight’s smile quivered a little, as she raised a wind to rub her eyes. “Uh, yes. I mean, yes, I’m fine. Actually, I...I…” Twilight interrupted herself with her sobbing. I never felt so helpless than seeing a cartoon pony cry for me.

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you!” I quickly responded without much thought.

“No, it really is fine!” Twilight attempted to collect herself for a second time. “I’m just so happy! I was worried I’d lost you forever, Anon!”

“Anon?” I asked, perplexed at what she just called me.

“Oh, sorry.” Twilight took another second to wipe away tears. “It’s something we used to call you when you were little. You were hesitant to tell us your name at first, so we gave you a nickname. We settled on Anon, short for anonymous, for obvious reasons.”

“Speaking of,” I tried to steer the conversation back to the topic of getting answers. “How did you first meet me?”

Twilight’s horn glowed, pulling a cushioned chair behind her. She settled in for story time.

“It all started the day before I went to Ponyville.” She started, nostalgic. “I found a mysterious book in Canterlot’s Library. A brown storybook with a gilded pony on the cover. I read it, which led me to the Tale of the Two Sisters. That’s when I noticed I wasn’t alone. I saw a portal open next to me. I saw...you, staring at me.”

“A lot was going on in my head that day, so I originally did my best to ignore you. I had never seen a colt anything like you, so I just assumed you were stressed-induced hallucination. Over time though, I accepted that you were real, especially when the other girls could see you. To your credit, you weren’t a nuisance. You just sat quietly, laughing to yourself and cheering us on. It was much needed support, considering what we were all going through.”

“We noticed that you would periodically disappear and reappear, so I worked to understand the connection between us. I discovered that you lived in an alternate dimension, one where ponies, or Equestria for that matter, didn’t exist. To reach you when you were away, we created little messages that broadcasted to your world. Eventually, you began to speak up after some coaxing. Then, well...the rest was history.”

I sat in the center of the living room, bathed in the light of the television. I was dumbfounded. I was told so much, yet nothing at all. I tried to formulate my thoughts, but was failing. Twilight must’ve read my facial expressions because she sighed heavily.

“Sadly, even I still can’t really explain the connection. You just appeared one day.”

“How old was I when you first found me?”

“You couldn’t have been any older than a colt, maybe a couple years? You grew up fast, I’ll tell you that much. I wish I could’ve seen you grow into the young stallion you are now.”

I felt flushed at the compliment. It was like I was talking to an aunt at a family reunion. I guess I kinda was.

“Do other ponies know I exist?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.

“Oh, of course! All of Equestria has at least heard of you.” Twilight beamed. “You were a phenomenon when you first appeared. Even Celestia was dumbfounded at your existence. But they eventually warmed up to you. You were just too precious back then to really fear or hate.”

I let out an involuntary yawn, attempting to hide it behind a fist. Twilight sagged a little, but still kept a smile.

“Even after all these years, you’re still that sleepy colt I grew to love.” Twilight mused. It felt strange, hearing that I was “loved”. I could believe it too, with the reverence she spoke of me with. But, I still could not get it. I still can’t.

“You should go rest, Anon.” Twilight continued, hopping out of the chair. She approached the screen until she was directly in front of it. She placed a hoof against the screen, the frog of her hoof squished against the glass. I slowly raised my own hand, hesitant. I then placed it against the glass, on top of her hoof.

The gesture must’ve have meant more than I could ever know because Twilight openly sobbed again. She wrapped her around the screen. I briefly wondered what the portal must’ve looked like for her to be able to do this. Her tears streamed down the screen.

“I’m so glad you’re back!” Twilight said through tears. “We’ve missed you so much! I’ve missed you so much! I was so worried something happened to you. We all were. Tomorrow, I’m going to gather the girls. You’ll be able to come back, right? Same time?”

Twilight looked back at me with pleading eyes. Her tear stained face left me breathless. The ways her eyes, for the lack of a better term, sparkled, I found it hard to come up with the words. The surreality of it all drew tears down my face.

“I will.” I had promised, my voice cracking and breaking in my voice. “I will.”

I pressed the power button. Darkness enveloped the screen and the room. I was alone. Again. This time, it hurt more than I could ever imagine.

I allowed myself to break into pieces.